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A novel flexible H2 gas sensor was fabricated by the layer-by-layer (LBL) self-assembly of a polypyrrole (PPy) thin film on a polyester (PET) substrate. A Pt-based complex was self-assembled in situ on the as-prepared PPy thin film, which was reduced to form a Pt-PPy thin film. Microstructural observations revealed that Pt nanoparticles formed on the surface of the PPy film. The sensitivity of the PPy thin film was improved by the Pt nanoparticles, providing catalytically active sites for H2 gas molecules. The interfering gas NH3 affected the limit of detection (LOD) of a targeted H2 gas in a real-world binary gas mixture. A plausible H2 gas sensing mechanism involves catalytic effects of Pt particles and the formation of charge carriers in the PPy thin film. The flexible H2 gas sensor exhibited a strong sensitivity that was greater than that of sensors that were made of Pd-MWCNTs at room temperature.  相似文献   

Precision agriculture is drawing widespread attention and increasing interest in the use of on-the-go sensors to extract soil and plant information. This new trend is evident from an increased number of (tillage) studies concerning the development of sensors for measuring physical soil properties. In this study, a new dielectric-based horizontal sensor was designed and stationary calibrated in pots for measurement of volumetric soil water content. Subsequently, the sensor was combined with a load cell and installed on a tine with thickness of 25 mm, and its dynamic performance was assessed. The load cell behind the tine measures horizontal soil mechanical resistance. In order to evaluate the on-the-go performance of this combined sensor, two experiments were carried out in a soil bin, with the purpose of (i) measuring soil water content along a transect of longitudinally variable water contents, (ii) investigating the difference in horizontal resistance force measured by either the combined (horizontal force and water content) or a single sensor (horizontal force only). The stationary calibration results showed that quadratic equations with coefficients of determination (R2) of 0.989 and 0.918 could be fitted to the data points obtained from measurements in soil bulk densities of 1.5 and 1.2 g cm−3, respectively. The results of the soil bin experiments indicated that the response of the dielectric sensor to soil water content variations was reasonable, but that the output voltage of the sensor should be amplified for a better sensitivity and resolution. The presented combined sensor can provide useful information on soil physical properties towards site specific applications in soils.  相似文献   

介绍一种采用电容传感器的型砂含水率检测仪,它采用微电容测量技术对信号进行检测,并通过单片机对数据进行处理和控制,测量准确度高于1%,既可作为便携式仪表使用,也可用在生产线上实现混砂加水的自动控制,具有使用方便、测量速度快、性能稳定、控制可靠等优点。  相似文献   

Many fundamental ecosystem properties and dynamics are determined by plant water stress, particularly in dryland ecosystems where water is usually limiting. Indeed, under severe drought, plant water stress and associated insect infestations can produce landscape-scale mortality. Despite the fundamental importance of plant water stress in determining properties and dynamics at ecosystem and landscape scales, approaches for remotely sensing plant water stress are largely lacking, particularly for conifers. We evaluated the remotely sensed detection of foliar drought stress in two conifer species, Pinus edulis and Juniperus monosperma, which are co-dominants of extensive-juniper woodlands in North America, the first of which experienced extensive mortality in association with a recent drought. Needle spectra were made on these species in the field using an integrating sphere and portable spectrometer. Two indices of foliar water condition, plant water content (% of dry mass) and plant water potential, were compared to five spectral analyses: continuum removal of the 970 and 1200 nm water absorption features, the Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI), the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), and the red edge wavelength position. For P. edulis, plant water content was significantly correlated with four of the five indices: NDVI (R2=0.71) and NDWI (R2=0.68) which exhibited stronger relationships than 970 nm continuum removal (R2=0.57) or red edge position (R2=0.45). All five indices were significantly correlated with P. edulis water content when trees undergoing mortality were included in analyses (R2=0.60-0.93). Although the correlations were weaker than for plant water content, plant water potential was significantly correlated with NDWI (R2=0.49), 970 nm (R2=0.44), NDVI (R2=0.35), and red edge (R2=0.34); again all five indices had significant relationships when trees undergoing mortality were included (R2=0.51-0.86). The relationships were weaker for J. monosperma: water content was significantly related to 970 nm (R2=0.50) and 1200 nm (R2=0.37) continuums and NDVI (R2=0.33), while water potential was related only to 1200 nm (R2=0.40). Our results demonstrate a critical link between plant physiological characteristics tied to water stress and associated spectral signatures for two extensive co-occurring conifer species.  相似文献   

This paper presents an environmentally friendly disposable heavy metal ion sensor for in situ and online monitoring in the nature and physiological systems. The miniaturized sensor chip consists of a non-toxic microfabricated bismuth (Bi) working electrode that replaces the conventional mercury electrodes, an integrated Ag/AgCl reference electrode, a gold counter electrode, and microfluidic channels. In this work, the electrochemical behavior of the Bi working electrode was characterized in several non-deaerated buffer solutions using cyclic voltammetry. The detection and quantification of Pb (II) and Cd (II) were statically performed using anodic stripping voltammetry inside the microchannels, in the Pb (II) concentration range of 25–400 ppb (R2 = 0.991) with limit of detection of 8 ppb for 60 s deposition, and in the Cd (II) concentration range of 28–280 ppb (R2 = 0.986) with limit of detection of 9.3 ppb for 90 s deposition. Particularly, the applications of this sensor chip have been reported with the examples of in situ measurement of Cd (II) concentration in soil pore and ground water and online direct measurement of Cd (II) concentration in cell culture media in its native environment.  相似文献   

An in situ method for modifying a receptor site on mesoporous silica MCM-41 channels in planar lipid bilayers is described, in which bovine serum albumin (BSA) is covalently linked to the MCM-41 channels via head groups of lipids loaded in the nanopores. Prior to receptor modification, lipid-loaded MCM-41 channels were incorporated with lipid bilayers formed at an aperture of a Teflon film. The in situ coupling of BSA to lipid-loaded MCM-41 channels at the lipid bilayer interface was achieved by the sulfhydryl coupling method. The lipid bilayers containing BSA-modified MCM-41 exhibited channel-like currents, which were augmented in a concentration-dependent manner by the addition of anti-BSA at fM level. The in situ modification of lipid-loaded MCM-41 channels with BSA by the amine coupling technique was also investigated. The potential of the present approach for the development of channel-type biosensors is discussed in terms of modifying bilayer interfaces with bioreceptors.  相似文献   

An ActiveX control, steam tables grid (StmTblGrd) to speed up the calculation of the thermodynamic properties of pure water is developed. First, it creates a grid (matrix) for a specified range of temperature (e.g. 400-600 K with 40 segments) and pressure (e.g. 100,000-20,000,000 Pa with 40 segments). Using the ActiveX component SteamTables, the values of selected properties of water for each element (nodal point) of the 41×41 matrix are calculated. The created grid can be saved in a file for its reuse. A linear interpolation within an individual phase, vapor or liquid is implemented to calculate the properties at a given value of temperature and pressure.A demonstration program to illustrate the functionality of StmTblGrd is written in Visual Basic 6.0. Similarly, a methodology is presented to explain the use of StmTblGrd in MS-Excel 2007. In an Excel worksheet, the enthalpy of 1000 random datasets for temperature and pressure is calculated using StmTblGrd and SteamTables. The uncertainty in the enthalpy calculated with StmTblGrd is within ±0.03%. The calculations were performed on a personal computer that has a “Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.2 GHz, RAM 1.0 GB” processor and Windows XP. The total execution time for the calculation with StmTblGrd was 0.3 s, while it was 60.0 s for SteamTables. Thus, the ActiveX control approach is reliable, accurate and efficient for the numerical simulation of complex systems that demand the thermodynamic properties of water at several values of temperature and pressure like steam flow in a geothermal pipeline network.  相似文献   

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