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In this work, we present the results of the study on the interactions between gold nanorods (GNRs) and glucose. The optical properties of GNRs have higher sensitivity to glucose compared with that of gold nanospheres. The long-wavelength bands of the GNRs obviously decrease as the concentration of glucose increases. At high glucose concentrations, the absorption peak in long-wavelength bands almost disappears, and the absorption intensities corresponding to the transverse plasmon band are also decrease. These results suggest that glucose could seriously affect the optical properties of GNRs. A possible interaction mechanism between gold nanorods (GNRs) and glucose has been proposed. Furthermore, the influence of glucose on different amount GNRs also has been studied. 相似文献
In this article we describe the preparation and characterization of a new glucose oxidase (GOD) biosensor. The GOD biosensor was immobilized onto pectin by using chromium III sulfate and electrode was coated with GOD containing pectin. Immobilization conditions were modified according to the results obtained by coated electrode. Optimum conditions were obtained when 10 U GOD and 1% pectin was reacted with 0.01 M chromium III sulfate. Developed biosensor is very accurate, fast responding, and stable. We could easily detect 1 mM glucose with a response time below 1 minute and could use our sensor up to 14 times (within 27 days) with 90% accuracy. 相似文献
Michiaki Matsumoto Koji Kida Kazuo Kondo 《Journal of chemical technology and biotechnology (Oxford, Oxfordshire : 1986)》1997,70(2):188-192
The effects of polyols and organic solvents on the thermostability of lipase were studied. The thermodeactivation process of lipase obeyed a series deactivation model and four kinetic parameters were determined. The rate constant of the first deactivation process was found to be a key one. All the polyols used had a positive effect for stabilization of lipase and the extent of effect increased with polyol concentration and carbon number of polyol. The effect of organic solvents on the thermostability of lipase was investigated by incubating the lipase in the organic solvents before measuring their activities. The behavior of the thermodeactivation depended upon the organic solvents used; increased activity was observed in some solvents. © 1997 SCI 相似文献
考察了超声波均质及葡萄糖氧化酶(GOD)脱糖对鸡蛋清(CEW)粘度、蛋清中溶菌酶浓度和活力的影响. 结果表明,超声波均质和GOD脱糖均能有效降低蛋清的粘度,从而得到低粘度的均匀料液. 但随着超声波功率的增加和超声处理时间的延长,溶菌酶的浓度及活力呈下降趋势. 而经GOD脱糖处理后的料液溶菌酶活力随GOD加入量的增大而降低,浓度则先升高后下降. 将两种处理方法结合使用,料液粘度可以降至4.0 mPa×s,此时溶菌酶损失19.48%,酶活降低19.13%. 相似文献
采用蒸氨法制备了CeO2掺杂的Cu/SiO2催化剂,考查了CeO2掺杂对Cu/SiO2催化剂在草酸二甲酯催化加氢制取乙二醇反应中热稳定性的影响。采用H2-程序升温还原(H2-TPR),透射电镜(TEM)对催化剂的物理化学性能进行了表征。在反应温度T=200℃,压力P=3.0 MPa,液时空速LHSV=0.4 h-1,氢气、草酸二甲酯摩尔比H2∶DMO=80∶1,400℃高温处理2.0 h的条件下测定了催化剂的活性变化。结果表明,CeO2掺杂对Cu物种的分散起到了促进作用,提高了催化剂的热稳定性。 相似文献
Ken-Tye Yong Yudhisthira Sahoo Mark T. Swihart Paul M. Schneeberger Paras N. Prasad 《Topics in Catalysis》2008,47(1-2):49-60
Seeded growth of gold nanorods (NRs) has been accomplished in a micellar medium containing mixed surfactants or a high salt
concentration. Cetyl trimethylamoniumbromide (CTAB) forms micelles upon which the growth of rod shaped gold nanoparticles
occurs. AgNO3 is introduced into the growth solution to enhance the formation of NRs. The roles of non-ionic surfactants such as Tween
and Triton, and of electrolytes such as sodium chloride and potassium chloride have been examined. As the concentration of
these additives in the growth solution is increased, the aspect ratio of the NRs increases to a critical limit, after which
it decreases again. Upon carefully controlling the content of Triton X-100 or Tween 20 in the growth solution, these non-ionic
surfactants assisted in fine-tuning the shape of gold NRs (e.g. rectangular or “dogbone”). The growth pattern of the NRs fits
into the model of a soft template formed by the mixture of CTAB and non-ionic surfactants. 相似文献
In non-sterile aqueous media, stainless steels (SS) may exhibit a non-stable behavior resulting from interactions between microbial species and passive film. They can induce the increase of the Open Circuit Potential (OCP) and they do so when they are organized in biofilms. Numerous studies have reported the catalytic effect of biofilms, involving enzymes, and their influence on the local physicochemical conditions related to their heterogeneous structure. To date, there are no enzymatic models able to mimic the interfacial processes: generation of oxidant species and specific physicochemical conditions.In our study, a SS-modified electrode based on a classical enzyme immobilization technique was conceived. Glucose oxidase (Gox) was immobilized in a polymeric film poured on SS surface to concentrate the enzymatic activity near the metal/polymer film interface. Electrochemical tests were performed to compare the effect of Gox when immobilized or free in the electrolyte. These experiments provided fine details about the reduction of both oxidants involved in the Gox-catalyzed reaction: H2O2 and O2.The cathodic processes presented major differences between free and immobilized enzyme whereas the OCP ennoblement was found to be mainly due to an electrochemical effect of H2O2 in both cases. The immobilized Gox provoked a strong depletion of oxygen near the metal/polymer interface, indicating that the reduction current recorded was principally due to the H2O2 reduction. 相似文献
Yasuyuki Akiyama Takeshi Mori Yoshiki Katayama Takuro Niidome 《Nanoscale research letters》2012,7(1):565
Gold nanorods that have an absorption band in the near-infrared region and a photothermal effect have been used as nanodevices for near-infrared imaging and thermal therapy. Choice of the optimal shape of gold nanorods which relates optical properties and in vivo biodistribution is important for their applications. In the present study, to investigate the relationship between the shape of gold nanorods and their biodistribution after intravenous injection, we first prepared two types of gold nanorods that had distinct aspect ratios but had the same volume, zeta potential, and PEG density on the gold surface. Biodistributions of the two types of gold nanorods after intravenous injection into tumor-bearing mice were then compared. Although a slight difference in accumulation in the spleen was observed, no significant difference was observed in the liver, lung, kidney, and tumors. These results suggest that biodistribution of the gold nanorods in the aspect ratio range of 1.7 to 5.0, diameter of 10 to 50 nm, and volume of approximately 4 × 103 nm3 was dependent mainly on surface characteristics, PEG density, and zeta potential. 相似文献
Liping Sun Zhaowu Zhang Shuang Wang Jianfeng Zhang Hui Li Lei Ren Jian Weng Qiqing Zhang 《Nanoscale research letters》2009,4(3):216-220
Gold nanoparticles (GNPs) are widely used to detect DNA. We studied the effect of pH on the assembly/disassembly of single-stranded
DNA functionalized GNPs. Based on the different binding affinities of DNA to GNPs, we present a simple and fast way that uses
HCl to drive the assembly of GNPs for detection of DNA sequences with single nucleotide differences. The assembly is reversible
and can be switched by changing the solution pH. No covalent modification of DNA or GNP surface is needed. Oligonucleotide
derived from human p53 gene with one-base substitution can be distinguished by a color change of the GNPs solution or a significant
difference of the maximum absorption wavelength (λmax), compared with wildtype sequences. This method enables detection of 10 picomole quantities of target DNA. 相似文献
目的研究富GTF啤酒酵母制品对糖尿病大鼠空腹血糖和糖耐受量的影响。方法采用腹腔注射四氧嘧啶建立糖尿病大鼠模型,将模型大鼠随机分为3组,分别每天服用普通面包酵母0.1g、富GTF啤酒酵母干粉0.1g和富GTF啤酒酵母胶囊1粒,每天测空腹血糖。30d后进行糖耐受量试验,测0、0.5和2h各时间点血糖。结果富GTF啤酒酵母胶囊和富GTF啤酒酵母干粉不降低正常大鼠血糖。服药30d后,富GTF啤酒酵母胶囊组糖尿病大鼠空腹血糖下降52.45%,富GTF啤酒酵母干粉组血糖下降32.34%,而面包酵母干粉无降糖作用。各样品组糖耐受量2h后均下降,富GTF啤酒酵母胶囊组血糖下降迅速。结论富GTF啤酒酵母胶囊降血糖效果显著,优于富GTF啤酒酵母干粉,并能显著改善糖尿病大鼠糖耐受量。 相似文献
Maria V. Bracamonte Soledad Bollo Pierre Labbé Gustavo A. Rivas Nancy F. Ferreyra 《Electrochimica acta》2011,(3):1316
We report for the first time the use of quaternized chitosan (QCHI) for the immobilization of gold nanoparticles (NP) and glucose oxidase (GOD), the characterization of the resulting platform and its biocatalytic activity using glucose as substrate. The chemical substitution of chitosan has allowed us to work at physiologic pH to build up self-assembled layers of QCHI-NP as platform for the enzyme immobilization. The adsorption of GOD was analyzed by surface plasmon resonance (SPR) to compare the surface coverage of GOD in absence and presence of the QCHI-NP platform. The results obtained with cyclic voltammetry and scanning electrochemical microscopy (SECM) revealed that the adsorption of NP improves the conductivity of the structure and its electrochemical reactivity, facilitating the oxidation of the hydrogen peroxide produced by GOD. The electrodes modified with NP present higher amperometric response demonstrating the efficient transduction of the enzymatic activity in this structure. 相似文献
Jie Jiang Hongjun Kang Xiaoliang Song Sichao Huang Sha Li Jun Xu 《International journal of molecular sciences》2013,14(1):807-817
Some apocynin analogues have exhibited outstanding inhibition to NADPH oxidase. In this study, the key interactions between apocynin analogues and NADPH oxidase were analyzed by the docking method. The potential active site was first identified by the SiteID program combining with the key residue CYS378. Afterwards, the compounds in the training set were docked into NADPH oxidase (1K4U) under specific docking constraints to discuss the key interactions between ligands and the receptor. These key interactions were then validated by the consistence between the docking result and the experimental result of the test set. The result reveals that the Pi interaction between apocynin analogues and NADPH oxidase has a direct contribution to inhibition activities, except for H-bond formation and docking score. The key interactions might be valuable to discover and screen apocynin analogues as potent inhibitors of NADPH oxidase. 相似文献