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杨柳 《化工质量》2002,(1):44-45
在包装流水线上化肥单包重量检查,由于生产稳定,连续提交成批产品的验收,制订调整型抽样方案比较适用。采用调整型抽样方案检验时,当产品质量正常,过程平均接近于合格质量水进行正常检验;当产品质量变坏或生产不稳定,过程平均显著劣于合格质量水平AQL时,转入加严检验,以保护消费者利益。  相似文献   

论企业的现场质量管理鹿邑县橡胶厂张运山生产现场质量管理的职能在于工序质量控制、产品质量检验和产品质量改进。通过对生产过程中各道工序的控制与调整,使工序质量经常处于稳定状态,以实现目标值。采取先进、合理的检验措施剔除不合格品,便可保证出厂产品的质量。再...  相似文献   

质量监督检验是我国国民经济管理的重要职能。质量检验与监督检验不仅具有商品生产的社会属性,而且具有技术上的属性。现代化大生产,是一个系统的复杂过程。只有对产品的原材料、零部件、生产工艺、工装,以及包装、运输到贮存的整个过程、各个环节进行严格的技术与质量控制,才能生产出高质量的产品。由于生产过程的环节很多,影响产品质量的因素也是多方面的,而且是多变的,系统内出现任何差错,都会造成产品质量不合格。为了从技术方面严格控制产品质量,必须加强质量监督与检验,以促进企业质量保证体系的完善,保证生产出合格的产品…  相似文献   

质量永远是振兴企业的永恒主题,以质量取胜市场是必然趋势。山东三工橡胶有限公司多年来一直践行“质量兴企”的发展战略,近期在公司内开展全员质量管理活动。本次活动的目的是:形成下道工序是上道工序检验员的制度,工序之间要互检、自检,稳定提升产品质量,不放过一件不合格品,不让一条不合格轮胎流入市场。  相似文献   

川化股份有限公司是一家国有特大型化工生产企业,主要产品有尿素、硝酸铵、三聚氰胺、赖氨酸、硫酸、双氧水及催化剂等。在全面质量管理时期,结合企业实际摸索出了一套行之有效的质量管理模式,使公司的质量管理水平有了很大的提高,有多种产品荣获国家金奖、银奖和部、省优质产品称号,优质产品产值占总产值的80%以上,产品受到用户的青睐。但在2004年公司对第二化肥厂生产装置进行了扩能降耗技术改造后,尿素生产采取与三聚氰胺装置联产的方式,生产流程和生产模式的改变给公司的产品质量带来巨大的冲击,主导产品质量大幅波动,产品质量出现整体滑坡。2005年,公司的尿素、三聚氰胺和NP肥的不合格品达8000t以上,特别是三聚氰胺,近1/3为不合格品,用户投诉纷至沓来,公司的产品质量面临前所未有的信誉危机。  相似文献   

魏荣贺 《轮胎工业》2008,28(12):753-756
概述ISO/TS 16949质量管理体系在轮胎生产中的作用.建立ISO/TS 16949质量管理体系,可以为公司经营管理提供协同平台;满足顾客要求;采用多方论证方法是解决产品质量问题和实现部门之间良好沟通的有效途径;合理应用各种质量工具是提高质量管理水平的有效方法;预防产品缺陷,减少不合格品的产生;减少质量管理体系的重复认证;有助于轮胎企业建立自检、持续改进的管理机制;优化了人力资源管理方案,有助于轮胎企业做大做强.  相似文献   

综述了现代质量管理中的控制图理论,钢管防腐质量要求.详细介绍了采用Excel软件绘制钢管防腐涂层均值-极差控制图,通过控制钢管防腐生产过程来控制产品质量稳定性,可将产生不合格品的因素消火在萌芽之中.  相似文献   

介绍了X--R质量控制图的原理、图中上下限的计算和绘制方法;提出了质量控制图稳定状态的判断规则,并通过实例验证了控制图的原理与使用情况;应用X--R图可监督煤炭生产和洗选加工过程中产品质量的波动有无异常,及时发现问题,改进煤炭的管理和生产。  相似文献   

本文从目前国内现有的原料供应条件出发在瓷质砖生产制料阶段的工艺设计和设备选型工作中,利用原料仓、储装池和粉料储罐,对原料、浆料和粉料进行均化、克服了原料质量波动对产品质量的影响,有效地解决了瓷质生产中出现的色差大,尺寸规格不稳定等缺陷;具体探讨了瓷质砖制料过程中机械设备和如何满足工艺要求,为今后瓷质砖生产三物设计提供了依据。  相似文献   

聂斌 《化工质量》1999,(6):23-23
质量认证是国际公认的一种合格评定制度。它是由第三方根据国际标准化组织(ISO)制定的一套“质量管理和质量保证标准(即ISO9000系列标准)的程序对产品、过程或服务符合规定的要求给予书面保证。”第三方是指有资格的、国家授权批准认可的质量认证的合格评定机构担任。目前,我国已批准建立了33个质量体系认证机构,19个产品质量认证机构。  相似文献   

树立正确的质量意识,提高产品质量   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
张宁歌 《陶瓷》2010,(1):50-51,56
意识是人们对客观事物的主观认识,质量意识是指人们对质量问题的主观认识。只有树立正确的质量意识,才能提高工作质量、产品质量以及质量管理水平。  相似文献   

奥托昆普技术公司Klaus Hasselwander先生论述如何利用现有技术确保硫磺制酸和冶炼烟气制酸装置的产品质量。对硫磺制酸装置,主要是采用可靠的过滤技术,例如带有预涂层的叶式过滤机。对冶炼烟气制酸装置,一是提高净化工序的效率,必要时增设除氟和除汞装置;二是对成品酸进行漂白、除汞、除氧化氮。北德意志冶金公司Hanno Hintze先生介绍该公司在汉堡的冶炼烟气制酸装置为提高硫酸质量所采取的一些措施。  相似文献   

An alternative to the time-consuming and expensive PER assay for measuring food protein quality is needed by the food industry. Many biological and chemical-based assays for measuring protein quality have been described in the literature. Most of these are still too complicated, time-consuming, or too narrow in the range of foods they will test for daily quality control use. In the past five years, rapid methods have been developed that employ chemical assays for essential amino acid composition and availability or biological assays that measure protein digestibility and growth on food proteins. Most of these assays can be completed in five days or less and are applicable to a broad range of foods. These developments have brightened the prospects for the eventual development of a rapid assay that the food industry routinely can use to monitor protein quality. This paper has discussed two assays that were tested with a wide variety of foods and that take less than 72 hr to complete. The C-PER assay, uses data on the in vitro protein digestibility and EAA composition of a food protein to predict its protein quality in terms of PER. The C-PER technique is not limited by the protein, fat, additive or spice levels in the food to be tested, and is therefore applicable to a wide range of food ingredients and processed foods. The second assay is based on the growth of the protozoanTetrahymena thermophila WH14 on a proteolytic enzyme hydrolyzed food sample along with in vitro protein digestibility data to predict protein quality in terms of T-PER. Because theTetrahymena are more difficult to control on a day to day basis, the error of the T-PER estimate is greater than that for the C-PER estimate. Also, sinceTetrahymena growth is greatly affected by various food additives and spices, caution should be used when this assay is used to measure protein quality in foods where the composition is not definitely known. The T-PER assay is best suited for assaying protein quality in protein-containing food ingredients, such as meats, flours, protein concentrates and isolates, or on foods where the exact composition is known.  相似文献   

As the title states, the present document is a review of the factors which may influence the bean grain quality. This quality is determined by factors such as acceptability by the consumer, cooking characteristics and by its nutritive value. At the same time, these factors are affected by the genetic constitution of the grain as well as by the environmental conditions of production. Therefore, the improvement obtained on the bean-grain quality will be measured through the interaction established among the different disciplines, such as geneticists, agronomists and scientists in food science and nutrition. The above-mentioned factors are influenced by the events that occur in the different links of the food chain. This article analyzes the effect of processing on the nutritive quality of the grain and, likewise, a brief review of the hard-to-cook problem which affects the acceptability of the grain by the consumer is made. It also considers the low protein digestibility problem and the effects that have been associated to tannin content, as well as the carbohydrate utilization. Finally, some recommendations are suggested to improve the nutritional quality of beans, which is the most important protein source for large segments of the worldwide population.  相似文献   

A study was carried out with a trained panel for the purpose of determining if modifications produced in slaughtered chickens during the storage period, caused significant organoleptic differences, detectable by the consumer. The products examined corresponded to chickens slaughtered on three consecutive days, stored at 2 degrees C until their evaluation. Qualitative aspects in the raw product were investigated by a score test in which optimum quality is 13 points, as follows: for color (range 3), general appearance (range 5), and presence of defects (range 5). The values obtained were then analyzed through variance and Duncan multiple range test. Simultaneously, taste changes were estimated in fatty and meager meat by the triangular test. Homogeneity between judgements of panel members on both types of meat was statistically established (P = 0.05). The results obtained indicate that at the 0.1% level of significance, two products were identical; a third one proved to be different and of a significantly higher quality at the 5% level. The degree of difference, from slight to moderate, was due to flavor.  相似文献   

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