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Rosin and hydroxymethyl derivatives of rosin acids react rapidly with commercially available glycidyl ethers to give the hydroxy monoesters of aliphatic ethers. These esters of rosin, oxonated rosin and tetrahydroabietic acid are viscous liquids of low acid number and high hydroxyl number with a light to golden amber color. In the case of 12-hydroxymethyltetrahydroabietic acid, the products are colorless gums of a tacky, semisolid consistency. The acid, hydroxyl and saponification values, and the viscosities and softening points are tabulated. So. Utiliz. Res. Dev. Div., ARS, USDA  相似文献   

廖世珍  曹德榕 《现代化工》2004,24(Z1):59-61
国内制备松香和松香酯乳液主要采用常温常压转相贩性剂制备松香乳液,国外则普遍采用阳离子高分子分散剂来制备阳离子松香乳液.国内有关松香酯乳液制备的研究较少,其需求主要依靠进口,国外大部分公司采用非离子型改性的阴离子型乳化剂.  相似文献   

由精制松香催化聚合制备二聚松香的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以SO24-/ZrO2、SO24-/TiO2、SO24-/ZnCl2为催化剂,采用精制松香为原料催化聚合制备二聚松香,利用色谱法分析二聚松香的含量.结果表明:最宜采用SO24-/ZnCl2作催化剂,其中n(H2SO4)∶n(ZnCl2)=0.6.在松香与溶剂质量比为1:1、SO24-/ZnCl2的用量为10%(m/m)、搅拌强度为800 rpm、120℃保温聚合反应10 h和270℃减压蒸馏(200 Pa)的条件下,制备了符合ZBB 72088-89规定的一级二聚松香:含量92%,软化点182℃,酸值150.6 mg KOH/g,收率≥74%;二级二聚松香:含量≥65.5%,软化点135℃,酸值157 mg KOH/g,收率≥95%.  相似文献   

Summary The solubility of calcium soaps of rosin acids and fatty acids have been determined and compared. The solubility of calcium soaps of rosin acids (d-pimaric, dihydroabietic, and l-abietic acids) present in gum rosin was found to be greater than that of the calcium soaps of the following saturated fatty acids: lauric, myristic, palmitic, and stearic acids. The calcium oleate was much more soluble than the calcium stearate. As the amount of hydrogen in the rosin acid molecule is increased, l-abietic to dihydroabietic to tetrahydroabietic acid, the solubility of the calcium soap is decreased. The author wishes to express his indebtedness to Dr. G. S. Jamieson and W. G. Rose of the Agricultural Chemical Research Division for the pure lauric, myristic, palmitic and stearic acid used in this study.  相似文献   

谢刚  黎贵卿  关继华  陆顺忠 《应用化工》2013,42(7):1356-1358
对精制松香酯化法生产无色松香树脂的生产线进行设计,根据生产工艺,以松脂为原料,经过前处理、水蒸气蒸馏、减压水蒸气蒸馏和减压精馏,生产精制松香,再以精制松香通过酯化生产无色松香树脂,生产线的设计充分考虑松脂、松香、松香树脂等物料特性以及生产规模、设备设施匹配。设计了年产3 000 t无色松香树脂的生产线,通过调试,得率≥93%,生产的产品具有颜色浅、软化点高和耐热性耐候性优良等特点,颜色(哈森色号)≤50,酸值≤30 mg KOH/g,软化点100~105℃,粘度(180℃)≥850 mPa.s,热稳性(180℃,4 h)(哈森色号)≤200。  相似文献   

Rosin was reacted with hydroxyethyl methacrylate to produce a macromonomer. This macromonomer was used to partly replace styrene for the novel preparation of polymer microspheres with divinylbenzene via suspension polymerization. Orthogonal experiments were conducted to analyze the factors influencing the particle size, particle size distribution, swelling ratio and degree of crosslinking of the polymer microspheres. Fourier transform IR spectroscopy, thermogravimetry and scanning electron microscopy were used to examine the structures, thermal properties and morphologies, respectively, of the polymer microspheres. The results showed that the amount of dispersant had the greatest influence on particle size and distribution. On the other hand, the monomer ratio greatly influenced the swelling ratio and degree of crosslinking of the polymer microspheres. The decomposition temperature of the polymer microspheres increased upon introduction of the rosin moiety into the product. Open pores were abundant on the surface of the polymer microspheres due to the existence of the porogen, which provided a base for adsorption and separation. The present study opens a novel route for using naturally occurring rosin. Copyright © 2012 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

松香系列表面活性剂的合成和应用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
张国运 《日用化学工业》2004,34(2):105-107,110
介绍了国内外以松香及其衍生物为原料合成松香系列表面活性剂的主要方法,松香与环氧乙烷加成可得到松香聚氧乙烯非离子表面活性剂;松香聚氧乙烯和氯磺酸可合成阴离子表面活性剂;松香胺与环氧乙烷反应生成松香胺聚氧乙烯,再与氯乙醇季铵化得到阳离子表面活性剂;松香和二乙烯三胺反应,得到的酰胺与氯乙酸反应可合成两性表面活性剂。松香系列表面活性剂用途非常广泛,可作为乳化剂、洗涤剂、杀菌剂、润湿剂和降黏剂等,并对今后研究工作重点提出了建议和展望。  相似文献   

The cycloaddition reaction of rosin and maleic anhydride under ultrasonic irradiation has been investigated. The results show that both isomerization and Diels-Alder cycloaddition reactions were accelerated remarkably. The sonochemical reaction reached equilibrium in 5-10 min at 110℃, comparing with regular synthesis of 4-5 h over 180℃.  相似文献   

松香催化加氢反应的研究进展   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
氢化松香是松香改性产品的主要品种之一,有广泛的工业用途。将松香催化加氢可去除枞酸型树脂酸的共轭不饱和性,克服其易于氧化变色的缺点。综述了40多年来国内外对松香催化加氢反应的研究进展。指出影响松香氢化反应的主要因素是催化剂种类及用量、反应温度和氢气压力。今后对松香催化加氢反应的研究主要是研制具有更高活性和选择性的新型催化剂,以进一步降低温度和压力。同时,诸如松香催化加氢的反应机理等理论问题也有待深入研究。  相似文献   

Summary The surface tension of soap solutions made from rosins and rosin acids has been measured and the surface tension of fatty acid soap solutions and fatty acidresin soap solutions have been measured and compared.  相似文献   

The neutral fractions from gum, wood and tall oil rosins were isolated and examined by gas chromatography. The major components found were diterpene aldehydes and alcohols. Smaller quantities of diterpene hydrocarbons and monoterpenes were identified. The differences in the composition and concentrations of the neutral fractions appear to explain some of the differences in physical characteristics of the three types of rosin. S. Reg. ARS, USDA.  相似文献   

自身阳离子型松香的乳化性能研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
讨论了自身阳离子型松香胶的乳化工艺及几种乳化剂对胶料乳液性能的影响,还研究了PVA增稠剂对乳液沉降稳定性的作用  相似文献   

松香与马来酸酐进行加成反应生成多羧基化合物,再与季戊四醇发生酯化反应,制得水溶性松香树脂。通过考察反应条件,确定适宜的工艺条件为松香/马来酸酐/季戊四醇为20/4/2,加成反应宜约175℃反应3h;酯化反应宜用0.15%催化剂,约200℃反应2h。  相似文献   

The modification of PLA by melt compound with gum rosin (GR) and pentaerythritol ester of GR (PEGR) was investigated by studying the mechanical and thermal performance, blends morphology, wettability, and water absorption. Standard testing specimens for characterization were made at a variate resin content of 5, 10, and 15 part per hundred resin (phr) and manufactured by injection molding. It was found that GR and PEGR had a lubricating effect in PLA polymeric chains, resulting in a remarkable increase of 790 and 193% in melt flow index with only 5 phr GR and PEGR contents, respectively. A significant change in more than 10° of increasing water contact angle was observed for PLA with 15 phr PEGR. Thermogravimetric analysis reveals that PEGR led to delayed PLA degradation/decomposition process to higher temperature, increasing the onset temperature (T5%) in more than 7°C for PLA with 15 phr PEGR.  相似文献   

介绍了熔融法、溶剂法和松脂直接歧化法等歧化松香的生产技术路线以及松香歧化催化剂的研究进展。概述了国内歧化松香钾皂的合成工艺以及市场现状,提出了提高歧化松香钾皂的质量以及积极拓展国外市场等建议。  相似文献   

松香改性高分子材料的研究和应用进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综述了国内外松香改性制备高分子材料的研究现状,分别介绍了松香改性酚醛树脂、聚氨酯、聚丙烯酸、醇酸树脂等高分子材料的制备和应用现状,比较了一步法和两步法制备松香改性酚醛树脂的优缺点,详述了半连续种子乳液聚合法/细乳液聚合法制备松香改性聚丙烯酸酯类高分子材料;对松香综合改性高分子材料的发展趋势进行展望,指出了基于松香双键和羧基综合改性制备色泽浅、软化点高的高分子材料及松香改性其它生物质基类高分子材料的发展潜力,以期促进松香改性高分子材料的制备和应用研究。  相似文献   

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