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<正>鲁植保〔2015〕17号据预测,2015年全省棉花病虫总体呈中等偏轻发生趋势。主要病虫有二代棉铃虫、棉盲蝽、棉苗蚜、棉叶螨、棉苗病、棉花枯萎病等。其中二代棉铃虫预计在鲁北、鲁西南、鲁西北棉区中等发生,大部分棉区百株累计卵量都可达到450粒以上,发生面积约600万亩;棉苗蚜、棉叶螨偏轻发生,局部中等发生,发生面积分别为500、350万亩;棉盲蝽偏轻发生;棉田烟粉虱、棉花苗期病害、棉花枯萎病小发生。各地要抓好以棉花有害生物安全控制技术规程为主要内  相似文献   

山东省棉花主要病害的发生现状与防治   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
吕士恩  王慧 《农药》1997,36(3):6-8
山东省棉花病害种类共有19种,根据其发病部位和时期等特点习惯了分为四大类:苗期病害的发生枯黄萎病,铃部病害和叶部病害,其中危害性最大的是棉花枯萎病和黄萎病。某些年份,立枯病,黑斑病和铃疫病也能引起较大的损失。  相似文献   

<正>据预测,2010年山东省棉花病虫总体呈中等发生趋势。主要病虫有二代棉铃虫、棉盲蝽、棉苗蚜、棉叶螨、棉苗病、棉花枯黄萎病等,其中二代棉铃虫大发生,发生面积1200万亩;棉苗病偏轻发生,局部中等发生,发生面积720万亩;棉苗蚜偏轻发生,鲁西  相似文献   

叶鹏盛  李兴佐 《农药》1996,35(7):37-39
在四川棉区棉田施用脱叶剂赛苯隆,可减少因烂铃引起的损失。在8月下旬至9月下旬,日平均气温20-26℃的条件下,以105-150克/公顷的剂量,在棉株下部施用50%赛苯隆可湿性粉剂,12天后,棉株下半株脱叶率达90%以上,烂铃数减少23.6-53.5%,皮棉产量增加2.4-10.8%。而棉株全棉施药210-300克/公顷,会使皮棉产量下降。  相似文献   

张海芝 《现代农药》2004,3(6):40-41
棉花是豫东周口市主要经济作物,植棉历史悠久,棉花苗期病害严重,常年发病率30%左右,遇春季低温多雨年份,发病率高达65%以上。棉花苗期的立枯病病害是引起周口市棉区棉花烂根死苗的主要原因,多年来用多菌灵、甲基托布津防治苗病已产生抗药性,防效渐微,大量的死苗,造成重种、补种、毁种;棉花生育期推迟,影响棉花早熟优质高产,给现代棉花生产带来很大损失。为了筛选出防治棉花苗期立枯病的高效农药,我们在周口市老棉区扶沟、太康、淮阳、周口等地进行了7种药剂的田间药效试验,对灭克(氟吗啉)、腈菌唑、烯唑醇、噁霉灵、克菌威、多菌灵、粉锈宁…  相似文献   

棉花苗期病害是指播种后到现蕾前发生的多种根病和叶病。根病造成烂籽、烂芽、烂根以及茎基腐烂。叶病引起子叶及真叶霉烂、茎梢枯死。解放以来,推广了“五西合剂”及波尔多液等许多农药的使用,对防病保产起了重要的作用。化学防治已成为棉苗病害综合防治体系中的主要环节。近年来随着栽培制度的改变,塑料薄膜覆盖育苗的推广及内吸杀菌剂的使用,棉苗病害防治和研究工作已进入一个新阶段。一、棉苗根病的化学防治 1.根病种类及其侵染特点: 陕西关中棉区以及整个黄河流域棉区的棉苗根病主要是立枯病、炭疽病和红腐病。以立枯病分布最广泛,为害也最严重。病源菌是一种丝核菌(Rhizoctonia solani),该菌是土壤栖居菌,能在土壤中长期存活,土  相似文献   

文学  程远大 《农药》1993,(2):55-56
棉花苗期病害在我国南北棉区均有发生,长江流域和黄河流域主产棉区发病十分普遍。一般年份发病率为10~30%,若遇春季多雨,低温年份发病率可高达90%,造成大量死苗,缺苗断垄,严重影响棉花产量与品质。为了防治棉花苗病,寻求更有效的化学防治药剂,我们在河南新乡(北方棉区)和湖北天门(南方棉区)对甲基立枯磷进行了田间药效试验,考查其防治棉花苗病的防治效果。  相似文献   

中国农作物病虫害发生演替趋势与未来的农药工业   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
中国是一个农业大国,农作物病、虫、草害不仅种类繁多,分布广泛,而且成灾条件复杂。据记载,中国农业病、虫、草、鼠害达2284种,其中病害742种,害虫(螨)838种,杂草704种,农田害鼠20种。在众多的有害生物中,构成农作物灾害的在100种以上。近几年来经过大力防治,年均挽回粮食、棉花、油料损失分别达到3150、115、150万吨,但每年仍因病、虫等生物灾害损失粮食1600万吨、棉花30万吨、油料140万吨以上。这直接影响到农业的持续稳定发展和农村经济的增长。  相似文献   

刘国维 《腐植酸》1995,(2):23-24
棉花枯黄萎病是由细菌引起的,在我国各大棉区普遍发生,是棉花生长中一大病害,而且发病率较高,很难控制,给棉花生产造成严重的损失,甚至绝收。为了探索有效地控制此病发生,我们应用唐山市全来生物工程公司生产的生化复合黄腐酸(以下简化为BCFA)喷施棉田,取得较好的效果,对棉花枯黄  相似文献   

在陕西关中棉区,黄萎病对不同熟性棉花品种的严重危害期不一,早熟品种在7下旬,中熟品种为8月下旬。严重危害期对结铃数及铃重影响最大,对衣分影响较小;品种间影响差异不显著。棉花品种抗病性鉴定应以各严重危害期的病情指数作区别指标。  相似文献   

Verticillium wilt is threatening the world’s cotton production. The pathogenic fungus Verticillium dahliae can survive in the soil in the form of microsclerotia for a long time, colonize through the root of cotton, and invade into vascular bundles, causing yellowing and wilting of cotton leaves, and in serious cases, leading to plant death. Breeding resistant varieties is the most economical and effective method to control Verticillium wilt. In previous studies, proteomic analysis was carried out on different cotton varieties inoculated with V. dahliae strain Vd080. It was found that GhRPS6 was phosphorylated after inoculation, and the phosphorylation level in resistant cultivars was 1.5 times than that in susceptible cultivars. In this study, knockdown of GhRPS6 expression results in the reduction of SA and JA content, and suppresses a series of defensive response, enhancing cotton plants susceptibility to V. dahliae. Overexpression in Arabidopsis thaliana transgenic plants was found to be more resistant to V. dahliae. Further, serines at 237 and 240 were mutated to phenylalanine, respectively and jointly. The transgenic Arabidopsis plants demonstrated that seri-237 compromised the plant resistance to V. dahliae. Subcellular localization in Nicotiana benthamiana showed that GhRPS6 was localized in the nucleus. Additionally, the pathogen inoculation and phosphorylation site mutation did not change its localization. These results indicate that GhRPS6 is a potential molecular target for improving resistance to Verticillium wilt in cotton. This lays a foundation for breeding disease-resistant varieties.  相似文献   

Verticillium wilt (VW) is a typical fungal disease affecting the yield and quality of cotton. The Trichome Birefringence-Like protein (TBL) is an acetyltransferase involved in the acetylation process of cell wall polysaccharides. Up to now, there are no reports on whether the TBL gene is related to disease resistance in cotton. In this study, we cloned a cotton TBL34 gene located in the confidence interval of a major VW resistance quantitative trait loci and demonstrated its relationship with VW resistance in cotton. Analyzing the sequence variations in resistant and susceptible accessions detected two elite alleles GhTBL34-2 and GhTBL34-3, mainly presented in resistant cotton lines whose disease index was significantly lower than that of susceptible lines carrying the allele GhTBL34-1. Comparing the TBL34 protein sequences showed that two amino acid differences in the TBL (PMR5N) domain changed the susceptible allele GhTBL34-1 into the resistant allele GhTBL34-2 (GhTBL34-3). Expression analysis showed that the TBL34 was obviously up-regulated by infection of Verticillium dahliae and exogenous treatment of ethylene (ET), and salicylic acid (SA) and jasmonate (JA) in cotton. VIGS experiments demonstrated that silencing of TBL34 reduced VW resistance in cotton. We deduced that the TBL34 gene mediating acetylation of cell wall polysaccharides might be involved in the regulation of resistance to VW in cotton.  相似文献   

Verticillium wilt, caused by Verticillium dahliae, is a devastating disease for many important crops, including cotton. Kiwellins (KWLs), a group of cysteine-rich proteins synthesized in many plants, have been shown to be involved in response to various phytopathogens. To evaluate genes for their function in resistance to Verticillium wilt, we investigated KWL homologs in cotton. Thirty-five KWL genes (GhKWLs) were identified from the genome of upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum). Among them, GhKWL1 was shown to be localized in nucleus and cytosol, and its gene expression is induced by the infection of V. dahliae. We revealed that GhKWL1 was a positive regulator of GhERF105. Silencing of GhKWL1 resulted in a decrease, whereas overexpression led to an increase in resistance of transgenic plants to Verticillium wilt. Interestingly, through binding to GhKWL1, the pathogenic effector protein VdISC1 produced by V. dahliae could impair the defense response mediated by GhKWL1. Therefore, our study suggests there is a GhKWL1-mediated defense response in cotton, which can be hijacked by V. dahliae through the interaction of VdISC1 with GhKWL1.  相似文献   

MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are a group of endogenous small non-coding RNAs that play important roles in plant growth, development, and stress response processes. Verticillium wilt is a vascular disease in plants mainly caused by Verticillium dahliae Kleb., the soil-borne fungal pathogen. However, the role of miRNAs in the regulation of Verticillium defense responses is mostly unknown. This study aimed to identify new miRNAs and their potential targets that are involved in the regulation of Verticillium defense responses. Four small RNA libraries and two degradome libraries from mock-infected and infected roots of cotton (both Gossypium hirsutum L. and Gossypium barbadense L.) were constructed for deep sequencing. A total of 140 known miRNAs and 58 novel miRNAs were identified. Among the identified miRNAs, many were differentially expressed between libraries. Degradome analysis showed that a total of 83 and 24 genes were the targets of 31 known and 14 novel miRNA families, respectively. Gene Ontology analysis indicated that many of the identified miRNA targets may function in controlling root development and the regulation of Verticillium defense responses in cotton. Our findings provide an overview of potential miRNAs involved in the regulation of Verticillium defense responses in cotton and the interactions between miRNAs and their corresponding targets. The profiling of these miRNAs lays the foundation for further understanding of the function of small RNAs in regulating plant response to fungal infection and Verticillium wilt in particular.  相似文献   

Sunflower, the second most important oilseed crop in the world, was developed as a crop in eastern Europe, but is a native of North America. The pathogens causing many of its major diseases are also native to North America. Although a profitable crop, sunflowers have fairly low value per hectare. Disease control must, therefore, be inexpensive, by resistant varieties or seed treatment or cultural practices, rather than repeated field application of chemicals. Rust, a limiting factor in many countries, has been successfully controlled everywhere by resistance from wild sunflowers discovered in Canada about 1950. New races are posing problems in Argentina and Australia, but new resistance may be available. Verticillium wilt has been destructive in some areas but resistance is available from wild sunflowers and Russian high-oil varieties. Downy mildew, highly destructive in many countries, has been effectively controlled by two genes from the original rust-resistant material. A new race attacking this resistance was discovered in 1980: resistance to it appears to be available. Sclerotinia stalk rot and head rot, caused by a pathogen with wide host range, is much harder to control by breeding. Leaf spot diseases have long been a limiting factor in some European countries and elsewhere, but were considered minor in North America until recently. Broom rape, a root parasite which almost destroyed the crop in the USSR and elsewhere in eastern Europe, does not attack it in North America. It is controlled by resistant varieties.  相似文献   

Verticillium wilt, mainly caused by a soil-inhabiting fungus Verticillium dahliae, can seriously reduce the yield and quality of cotton. The complex mechanism underlying cotton resistance to Verticillium wilt remains largely unknown. In plants, reactive oxygen species (ROS) mediated by Rbohs is one of the earliest responses of plants to biotic and abiotic stresses. In our previous study, we performed a time-course phospho-proteomic analysis of roots of resistant and susceptible cotton varieties in response to V. dahliae, and found early differentially expressed protein burst oxidase homolog protein D (GhRbohD). However, the role of GhRbohD-mediated ROS in cotton defense against V. dahliae needs further investigation. In this study, we analyzed the function of GhRbohD-mediated resistance of cotton against V. dahliae in vitro and in vivo. Bioinformatics analysis showed that GhRbohD possessed the conservative structural attributes of Rbohs family, 12 members of RbohD out of 57 Rbohs in cotton. The expression of GhRbohD was significantly upregulated after V. dahliae inoculation, peaking at 6 hpi, and the phosphorylation level was also increased. A VIGS test demonstrated that ROS production, NO, H2O2 and Ca2+ contents of GhRbohD-silenced cotton plants were significantly reduced, and lignin synthesis and callose accumulation were damaged, important reasons for the impairment of GhRbohD-silenced cotton’s defense against V. dahliae. The expression levels of resistance-related genes were downregulated in GhRbohD-silenced cotton by qRT-PCR, mainly involving the lignin metabolism pathway and the jasmonic acid signaling pathway. However, overexpression of GhRbohD enhanced resistance of transgenic Arabidopsis to V. dahliae challenge. Furthermore, Y2H assays were applied to find that GhPBL9 and GhRPL12C may interact with GhRbohD. These results strongly support that GhRbohD activates ROS production to positively regulate the resistance of plants against V. dahliae.  相似文献   

我国硫磺市场分析及预测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国硫磺约30%用于生产硫酸,70%以上作专用硫磺使用。1992年产量为31.2万t。据保守预测,1995年和2000年我国硫磺的生产能力可分别达到41.2万t和50.0万t,产量可分别达到36.5万t和45.0万t;2000年需求量(不包括硫酸用硫磺)约为57万t。  相似文献   

Verticillium wilt is threatening cotton productivity globally. This disease is caused by soil-borne Verticillium dahliae which directly infects cotton roots, and exclusively colonizes and occludes xylem vessels, finally resulting in necrosis, defoliation, and most severely, plant death. For the first time, iTRAQ (isobaric tags for relative and absolute quantification) was applied to screen the differentially expressed proteins of Gossypium thurberi inoculated with V. dahliae. A total of 6533 proteins were identified from the roots of G. thurberi after inoculation with V. dahliae, and 396 showed up- and 279 down-regulated in comparison to a mock-inoculated roots. Of these identified proteins, the main functional groups were those involved in cell wall organization and reinforcement, disease-resistant chemicals of secondary metabolism, phytohormone signaling, pathogenesis-related proteins, and disease-resistant proteins. Physiological and biochemical analysis showed that peroxidase activity, which promotes the biosynthesis and accumulation of lignin, was induced early in the hypocotyl after inoculation with V. dahliae. Similarly, salicylic acid also accumulated significantly in hypocotyl of the seedlings after inoculation. These findings provide an important knowledge of the molecular events and regulatory networks occurring during G. thurberi-V. dahliae interaction, which may provide a foundation for breeding disease-resistance in cotton.  相似文献   

介绍国内外甲乙酮生产技术及发展,并对国内外的生产现状和市场需求进行分析。2004年全球甲乙酮产能约130万t/a,总需求量约为100万t/a。截至2005年上半年,我国甲乙酮的总生产能力约为21万t/a;预计2007年我国甲乙酮的总生产能力将达30·0万t/a,总需求量将达到约29·0万t,2010年产能将达35·0万t/a,需求将达到34·5万t。  相似文献   

甘油的生产、应用及国内市场   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
甘油生产方法有7种:天然法、丙烯氧化法、丙烯氯化法、丙烯-过醋酸法、醋酸丙烯酯法、化学合成法和生物工程法。目前我国甘油需求量约为6.5万t/a,产量约5万t/a。预计到2000年,需求将达12万t,产量将达7万t,缺口约5万t。  相似文献   

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