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介绍全膜法水处理工艺,结合某电厂水源情况,提出适合该电厂全膜法水处理的工艺流程和工艺设计,并说明该工艺在机组中的试运行情况和效果.  相似文献   

赵凌俊 《山西电力》2009,(4):44-46,69
分析了安泰发电厂先后三期工程建设中对化学水处理工艺的运行改进情况,阐述了全膜水处理工艺在电站锅炉中应用的必要性。并从进水水质要求、工艺控制、化学清洗等方面对全膜水处理工艺技术中应注意的事项予以说明。  相似文献   

反渗透水处理技术在电厂中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍了反渗透水处理技术的原理与该技术在内蒙古电力工业中的应用效果和取得的经验。  相似文献   

本文介绍了黄桥热电厂化学水处理系统调试情况,并对工程在设计方面存在的一些不足提出了改进建议。  相似文献   

通过试验室模拟装置,对反渗透复合膜运行的有关特性,以及与离子交换除盐装置的合理匹配等有关问题进行了试验研究。并得出该复合膜更易于去除水中的二氧化硅等离子。为反渗透除盐技术在火电厂化学水处理除盐领域的应用提供了技术依据。  相似文献   

韶关发电厂2×300MW机组改扩建成2×600MW机组过程中,原全离子交换锅炉补给水处理系统不能满足新机组要求,故采用超滤(UF)+反渗透(RO)+电除盐(EDI)的全膜锅炉补给水处理技术.实际应用表明,全膜水处理系统出水电导率≤0.15 μS/cm,SiO2含量≤10 μg/L,满足锅炉补给水水质要求;制水成本约2.69元/t,较原系统降低0.11元/t;具有环保、节能、占地小、操作简单等优点.  相似文献   

李国良  曹培刚 《电力建设》1995,16(10):6-9,15
此文通过最新的数据和合理的经济评价方法,试图从水质,出力,系统,设计4个方面对反渗透一级除盐/混床反渗透/混床的反渗透脱盐系统与单纯化学除盐系统进行经济技术分析和划界,展望反渗透脱盐技术在电厂水处理中的应用前景。  相似文献   

赵荧 《电力设备》2006,7(8):78-80
本文详细介绍了全膜法水处理设备在循环水排污水回用方面的应用情况,总结了系统运行方面的经验,提出了系统设计与运行方面值得注意的问题。  相似文献   

膜分离技术在电厂锅炉补给水中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了膜分离技术如超滤、反渗透、电除盐的原理及在电厂中的使用情况,并以大同某电厂为例介绍了最新的全膜分离工艺在实际中的应用效果。指出膜技术在使用过程中不用酸碱再生,避免了传统的离子交换技术有大量的酸碱废液排放,是今后电厂水处理的方向。  相似文献   

文章介绍了反渗透的除盐机理和郑州热电厂五期扩建工程馈水系统引进美国Fluid公司6×59t/h反渗透系统的运行概况,使用效果和优点。  相似文献   

液化天然气(LNG)联合循环电站热力学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于系统部件的质量、能量和炯平衡,对以液化天然气(LNG)为燃料的联合循环电站,建立其计算模型,进行能量分析和炯分析,确定各个过程因热量、质量、功的传递以及不可逆损失导致的<火用>变化.结果表明,燃烧室和燃气透平的损失最大.占总炯损失的75%;燃料供应系统用海水为热源气化LNG,此过程因为输送海水要消耗大量的泵功,且浪费了LNG中蕴藏的大量高品位冷能,相对炯损失达2.21%.根据热力学分析结果,提出了进一步提高LNG联合循环电站效率的建议.  相似文献   

电厂化学水处理控制系统的改造   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了提高化学水处理的供水能力,妈湾发电总厂对化学水处理系统进行了改造,采用了冗余可编程控制器(PLC)控制系统对水处理设备进行集中控制,完成了基于现场总线和工业以太网的自动化监控和管理功能.改造后的运行实践表明:自动化控制水平明显提高,设备运行稳定,机组用水需要得以保证,并可节省人力成本.  相似文献   

从国内生产能力、品种、规程、质量、包装、标准、性能检测、报废原则等多个方面介绍国产水处理用离子交换树脂的发展现状,提出存在的问题和与国外的差距,指出今后离子交换树脂生产和研究的发展方向。  相似文献   

Dynamic models for combined cycle plants in power system studies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The increasing use of combined cycle plants as part of a power system's generation mix brings an industry need for modeling these types of plants in assessments of system dynamic performance. This need is more acute in some developing countries where combined cycle plants form a significant proportion of the system's generating capacity. This paper is the third of a series of papers prepared by the Working Group on Prime Mover and Energy Supply Models for System Dynamic Performance Studies. It describes various aspects of combined cycles made up of gas turbines, waste heat recovery boilers and steam turbines and develops models designed to simulate the response of the combined cycle plant for use in system dynamic performance studies  相似文献   

In the 20th century, the thermal power engineering in this country was oriented toward oncethrough cooling systems. More than 50% of the CHPP and NPP capacities with once-through cooling systems put into operation before the 1990s were large-scale water consumers but with minimum irretrievable water consumption. In 1995, the Water Code of the Russian Federation was adopted in which restrictions on application of once-through cooling systems for newly designed combined heat and power plants (CHPPs) were introduced for the first time. A ban on application of once-through systems was imposed by the current Water Code of the Russian Federation (Federal law no. 74-FZ, Art. 60 Cl. 4) not only for new CHPPs but also for those to be modified. Clause 4 of Article 60 of the Water Code of the Russian Federation contravenes law no. 7-FZ “On Protection of the Environment” that has priority significance, since the water environment is only part of the natural environment and those articles of the Water Code of the Russian Federation that are related directly to electric power engineering, viz., Articles 46 and 62. In recent decades, the search for means to increase revenue charges and the economic pressure on the thermal power industry caused introduction by law of charges for use of water by cooling systems irrespective of the latter’s impact on the water quality of the source, the environment, the economic efficiency of the power production, and the living conditions of the people. The long-range annual increase in the water use charges forces the power generating companies to switch transfer once-through service water supply installations to recirculating water supply systems and once-through–recirculating systems with multiple reuse of warm water, which drastically reduces the technical, economic, and ecological characteristic of the power plant operation and also results in increasing power rates for the population. This work comprehensively substantiates the demands of power engineering specialists that the ban on development and construction of once-through service water supply systems should be lifted and the proposals for new parameters, e.g., temperature and back pressure, for designing low-potential equipment of steam-gas and steam-power plants.  相似文献   

This paper describes in detail the design of the T-63/76?C8.8 steam turbine manufactured by Ural Turbine Works (refurbished significantly), its electrohydraulic control and protection system made according to the current requirements on control and protection, the heat flow diagram, and arrangement of the turbine. The T-63/76?C8.8 steam turbine is intended to be used in double-shaft double-circuit combined-cycle monoblocks at a number of thermal power plants currently under construction. The turbine has a great future, since it may be employed in various combinations with gas turbine units having the output of 150?C170 MW that are manufactured by virtually all firms.  相似文献   

This paper describes the statement of the problem of how to optimize the parameters of CHP plants with due regard for variable operating conditions. The results are presented of solving the problem of the optimization of such parameters using various criteria for its efficiency.  相似文献   

分析燃煤电厂煤粉、制粉系统及电负荷的特点,指出燃煤电厂利用煤在等离子反应器中热解制乙炔实现多联产具备优越条件;介绍等离子体反应器特性,分析煤在等离子反应器中热解制乙炔工艺机理和中试进展;建立燃煤电厂利用煤在等离子反应器中热解制乙炔模糊综合评价模型,通过对具体燃煤电厂利用煤在等离子反应器中热解制乙炔技术经济模糊评价研究,分析其潜在的优势及发展前景。  相似文献   

燃气-蒸汽联合循环发电机组因高效、节能、环保而越来越受到重视,为此,从我国当前大力发展燃气-蒸汽联合循环发电机组的实际情况出发,全面分析联合循环机组轴系的配置型式及其影响,重点比较了单轴和多轴“2拖1”机组在设备投资、占地面积、建设周期、起动停机、功率和效率、检修和控制系统方面的优缺点,为燃气-蒸汽联合循环发电新机组建设的轴系配置提供参考。  相似文献   

介绍了将给水加氧处理法(CWT)用于200MW直流炉调峰机组的给水处理中所取得的经验和成果。通过给水处理条件优选试验,确定了适合该机组的水质控制参数,解决了该机组的给水在全挥发处理(AVT)时存在的铁溶出率高等诸多问题。同时对CWT和AVT给水处理条件下的水冷壁管等进行割管和X 射线衍射分析以及扫描电镜分析,验证了采用CWT后的实际效果。  相似文献   

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