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人机交互环境下的情感识别是一个涉及心理学、计算机科学等的多学科交叉领域。试图从多学科交叉的角度介绍情感识别所需的心理学理论基础,从而为工程技术人员提供一定的理论背景。之后,根据待处理原始数据的不同,简介了构建此类系统现有的方法和技术;最后简述了当前研究工作的不足和进一步发展的方向,并对全文进行了小结。  相似文献   

In this paper, developments in digital computer technology since the early Fifties are reviewed briefly, and the parallelism which exists between these developments and developments in analysis and design procedures of structural engineering is identified. The recent trends in digital computer technology are examined in order to establish the fact that distributed processing is now an accepted philosophy for further developments. The impact of this on the analysis and design practices of structural engineering is assessed by first examining these practices from a data processing standpoint to identify the key operations and data bases, and then fitting them to the characteristics of distributed processing. The merits and drawbacks of the present philosophy in educating structural engineers are discussed and projections are made for the industry-academia relations in the distributed processing environment of structural analysis and design. An ongoing experiment of distributed computing in a University environment is described.  相似文献   

吉化集团公司丙烯腈厂先进控制项目中,为了解决PROVOX系统(DCS)与监控管理网络的通讯问题,将数据采集机接入PROVOX系统工程师站所在的以太网,并自行开发了通讯软件,实现了生产数据实时采集和传送。该通讯软件主要利用工程师站上的CHIP软件包提供的接口采集生产现场数据,并使用Socket机制将数据由工程师站送入数据采集机。该方法打破了该厂DCS信息孤岛,在企业实现管控一体化计算机集成系统的过程中起到了积极的作用,对同类企业也具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

The practicing civil engineer is faced with an expensive and time-consuming task once he decides to use a computer for analysis and design applications. He must acquire, develop, or have access to the necessary operating software to achieve his goal in an expedient fashion. The subject of this article is the pursuit of the above objective in an economic and realistic manner.In the article, an ‘engineering approach’ is used first, to define the problem and some of the associated ramifications; second, to outline a few of the many solutions; and third, to present the necessary steps to successfully integrate computer usage in a production environment.  相似文献   

One important task of the industrial engineer is to be an interface person—between operations and planning, between workers and their physical environment, between bench level tasks and systems level management, and with growing need, between the computer and the user. The latter has been caused in part by the programming requirement to express how a task is to be done, rather than what is to be done. The IEs role here is to provide the interface to ask the “what” questions. This paper addresses one strategy for constructing the computer-user interface.Using a core set of sixteen short FORTRAN subprograms, a simple procedure for constructing user oriented conversational computer languages has been developed (seven subprograms are directed at the conversational language and nine are list handling routines). This core set has been used successfully to develop user packages for medical doctors doing cell kinetics simulation in cancer research, for energy policy makers to access and manipulate time series energy data, for undergraduates to solve statistical and mathematical programming problems. The procedure is machine independent, only requiring a FORTRAN compiler, and can be used by the IE to bridge the gap between the user with a question, and the solution power of the computer.  相似文献   

A Decision Support System is an interactive computerized system that is designed for eady use by both the practicing manager and the industrial engineer/management scientist. It enables the user to express complex decision problems by permitting him or her to conduct a dialogue with the computer without the assistance of staff support. An industrial engineer can act as the “change agent” in introducing DSS in organizations as well as user it to perform his or her own functions.  相似文献   

Abstract.  Because of the influence of globalization and updated information technologies (IT), firms in China face an urgent need to adopt e-procurement systems (EP) to deal with their daily procurement activities. However, implementing EP in China encounters various uncertainties from internal and external business environments. To address this issue, this research aims to examine the fit between business and the IT environment and to study its impact on system performance. The literature review allows the proposal of two internal business environmental uncertainties and two external business environmental uncertainties covering the perspectives of process, knowledge, partnership and environment. Based on a multiple-case study performed in four Chinese firms that supply various personal computer components to a Taiwanese original equipment manufacturer via an EP, it was found that the firms' external and internal uncertainty factors affected the performance of EP. In addition, an EP with a low level of integration – the EP type used most frequently in China – can only achieve great performance when the adopting firms faced a low uncertainty of environment, partnership and process, and had low levels of IT knowledge. It was also observed that lack of fit between the business environment and EP produced extra burdens and costs in the buyer–supplier relationship. This significantly reduced the system performance of the Chinese firms. Hence, the contribution of this research can be twofold. First, practitioners in China can use this framework to diagnose their environmental conditions and then choose the appropriate type of EP to implement. Second, researchers can build upon this model to further examine the impact of fit on EP performance and generalize the results.  相似文献   

Currently available small computer systems and their potential use in the design and analysis of structures are summarized. The use of expensive main-frame computers in structural analysis is being challenged by the availability of inexpensive minicomputers and microprocessors. However, the use of this new equipment has not been fully exploited due to the lack of software which must be tailored for small computers.The development of interactive, computer assisted, structural design has not progressed significantly in the past due to expensive computer hardware or remote time-sharing costs. The availability of powerful inexpensive computer systems within small design firms will allow the design engineer to gradually integrate interactive computer assisted design into the design process without a major investment in computer hardware.The total cost of a small computer with extended BASIC and FORTRAN IV languages is less than $10,000. In addition to the ability to perform engineering computations the same computer system can be used for administration functions such as accounting, inventory, cost estimates and word processing associated with the writing of specifications and engineering reports. The total cost of a small microcomputer may be completely justified by its use as a high or low speed remote terminal to a larger computer.  相似文献   

A new robot simulator JC-1 is used as a control software development tool in a project in progress where an intelligent wheelchair for a blind user is being developed. The intelligent wheelchair is planned to be able to fulfill simple symbolic commands like "follow wall" or "follow object" and using the JC-1 simulator an evaluation team which includes e.g. the user, a rehabilitation engineer and a software engineer, can check control algorithms and user interface routines before constructing a real wheelchair prototype. The JC-1 simulator models the environment using simplified boundary- representation where objects, robot sensors and actuators are presented as symbolic objects in the graphics data-base of the simulator. In the JC-1 simulator a robot controller under development controls the motion of the graphical model of the robot while simulator commands or other robot controllers can be used to control the movement of disturbing obstacles. Computer graphics animation and simulation help to find fundamental design errors at an early design stage and as this paper suggests, enable the user of the final product to take part in to the designing process of the robot controller. Benefits and difficulties of using computer graphics simulation in the wheelchair development process are discussed.  相似文献   


Newly developing countries are experiencing rapid changes in their economies, especially with the advent of computing and communication technology. Universities are installing computer networks and teaching people how to use these new facilities. However, although network development represents a significant capital investment, the usage of networks in these countries is still disappointingly low. We believe the reason is that a very important issue is too often ignored ‐ development of a network culture, that is, an environment in which a campus network is viewed as essential to the academic and research mission of the entire university, not just a tool for the scientist or engineer. In this paper, we briefly examine network development at the University of Mauritius and discuss constraints on network utilization in an expanding university. We also examine the changing nature of the Computer Center within the university and, finally, propose recommendations to develop a network culture on campus so that computer networks are fully and effectively used. We hope that other developing economies can learn and profit from these recommendations.  相似文献   

Holmes  N. 《Computer》2000,33(12)
Innumerate, illiterate, and overwhelmed, today's computing professionals ('Johnny') are torn between system design and program coding. Computing professionals must know vastly more now than they needed to know 40 years ago (1960s), but even then the field often distinguished between programmers and systems analysts. Meanwhile, Johnny must know too much to be at the same time a skilled programmer and a skilled system engineer. That is why he's overwhelmed. But Johnny's problem goes deeper. If he wants to be a professional programmer, he must learn on the job. Programmers have few trade courses to select from, many fewer than those available to carpenters, plumbers, and electricians. Further, very few professional courses will assist Johnny if he wants to become a straightforward, generalist, humanist, system engineer. Specialists such as computer system engineers and software engineers appear to dominate the field. No wonder Johnny has a problem. Let's move to give him the proper training to become whichever he wants to be: programmer or system engineer.  相似文献   

An interactive program SPEED has been produced to assist in the sketch-plan stage of building design. It will allow an architect and building services engineer to examine the interaction between the building envelope and the internal thermal and visual environment. The program is simple to use and follows a design philosophy which will be familiar to users. The amount of data that must be provided by the user is small and use is made of data files within the program. The program is fast in execution, permitting many different design solutions to be appraised at low cost.  相似文献   

The use of computers does not at present fit comfortably into the world of the design engineer. To improve this situation, it is not the engineer but the computer that needs educating. The use of CAD requires a database combined with an engineering editor to allow evolutionary design. In the field of finite element analysis, CAD promises to save money while restoring the engineer to his proper position.  相似文献   

In this paper, we describe theCentral Control, a software component that enables several symbolic systems to cooperate and exchange data. The Central Control has been designed to be the kernel of an environment for scientific computations which can offer a common and concurrent access to several tools needed by the scientist and the engineer: general purpose and specialized computer algebra systems, visualization tools, links with numerical libraries and tools to manipulate numerical programsetc. The user can interact with the Central Control through one or more (graphical) user interfaces. The Central Control achieves its goals by requiring as little as possible from the tools and by using a particular programming language to provide a unified view for the objects and the operations performed by the connected tools. The Central Control will be used as the basis of theComprehensive Solverthat will provide common access to all the programs developed within the project. We give a simple example of an actual use of the Central Control for computing primary decompositions of ideals.  相似文献   

Training in the field of computer graphics usage is important for all engineering courses. Both in design and in production, as well as in technical marketing, graphic representations constitute an important means of expression for the engineer. In connection with the training of engineers, three directions of training can be discerned: basic principles of computer graphics, computer-aided design (CAD) systems with their design and application and employment of CAD systems as a new aid for the designer. Methodical didactic training constitutes a precondition for profitable application of the methods of computer graphics.  相似文献   

针对于现有的无人船(unmanned surface vehicle)存在的问题,为提高其控制行驶最大距离,设计一种以无线数据传输模块为传输介质的系统,传输下位机与上位机之间的数据;从激光雷达的二维扫描图像信息,根据SLAM (simultaneous localization and mapping)算法制作出水面环境的栅格地图圈定卫星地图盲区,组合多种传感器定位的方式估算无人船相对位置并定位在卫星离线地图,以达到按路径规划行进的目的;设计了上位机软件和基于STM32的控制器;无人船位姿信息发送到上/下位机,上位机得到信息向下位机传输实现远程遥控行驶的目的;实验结果表明,与常规的网络信号发射和接收传输数据不一样,在无网络基站环境中仍能够在1 200 m以内保持良好的远程控制,证实了系统的可靠性和准确性。  相似文献   

A model is described for research consortium partnership formation, management and technology transfer. Industrial engineering strategies and computer technology utilization applications are addressed. Actual examples are presented and analyzed. Projections are made regarding the future role of consortia partnerships in advancing technology and fostering linkages between industry and academia.  相似文献   

Computers are usually considered as manipulators of numbers, words and symbols: machines with which we communicate visually by printers, plotters and displays, and sometimes audibly through music synthesis and speech recognition. We are engaged in a project involving touch communication with computers in order to broaden computer graphics capability. Originally pioneered by Noll and by Batter and Brooks, touch communication with computers can link together brain, hands and computer to explore new worlds of felt imagery, worlds existing only in computer memory.Humans are distinguished from other animals particularly by two things: the hands, which allow fine manipulations of objects in the environment, and the brain, which permits thought. Touch communication with computers employs both of these most human capabilities. What we're searching for is a closer symbiosis between humans and machines, a partnership of two unlike species growing together as both learn to perform joint tasks better. This symbiosis demands a better interface where machine meets person.The first of our touch communication systems is a three-dimensional force-position system called “Touchy Feely” in which mechanical simplicity is gained by using a tetrahedral coordinate system, employing the computer to transform into other coordinate systems. We are also designing a force, torque, position and orientation system. “Touchy Twisty”, which will permit the user to feel the docking of one three-dimensional object with another: in other words, to allow the assembly of computer simulated objects.There are many applications of human-computer touch communication to research and learning, extending into such areas as computer science, engineering design, chemistry, physics, biology, medicine, psychology, art, and insight for the blind. With touch communication we can feel things never felt or seen before and perceive spatial relationships not otherwise possible. We can thereby create a more sensitive awareness and understanding of natural phenomena in three-dimensional space, phenomena involving forces and torques for which visual representation is often inappropriate or impossible.  相似文献   

In recent years developments in the area of Work Measurement focusing on the Motion-Time study have effectively attempted to design around the human problem through predetermined methods and standard times for generalized word elements. Basic time study equipment has not changed in concept since the days of F. W. Taylor and the Gilbreths in the sense that a stop watch and clip board are still the tools of the Time Study engineer.Several years ago, the course in Work Measurement taught at the University of Notre Dame began the use of video tape recordings in the laboratory providing feedback to the students on their mistakes made in the Work Measurement labs. From this use of the VTR for basic filmed recording of activities the system has progressed to the point where the computer can be used as the basis for studying the video tape for motion analysis and the motion time study in both an elemental type study as well as a work sampling study. Random access and digital read-out equipment oriented around the video taped work activity of an individual or a group provides a sophisticated means to detail time study or Work Sampling analyses.A digital control unit has been designed and constructed to interface between a remote computer and a local keyboard terminal connected to the video tape recorder and its video timing generator. The industrial engineer can enter at the keyboard his evaluations of the activities reviewed on the VTR. Timing information is automatically extracted from the video image and transmitted to the computer together with the keyboard data for subsequent data processing and report generation.An experimental system as presently in use by several companies on a beginning basis and the laboratory advances made are discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

针对如何进行计算机硬件课程的改革与建设以适应软件工程人才培养的需求,一直是软件学院教学改革和建设中的重要课题.该文通过作者通过近多年来的实践,对计算机硬件课程教学进行了改革和实践.  相似文献   

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