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A method to find optimal topology and shape of structures is presented. With the first the optimal distribution of an assigned mass is found using an approach based on homogenisation theory, that seeks in which elements of a meshed domain it is present mass; with the second the discontinuous boundaries are smoothed. The problem of the optimal topology search has an ON/OFF nature and has suggested the employment of genetic algorithms. Thus in this paper a genetic algorithm has been developed, which uses as design variables, in the topology optimisation, the relative densities (with respect to effective material density) 0 or 1 of each element of the structure and, in the shape one, the coordinates of the keypoints of changeable boundaries constituted by curves. In both the steps the aim is that to find the variable sets producing the maximum stiffness of the structure, respecting an upper limit on the employed mass. The structural evaluations are carried out with a FEM commercial code, linked to the algorithm. Some applications have been performed and results compared with solutions reported in literature.  相似文献   

A genetic algorithm for the optimisation of assembly sequences   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
This paper describes a Genetic Algorithm (GA) designed to optimise the Assembly Sequence Planning Problem (ASPP), an extremely diverse, large scale and highly constrained combinatorial problem. The modelling of the ASPP problem, which has to be able to encode any industrial-size product with realistic constraints, and the GA have been designed to accommodate any type of assembly plan and component. A number of specific modelling issues necessary for understanding the manner in which the algorithm works and how it relates to real-life problems, are succinctly presented, as they have to be taken into account/adapted/solved prior to Solving and Optimising (S/O) the problem. The GA has a classical structure but modified genetic operators, to avoid the combinatorial explosion. It works only with feasible assembly sequences and has the ability to search the entire solution space of full-scale, unabridged problems of industrial size. A case study illustrates the application of the proposed GA for a 25-components product.  相似文献   

The design of a manufacturing layout is incomplete without consideration of aisle structure for material handling. This paper presents a method to solve the layout and aisle structure problems simultaneously by a slicing floorplan. In this representation, the slicing lines are utilised as the aisles for a material handling system. The method decomposes the problem into two stages. The first stage minimises the material handling cost with aisle distance, and the second stage optimises the aisles in the aisle structure. A representation of slicing floorplan is introduced for the optimisation by genetic algorithms (GAs). The corresponding operators of the GA are also developed. Computational tests demonstrate the goodness of the method. A comparison study of the GA and the random search (RS) for the problem was performed. It showed that the GA has a much higher efficiency than a RS, though further study is still needed to improve the efficiency of the GA.  相似文献   

This research is based on a new hybrid approach, which deals with the improvement of shape optimization process. The objective is to contribute to the development of more efficient shape optimization approaches in an integrated optimal topology and shape optimization area with the help of genetic algorithms and robustness issues. An improved genetic algorithm is introduced to solve multi-objective shape design optimization problems. The specific issue of this research is to overcome the limitations caused by larger population of solutions in the pure multi-objective genetic algorithm. The combination of genetic algorithm with robust parameter design through a smaller population of individuals results in a solution that leads to better parameter values for design optimization problems. The effectiveness of the proposed hybrid approach is illustrated and evaluated with test problems taken from literature. It is also shown that the proposed approach can be used as first stage in other multi-objective genetic algorithms to enhance the performance of genetic algorithms. Finally, the shape optimization of a vehicle component is presented to illustrate how the present approach can be applied for solving multi-objective shape design optimization problems.  相似文献   

An architecture for the operation of a recuperative-type glass furnace is introduced in this paper. It is based on a hierarchical scheme, with two main parts: process optimisation and process modelling. Process optimisation is carried out by an expert controller, and uses genetic algorithms to solve a multiobjective optimisation problem. Process modelling is performed by a learning system, based on a fuzzy learning-by-examples algorithm. Results of real and simulated experiments with the glass manufacturing process are presented.  相似文献   

The complex nature of wet-etch tools and their peculiar scheduling constraints pose a relevant challenge for the development and implementation of makespan optimisation strategies, especially when rigid scheduling rules have to be considered. In this paper, an optimisation model is developed for sequencing of wafer batches outside a wet-etch tool and scheduling of tool-internal handler moves. The scheduling algorithm is inspired by the control logics governing wet-etch tools operating in a real semiconductor manufacturing plant and proves effective in generating efficient and detailed schedules in short computational times. The mathematical formulation developed for the scheduling problem is based on generic and realistic assumptions for both the job flow and the material handling system. The sequencing module combines an exact optimisation approach, based on an efficient permutation concept, and a heuristics optimisation approach, based on genetic algorithms. The results obtained show that significant makespan reductions can be obtained by means of a mere sequencing optimisation. Using this optimisation strategy, variations to the scheduling logics, that are generally more difficult and expensive to implement, are avoided. A sensitivity analysis on genetic algorithm operators is also conducted and considerations on the best performing selection, cross-over and mutation operators are presented.  相似文献   

This paper presents investigations into the design of a command-shaping technique using multi-objective genetic optimisation process for vibration control of a single-link flexible manipulator. Conventional design of a command shaper requires a priori knowledge of natural frequencies and associated damping ratios of the system, which may not be available for complex flexible systems. Moreover, command shaping in principle causes delay in system's response while it reduces system vibration and in this manner the amount of vibration reduction and the rise time conflict one another. Furthermore, system performance objectives, such as, reduced overshoot, rise time, settling time, and end-point vibration are found in conflict with one another due to the construction and mode of operation of a flexible manipulator. Conventional methods can hardly provide a solution, for a designer-oriented formulation, satisfying several objectives and associated goals as demanded by a practical application due to the competing nature of those objectives. In such cases, multi-objective optimisation can provide a wide range of solutions, which trade-off these conflicting objectives so as to satisfy associated goals. A multi-modal command shaper consists of impulses of different amplitudes at different time locations, which are convolved with one another and then with the desired reference and then used as reference (for closed loop) or applied to system (for open loop) with the view to reduce vibration of the system, mainly at dominant modes. Multi-objective optimisation technique is used to determine a set of solutions for the amplitudes and corresponding time locations of impulses of a multi-modal command shaper. The effectiveness of the proposed technique is assessed both in the time domain and the frequency domain. Moreover, a comparative assessment of the performance of the technique with the system response with unshaped bang–bang input is presented.  相似文献   

Seeker optimisation algorithm (SOA), also referred to as human group metaheuristic optimisation algorithms form a very hot area of research, is an emerging population-based and gradient-free optimisation tool. It is inspired by searching behaviour of human beings in finding an optimal solution. The principal shortcoming of SOA is that it is easily trapped in local optima and consequently fails to achieve near-global solutions in complex optimisation problems. In an attempt to relieve this problem, in this article, chaos-based strategies are embedded into SOA. Five various chaotic-based SOA strategies with four different chaotic map functions are examined and the best strategy is chosen as the suitable chaotic scheme for SOA. The results of applying the proposed chaotic SOA to miscellaneous benchmark functions confirm that it provides accurate solutions. It surpasses basic SOA, genetic algorithm, gravitational search algorithm variant, cuckoo search optimisation algorithm, firefly swarm optimisation and harmony search the proposed chaos-based SOA is expected successfully solve complex engineering optimisation problems.  相似文献   

A steelworks model is selected as representative of the stochastic and unpredictable behaviour of a complex discrete event simulation model. The steel-works has a number of different entity or object types. Using the number of each entity type as parameters, it is possible to find better and worse combinations of parameters for various management objectives. A simple real-coded genetic algorithm is presented that optimises the parameters, demonstrating the versatility that genetic algorithms offer in solving hard inverse problems.  相似文献   

The process of mutation has been studied extensively in the field of biology and it has been shown that it is one of the major factors that aid the process of evolution. Inspired by this a novel genetic algorithm (GA) is presented here. Various mutation operators such as small mutation, gene mutation and chromosome mutation have been applied in this genetic algorithm. In order to facilitate the implementation of the above-mentioned mutation operators a modified way of representing the variables has been presented. It resembles the way genetic information is coded in living beings. Different mutation operators pose a challenge as regards the determination of the optimal rate of mutation. This problem is overcome by using adaptive mutation operators. The main purpose behind this approach was to improve the efficiency of GAs and to find widely distributed Pareto-optimal solutions. This algorithm was tested on some benchmark test functions and compared with other GAs. It was observed that the introduction of these mutations do improve the genetic algorithms in terms of convergence and the quality of the solutions.  相似文献   

Runner system is important in the plastic injection moulding as it affects the part quality and the material costs. The layout of the runners for a multiple non-identical cavity mould is geometrically imbalance. Even for a multiple identical cavity mould, the layout can be imbalance due to various reasons. This paper presents an approach to balance the flow by adjusting the runner sizes. Runner size determination is a multiobjective optimisation problem. The non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm is adopted for determining the runner sizes. Multiple objective functions including runner balancing, part quality in terms of warpage and runner volume are incorporated into the algorithm. The moulding conditions affecting the mould cavity filling are also determined due to their sensitivity to runner sizes. This runner sizing approach is suitable for the geometric imbalance mouldings and family mouldings.  相似文献   

Assuming that a make-to-order manufacturing company has customer orders, the addressed capacity allocation problem is a due-date assignment problem for multiple manufacturing resources. The purpose of this study is to develop an intelligent resource allocation model using genetic algorithm and fuzzy inference for reducing lateness of orders with specific due dates. While the genetic algorithm is responsible for arranging and selecting the sequence of orders, the fuzzy inference module conveys how resources are allocated to each order. Experimental results showed that the proposed model has solved the capacity allocation problem efficiently.  相似文献   

In rough milling of sculptured surface parts, decisions on process parameters concern feedrate, spindle speed, cutting speed, width of cut, raster pattern angle and number of machining slices of variable thickness. In this paper three rough milling objectives are considered: minimum machining time, maximum removed material and maximum uniformity of the remaining volume at the end of roughing. Owing to the complexity of the modelled problem and the large number of parameters, typical genetic algorithms cannot achieve global optima without defining case-dependent constraints. Therefore, to achieve generality, a hierarchical game similar to a Stackelberg game is implemented in which a typical Genetic Algorithm functions as the leader and micro-Genetic Algorithms as followers. In this game, one of the leader’s parameters is responsible for creating a follower’s population and for triggering the optimisation. After properly weighing the three objectives, the follower performs single-objective optimization in steps and feeds the leader back with the objective values as they appear prior to weighing. Micro-Genetic Algorithm (follower) chromosome consists of the distribution of machining slice thickness, while the typical Genetic Algorithm (leader) consists of the milling parameters. The methodology is tested on sculptured surface parts with different properties, and a representative case is presented here.  相似文献   

Demand response (DR) is the response of electricity consumers to time-varying tariffs or incentives awarded by the utility. Home energy management systems are systems whose role is to control the consumption of appliances under DR programs, in a way that electricity bill is minimised. While, most researchers have done optimal scheduling only for non-interruptible appliances, in this paper, the interruptible appliances such as electric water heaters are considered. In optimal scheduling of non-interruptible appliances, the problem is commonly formulated as an optimisation problem with integer decision variables. However, consideration of interruptible appliances leads to a binary optimisation problem which is more difficult than integer optimisation problems. Since, the basic version of binary particle swarm optimisation (PSO) does not perform well in solving binary engineering optimisation problems, in this paper a new binary particle swarm optimisation with quadratic transfer function, named as quadratic binary PSO (QBPSO) is proposed for scheduling shiftable appliances in smart homes. The proposed methodology is applied for optimal scheduling in a smart home with 10 appliances, where the number of decision variables is as high as 264. Optimal scheduling is done for both RTP and TOU tariffs both with and without consideration of consumers’ comfort. The achieved results indicate the drastic effect of optimal scheduling on the reduction of electricity bill, while consumers’ comfort is not much affected. The results testify that the proposed QBPSO outperforms basic binary PSO variant and 9 other binary PSO variants with different transfer functions.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to study the use of a genetic algorithm (GA) to optimise the ascent trajectory of a conventional two-stage launcher. The equations of motion of this system lack analytical solutions, and the number of adjustable parameters is large enough that the use of some non-traditional optimisation method becomes necessary. Two different missions are considered: first, to reach the highest possible stable, circular Low Earth Orbit (LEO); and second, to maximise the speed of a tangential escape trajectory. In this study, three variables are tuned and optimised by the GA in order to satisfy mission constraints while maximising the target function. The technical characteristics and limitations of the launcher are taken into account in the mission model, and a fixed payload weight is assumed. A variable mutation rate helps expand the search area whenever the population of solutions becomes uniform, and is shown to accelerate convergence of the GA in both cases. The obtained results are in agreement with technical specifications and solutions obtained in the past.  相似文献   

A multi-population genetic algorithm for robust and fast ellipse detection   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper discusses a novel and effective technique for extracting multiple ellipses from an image, using a genetic algorithm with multiple populations (MPGA). MPGA evolves a number of subpopulations in parallel, each of which is clustered around an actual or perceived ellipse in the target image. The technique uses both evolution and clustering to direct the search for ellipses—full or partial. MPGA is explained in detail, and compared with both the widely used randomized Hough transform (RHT) and the sharing genetic algorithm (SGA). In thorough and fair experimental tests, using both synthetic and real-world images, MPGA exhibits solid advantages over RHT and SGA in terms of accuracy of recognition—even in the presence of noise or/and multiple imperfect ellipses in an image—and speed of computation.  相似文献   

Many real-world optimisation problems are both dynamic and multi-modal, which require an optimisation algorithm not only to find as many optima under a specific environment as possible, but also to track their moving trajectory over dynamic environments. To address this requirement, this article investigates a memetic computing approach based on particle swarm optimisation for dynamic multi-modal optimisation problems (DMMOPs). Within the framework of the proposed algorithm, a new speciation method is employed to locate and track multiple peaks and an adaptive local search method is also hybridised to accelerate the exploitation of species generated by the speciation method. In addition, a memory-based re-initialisation scheme is introduced into the proposed algorithm in order to further enhance its performance in dynamic multi-modal environments. Based on the moving peaks benchmark problems, experiments are carried out to investigate the performance of the proposed algorithm in comparison with several state-of-the-art algorithms taken from the literature. The experimental results show the efficiency of the proposed algorithm for DMMOPs.  相似文献   

Shape is an important consideration in green building design due to its significant impact on energy performance and construction costs. This paper presents a methodology to optimize building shapes in plan using the genetic algorithm. The building footprint is represented by a multi-sided polygon. Different geometrical representations for a polygon are considered and evaluated in terms of their potential problems such as epistasis, which occurs when one gene pair masks or modifies the expression of other gene pairs, and encoding isomorphism, which occurs when chromosomes with different binary strings map to the same solution in the design space. Two alternative representations are compared in terms of their impact on computational effectiveness and efficiency. An optimization model is established considering the shape-related variables and several other envelope-related design variables such as window ratios and overhangs. Life-cycle cost and life-cycle environmental impact are the two objective functions used to evaluate the performance of a green building design. A case study is presented where the shape of a typical floor of an office building defined by a pentagon is optimized with a multi-objective genetic algorithm.  相似文献   

Existing approaches to CAD-based design optimisation using adjoint sensitivities are reviewed and their shortcomings are recalled. An alternative approach is presented which uses the control points of the boundary representation (BRep) as design parameters. The sensitivity of the objective function with respect to the design variables is calculated using automatic differentiation (AD). Results for a 2-D aerofoil are presented.  相似文献   

The selection of Genetic Algorithm (GA) parameters is a difficult problem, and if not addressed adequately, solutions of good quality are unlikely to be found. A number of approaches have been developed to assist in the calibration of GAs, however there does not exist an accepted method to determine the parameter values. In this paper, a GA calibration methodology is proposed based on the convergence of the population due to genetic drift, to allow suitable GA parameter values to be determined without requiring a trial-and-error approach. The proposed GA calibration method is compared to another GA calibration method, as well as typical parameter values, and is found to regularly lead the GA to better solutions, on a wide range of test functions. The simplicity and general applicability of the proposed approach allows suitable GA parameter values to be estimated for a wide range of situations.  相似文献   

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