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研究考察了液体型大量元素水溶肥料在水稻上叶面喷施后的效果。试验研究结果表明:在水稻的苗期、孕穗和灌浆期各喷施1次,每次每亩(1 hm2=15亩)取水溶肥原液90 mL兑水45 kg(稀释比例1∶500)稀释混匀后喷施,与清水和空白对照比较,水稻株高、结实率、千粒重均增加,增产率分别为8.3%和9.4%,纯收入分别增加118.3元/亩和134.5元/亩。  相似文献   

为了验证含腐植酸水溶肥料在喀什地区棉花上的增产增收效果,通过开展含腐植酸水溶肥料田间试验,研究其对棉花生长发育及产量的影响。结果表明:在棉花上施用含腐植酸水溶肥料,可增加棉花果枝数、单株结铃数及单铃重;与叶面喷施清水和对照相比,叶面喷施含腐植酸水溶肥料籽棉产量分别增加23.1千克/亩和33.0千克/亩,增产率分别为6.3%和9.3%;亩收益分别增加125.9元和199.2元,经济效益显著。  相似文献   

探讨微量元素水溶肥料在小麦上的应用效果。喷施由合肥工业大学研制、安徽金地肥业有限公司生产的含大中量元素的微量元素水溶肥料,小麦穗数、穗粒数和千粒质量均高于常规和清水对照,小麦667 m2产量达320.6 kg,比常规和清水对照,分别增产18.8%、15.5%。  相似文献   

为了探究不同时期喷施腐植酸水溶肥对高粱农艺性状和产量的影响,并明确最佳喷施时期,以黑龙江主栽高粱品种“齐杂722”为试验材料,采用随机区组设计,分别于苗期、拔节期、孕穗期、抽穗开花期、灌浆期叶面喷施腐植酸水溶肥(600倍液)。结果表明:与CK相比,不同生育时期喷施腐植酸水溶肥可显著增产,增产幅度为5.5%~7.8%;苗期、拔节期、孕穗期喷施腐植酸水溶肥可显著提高高粱株高、穗长、穗粒数、穗粒重;抽穗开花期和灌浆期喷施腐植酸水溶肥可显著提高高粱穗粒重、千粒重,并改善光合特性;总体来看,灌浆期喷施腐植酸水溶肥增产效果最好,孕穗期喷施腐植酸水溶肥增产效果次之。  相似文献   

为了探索喷施大量元素水溶肥料和微量元素水溶肥料对农产品品质的影响,以安徽砀山梨树为试验对象,开展了试验研究。试验结果表明,喷施水溶肥料可显著提高梨子的品质,且喷施大量元素水溶肥料的效果略优于微量元素水溶肥料。  相似文献   

为考察不同营养元素对草莓品质的影响,开展了大棚草莓喷施不同类型水溶肥料的试验,试验共设喷施大量元素水溶肥料、喷施中量元素水溶肥料、喷施微量元素水溶肥料、喷施等量清水等4个处理。结果表明:在花期和结果期喷施大、中、微量元素水溶肥料均能提高草莓果实品质;由于供试土壤有效硼、交换性钙和交换性镁含量偏低,喷施中量元素水溶肥料整体效果较好;喷施高钾型大量元素水溶肥料有利于提高草莓的可溶性糖含量,并优化糖酸比;喷施微量元素水溶肥料对提高草莓中抗氧化活性物质含量有更好的效果。  相似文献   

研究喷施水溶肥料对砀山酥梨品质的影响。在果农习惯施肥的基础上,喷施大量元素、中量元素、微量元素水溶肥料均能显著降低可滴定酸含量,能显著提高可溶性糖和维生素C含量;喷施大量元素水溶肥料能显著提高酥梨可溶性固形物含量。喷施水溶肥料能改善砀山酥梨的品质,但喷施不同种类水溶肥料对砀山酥梨品质的影响不同。  相似文献   

制备了中量元素水溶肥料,主要营养成分为钙和镁,具体技术指标为:Ca~(2+)+Mg~(2+)=105g/L,Ca/Mg(m/m)=1∶1。开展了番茄喷施中量元素水溶肥料肥效实验,结果表明:在常规施肥的基础上,喷施中量元素水溶肥料,与同期喷施等量清水和空白处理相比,单株结果数增加0.55个和0.78个,单果重增加6.09g和10.88g,亩均增产450.3kg和492.0kg,增幅为10.1%和11.2%。  相似文献   

正为了研究腐植酸水溶肥料对小白菜产量与经济效益的影响,2012年10月至2013年1月在郴州宜章县与常德澧县同时进行了小白菜腐植酸水溶肥料(大量元素型、粉剂)效果试验,于苗期与旺盛生长期在两地小白菜上采取常规施肥+叶面喷施腐植酸水溶肥料(大量元素型、粉剂)的施肥方式,同时设置常规施肥以及常规施肥+喷施清水作为空白对  相似文献   

在夏花生下针期和结荚期喷施水溶肥料,考查不同元素对花生产量的影响。结果表明,花生喷施水溶肥料具有较好的增产效果,含钼元素水溶肥料增产效果优于不含钼元素水溶肥料,高钾对花生增产有利。与清水对照相比,含钼高钾型大量元素水溶肥料、含钼微量元素水溶肥料和不含钼中量元素水溶肥料增产率分别为68.41%、28.58%和18.59%,产投比分别为40.2∶1,22.7∶1和17.9∶1。  相似文献   

在黄瓜生长过程中进行叶面喷施水溶性有机硼锌肥田间试验。结果表明,黄瓜茎粗、单株总果数、平均单果质量均明显增加;与清水对照比较,667 m2增产241.5 kg,增产率为16.6%;与空白对照比较,667 m2增产278.6 kg,增产率为19.6%,产投比达到20以上,经济效益明显。  相似文献   

冬小麦不同时期和品种叶面喷施黄腐酸钾的增产效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过4个试验探讨在冬小麦生长后期叶面喷施不同次数、不同浓度的黄腐酸钾,对不同小麦品种的穗粒数、千粒重及产量的影响。结果表明:在冬小麦挑旗期、灌浆期各喷施1次67 m g/L黄腐酸钾增产幅度最大,与其他供试小麦品种相比,济麦22产量增加最多,比对照增产39.9%,穗粒数比对照增加30.2%,千粒重增加15.0%。高浓度黄腐酸钾对小麦产量有抑制作用,供试小麦品种对高浓度黄腐酸钾的敏感度依次为:济南17>济麦22>山农17。  相似文献   

使用8个不同配方叶面肥在豇豆营养生长阶段喷施3次,调查叶面肥对豇豆产量的影响。结果表明,与对照相比,喷施4.3%黄腐酸叶面肥处理增产67.0%;8%黄腐酸+氮磷钾增产57.1%;大量元素+微量元素[(N+P2O5+K2O≥23%9∶6∶8)+(F e+B+Z n≥1%)]的增产48.2%;4%腐植酸钾+大量元素+微量元素[(N+P2O5+K2O≥23%9∶6∶8)+(Fe+B+Zn≥1%)]增产43.2%(添加腐植酸钾不利于提高产量);3%腐植酸钾+维生素+尿素+硫酸钾≥7%增产40.8%;大量元素+微量元素[(N+P2O5+K2O≥35%12∶10∶13)+(F e+B+Z n≥0.6%)]增产39.5%;3%腐植酸钾+大量元素+微量元素[(N+P2O5+K2O≥35%12∶10∶13)+(F e+B+Z n≥0.6%)]增产33.7%;4%腐植酸钾增产15.9%。黄腐酸增产效果最明显,微量元素增产效果比大量元素明显,腐植酸钾增产幅度较低,腐植酸钾+大量元素+微量元素处理的增产效果低于大量元素+微量元素处理。  相似文献   

利用中低品位磷矿生产钙镁磷肥,然后制成养分配方为12-10-8复混肥,为研究含钙镁磷肥的复混肥在作物上的肥效,在早稻上进行了田间试验。结果表明:含钙镁磷肥的复混肥处理与农民习惯施肥处理比较,早稻平均增产15.1%;与高浓度复合肥处理相比,稻谷产量不会降低;含钙镁磷肥复混肥处理均能促进早稻的生长发育,有利于促进早稻的增产。  相似文献   

将研制含有中、微量元素和控失剂的超级稻肥(22-8-12),于2008、2009年在湖南省安排了杂交早稻、杂交晚稻的农田试验,比等养分、单一化肥、复合肥均增产达显著水平。晚稻大田试验超级稻肥(水稻品种华优153)比等养分复合肥增产11.9%,产量达8.09 t/hm~2。  相似文献   

A field experiment was carried out during 2005–2007 to compare the efficacy of Zn-enriched post-methanation bio-sludge (ZEMB, 4.4% Zn) and ZnSO4 (ZSH, 22% Zn) as Zn source to rice (Oryza sativa L.)—wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) rotation. A new Zn source (ZEMB) contained most of the Zn (98.4% of total Zn) in citrate-soluble form as compared to ZSH which had all Zn in water-soluble form. Chemical speciation of Zn in the aqueous solution of both fertilizers revealed that 85.8% of water-soluble Zn present in ZEMB existed as complexes of dissolved organic matter. In the field experiment, application of ZEMB at 5 kg Zn ha−1 to I-year rice increased the grain yields of rice and wheat in both years significantly over the control while application of ZSH at 5 kg Zn ha−1 to I-year rice increased only grain yields of I- and II-year rice (first year and second year, respectively). The magnitude of increase in grain yields was also higher with ZEMB than with ZSH. Application of ZEMB at 5 kg Zn ha−1 to I-year rice maintained significantly higher concentrations of Zn in the flag leaves of rice and wheat in both years, in the grains of I- and II-year rice, and also in the straw of I-year rice than ZSH applied at an equivalent dose. Total Zn uptake values for I-year rice and wheat and II-year rice, apparent recovery of applied Zn and also DTPA-extractable Zn in soil were significantly higher with ZEMB at 5 kg Zn ha−1 than with ZSH at an equivalent dose.  相似文献   

Many industrial by-products containing Zn are being processed and sold as Zn fertilizers. Some baghouse dusts and flue dusts which contain ZnO may be used as fertilizers or may be partially acidulated with H2SO4 to form Zn oxysulfates (various mixtures of ZnO and ZnSO4). Spent H2SO4 by-products of several industries, especially the galvanizing industry, also may be processed into ZnSO4 fertilizers. The level of water-soluble Zn (as a percentage of total Zn) in these fertilizers is mainly related to the relative contents of ZnSO4 (water soluble) and ZnO (water insoluble). Other published results have shown that availability to plants of most nutrients in a granular fertilizer is related to their water solubility.Response of corn (Zea mays L.) to fine and granular Zn fertilizers varying in level of water-soluble Zn was determined on a limed Zn-deficient Crowley silt loam (Typic Albaqualf) in three greenhouse pot experiments. Dry matter production and Zn uptake by corn were similar with several finely ground (<0.15 mm) Zn fertilizers varying from 0 to 100% of their total Zn in water-soluble form.Crop response to granular (1.7 to 2.4 mm, ×8 + 12 mesh) Zn fertilizers increased with level of water-soluble Zn in several ZnSO4 fertilizers made from spent acids, Zn oxysulfates, and ZnO by-product fertilizers. Corn dry matter production and Zn uptake were significantly lower with fertilizers containing <40% water-soluble Zn. Crop response to granular mixtures varying in proportion of reagent grade ZnSO4 and ZnO gave similar results in two experiments. These results show that at least 40% of the total Zn in granular Zn fertilizers should be in water-soluble form to be fully effective for crops.  相似文献   

Long-term experiments have been undertaken to investigate the effects of various types of phosphorus fertilizers on yields, phosphorus uptake and fertilizer conversion in the soil. Optimum effects were obtained from water-soluble phosphate, whereas finely ground soft rock phosphate had little effect even with large amounts of phosphorus fertilizers and with a pH value of the soil of around 5.4. Partially decomposed and sintered phosphates performed well, as did NPK fertilizers (100% water soluble) and Thomas phosphate. The addition of large amounts of phosphorus fertilizers (to cereals, 26.4 kg/ha, to other crops 44 kg/ha) led to yields being increased by 7% and phosphorus extraction being increased by 11%. Smaller amounts of phosphorus fertilizers (13.2 and 17.6 kg/ha) did not have this effect. Increases in the amount of double-lactate-soluble phosphorus in the soil depended on the level of fertilization and did not differ significantly according to the type of phosphorus fertilizer used.  相似文献   

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