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The minimal entailment Min has been characterized elsewhere by where Cn is the first-order consequence operation, P is a set of clauses (indefinite deductive data base; in short: a data base), is a clause (a query), and Pos is the set of positive (that is, bodiless) ground clauses. In this paper, we address the problem of the computational feasibility of criterion (1). Our objective is to find a query evaluation algorithm that decides P Min by what we call indefinite modeling, without actually computing all ground positive consequences of P and P {}. For this purpose, we introduce the concept of minimal indefinite Herbrand model MP of P, which is defined as the set of subsumption-minimal ground positive clauses provable from P. The algorithm first computes MP by finding the least fixed-point of an indefinite consequence operator TIP. Next, the algorithm verifies whether every ground positive clause derivable from MP {} by one application of the parallel positive resolution rule (in short: the PPR rule) is subsumed by an element of MP. We prove that the PPR rule, which can derive only positive clauses, is positively complete, that is, every positive clause provable from a data base P is derivable from P by means of subsumption and finitely many applications of PPR. From this we conclude that the presented algorithm is partially correct and that it eventually halts if both P and MP are finite. Moreover, we indicate how the algorithm can be modified to handle data bases with infinite indefinite Herbrand models. This modification leads to a concept of universal model that allows for nonground clauses in its Herbrand base and appears to be a good candidate for representation of indefinite deductive data bases.  相似文献   

A first-order system F has theKreisel length-of-proof property if the following statement is true for all formulas(x): If there is ak1 such that for alln0 there is a proof of(¯n) in F with at mostk lines, then there is a proof of x(x) in F. We consider this property for Parikh systems, which are first-order axiomatic systems that contain a finite number of axiom schemata (including individual axioms) and a finite number of rules of inference. We prove that any usual Parikh system formulation of Peano arithmetic has the Kreisel length-of-proof property if the underlying logic of the system is formulated without a schema for universal instantiation in either one of two ways. (In one way, the formula to be instantiated is built up in steps, and in the other way, the term to be substituted is built up in steps.) Our method of proof uses techniques and ideas from unification theory.  相似文献   

The specification of a function is often given by a logical formula, called a -formula, of the following form: xy(x,y). More precisely, a specification is given in the context of a certain theory E and is stated by the judgment E xy (x,y).In this paper, we consider the case in which E is an equational theory. It is divided into two parts. In the first part, we develop a theory for the automated proof of such judgments in the initial model ofE . The validity in the initial model means that we consider not only equational theorems but also inductive ones. From our theory we deduce an automated method for the proof of a class of such judgments. In the second part, we present an automatedmethod for program synthesis. We show how the previous proof method can be used to generate a recursive program for a function f that satisfies a judgment E x (x, f(x)).We illustrate our method with the automated synthesis of some recursive programs on domains such as integers and lists. Finally, we describe our system LEMMA, which is an implementation in Common Lisp of these new methods.  相似文献   

The results of application of potential theory to optimization are used to extend the use of (Helmholtz) diffusion and diffraction equations for optimization of their solutions (x, ) with respect to both x, and . If the aim function is modified such that the optimal point does not change, then the function (x, ) is convex in (x, for small . The possibility of using heat conductivity equation with a simple boundary layer for global optimization is investigated. A method is designed for making the solution U(x,t) of such equations to have a positive-definite matrix of second mixed derivatives with respect to x for any x in the optimization domain and any small t < 0 (the point is remote from the extremum) or a negative-definite matrix in x (the point is close to the extremum). For the functions (x, ) and U(x,t) having these properties, the gradient and the Newton–Kantorovich methods are used in the first and second stages of optimization, respectively.  相似文献   

In this paper we show that statistical properties of the transition graph of a system to be verified can be exploited to improve memory or time performances of verification algorithms.We show experimentally that protocols exhibit transition locality. That is, with respect to levels of a breadth-first state space exploration, state transitions tend to be between states belonging to close levels of the transition graph. We support our claim by measuring transition locality for the set of protocols included in the Mur verifier distribution .We present a cache-based verification algorithm that exploits transition locality to decrease memory usage and a disk-based verification algorithm that exploits transition locality to decrease disk read accesses, thus reducing the time overhead due to disk usage. Both algorithms have been implemented within the Mur verifier.Our experimental results show that our cache-based algorithm can typically save more than 40% of memory with an average time penalty of about 50% when using (Mur) bit compression and 100% when using bit compression and hash compaction, whereas our disk-based verification algorithm is typically more than ten times faster than a previously proposed disk-based verification algorithm and, even when using 10% of the memory needed to complete verification, it is only between 40 and 530% (300% on average) slower than (RAM) Mur with enough memory to complete the verification task at hand. Using just 300 MB of memory our disk-based Mur was able to complete verification of a protocol with about 109 reachable states. This would require more than 5 GB of memory using standard Mur .  相似文献   

Positive solutions to the decision problem for a class of quantified formulae of the first order set theoretic language based on , , =, involving particular occurrences of restricted universal quantifiers and for the unquantified formulae of , , =, {...}, , where {...} is the tuple operator and is a general choice operator, are obtained. To that end a method is developed which also provides strong reflection principles over the hereditarily finite sets. As far as finite satisfiability is concerned such results apply also to the unquantified extention of , , =, {...}, , obtained by adding the operators of binary union, intersection and difference and the relation of inclusion, provided no nested term involving is allowed.  相似文献   

The two basic performance parameters that capture the complexity of any VLSI chip are the area of the chip,A, and the computation time,T. A systematic approach for establishing lower bounds onA is presented. This approach relatesA to the bisection flow, . A theory of problem transformation based on , which captures bothAT 2 andA complexity, is developed. A fundamental problem, namely, element uniqueness, is chosen as a computational prototype. It is shown under general input/output protocol assumptions that any chip that decides ifn elements (each with (1+)lognbits) are unique must have =(nlogn), and thus, AT2=(n 2log2 n), andA= (nlogn). A theory of VLSI transformability reveals the inherentAT 2 andA complexity of a large class of related problems.This work was supported in part by the Semiconductor Research Corporation under contract RSCH 84-06-049-6.  相似文献   

Definability of Polyadic Lifts of Generalized Quantifiers   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
We study generalized quantifiers on finite structures.With every function : we associate a quantifier Q by letting Q x say there are at least (n) elementsx satisfying , where n is the sizeof the universe. This is the general form ofwhat is known as a monotone quantifier of type < 1 >.We study so called polyadic liftsof such quantifiers. The particular lifts we considerare Ramseyfication, branching and resumption.In each case we get exact criteria fordefinability of the lift in terms of simpler quantifiers.  相似文献   

One major task in requirements specification is to capture the rules relevant to the problem at hand. Declarative, rule-based approaches have been suggested by many researchers in the field. However, when it comes to modeling large systems of rules, not only for the behavior of the computer system but also for the organizational environment surrounding it, current approaches have problems with limited expressiveness, flexibility, and poor comprehensibility. Hence, rule-based approaches may benefit from improvements in two directions: (1) improvement of the rule languages themselves and (2) better integration with other, complementary modeling approaches.In this article, both issues are addressed in an integrated manner. The proposal is presented in the context of the Tempora project on rule-based information systems development, but has also been integrated with PPP. Tempora has provided a rule language based on an executable temporal logic working on top of a temporal database. The rule language is integrated with static (ER-like) and dynamic (SA/RT-like) modeling approaches. In the current proposal, the integration with complementary modeling approaches is extended by including organization modeling (actors, roles), and the expressiveness of the rule language is increased by introducing deontic operators and rule hierarchies. The main contribution of the article is not seen as any one of the above-mentioned extensions, but as the resulting comprehensive modeling support. The approach is illustrated by examples taken from an industrial case study done in connection with Tempora.C. List of Symbols Subset of set - Not subset of set - Element of set - Not element of set - Equivalent to - Not equivalent to - ¬ Negation - Logical and - Logical or - Implication - Sometime in past - Sometime in future - Always in past - Always in future - Just before - Just after - u Until - s Since - Trigger - Condition - s State condition - Consequence - a Action - s State - Role - Actor - ¬ - General deontic operator - O Obligatory - R Recommended - P Permitted - D Discouraged - F Forbidden - (/–) General rule - t R Real time - t M Model time  相似文献   

The class of unquantified formulae of set theory involving Boolean operators, the powerset and singleton operators, and the equality and membership predicates is shown to have a solvable satisfiability problem.It is shown that whenever a formula in the above class is satisfiable there exists a hereditarily finite model of , whose rank is bounded by a doubly exponential expression in the number of variables occurring in .This paper was written while the author was a Visiting Professor at Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University, U.S.A.  相似文献   

When verifying concurrent systems described by transition systems, state explosion is one of the most serious problems. If quantitative temporal information (expressed by clock ticks) is considered, state explosion is even more serious. We present a notion of abstraction of transition systems, where the abstraction is driven by the formulae of a quantitative temporal logic, called qu-mu-calculus, defined in the paper. The abstraction is based on a notion of bisimulation equivalence, called , n-equivalence, where is a set of actions and n is a natural number. It is proved that two transition systems are , n-equivalent iff they give the same truth value to all qu-mu-calculus formulae such that the actions occurring in the modal operators are contained in , and with time constraints whose values are less than or equal to n. We present a non-standard (abstract) semantics for a timed process algebra able to produce reduced transition systems for checking formulae. The abstract semantics, parametric with respect to a set of actions and a natural number n, produces a reduced transition system , n-equivalent to the standard one. A transformational method is also defined, by means of which it is possible to syntactically transform a program into a smaller one, still preserving , n-equivalence.  相似文献   

Directional differentiability of the function (x) = sup{f(x, u), u U} is proved for a class of smooth functions f. The result is applied to study the directional differentiability of the function (x) = sup{f(x, y), y F(x)}, where F is a multivalued mapping.Translated from Kibernetika i Sistemnyi Analiz, No. 2, pp. 171–173, March–April, 1992.  相似文献   

We introduce a class of parallel interval arithmetic iteration methods for nonlinear systems of equations, especially of the type Ax+(x) = f, diagonal, in R N . These methods combine enclosure and global convergence properties of Newton-like interval methods with the computational efficiency of parallel block iteration methods: algebraic forms of Schwarz-type methods which generalize both the well-known additive algebraic Schwarz Alternating Procedure and multisplitting methods. We discuss both synchronous and asynchronous variants. Besides enclosure and convergence properties, we present numerical results from a CRAY T3E.  相似文献   

A well-known problem in default logic is the ability of naive reasoners to explain bothg and ¬g from a set of observations. This problem is treated in at least two different ways within that camp.One approach is examination of the various explanations and choosing among them on the basis of various explanation comparators. A typical comparator is choosing the explanation that depends on the most specific observation, similar to the notion of narrowest reference class.Others examine default extensions of the observations and choose whatever is true in any extension, or what is true in all extensions or what is true in preferred extensions. Default extensions are sometimes thought of as acceptable models of the world that are discarded as more knowledge becomes available.We argue that the notions of specificity and extension lack clear semantics. Furthermore, we show that the problems these ideas were supposed to solve can be handled easily within a probabilistic framework.  相似文献   

In this paper we prove the decidability of the class of unquantified formulae of set theory involving the operators , , , \, {·}, pred < and the predicates =, , , Finite, where pred <(s) denotes the collection of all sets having rank strictly less than the rank of s.This work generalizes and combines earlier results published in the same series of papers.This work has been partially supported by ENI and ENIDATA within the AXL project.  相似文献   

We investigate the complexity of deciding whether for minimal unsatisfiable formulas F and H there exists a variable renaming, a literal renaming or a homomorphism such that (F) = H. A variable renaming is a permutation of variables. A literal renaming is a permutation of variables which additionally replaces some of the variables by its complements. A homomorphism can be considered as a literal renaming which can map different literals to one literal.  相似文献   

In 1958 J. Lambek introduced a calculusL of syntactic types and defined an equivalence relation on types: x y means that there exists a sequence x=x1,...,xn=y (n 1), such thatx i x i+1 or xi+ x i (1 i n). He pointed out thatx y if and only if there is joinz such thatx z andy z. This paper gives an effective characterization of this equivalence for the Lambeck calculiL andLP, and for the multiplicative fragments of Girard's and Yetter's linear logics. Moreover, for the non-directed Lambek calculusLP and the multiplicative fragment of Girard's linear logic, we present linear time algorithms deciding whether two types are equal, and finding a join for them if they are.The author was sponsored by project NF 102/62-356 (Structural and Semantic Parallels in Natural Languages and Programming Languages), funded by the Netherlands Organization for the Advancement of Research (N.W.O.).  相似文献   

In satellite geodesy the position of a point P is usually determined by computing its coordinate vector x with respect to an earth-fixed Cartesian coordinate system S. S is chosen such that a rotational ellipsoid E, closely approximating the surface of the earth, has normal form with respect to S. Since the geodetic coordinates of P with respect to E (ellipsoidal latitude , ellipsoidal longitude , and ellipsoidal height h) describe the location of P with respect to the surface of the earth much better than x, a frequently appearing problem is to compute , , and h from x.In practice this problem is solved by iterative methods, the convergence properties of which are not analyzed in detail but for which fast (numerical) convergence is observed for points near to E.In the present paper a theoretically well founded new method is developed, working for all P having a unique nearest point in E.In addition it will be shown that the new method can be implemented such that interval inclusions for , , and h can be computed from interval inclusions of the components of x.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a dynamic assignment language which extends the dynamic predicate logic of Groenendijk and Stokhof [1991: 39–100] with assignment and with generalized quantifiers. The use of this dynamic assignment language for natural language analysis, along the lines of o.c. and [Barwise, 1987: 1–29], is demonstrated by examples. We show that our representation language permits us to treat a wide variety of donkey sentences: conditionals with a donkey pronoun in their consequent and quantified sentences with donkey pronouns anywhere in the scope of the quantifier. It is also demonstrated that our account does not suffer from the so-called proportion problem.Discussions about the correctness or incorrectness of proposals for dynamic interpretation of language have been hampered in the past by the difficulty of seeing through the ramifications of the dynamic semantic clauses (phrased in terms of input-output behaviour) in non-trivial cases. To remedy this, we supplement the dynamic semantics of our representation language with an axiom system in the style of Hoare. While the representation languages of barwise and Groenendijk and Stokhof were not axiomatized, the rules we propose form a deduction system for the dynamic assignment language which is proved correct and complete with respect to the semantics.Finally, we define the static meaning of a program of the dynamic assignment language as the weakest condition such that terminates successfully on all states satisfying , and we show that our calculus gives a straightforward method for finding static meanings of the programs of the representation language.  相似文献   

We describe several observations regarding the completeness and the complexity of bounded model checking and propose techniques to solve some of the associated computational challenges. We begin by defining the completeness threshold ( ) problem: for every finite model M and an LTL property , there exists a number such that if there is no counterexample to in M of length or less, then M . Finding this number, if it is sufficiently small, offers a practical method for making bounded model checking complete. We describe how to compute an overapproximation to for a general LTL property using Büchi automata, following the Vardi–Wolper LTL model checking framework. This computation is based on finding the initialized diameter and initialized recurrence-diameter (the longest loop-free path from an initial state) of the product automaton. We show a method for finding a recurrence diameter with a formula of size O(klogk) (or O(k(logk)2) in practice), where k is the attempted depth, which is an improvement compared to the previously known method that requires a formula of size in O(k2). Based on the value of , we prove that the complexity of standard SAT-based BMC is doubly exponential and that, consequently, there is a complexity gap of an exponent between this procedure and standard LTL model checking. We discuss ways to bridge this gap.  相似文献   

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