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The distribution coefficients of a number of chemical elements between live and dead plankton and aquatic medium were determined experimentally. The sorption isotherms of macro- (Mg, Ca) and microelements (Sr, Ba, Mn, Fe, REE, Th, U) on plankton as biosorbent under the conditions when their level exceeds the natural background in water follow the Langmuir equation. The equation parameters for samples of live and dead plankton differ statistically significantly. In the sorption affinity level (logKd [mL g–1] ~3–5), freshwater plankton can be considered as effective biosorbent. Electron microscopic examination with local multielement analysis revealed abnormally high content of manganese in the form of adsorption colloid for Trachelomonas acanthostoma var. acanthostoma plankton alga in separate water samples taken from the cooling pond of the Beloyarsk NPP.  相似文献   

We examine the qualitative behaviour of an NPZ (nutrient-phyto- plankton-zooplankton) model for parameter ranges consistent with values used in the literature. The wide range of values partly reflects variations of conditions in different environtments for the plankton, but in many cases is a measure of the difficulties in making observations and consequent uncertainties. We pay particular attention to the bifurcational behaviour of the system, and to the regions of parameter space for which oscillatory behaviour is possible; such oscillatory behaviour has recently been found in both observational data and in more complex ecosystem models. In some regions of parameter space, we also find that multiple attractors occur. Finally, we examine in more detail the behaviour for a range of values of nutrient input.  相似文献   

Movement is a fundamental behaviour of organisms that not only brings about beneficial encounters with resources and mates, but also at the same time exposes the organism to dangerous encounters with predators. The movement patterns adopted by organisms should reflect a balance between these contrasting processes. This trade-off can be hypothesized as being evident in the behaviour of plankton, which inhabit a dilute three-dimensional environment with few refuges or orienting landmarks. We present an analysis of the swimming path geometries based on a volumetric Monte Carlo sampling approach, which is particularly adept at revealing such trade-offs by measuring the self-overlap of the trajectories. Application of this method to experimentally measured trajectories reveals that swimming patterns in copepods are shaped to efficiently explore volumes at small scales, while achieving a large overlap at larger scales. Regularities in the observed trajectories make the transition between these two regimes always sharper than in randomized trajectories or as predicted by random walk theory. Thus, real trajectories present a stronger separation between exploration for food and exposure to predators. The specific scale and features of this transition depend on species, gender and local environmental conditions, pointing at adaptation to state and stage-dependent evolutionary trade-offs.  相似文献   

Conventional and digital holographies are proving to be increasingly important for studies of marine zooplankton and other underwater biological applications. This paper reports on the use of a subsea digital holographic camera (eHoloCam) for the analysis and identification of marine organisms and other subsea particles. Unlike recording on a photographic film, a digital hologram (e-hologram) is recorded on an electronic sensor and reconstructed numerically in a computer by simulating the propagation of the optical field in space. By comparison with other imaging techniques, an e-hologram has several advantages such as three-dimensional spatial reconstruction, non-intrusive and non-destructive interrogation of the recording sampling volume and the ability to record holographic videos. The basis of much work in optics lies in Maxwell's electromagnetic theory and holography is no exception: we report here on two of the numerical reconstruction algorithms we have used to reconstruct holograms obtained using eHoloCam and how their starting point lies in Maxwell's equations. Derivation of the angular spectrum algorithm for plane waves is provided as an exact method for the in-line numerical reconstruction of digital holograms. The Fresnel numerical reconstruction algorithm is derived from the angular spectrum method. In-line holograms are numerically processed before and after reconstruction to remove periodic noise from captured images and to increase image contrast. The ability of the Fresnel integration reconstruction algorithm to extend the reconstructed volume beyond the recording sensor dimensions is also shown with a 50% extension of the reconstruction area. Finally, we present some images obtained from recent deployments of eHoloCam in the North Sea and Faeroes Channel.  相似文献   

It is proved that the equilibrium point (N0, 0, 0) for the plankton population model given in Edwards and Brindley, (1996, Dynamics and Stability of Systems, 11(4): 347-370) is unstable in the case of two negative and one zero eigenvalues, thus correcting an assertion on its stability in the above quoted paper.  相似文献   

提出了一种基于浮游生物粒径组成和数量分布关系的生物粒径谱研究方法。这一方法可最大限度地将粒径分组,形成近乎连续的谱图,并利用自然海水样品验证了该技术在浮游生物粒径结构研究中的应用效果,表明该技术对于海洋生态群落结构研究和环境监测等具有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

A system subject to a point process of shocks is considered. Shocks occur in accordance with a non-homogeneous Poisson process. Different criterions of system failures are discussed in a homogeneous case. Two natural settings are analyzed. Heterogeneity is modeled by an unobserved univariate random variable (frailty). It is shown that reliability (safety) analysis for a heterogeneous case can differ dramatically from that for a homogeneous setting. A shock burn-in procedure for a heterogeneous population is described. The corresponding bounds for the failure rates are obtained.  相似文献   

The environment in which a population evolves can have a crucial impact on selection. We study evolutionary dynamics in finite populations of fixed size in a changing environment. The population dynamics are driven by birth and death events. The rates of these events may vary in time depending on the state of the environment, which follows an independent Markov process. We develop a general theory for the fixation probability of a mutant in a population of wild-types, and for mean unconditional and conditional fixation times. We apply our theory to evolutionary games for which the payoff structure varies in time. The mutant can exploit the environmental noise; a dynamic environment that switches between two states can lead to a probability of fixation that is higher than in any of the individual environmental states. We provide an intuitive interpretation of this surprising effect. We also investigate stationary distributions when mutations are present in the dynamics. In this regime, we find two approximations of the stationary measure. One works well for rapid switching, the other for slowly fluctuating environments.  相似文献   

In this theoretical paper we generalize the notion of minimal repair to the heterogeneous case, when the lifetime distribution function can be modeled by continuous or a discrete mixture of distributions. The statistical (black box) minimal repair and the minimal repair based on information just before the failure of an object are considered. The corresponding failure (intensity) rate processes are defined and analyzed. Demographic lifesaving model is also considered: each life is saved (cured) with some probability (or equivalently a proportion of individuals who would have died are now resuscitated and given another chance). Those who are saved experience the statistical minimal repair. Both of these models are based on the Poisson or non-homogeneous Poisson processes of underlying events, which allow for considering heterogeneity. We also consider the new model of imperfect repair in the homogeneous case and present generalizations to the heterogeneous setting.  相似文献   

Spatial structure greatly affects the evolution of cooperation. While in two-player games the condition for cooperation to evolve depends on a single structure coefficient, in multiplayer games the condition might depend on several structure coefficients, making it difficult to compare different population structures. We propose a solution to this issue by introducing two simple ways of ordering population structures: the containment order and the volume order. If population structure is greater than population structure in the containment or the volume order, then can be considered a stronger promoter of cooperation. We provide conditions for establishing the containment order, give general results on the volume order, and illustrate our theory by comparing different models of spatial games and associated update rules. Our results hold for a large class of population structures and can be easily applied to specific cases once the structure coefficients have been calculated or estimated.  相似文献   

We argue that the large-dimensional dynamical systems which frequently occur in biological models can sometimes be effectively reduced to much smaller ones. We illustrate this by applying projection operator techniques to a mean-field model of an infectious disease spreading through a population of households. In this way, we are able to accurately approximate the dynamics of the system in terms of a few key quantities greatly reducing the number of equations required. We investigate linear stability in this framework and find a new way of calculating the familiar threshold criterion for household systems.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the inference of finite populations quantiles by using auxiliary information. The population information considered on the proposed estimatiors is a population quantile of the auxiliary variable with the same order as that of the quantile of the main variable to be estimated. A simulation study based on three real finite populations is performed and comparisons of the proposed estimators with other common estimators for quantile estimation are carried out.  相似文献   

On studying strategy update rules in the framework of evolutionary game theory, one can differentiate between imitation processes and aspiration-driven dynamics. In the former case, individuals imitate the strategy of a more successful peer. In the latter case, individuals adjust their strategies based on a comparison of their pay-offs from the evolutionary game to a value they aspire, called the level of aspiration. Unlike imitation processes of pairwise comparison, aspiration-driven updates do not require additional information about the strategic environment and can thus be interpreted as being more spontaneous. Recent work has mainly focused on understanding how aspiration dynamics alter the evolutionary outcome in structured populations. However, the baseline case for understanding strategy selection is the well-mixed population case, which is still lacking sufficient understanding. We explore how aspiration-driven strategy-update dynamics under imperfect rationality influence the average abundance of a strategy in multi-player evolutionary games with two strategies. We analytically derive a condition under which a strategy is more abundant than the other in the weak selection limiting case. This approach has a long-standing history in evolutionary games and is mostly applied for its mathematical approachability. Hence, we also explore strong selection numerically, which shows that our weak selection condition is a robust predictor of the average abundance of a strategy. The condition turns out to differ from that of a wide class of imitation dynamics, as long as the game is not dyadic. Therefore, a strategy favoured under imitation dynamics can be disfavoured under aspiration dynamics. This does not require any population structure, and thus highlights the intrinsic difference between imitation and aspiration dynamics.  相似文献   

The assessment and management of exploited fish and invertebrate populations is subject to several types of uncertainty. This uncertainty translates into risk to the population in the development and implementation of fishery management advice. Here, we define risk as the probability that exploitation rates will exceed a threshold level where long term sustainability of the stock is threatened. We distinguish among several sources of error or uncertainty due to (a) stochasticity in demographic rates and processes, particularly in survival rates during the early fife stages; (b) measurement error resulting from sampling variation in the determination of population parameters or in model estimation; and (c) the lack of complete information on population and ecosystem dynamics. The first represents a form of aleatory uncertainty while the latter two factors represent forms of epistemic uncertainty. To illustrate these points, we evaluate the recent status of the Georges Bank cod stock in a risk assessment framework. Short term stochastic projections are made accounting for uncertainty in population size and for random variability in the number of young surviving to enter the fishery. We show that recent declines in this cod stock can be attributed to exploitation rates that have substantially exceeded sustainable levels.  相似文献   

We studied spatially isolated single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) immobilized in a quasi-planar optical lambda/2-microresonator using confocal microscopy and spectroscopy. The modified photonic mode density within the resonator is used to selectively enhance or inhibit different Raman transitions of SWNTs. Experimental spectra are presented that exhibit single Raman bands only. Calculations of the relative change in the Raman scattering cross sections underline the potential of our microresonator for the optical control of nonequilibrium phonon populations in SWNT.  相似文献   

Evolutionary dynamics on graphs can lead to many interesting and counterintuitive findings. We study the Moran process, a discrete time birth–death process, that describes the invasion of a mutant type into a population of wild-type individuals. Remarkably, the fixation probability of a single mutant is the same on all regular networks. But non-regular networks can increase or decrease the fixation probability. While the time until fixation formally depends on the same transition probabilities as the fixation probabilities, there is no obvious relation between them. For example, an amplifier of selection, which increases the fixation probability and thus decreases the number of mutations needed until one of them is successful, can at the same time slow down the process of fixation. Based on small networks, we show analytically that (i) the time to fixation can decrease when links are removed from the network and (ii) the node providing the best starting conditions in terms of the shortest fixation time depends on the fitness of the mutant. Our results are obtained analytically on small networks, but numerical simulations show that they are qualitatively valid even in much larger populations.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new method of constructing process capability indices (PCIs) for skewed populations. It is based on a weighted standard deviation method which decomposes the standard deviation of a quality characteristic into upper and lower deviations and adjusts the value of the PCI using decomposed deviations in accordance with the skewness estimated from sample data. For symmetric populations, the proposed PCIs reduce to standard PCIs. The performance of the proposed PCIs is compared with those of standard and other PCIs, and finite sample properties of the estimates are investigated using Monte Carlo simulation. Numerical studies indicate that considerable improvements over existing methods can be achieved by the use of the weighted standard deviation method when the underlying distribution is skewed. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

First lab-on-chip devices based on active transport by biomolecular motors have been demonstrated for basic detection and sorting applications. However, to fully employ the advantages of such hybrid nanotechnology, versatile spatial and temporal control mechanisms are required. Using a thermo-responsive polymer, we demonstrate the selective starting and stopping of modified microtubules gliding on a kinesin-1-coated surface. This approach allows the self-organized separation of multiple microtubule populations and their respective cargoes.  相似文献   

Populations of argon atomic levels have been calculated within the meta-equilibrium model of a two-temperature quasi-stationary plasma. A specific feature of meta-equilibrium two-temperature plasma of inert gases is “broken” population level distributions of atoms making it possible to explain the results of spectroscopic studies of the arc discharge in argon at atmospheric pressure (the experiment by V.N. Kolesnikov).  相似文献   

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