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The degree of asymmetry in bilateral morphological characters may reflect genetic and environmental stressors. Shank length and diameter, weight and length of the first primary wing feather, and distance between the junction of upper and lower mandibles and auditory canal (face length) were used to classify bilateral types and measure relative asymmetry (RA) in six genetic stocks. The stocks were the S23 generation of White Leghorn lines selected for high or low antibody response to SRBC, sublines in which selection had been relaxed for eight generations, and reciprocal crosses of the selected lines. Differences were found among all stocks for the traits measured. Rankings among traits for RA in descending order were face length, shank diameter, feather weight, and shank and feather lengths. The RA of shank and feather lengths did not differ from each other. An overall RA composed of mean RA of the five traits showed that the two selected lines exhibited greater RA than the crosses between them. The RA of the two lines where selection had been relaxed was similar to that of selected lines. This research suggests that an overall RA created as a combination of RA of several bilateral traits can be a valid measure of genetic stress in chickens and provides a method of comparing developmental stability among populations.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to determine the effective size for latex microsphere uptake in the intestine of white leghorn chickens. Three trials were conducted in which ligated intestinal segments of anesthetized 8-wk-old chickens were injected with 0.2-, 0.5-, 2-, 6-, 10-, or 20-mu diameter fluoresceinated latex microspheres. Microspheres were counted in brush border, epithelium, and lamina propria of each intestinal segment, liver, and spleen. After 1 hr, the 0.2-, 0.5-, and 2-mu microspheres were oriented along the brush border of epithelial cells and microsphere uptake into the epithelium and lamina propria was observed in the duodenum, ileum, cecum, cecal tonsil, and colon. Uptake of microspheres of 6, 10, and 20 mu diameter into epithelium and lamina propria was not observed in any intestinal segment. Also, no microspheres of any diameter were observed in sections of liver and spleen to suggest that there was no appreciable entry of microspheres into the bloodstream within 1 hr after administration. The results indicated that uptake of microspheres by the chicken intestine is a size-dependent process with microspheres < or = 2 mu being taken up to an equal extent by most segments of intestine.  相似文献   

Pasteurella multocida (P. multocida) is well recognized as "normal flora" in the upper respiratory tract of cats, dogs and other animals. Recently, various infections due to P. multocida in human have been noted as pulmonary infections in the patients with chronic pulmonary diseases as well as skin abscesses or septicemia after an animal bite or scratch. We report here three cases of respiratory tract infections caused by P. multocida. The first two patients had acute exacerbation of bronchiectasis caused by P. multocida and the other patients with pulmonary emphysema developed pneumonia. These three patients improved by antibiotic therapy. In Japan, P. multocida respiratory tract infection is rare, but it may become more common in the future. Therefore, it seems to be important to take this pathogen into consideration in the management of chronic lung disease.  相似文献   

Studied was the possibility of lysis-producing factors (the phenomenon of lysogeny) with 59 strains of Pastuerella multocida isolated in Bulgaria, Cuba, and Czechoslovakia. It was found that eleven of them were lysogenic in terms that a total of 12 bacteriophage strains were isolated from them; one of them yielded 2 phages. Established were three different indicator strains of Pasteurella multocida-97, SHD, and R-II--by means of which 3 different groups of P. multocida phages were isolated. The latter were stabilized and allowed to multiply up to 10(11) phage particles per 1 cc through continuous passaging, and they could be be stored at + 4 degrees C. In accordance with the host strain for multiplying the isolated P. multocida phages were divided into three different groups: phages 3, 4, 5, 6, 22, and Sl fell into group II, and phages 1075 and S-2--to group III.  相似文献   

Through determining the serum and egg yolk antibody titers in immunized laying hens to Pasteurella multocida regularly, the growth-decline trend of the egg yolk antibody levels was found to be similar to that of the serum antibody levels (r = 0.94), but the growth and decline of the egg yolk antibody seemed to be delayed 3-6 days compared with that of the serum antibody, and the egg yolk antibody titers were generally lower than those of the serum antibody (P < 0.01). Serum and egg yolk antibody levels declined 3 and 6 days, respectively, after booster immunizations. The higher the antibody levels were before booster immunization, the more they declined.  相似文献   

Five serological tests, i.e. single tube agglutination, doubling dilution tube agglutination, agar agglutination, passive hemagglutination and passive mouse protection tests were evaluated for their efficacy in predicting the fate of vaccinated and unvaccinated sheep on challenge with an ovine strain of Pasteurella multocida. The passive hemagglutination test predicted the fate of unvaccinated sheep while the agar agglutination test indicated the immune status of vaccinated sheep.  相似文献   

Diaziquone (AZQ) is a lipid soluble alkylating agent which was designed for increased CNS penetration. Its principle toxicity is myelosuppression. We conducted a phase I trial using AZQ in combination with GM-CSF to determine if the maximal tolerate dose (MTD) of AZQ could be escalated. Using GM-CSF on a standard schedule, we were unable to escalate the previously determined MTD of diaziquone with the use of this colony stimulating factor.  相似文献   

A normal full-term baby boy, born by vaginal delivery, became ill on day 2 with fever and failure to feed. CSF examination revealed 260 x 10(6)/l leucocytes, mainly mononuclears, protein 2 g/l and glucose zero. Pasteurella multocida was isolated in pure culture from the baby's CSF, blood and umbilicus and from the mother's vagina. The baby was treated with i.v. penicillin for 7 weeks. Progress was complicated by mild hydrocephalus, which resolved, and prolonged low grade fever. Recovery was complete, without neurological sequelae. This case illustrates that P. multocida can infect the vagina where it presents a hazard to a newborn infant delivered vaginally. Early diagnosis is critical, intravenous high dose penicillin being the treatment of choice.  相似文献   

The nuclear enzyme DNA topoisomerase II (topo II) is the target of important antitumor agents such as etoposide. Recent work has classified topo II targeting drugs into either topo II poisons that act by stabilizing enzyme-DNA cleavable complexes leading to DNA breaks, or topo II catalytic inhibitors that act at stages in the catalytic cycle of the enzyme where both DNA strands are intact and, therefore, do not cause DNA breaks. Accordingly, catalytic inhibitors are known to abrogate DNA damage and cytotoxicity caused by topo II poisons. In this commentary, we have focused on the possibilities of enabling high-dose therapy with the topo II poison etoposide by protection of normal tissue with catalytic inhibitors, analogous to folinic acid rescue in high-dose methotrexate treatment. Thus, we have demonstrated recently that (+)-1,2-bis(3,5-dioxopiperazinyl-1-yl)propane (ICRF-187) enabled a 3- to 4-fold dose escalation of etoposide in mice. Two high-dose etoposide models are described, namely use of the weak base chloroquine in tumors with acidic extracellular pH and targeting of CNS tumors with protection of normal tissue by the bisdioxopiperazine ICRF-187. In conclusion, high supralethal doses of topo II poisons in combination with catalytic inhibitor protection form a new strategy to improve the antitumor selectivity of etoposide and other topo II poisons. Such an approach may be used to overcome problems with drug resistance and drug penetration.  相似文献   

Spontaneous peritonitis due to Pasteurella multocida is exceptional. As far as we know only 11 other cases have been reported. We describe a 45 year old patient who presented with a spontaneous Pasteurella multocida peritonitis as the first complication of a previously undiagnosed cirrhosis. The patient used to play with his pet cat, not recalling having ever sustained any injury. Cultures of the cat's mouth grew the same strain of Pasteurella multocida than was found in the patient's ascitic fluid. The clinical findings of the previous cases, most of which were also related to non traumatic exposure to domestic animals, are here described. Pasteurella multocida in one potential agent in the cirrhotic patient presenting with spontaneous peritonitis, especially if in close contact with animals, cats being the most often carriers.  相似文献   

To investigate the interaction between Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae and Pasteurella multocida infection, 32 pigs were randomly assigned by litter, sex, and weight to 4 treatment groups. Group-1 pigs were inoculated with M hyopneumoniae and allowed to recover from M hyopneumoniae infection. Group-2 pigs were vaccinated against M hyopneumoniae and then inoculated with M hyopneumoniae. Group-3 pigs were inoculated with M hyopneumoniae and developed clinical signs of mycoplasmosis. Group-4 pigs had never been exposed to M hyopneumoniae. All pigs were initially seronegative for M hyopneumoniae. All pigs were subsequently inoculated with P multocida and euthanatized 2 weeks later. Pasteurella multocida was isolated only from the lungs of group-3 pigs, and these pigs had a significantly higher median percentage of lung surface area affected by pneumonia than did pigs in the other groups. For group-3 pigs, percentage of lung surface area affected by pneumonia was positively correlated with the number of P multocida colonies isolated. We concluded that P multocida is not a primary respiratory pathogen in pigs, but that M hyopneumoniae infection can render the lungs susceptible to P multocida colonization and infection. Pigs recovered from or vaccinated against infection with M hyopneumoniae were resistant to P multocida infection.  相似文献   

Reports an error in the original article by Gloria J. Fischer, Grant L. Morris, and John P. Ruhsam in the Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology (Vol. 88, No. 1, pp. 402-406). The first line on page 403 is incorrect. The corrected line is given. (The following abstract of this article originally appeared in record 1975-09222-001.) Previous studies of color pecking preferences in newly hatched chicks (Gallus domesticus) have shown unimodal preference in the orange region of the spectrum or bimodal preferences at blue and orange. In the present Exp I, 138 dark-hatched White Leghorn chicks were tested in darkness with targets illuminated at 1 or 3 radiant intensity levels. Results show the least amount of pecking at green (541 nm) and peak preferences in blue-violet and orange-red regions. Findings were similar in Exp II when 150 other dark-hatched Ss were tested in the light. Overall, findings suggest unlearned pecking preferences for short and long wavelengths, with minimums at green. Possible evolutionary and photochemical bases for such a bimodal wavelength preference function are discussed. Since bimodality was unaffected by target intensity and background, these variables probably do not account for the unimodal function reported by others. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The starting point for any research project should be a question. Once this has been defined and the relevant scientific literature reviewed, a protocol should be drawn up. This will be used not only as a guide to the conduct of the study and in the preparation of the final report, but also in seeking any financial support and approvals that are required for the investigation. A protocol is normally arranged in sections covering the background to the study, the question(s) that it will address, the methods that will be used for the collection and analysis of data, the statistical power of the investigation (where relevant), any ethical considerations, and the financial input that will be needed. A pilot study is often helpful where aspects of the study method are untried or of uncertain validity.  相似文献   

The amyloidogenic peptides, amyloid-beta (A beta) and human amylin, are the major constituents of amyloid deposits found in patients with the chronic degenerative disorders Alzheimer's disease (AD) and type 2 diabetes, respectively. Recent studies have shown that a variety of inflammatory proteins such as cytokines are associated with the amyloid deposits of AD brain tissues. Therefore, in the present study, we sought to determine whether A beta and/or human amylin could modulate the various inflammatory activities of eosinophils. We observed that human amylin but not A beta peptides inhibited the in vitro interleukin-5 (IL-5)-mediated survival of cord blood-derived eosinophils (CBEs) in a concentration-dependent manner. By contrast, rat amylin, a nonamyloidogenic peptide that is highly homologous to human amylin, failed to affect the IL-5-mediated survival of CBEs. Similar inhibitory effects of human amylin were observed for peripheral blood eosinophils. Human amylin also enhanced the release of the cytokine granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor by CBEs that were stimulated with the calcium ionophore A23187 but was incapable of directly stimulating CBEs to release cytokines. In addition, the A23187-induced release of the inflammatory lipid mediator leukotriene C4 by CBEs was augmented by human amylin. These results suggest that the amyloidogenic peptide human amylin is capable of amplifying the various inflammatory activities of eosinophils.  相似文献   

Naturally occurring strains of Pasteurella multocida are atypically susceptible to hydrophobic antibiotics such as novobiocin, despite their Gram-negative cell envelope ultrastructure. Four strains adaptively resistant to 1000 micrograms/ml of novobiocin were obtained by sequentially subculturing cell surface hydrophobic variants of avian origin in the presence of increasing antibiotic concentrations. Adaptive novobiocin resistance was accompanied in all cases by the concomitant acquisition of resistance to coumermycin, a hydrophobic antibiotic possessing the same mechanism of action, but not to the functionally disparate hydrophobic antibiotic rifamycin. The acquisition of resistance was not accompanied by alterations in the lipid composition of the cell envelope. Subsequent growth of adaptively resistant strains in the absence of novobiocin did not result in the restoration of susceptibility to either novobiocin or coumermycin. Acquisition of adaptive resistance in encapsulated parental strains resulted in an inability to synthesize capsular material and enhanced cell surface hydrophobicity; however, parental encapsulation and decreased cell surface hydrophobicity were restored upon removal of novobiocin. These data suggest that acquisition of adaptive resistance to novobiocin conferred in this manner is the result of a stable genetic event affecting the mechanistic target of both novobiocin and coumermycin rather than a physiological adaptation involving outer membrane impermeability.  相似文献   

The effect of recombinant Pasteurella multocida toxin (PMT) on primary cultures of embryonic chick bone-derived osteoblastic cells was investigated. It was found that PMT was a potent mitogen for primary derived chicken osteoblasts. The toxin stimulated DNA synthesis and cell proliferation in quiescent osteoblasts at the first passage and accelerated cell growth in subconfluent cultures. Cell viability was not affected by PMT, even at relatively high concentrations. Osteoblast numbers increased in a dose-dependent manner in response to PMT. Intracellular inositol phosphates were elevated in response to PMT, but no elevation in cyclic AMP (cAMP) levels was evident. Indeed, PMT inhibited cAMP elevation in osteoblasts in response to cholera toxin at a stage before other PMT-mediated events take place. In addition to increased cell turnover, PMT down-regulated the expression of several markers of osteoblast differentiation. Both alkaline phosphatase and type I collagen were reduced, but osteonectin was not affected. The in vitro deposition of mineral in cultures of primary osteoblasts and osteoblast-like osteosarcoma cells was also inhibited by the presence of PMT. This suggests that PMT interferes with differentiation at a preosteoblastic stage.  相似文献   

The effects of primary tone frequency ratio (f2/f1 ratio) and relative level (L2/L1) on the amplitude of the cubic difference tone (CDT: 2f1-f2) distortion product otoacoustic emissions (DPOAEs) were investigated in adult White Leghorn chickens (Gallus domesticus). In experiment 1, 9 f2/f1 ratios ranging from 1.05 to 1.8 were investigated. Measurements were obtained from both ears of 4 chickens at 7 f1 frequencies ranging from 0.8 to 4.0 kHz. The primary tones were equal in level, and varied from 20 to 80 dB SPL. The mean CDT amplitude increased with increasing primary tone level once the measurement noise floor was exceeded. The input/ output functions assumed one of two shapes: one in which there was a systematic increase in DPOAE amplitude with increasing primary tone level, and the other in which there was a plateau in the input/output function near 65-70 dB SPL. At the highest primary tone level (80 dB SPL), there was a decrease in the CDT amplitude with increasing f2/f1 ratio. At high primary tone levels, the f2/f1 ratio which produced the largest CDT was 1.05 or 1.1, while at lower primary tone levels the largest CDT occurred at f2/f1 ratios of 1.2-1.3. In experiment 2, L2 was held constant at 70 dB SPL, and L1 varied from 50 to 80 dB SPL. For f1 frequencies of 0.8 and 3.2 kHz, there was an increase in the CDT amplitude with increasing L1, followed by an asymptote at higher levels. In contrast, for 1.6 and 2.0 kHz f1 frequencies, the amplitude increased, plateaued and then increased again at higher levels. Informal measurements suggest that spontaneous otoacoustic emissions (SOAEs) are rarely seen in chickens. However, a reliable SOAE was observed in 1 chicken, which could be suppressed by external sounds and anoxia.  相似文献   

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