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在中国,参与森林植被和湿地保护和恢复的个人或机构可以从政府那里获得报酬。这一做法,标志着中国已成为全球环保领域的创新者。 森林趋势组织最近发表了《2012年流域服务支付状况》报告。效力于亚洲发展银行和中国农业政策研究中心的驻京环境经济学家迈克尔·贝内特是该报告的参与者之一。他认为,这份报告在一定程度上展现出中国政府在水处理问题上的“两面性”。在以精细化,低成本的手段保护水资源方面,中国的确走在了世界的前列。可是还有一个重要事实,那就是中国也正面临着越来越严峻的水资源短缺问题,这也使水域保护问题受到了前所未有的关注,并且还将吸引大量的投资。  相似文献   

"You", was a vessel to contain wine at the Chinese Bronze Age.
Both the cover and the belly of this "You" were decorated with patterns of snakes and frogs. The bronze vessels decorated with the similar patterns, displaying the strong regional features, were mostly excavated from the water-villages in the Yangtze River Basin of China.  相似文献   

中伏的晴天.太阳格外的毒,当我们坐在开着。空调的办公室时,有一些人却每天都在与高温为伴.在灼热中与钢铁相互较量.他们就是锻造工人。  相似文献   

肖永清 《现代焊接》2013,(11):63-66
本文在分析焊接作业中火灾、爆炸事故原因基础上,依据实践经验总结出控制焊接作业危险因素的“十不焊”,事故可减少90%以上。最后阐述了焊接作业中火灾、爆炸和触电事故的预防措施。  相似文献   

济宁模具厂(济宁瑞祥模具有限责任公司)荣获"山东省诚信企业"荣誉称号。 为加强企业诚信体系建设,提升企业信用水平,增强市场竞争力,近日,山东省经信委、财政厅等十四个管理部门联合公布了"山东省诚信企业"名单,济宁模具厂榜上有名,被授予"山东省诚信企业"称号。  相似文献   

On August 8 to 10, 2014, the final evaluation stage of the 16th "FOSECO Cup" for excellent foundry papers (2013), organized by the Foundry Institution of Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society (FICMES), was carried out in Zhangjiajie city, Hunan province of China. As usual, the entries were those papers published in various journals including Foundry, China Foundry (English), Special Casting & Nonferrous Alloys, Modem Cast Iron, Foundry Technology, Foundry Equipment & Technology, China Foundry Machinery & Technology and Foundry Engineering, as well as those published in the proceedings of academic congress organized by FICMES, each of the technical committees of FICMES, or all the provincial or municipal foundry societies in the year of 2013.  相似文献   

由中国汽车工程学会主办、长城汽车股份有限公司协办、中国腐蚀与防护学会和中国表面工程协会支持的“2013中国汽车防腐蚀技术论坛”在保定成功举办,本次论坛是国内首次针对汽车产品防腐蚀(老化)技术召开的跨行业论坛,  相似文献   

0前言 2013年2月16日,国家发改委发出“21号令”,宣布将在2014年底以“丙尔金”替代传统氰化镀金工艺,这意味着,一个年产值600亿的市场,2015年将被“丙尔金”所垄断。  相似文献   

近日,总投资达1亿多元的金川集团公司白烟灰综合利用工程,在镍盐厂正式建成并开始单体试车.此项目的建成,为金川集团公司发展循环经济、延伸产品链,实现"百年金川,千亿企业"的宏伟发展目标写下了浓墨重彩的一笔.  相似文献   

This paper described the work of welding process design for the " West-East" pipeline project, which is high pressure, large diameter and heavy wall thickness. According to the different geographical situation, climate, culture and the flexibility of the welding methods, this work recommended the semi-automatic process at the east and middle sections and automatic process at the west section of the pipeline project. The manual process is recommended on the tie-in joints and repairs. The double joint pipe and the 3 joint pipe are recommended at the water net place and some in-ditch welding place to reduce the welding volume. Also the special redesigned bevels are recommended for the automatic process and the semiautomatic process. Through all destructive tests, the results shows the welds are meet the requirements of related standards, specifications and design documents.  相似文献   

张远温 《现代焊接》2012,(10):21-21
8月22~24日,第四届全国职工职业技能大赛“熔盛杯”焊工决赛在南通举行,来自全国30个省(自治区)、直辖市和新疆生产建设兵团的31个代表队94名焊接高手参加激烈角逐,在此次比赛中湖北省代表队荣获团体第五名。  相似文献   

"数控电火花成型加工技术研讨会"在重庆举行[本刊讯]中国机械工程学会电加工分会电火花成型加工专业委员会和重庆市电加工学会联合举办的"全国数控电火花成型加工技术研讨会",于1994年11月在重庆召开。来自全国各地厂、所、院校电加工界的代表共43人参加了...  相似文献   

SiC whiskers with "rosary bead" morphology were synthesized using suitable silicon source and carbon source through solid reaction at the temperature above 1537 K. The diameter and length of the SiC whiskers were about 0.1-1.0 μm and 20-100 μm, respectively. The largest diameter of their enlarged ends of the whiskers was about 0.2-1.0μm, and it gradually and smoothly decreased to the size of the plain part of the whiskers. The results of X-ray diffraction analysis show that the crystalline structure of the obtained SiC whiskers is β-SiC. It is considered that the SiC whiskers grow via a vapor-solid mechanism.  相似文献   

Shenzhen Mould Manufacture Factory invested by the international mould magnate Finland Perlos Corporation has been formally put into production. The factory was built completely in accordance with the Euramerican standards. At the first phase, the total amount of investment was RMB 60 million yuan. The high-end mould products produced by the factory mainly supply for such industries as telecommunication,  相似文献   

2013“嘉克杯”焊接技术国际交流活动乌克兰之行8月10号在清华大学以“出国教育培训会”的形式拉开帷幕。“嘉克杯”焊接技术国际交流活动是继今年4月捷克之旅后的又一次国际焊接技术交流活动,而“出国教育培训会”则是嘉克杯国际交流活动的一项创新之举,也是提高活动组织水平和满意度的一项新举措。培训会的目的是对团员进行出国注意事项、安全须知、风俗礼仪、文化纪律等方面的教育与培训。  相似文献   

6月8日上午,由国务院国资委主办、北京嘉克新兴科技有限公司承办的2014(第三届)北京“嘉克杯”国际焊接技能大赛闭幕式暨颁奖仪式隆重举行。大赛经过3天的紧张比赛,完成了所有赛事并决出了若干团体和单项个人奖项。  相似文献   

杨光 《现代焊接》2012,(10):8-8
各位领导。各位朋友们: 大家下午好! 在这秋意盎然的美好季节,我们相聚在光大国际会展中心,借中国焊接博览会这一行业盛会举行“焊研科技杯第三届中国焊接摄影大赛”颁奖仪式。在此,我谨代表焊研科技全体员工,向大赛的成功举办,向各位获奖者表示热烈的祝贺!向为大赛付出辛勤努力的各有关方面表示衷心的感谢!  相似文献   

浙江汇锦梯尔镀层科技有限公司与上海交大联合建立的“表面工程研发中心”揭牌仪式在上海交大闵行校区材料学院举行。中国工程院院士潘健生,上海交大材料学院院长吴毅雄,材料学院党委书记徐洲,材料学院蔡殉教授、唐新华教授、李铸国教授、黄坚副教授等和浙江汇锦梯尔镀层科技有限公司常务副总周仔麒女士等出席签约仪式。仪式由李铸国教授主持。  相似文献   

香港美亿集团于2014年1月17日在东莞市龙凤山庄隆重举办公司“20周年庆典活动”,这是对美亿集团20年来风雨历程的最好见证与认可,是对“美亿人”20年艰辛创业之路的最好肯定与认同。  相似文献   

Sand core engineering for metal casting has taken another technological leap forward with the release of version 7.0 of the Arena-flow computer-aided engineering (CAE) software for core making and tooling design. Available from Ashland Casting Solutions, a business group of Ashland Performance Materials, a division of Ashland Inc. (NYSE: ASH), the software includes a new solver that delivers improved performance as well as experimental data agreement.  相似文献   

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