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目的 探究淡水鲈鱼发酵的最佳工艺,并分析其在发酵过程中的品质变化。方法 通过单因素—响应面实验优化了鲈鱼的发酵温度、发酵时间及盐添加量,随后以市售臭鳜鱼为对照,结合质构、挥发性盐基氮、硫代巴比妥酸、电子鼻、电子舌的检测评价臭鲈鱼肉质和品质。结果 经响应面优化实验得到的最佳发酵工艺为:发酵温度15℃、发酵时间7d、3%NaCl。发酵过程中,臭鲈鱼的质地得到明显改善,发酵结束后,臭鲈鱼的硬度和胶着性略高于臭鳜鱼,但弹性、黏聚性、咀嚼性和回复性略低于臭鳜鱼。挥发性盐基氮值上升到40.15 mg/100 g,低于臭鳜鱼的41.55 mg/100 g (P>0.05)。硫代巴比妥酸值为2.07 mg/kg,低于臭鳜鱼的2.16 mg/kg (P<0.05)。电子鼻的W1W传感器显示臭鲈鱼有着和臭鳜鱼相似的臭味。电子舌显示臭鲈鱼的鲜味和苦味等口味均高于臭鳜鱼。结论 在本研究的工艺条件下发酵的臭鲈鱼在肉质、口感、气味和味道上与臭鳜鱼具有相似性,为淡水鲈鱼开发为臭鲈鱼产品提供了可能性。  相似文献   

In this study, the effects of ball‐milling treatment on structural properties and functional properties of mussel protein were investigated. In vitro protein digestibility and free amino acid contents were also evaluated. Ball‐milling treatment did not change the primary structure of mussel protein, but caused changes of secondary structure. The tertiary and quaternary structure also changed. After 20 min of ball‐milling treatment, the whiteness and oil‐binding capability of mussel protein significantly improved from 13.67 to 26.62 and 43.76% to 196.00%, while the protein solubility and water‐holding capability of mussel protein significantly decreased from 74.89% to 53.10% and 215.67% to 90.91%. Ball‐milling treatment increased the in vitro digestibility significantly. These results provide theoretical basis for the utilisation of mussel protein in food industry.  相似文献   

This study investigated accumulation of Vibrio parahaemolyticus in granulated ark shell clam (Tegillarca granosas) exposed to contaminated water and survival of V. parahaemolyticus in the clams during cold storage and heating processes. Vibrio parahaemolyticus could be accumulated in clams to a level similar to that of contaminated water within 12 h of exposure of clams to contaminated water at temperatures between 9 and 33 °C. Keeping clams stored at 5 and 0 °C for 10 days resulted in 1.98 and 2.32 log MPN g?1 reductions of V. parahaemolyticus, respectively, in the clams. Frozen storage at ?18 °C for 15 days or at ?30 °C for 30 days were capable of reducing V. parahaemolyticus from 4.05 log MPN g?1 to non‐detectable levels (< 3 MPN g?1). A heating process in hot water at 80 °C or higher for 1 min also reduced V. parahaemolyticus in the clams to non‐detectable levels.  相似文献   

The current research has been done to identify and prioritize the Mudas of the production line of a natural fibre clothing manufacturing company; in this way, value stream mapping has been used to identify the Mudas, then analytical hierarchy method has been used to screen the Mudas. In the first step, necessary information to design value stream of production process has been obtained by observation, measurement and interview; afterward, according to the obtained information and by forming a focus group, Mudas in the production line have been identified and prioritized according to seven categories of Mudas. In order to prioritizing the Mudas by the usage of analytical hierarchy method, the Super Decision software has been applied. Then, according to the obtained priorities, suggested map of the future value system has been drawn and some suggestions have been presented to eliminate Mudas and move towards the lean manufacturing.  相似文献   

Antioxidant capacity for a wide range of natural or synthetic polyphenolics was comprehensively evaluated by vitamin C equivalent antioxidant capacity (VCEAC) assay using free blue/green ABTS radicals. The polyphenolics tested are grouped into the following categories: vitamins (beta-carotene, alpha-tocopherol, vitamin A, and vitamin C), phenolic acids (benzoic acid, phenylacetic acid, cinnamic acid, and their derivatives), flavonoids (anthocyanidin, flavanol, chalcone, flavanone, flavone, flavonol, isoflavone, and their derivatives), synthetic food additives (BHA, BHT, TBHQ, and PG), and other miscellaneous polyphenolics (ellagic acid, sesamol, eugenol, thymol, etc.). A positive linear relationship between VCEAC and the number of free OH groups around the flavonoid framework was found, whereas, for phenolic acids, the linear relationship was not as good as with the flavonoid aglycones. Groups of chemicals having comparable structures generally showed similar trends. Polyphenolics commonly showed a higher VCEAC compared to monophenolics. Compounds like gallic acid with 3 vicinal hydroxy substitutions on the aromatic ring in phenolic acids or like epigallocatechin with 3 vicinal hydroxy substitutions on the B ring in flavonoids showed the highest antioxidant capcity among the groups. In the flavonoids, 2 characteristic chemical structures were very important, the catechol moiety in the B ring and the 3-OH functional group in a chroman ring. Glycosylated flavonoids showed less potent antioxidant capacity than their aglycone alone. Synthetic antioxidant food additives (BHA, TBHQ, and BHT) conventionally used in the food industry were less effective antioxidants than ascorbic acid. Other naturally occurring polyphenolics tested followed the expected general trends of phenolic acids and flavonoids.  相似文献   

Two different meat-cutting methods were used to prepare kung-wans in an attempt to produce low-salt products while retaining the same, or improved, textural and physicochemical properties of the standard high-salt formulation. The level of salt and the processing method significantly affected color, cooking yield, texture and changes in the secondary structures of proteins. Improved salt levels resulted in firmer texture. At the same salt levels, compared with chopping, the beating method resulted in higher L?-values, improved cooking yields and changes in the β-sheet content of the proteins, which resulted in an improved product with better texture. Using the beating process, the kung-wans prepared with 1% and 2% salt had similar L?-values, cooking yield and texture, and were better than those prepared by chopping with 2% salt. Overall, the beating process enabled lowering of the salt content, making the kung-wans more hard, brittle and elastic.  相似文献   

The reliability of analytical testing is strongly affected by sampling uncertainty. Sampling is always a source of error and the aim of “good” sampling practice is to minimize this error. Generally the distribution of genetically modified (GM) material within lots is assumed to be random in order to use binomial distribution to make inferences. This assumption was never verified in practice and no experimental data investigating the distribution of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) exist. The objectives of the KeLDA project were: (1) to assess the distribution of GM material in soybean lots (2) to estimate the amount of variability of distribution patterns among lots. The GM content of 15 soybean lots imported into the EU was estimated (using real-time PCR methodology) analyzing 100 increment samples systematically sampled from each lot at predetermined time intervals during the whole period of off-loading. The distribution of GM material was inferred by the one-dimensional (temporal) distribution of contaminated increments. All the lots display significant spatial structuring, indicating that randomness cannot be assumed a priori. The evidence that the distribution of GM material is heterogeneous highlights the need to develop sampling protocols based on statistical models free of distribution requirements.  相似文献   

To ensure the marketing of fresh fish‐based products, it is necessary to develop fast methods that assess its freshness in real time. This study therefore evaluated the applicability of a photochromic time–temperature indicator (TTI) to monitor the time and temperature history during the period of validity of the whole fish of the cobia specimen stored in ice. The TTI response was both visibly interpreted as well as adaptable to measurement using suitable equipment. The results showed that the smart indicator activated during 6 s of ultraviolet light showed a similar rate of deterioration of the analysed product visual response, proving to be a dynamic shelf life indicator that can assure consumers the ultimate quality point of the entire cobia easily, cheaply and accurately.  相似文献   


A method based on headspace solid-phase microextraction (HS-SPME) followed by GC-MS analysis was developed for the determination of underivatised acetic acid in fresh tuna fish muscle. Parameters such as the fibre selected and the extraction time and temperature were optimised and the linearity, detection limits and precision of the whole analytical procedure were assessed. The method was then applied to determine the acetic acid concentration in fresh yellowfin tuna muscles (Thunnus albacares) in order to evaluate the endogenous level and its variations during the shelf life under different storage conditions. A qualitative comparison was also made with variations in histamine levels to evaluate the possibility of the joint monitoring of acetic acid and histamine to identify fish stored in poor conditions. The caudal area always had a lower content of acetic acid than the ventral area, independent of the storage time and temperature. A difference was found between the 6- and 3-day time points and day 0 at a storage temperature of 8°C and between the 6-day time point and day 0 at a storage temperature of 0°C, independent of the anatomical area of the sampled tissue. The evaluation of acetic acid could represent an important approach in the field of food safety to detect the illicit use of acetic acid as an antibacterial preservative treatment or to eliminate the unpleasant smell of trimethylamine.  相似文献   

This work investigated the effects of different storage periods (0 day, 90 days, 120 days) on the quality of large yellow croaker oil. The lipomics of large yellow croaker oil was quantitatively detected by GC-MS, the content of triglyceride in large yellow croaker oil reached 52.56% at 0 day. With the extension of storage time, the content of large yellow croaker oil components decreased gradually. Differential lipid histogram clearly indicates that the extension of the storage period will affect the change of fish oil, due to the rise in the temperature of large yellow croaker oil; the color of the hot map is bright from the dark. Additionally, the fatty acid composition and volatile components were measured. At 120 days, the decomposition rate of lipid molecular in large yellow croaker oil is increased by oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids, and its oxidised metabolite produced small substance such as aldehydes, ketones, alcohols, and acids. During storage, the waxy, fat, and floral flavour in the oil aroma of large yellow croaker oil decreased gradually, while the yeast flavour and oil flavour increased gradually. These results provide insights for the study of lipid transformation and quality of large yellow croaker oil during different storage.  相似文献   

In this study, acid‐soluble (ASC) and pepsin‐soluble (PSC) collagens with triple helical structures were successfully extracted from the skin of grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) by two different extraction approaches. SDS‐PAGE pattern revealed that ASC and PSC are type I collagens with typical α1, α2 and β‐chains. In addition, the intensity of χ‐chain (trimer) in ASC was higher than that of PSC, representing the presence of the high proportion of intra‐ and intermolecular cross‐links of extracted collagens with large molecular weight using the acid method. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) results demonstrate that Td (69.04 °C) of ASC was higher than Td (62.20 °C) of PSC. Both ASC and PSC had the highest solubility at acidic pHs or at a low concentration of NaCl (<2%, w/v). The results of FTIR suggested the ASC and PSC maintained in the helical secondary structure at high degree.  相似文献   

In this work, NADES based on sucrose and citric acid was synthesised and evaluated. Physical properties such as density, viscosity and thermal profile were evaluated at different temperatures and water contents. Viscosity and density were inversely affected by temperature and water content. Increases in the sucrose fraction resulted in higher viscosity, but no differences in density were observed. The rheological model of Ostwald-de-Waele indicated three distinct rheological behaviours at different temperatures, water content and sucrose fractions. The Arrhenius model showed a good fit for the temperature effect on the apparent viscosity of all NADESs. The NADES decomposition temperature was approximately 393 K. The thermal characterisation revealed that all NADESs presented glass transitions at temperatures below 204.59 K, confirming their formation and stability. Based on these results, the NADES proposed appears as potential green solvent to be used in industrial processes such as extraction, separation and biochemical technology.  相似文献   

Cells of the yeast Candida utilis grown in medium with short-chain mono-, di- or tricarboxylic acids transported L(-)malic acid by two transport systems at pH 3·0. Results indicate that probably a proton symport for the ionized form of the acid and a facilitated diffusion for the undissociated form were present. Dicarboxylic acids such as succinic, fumaric, oxaloacetic and α-ketoglutaric acids were competitive inhibitors of the malic acid for the high-affinity system, suggesting that these acids used the same transport system. In turn, competitive inhibition uptake studies of labelled carboxylic acid in the low-affinity range indicated that this system was non-specific and able to accept not only carboxylic (mono-, di- or tri-) acids but also some amino acids. Additionally, under the same growth conditions, C. utilis produced two mediated transport systems for lactic acid: a proton symport for the anionic form which appeared to be a common monocarboxylate carrier and a facilitated diffusion system for the undissociated acid displaying a substrate specificity similar to that observed for the low-affinity dicarboxylic acid transport. The mediated carboxylic acid transport systems were inducible and subjected to repression by glucose. In glucose-grown cells the undissociated dicarboxylic acids entered the cells slowly by simple diffusion. Repressed glucose-grown cells were only able to produce both transport systems if an inducer, at low concentration (0·5%, w/v), was present during starvation in buffer. This process was inhibited by the presence of cycloheximide indicating that induction requires de novo protein synthesis. If a higher acid concentration was used, only the low-affinity transport system was detectable, showing that the high-affinity system was also repressed by high concentrations of the inducer.  相似文献   

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