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Sediment cores from northern (NL) and southern (SL) Lake Huron were analyzed for diatom fossils and sediment geochemistry to investigate human effects on the lake over the last two centuries. Anthropogenic activities drove two major transformations in diatom indicators of lake ecology for the NL around 1972 and 1991 and three transformations for the SL around 1921, 1964, and 1998. The synergistic effects of increased agriculture and decreased forest land coincided with a shift in the SL to a more mesotrophic condition after 1921. Population increase and attendant industry and mining pollution were apparent in sediment contaminants that increased rapidly in the 1930s. Diatom indicators of climate change appeared as early as the 1970s. Mitigation efforts resulted in water quality improvements as indicated by geochemical indicators of contamination and diatom species shifts, but these changes were concurrent with the negative impacts of invasive mussels and climate warming since the 1990s. Until these stressors are alleviated phytoplankton abundance will likely remain at the current low levels. The composition of the diatom flora will continue toward dominance by Cyclotellasensulato, which may have implications on food web characteristics such as feeding strategies of zooplankton. Overall, these paleo-records provide evidence of human impacts, remediation, and future trajectories for lake condition, all of which are important factors for consideration by lake managers.  相似文献   

We conducted studies of algal fouling along the southeastern shore of Lake Huron to determine the kinds and spatial distribution of benthic algae, the spatial extent and timing of beach fouling, and the possible influences of biological changes to Lake Huron. There was no change in the physical texture of the substratum, but coverage by algal turf increased from 11% of sites in 1977 to nearly 90% in 2007. Shoreline surveys showed that Chara was most common on flat rocky substrata at depths of 0.15 to 0.20 m. Algae stranded on beaches consisted of 62% periphyton turf, 30% Chara and 8% Cladophora and were not evenly distributed; the largest accumulations were found where shoreline irregularities interrupted longshore flow. Quantities of stranded algae partially reflected the height and duration of waves directed onshore. Macroinvertebrate densities were not correlated with benthic algal abundance in 2010 and were lower with fewer large grazers than in 1980. Densities of Dreissena spp. increased with depth, and small tufts of Cladophora were found on larger individuals. The proliferation of algae in the nearshore zone of central eastern Lake Huron appears to be the result of several recent changes. Phosphorus management and filtering by dreissenid mussels have reduced phytoplankton abundance, improving the light regime. Changes in land use may have increased loadings of phosphorus through shallow groundwater and tributary streams. Dreissenids have also redirected nutrients to the lakebed, further enhancing benthic primary production, and predation by round goby has reduced the numbers of grazing benthic invertebrates.  相似文献   

Our objective was to evaluate the status of lake trout Salvelinus namaycush rehabilitation in South Bay, Lake Huron. Standardized surveys were conducted to quantify natural recruitment, annual mortality, and the contribution of wild-versus hatchery-origin lake trout. Some indicators suggest a high level of natural recruitment. The spawning population was comprised of multiple ages, and the mean age of spawners (8.4 years for females, 7.9 years for males) was at least 1 year older than the age at 50% maturity (5.8 years). Estimated annual total mortality rates (0.20–0.25) and sea-lamprey induced mortality rates (0.02) were less than maximum allowable values. The proportion of wild-origin fish captured was high among spawners but varied among sampling programs (42% in fall trap nets, 70% in fall gill nets, and 88% in summer gill nets). A strong year class (1997) could be tracked from 2001 to 2005. Few fish were captured from early (< 1996) or later (1999–2002) year classes. Possible explanations for low natural recruitment during these later years include declining spawning habitat quality caused by low water levels and/or invasion of non-native mussels (Dreissena spp.) and/or direct or indirect effects of alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus).  相似文献   

Recent observations of spawning lake trout Salvelinus namaycush near Drummond Island in northern Lake Huron indicate that lake trout use drumlins, landforms created in subglacial environments by the action of ice sheets, as a primary spawning habitat. From these observations, we generated a hypothesis that may in part explain locations chosen by lake trout for spawning. Most salmonines spawn in streams where they rely on streamflows to sort and clean sediments to create good spawning habitat. Flows sufficient to sort larger sediment sizes are generally lacking in lakes, but some glacial bedforms contain large pockets of sorted sediments that can provide the interstitial spaces necessary for lake trout egg incubation, particularly if these bedforms are situated such that lake currents can penetrate these sediments. We hypothesize that sediment inclusions from glacial scavenging and sediment sorting that occurred during the creation of bedforms such as drumlins, end moraines, and eskers create suitable conditions for lake trout egg incubation, particularly where these bedforms interact with lake currents to remove fine sediments. Further, these bedforms may provide high-quality lake trout spawning habitat at many locations in the Great Lakes and may be especially important along the southern edge of the range of the species. A better understanding of the role of glacially-derived bedforms in the creation of lake trout spawning habitat may help develop powerful predictors of lake trout spawning locations, provide insight into the evolution of unique spawning behaviors by lake trout, and aid in lake trout restoration in the Great Lakes.  相似文献   

The lower food webs of Lake Huron and Lake Michigan have experienced similar reductions in the spring phytoplankton bloom and summer populations of Diporeia and cladocerans since the early 2000s. At the same time phosphorus concentrations have decreased and water clarity and silica concentrations have increased. Key periods of change, identified by using a method based on sequential t-tests, were 2003–2005 (Huron) and 2004–2006 (Michigan). Estimated filtration capacity suggests that dreissenid grazing would have been insufficient to directly impact phytoplankton in the deeper waters of either lake by this time (mid 2000s). Despite some evidence of decreased chlorophyll:TP ratios, consistent with grazing limitation of phytoplankton, the main impact of dreissenids on the offshore waters was probably remote, e.g., through interception of nutrients by nearshore populations. A mass balance model indicates that decreased phosphorus loading could not account for observed in-lake phosphorus declines. However, model-inferred internal phosphorus dynamics were strongly correlated between the lakes, with periods of increased internal loading in the 1990s, and increased phosphorus loss starting in 2000 in Lake Michigan and 2003 in Lake Huron, prior to dreissenid expansion into deep water of both lakes. This suggests a limited role for deep populations of dreissenids in the initial phosphorus declines in the lakes, and also suggests a role for meteorological influence on phosphorus dynamics. The high synchrony in lower trophic level changes between Lake Michigan and Lake Huron suggests that both lakes should be considered when investigating underlying causal factors of these changes.  相似文献   

As extreme climatic events, such as heatwaves and storms, become more frequent in response to changing climates, understanding the role climatic events play on water quality is essential. Here, we use water quality monitoring data collected from the nearshore of Lake Ontario between 2000 and 2018 to ask: i) which sites in the nearshore of Lake Ontario have statistically extreme water quality conditions?; ii) do water quality conditions differ in extreme versus non-extreme climate years?; and iii) what are the significant antecedent extreme weather drivers of water quality in the nearshore of Lake Ontario? Three sites with the highest chlorophyll a concentrations and eutrophic conditions, two of which are in Areas of Concern, exhibited the strongest responses to climate extremes. Antecedent weather conditions explained 87.2% of the variation in extreme chlorophyll a concentrations. In particular, warmer temperatures and heatwaves corresponded with statistical extremes in chlorophyll a concentrations. Precipitation accounted for 35.5% of the variation in extreme conditions of turbidity, including storm events the day prior to sampling. When considering site-specific extreme conditions, antecedent weather conditions explained 66.8% of the variation in turbidity. We illustrate the strong role that heatwaves and storm events play on spatial and temporal patterns in extreme water quality conditions, highlighting the importance of incorporating climate change adaptation plans into ecosystem management strategies to preserve water quality in the highly important and iconic nearshore regions of the Laurentian Great Lakes.  相似文献   

Though aquatic ecosystems (and the Laurentian Great Lakes in particular) have faced many stressors over the past century, including fisheries collapses and species invasions, rarely are data available to evaluate the long-term impacts of these stressors on food web structure. Stable isotopes of fish scales from the 1940s to the 2010s in South Bay, Lake Huron were used to quantify trophic position and resource utilization for fishes from offshore (alewife, cisco, lake trout, lake whitefish, rainbow smelt) and nearshore (rock bass, smallmouth bass, white sucker, yellow perch) habitats, providing one of the longest continuous characterizations of food webs in the Laurentian Great Lakes. Mean δ15N and δ13C values for each species were compared across twenty-year time periods. Using directional statistics, no significant community-wide changes were detected between time periods from 1947 to 1999. In contrast, a significant change was detected between 1980-1999 and 2000–2017, with all species showing increased reliance on nearshore resources. The increase in nearshore resource reliance for lake whitefish between these time periods was the greatest in magnitude compared with any other species between any two adjacent time periods. Besides lake whitefish, the increased reliance on nearshore resources was more pronounced for nearshore compared to offshore species. The timing of these shifts coincided with the invasion of dreissenid mussels and round goby, and declines in offshore productivity and prey densities. These results show the unprecedented magnitude of recent food-web change in Lake Huron after 50 years of relative stability.  相似文献   

Rainbow smelt are an important prey species for native and introduced salmonines in the Great Lakes. In Lake Huron, rainbow smelt populations are characterized by variable recruitment and year-class strength. To understand the influence of water temperature on reproduction, growth, and survival during larval-fish stages, we sampled spawning tributaries and larval-fish habitats during 2008 and 2009 in St. Martin Bay, Lake Huron. Spawning by rainbow smelt occurred primarily when stream temperatures were between 3 and 10 °C, which resulted in a 7–10-day spawning period during 2008, and a 15–20-day spawning period during 2009. Regardless of these differences in spawning temperatures and duration, peak larval-fish densities during 2008 were double those observed during 2009. Length–frequency analysis of larval-fish populations during both years revealed stream-hatched fish during May and a later emergence of larval rainbow smelt during summer, presumably originating from lake spawning. Warmer bay water temperatures led to earlier emergence of lake-spawned rainbow smelt larvae during 2009. Stream-hatched fish larvae experienced large-scale mortality during May 2008 resulting in a bay population consisting primarily of lake-spawned rainbow smelt larvae, but during 2009 both stream- and lake-hatched cohorts experienced higher survival concomitant with significantly higher mean population growth rates. Higher larval-fish growth rates during 2009 appeared to be density-dependent and facilitated by warmer water temperatures during late June and cooler water temperatures during July. Temperature-mediated differences in annual growth rates and irregular contributions from stream- and lake-hatched fish larvae are important factors affecting survival and abundance of young-of-the-year rainbow smelt in Lake Huron.  相似文献   

In 2011, the Michigan Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) expanded stocking of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in Lake Huron to enhance fishing opportunities following Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) abundance declines. Currently, little is known about the population produced from this stocking. We fit an assessment model to harvest data from Michigan jurisdictional waters to estimate Atlantic salmon population dynamics and abundance. Because of potential biases in MDNR creel survey harvest estimates, a survey was e-mailed to online purchasers of a 2019 Michigan fishing license asking about where and when Atlantic salmon were harvested to correct creel harvest estimates. Anglers were also asked about catch-and-release angling and tested on their ability to identify Lake Huron salmonids. Creel harvest estimates overlapped spatially and temporally with 42% of survey reported Atlantic salmon harvest. After correcting creel harvest estimates, total abundance of Atlantic salmon in 2019 was estimated at approximately 392,000 fish with a peak abundance of approximately 406,000 fish. Anglers released 27% of caught fish and correctly identified Atlantic salmon 28% of the time. To assess the occurrence of food resource competition, differences in condition (i.e., expected weight at length) were evaluated. Condition was higher in later years than in earlier years despite abundance increases. Our results suggested that past stocking established a population of approximately 400,000 Atlantic salmon with evidence suggesting that fish were finding sufficient food resources. Future Atlantic salmon management efforts may be improved by quantifying post-stocking survival rates and other sources (e.g., charter, Canadian) of harvest.  相似文献   

The binational Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement (GLWQA) revised Lake Erie’s phosphorus (P) loading targets, including a 40% western and central basin total P (TP) load reduction from 2008 levels. Because the Detroit and Maumee River loads are roughly equal and contribute almost 90% of the TP load to the western basin and 54% to the whole lake, they have drawn significant policy attention. The Maumee is the primary driver of western basin harmful algal blooms, and the Detroit and Maumee rivers are key drivers of central basin hypoxia and overall western and central basin eutrophication. So, accurate estimates of those loads are particularly important. While daily measurements constrain Maumee load estimates, complex flows near the Detroit River mouth, along with varying Lake Erie water levels and corresponding back flows, make measurements there a questionable representation of loading conditions. Because of this, the Detroit River load is generally estimated by adding loads from Lake Huron to those from the watersheds of the St. Clair and Detroit rivers and Lake St. Clair. However, recent research showed the load from Lake Huron has been significantly underestimated. Herein, I compare different load estimates from Lake Huron and the Detroit River, justify revised higher loads from Lake Huron with a historical reconstruction, and discuss the implications for Lake Erie models and loading targets.  相似文献   

The 28.5 km Lake Ontario shoreline along Credit Valley Conservation’s jurisdiction is habitat for native flora and fauna, the source of drinking water for over two million residents, and the location of outfalls for Region of Peel’s two wastewater treatment plants. Some of the significant sources of pollutants to this region are urban tributaries and the Credit River. Instream, shoreside, and nearshore water quality of this region were characterized under this Lake Ontario Integrated Shoreline Strategy study. Eight Parameters of Concern (PoC); water temperature (WT), total suspended solids (TSS), total phosphorous (TP), orthophosphate (OP), nitrate-nitrogen (NO3-N), Escherichia coli (E. coli), specific conductivity (SC), and pH were studied from 2011 to 2013. Amongst all the PoCs TP was of concern since its instream (75th percentile range: 51.0 µg/L to 188 µg/L), shoreside (75th percentile range: 9.00 µg/L to 53.75 µg/L), and nearshore (75th percentile range: 9.75 µg/L to 19.00 µg/L) concentrations, exceeded their respective objectives of 30 µg/L and 10 µg/L. Other parameters in shoreside/nearshore samples met their respective provincial/federal objectives/guidelines; however, instream E. coli and specific conductivity levels were elevated, reflecting the effects of urbanization. The Lake water temperature moorings recorded lake stratification dynamics, including eight downwelling and five upwelling events during 2011 deployment period. These results provide baseline data for future climate change-related assessment studies.  相似文献   

Lake Huron has undergone a number of substantial changes in recent years, including changes to management of the parasitic sea lamprey, Petromyzon marinus. While control strategies of lamprey involving lampricides have had some success, lamprey spawning in St. Marys River has been a major and persistent problem and has led to intensified treatment beginning in 1998. The objective of our study was to broadly examine lamprey spatial wounding dynamics of lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) and lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) within the Canadian waters of Lake Huron from 2000 to 2009. Temporal trends were evident and these differed among regions (North Channel, northern Main Basin, southern Main Basin, northern Georgian Bay, and southern Georgian Bay). There was a monotonic annual increase in probability of wounding for both lake trout and lake whitefish in three of the five regions, with high increases seen in both northern and southern Georgian Bay. The increases in three of the five regions are unexpected given the ongoing treatment of St. Marys River.  相似文献   

The Lake Huron ecosystem has recently undergone dramatic changes. As part of those changes, the once highly abundant non-native alewife Alosa pseudoharengus population crashed in 2003 and has yet to recover. The purpose of this study was to evaluate whether temperature played a role in the population crash, because historically alewife have been subject to die-off events in response to cold temperatures in other lakes. Long-term climate data (1973–2009) showed that the winter of 2002–2003 exhibited the largest drop in degree days relative to the previous year, had the most extensive average March ice coverage, and was among the coldest years on record. However, since 2003, winter temperatures have not been overly cold, and air temperature has shown an increasing trend. Also, the relationship between temperature and alewife abundance between 1975 and 2006 was non-significant. Therefore, although we found evidence that cold winter temperatures contributed to the abrupt decline of alewife in 2003, they could not explain why the population failed to recover as it had after previous cold winters. Historically, Chinook salmon abundance contributed to long-term trends in alewife abundance, however, we found predation by Chinook to play a lesser role on the 2003 alewife collapse. In the absence of direct estimates of food availability, analyses of alewife length data suggest that a declining prey base altered the ecosystem conditions for alewife, possibly contributing to their collapse and lack of recovery.  相似文献   

An aerial distance sampling survey of double-crested cormorants (Phalacrocorax auritus) was conducted in the northern region of Lake Huron (North Channel; four largest lakes of Manitoulin Island; South Shore of Manitoulin Is. facing the main body of the lake) to assess the relative distribution, abundance and prey demand by cormorants on inland lake vs. coastal habitat. On a per area basis, the density (approx. 1-2 cormorants ? km− 2) and prey demand (approx. 1.2 kg ha− 1) of cormorants in the four inland lakes matched that of the North Channel. The South Shore had approximately half the density and prey demand as the other two areas. Cormorants on the inland lakes of Manitoulin Island represented 13% early in the season and a high of 33% of the total population for this region of Lake Huron later in the summer. Estimating regional distributions of cormorants within the Great Lakes basin is important because mapped nest colonies and nest counts are not representative of the actual distribution of foraging cormorants during and after the nesting season. There are two general conclusions to emerge from this survey. First, aquatic productivity from both Great Lakes coast and inland lakes contributes to trends in population and distribution of cormorants in the northern region of Lake Huron and perhaps elsewhere. Second, inland aquatic ecosystems are important throughout a season for foraging cormorants from the Great Lakes and may become more important as Great Lake productivity trends downward.  相似文献   

While Great Lakes' seasonal water-level variations have been previously researched and well documented, few studies thus far addressed longer-term, decadal cycles contained in the 143-yr lake-level instrumental record. Paleo-reconstructions based on Lake Michigan's coastal features, however, hinted to an approximate 30-yr quasi-periodic lake-level variability. In the present study, spectral analysis of 1865–2007 Lakes Michigan/Huron historic levels revealed 8 and 12-yr period oscillations; these time scales match those of large-scale climatic signals previously found in the North Atlantic. While the existing paleodata are inadequate to the task of asserting significance of the 30-yr signal, it is suggested here that this cycle is due to intermodulation of the two near-decadal signals. Furthermore, water budget analysis argues that the North Atlantic decadal climate modes translate to the lake levels primarily through precipitation and its associated runoff.  相似文献   

Pacific salmon were introduced to the Great Lakes in the 1960s and now support major recreational fishery. Population declines resulting from invasive species have prompted agencies to consider diversifying sport fisheries through stocking. Atlantic salmon are native to Lake Ontario, but a small fishery has developed in northern Lake Huron since the 1990s that appears suited to the Lake Huron food web leading to requests for increased stocking by anglers and consideration by agencies. However, no study has evaluated the trophic ecology of Atlantic salmon in relation to other salmonine predators in northern Lake Huron. In this study, we used stable isotopes of carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N), along with mercury (Hg) concentrations to assess resource use, niche overlap, and contaminant accumulation in Atlantic salmon compared to select Lake Huron predators. Atlantic salmon exhibited considerable niche overlap with Chinook and coho salmon but were strongly differentiated from lake trout. In addition, we observed that Atlantic salmon had similar Hg concentrations as coho but were lower than both Chinook salmon and lake trout. Based upon the relationship between fish size, δ15N, and Hg, Atlantic salmon bioaccumulate Hg similarly to Pacific salmon but likely have lower consumptive demands than Chinook salmon. Continued attention should be placed on understanding how Atlantic salmon fit into the current Lake Huron food web in order to evaluate the long-term efficacy of the Atlantic salmon stocking program.  相似文献   

For the first time, species of the genus Spirogyra, non-typical of the open nearshore waters of Lake Baikal, formed algal mats with Ulothrix zonata, Ulothrix tenerrima, and Ulothrix tenuissima near the village of Listvyanka, Russia. Normally widely distributed in the 0- to 1.5-m depth range, the growth of U. zonata was now evident and dominant (63% of the biomass) in the 2- to 5-m depth range. The overgrowth of the lake bottom by filamentous green algae, changes in distributional boundaries, the emergence and mass development of species of the genus Spirogyra, the presence of the eutrophic diatom indicator Fragilaria capucina var. vaucheriae, elevated abundances of coliform bacteria, and elevated levels of nutrients suggest an early stage of cultural eutrophication in the nearshore of Lake Baikal near Listvyanka, a popular tourist destination. The unusual abundance of Fragilaria associated with the filamentous green algae consisted of long-ribbon colonies of F. capucina var. vaucheriae, a eutrophic species, wound around the filamentous green algae, enhancing the dense algae mats. Historically dominant species, such as Didymosphenia geminata, Tetraspora cylindrica var. bullosa, and Draparnaldioides baicalensis typically observed at deeper depths of Lake Baikal, are now subdominants or minor species in the nearshore along the shoreline near Listvyanka.  相似文献   

The magnitude of angler harvest (kg·ha− 1·yr− 1) and cormorant consumption (kg·ha− 1·yr− 1) were compared for a set of lakes (N = 11) on Manitoulin Island. Empirical models relating total phosphorus to total fish production as well as production to body mass were used to scope the possible range of fish production and to partition production among small, medium and large size segments of fish populations, respectively. Medium (66–112 g) and large (> 200 g) size segments were defined as size categories targeted by cormorants (stomach diet analysis) and anglers (creel interviews), respectively. Angling effort and cormorant density were estimated from aerial surveys of the lake set during the open water season and for anglers during the winter ice-fishing season. Results showed that anglers harvested almost all large fish production, assuming the mean total fish production model, and 43% of large fish production under the more optimistic upper 80% prediction limit of total fish production. Cormorant consumption of medium fish production was less (39% using mean regression model; 15% using upper 80% prediction model) than angler consumption of large fish production. Anglers therefore imposed more population stress on their preferred sizes of fish than cormorants imposed on their preferred sizes of fish. Population stress was increased when cormorant consumption of medium size fish was discounted from contributing to large fish production. Angler harvest near (or above) sustainable yield levels will be exacerbated and appear as a fish collapse when cormorants consume fish production destined for fish size segments preferred by anglers.  相似文献   

In large lakes, temporal variability is compounded by strong spatial variability associated with mesoscale physical processes such as upwelling and basin-scale circulation. Here we explore the ability of a three dimensional model (ELCOM-CAEDYM) to capture temporal and spatial variability of phytoplankton and nutrients in Lake Erie. We emphasized the east basin of the lake, where an invasion by dreissenid mussels has given special importance to the question of spatial (particularly nearshore-offshore) variability and many comparative observations were available. We found that the model, which did not include any simulation of the mussels or of smaller diffuse nutrient sources, could capture the major features of the temperature, nutrient and phytoplankton variations. Within basin variability was large compared to among-basin variability, especially but not exclusively in the western regions. Consistent with observations in years prior to, but not after, the mussel invasion the model predicted generally higher phytoplankton concentrations in the nearshore than the offshore zones. The results suggest that the elevated phytoplankton abundance commonly observed in the nearshore of large lakes in the absence of dreissenid mussels does not have to depend on localized nutrient inputs but can be explained by the favourable light, temperature and nutrient environment in the shallower and energetic nearshore zone. The model is currently being extended to allow simulation of the effects of dreissenid mussels.  相似文献   

We examined drivers of water quality during 2007–2013 in a region of Lake Ontario influenced by various anthropogenic inputs and natural influences. Nutrient concentrations generally declined from shoreline to offshore, with mean concentrations approaching background after 1 km from shore. N species were an exception to this overall pattern, often with higher concentrations coincident with a mid-nearshore Water Pollution Control Plant outfall (WPCPo). The WPCPo, however, did not appear to be a major contributor to shoreline total phosphorus (TP) or ammonia + ammonium. Shoreline TP variability increased in dry years, while E. coli and conductivity variability increased in wet years. The influence of environmental drivers on water quality differed seasonally. In summer, cross-shore winds causing resuspension appeared to be drivers of elevated nearshore TP and suspended solids (SS), while precipitation, light, and water column stability were related to E. coli. Summer biological activity was evident in higher shoreline total Kjeldhal N contributions and lower NO3 + NO2 and dissolved inorganic N. In fall and spring, TP, SS, and conductivity were elevated within 400 m of the shore, suggesting tributary inputs were an important P delivery mechanism to the nearshore in addition to spring resuspension events. Fall, however, represented a transitional period representing a shift from drivers dominant in summer to those in spring. The analytical approach used here reveals generalizable patterns in nearshore water quality and their drivers and may be applicable to other regions where there is a confluence of varying drivers of water quality to a nearshore region.  相似文献   

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