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Yuttana Rujiruttanakul Prasert Pavasant 《Chemical Engineering Research and Design》2011,89(11):2254-2261
Various types of external loop airlift contactors (ELALCs) were examined for their hydrodynamic and mass transfer behavior. The investigation covered a variety of design parameters including the length of connection tubes (Lc), height of riser and downcomer (Lh), and the airlift configurations while maintaining the ratio between downcomer and riser cross sectional area constant at 0.269. The results demonstrated that the behavior of the external loop airlift could be modified by adjusting the design and operating variables. In general, a faster liquid velocity led to a presence of lower gas holdup and gas–liquid mass transfer rate. Increasing Lc and Lh seemed to increase liquid velocity while decreasing the overall gas holdup and the overall volumetric mass transfer coefficient. Empirical correlations for the estimation of the system behavior were finally formulated. 相似文献
An apparatus where individual bubbles are kept stationary in a downward liquid flow was adapted to simultaneously (i) follow mass transfer to/from a single bubble as it inevitably gets contaminated; (ii) follow its shape; and (iii) periodically measure its terminal velocity. This apparatus allows bubbles to be monitored for much longer periods of time than does the monitoring of rising bubbles. Thus, the effect of trace contaminants on bubbles of low solubility gases, like air, may be studied.Experiments were done with air bubbles of 1-5 mm initial equivalent diameter in a water stream. The partial pressure of air in the liquid could be manipulated, allowing bubbles to be either dissolving or kept at an approximately constant diameter.Both drag coefficient and gas-liquid mass transfer results were interpreted in terms of bubble contamination kinetics using a simplified stagnant cap model. Drag coefficient was calculated from stagnant cap size using an adaptation of Sadhal and Johnson's model (J. Fluid Mech. 126 (1983) 237).Gas-liquid mass transfer modelling assumed two mass transfer coefficients, one for the clean front of the bubble, the other for the stagnant cap. Adjusted values of these coefficients are consistent with theoretical predictions from Higbie's and Frössling's equations, respectively. 相似文献
Gas-liquid interphase mass transfer was investigated in a slurry bubble column under CO2 hydrate forming operating conditions. Modeling gas hydrate formation requires knowledge of mass transfer and the hydrodynamics of the system. The pressure was varied from 0.1 to 4 MPa and the temperature from ambient to 277 K while the superficial gas velocity reached 0.20 m/s. Wettable ion-exchange resin particles were used to simulate the CO2 hydrate physical properties affecting the system hydrodynamics. The slurry concentration was varied up to 10%vol. The volumetric mass transfer coefficient (klal) followed the trend in gas holdup which rises with increasing superficial gas velocity and pressure. However, klal and gas holdup both decreased with decreasing temperature, with the former being more sensitive. The effect of solid concentration on klal and gas holdup was insignificant in the experimental range studied. Both hydrodynamic and transport data were compared to best available correlations. 相似文献
An original procedure has been established for estimating the overall volumetric mass transfer coefficient using the oxygen concentration curves resulting from the usual gassing-in and gassing-out method. This procedure was applied to experimental data obtained in a small scale bubble column using both tap water and a coalescence-inhibiting liquid mixture that represents the coalescence behavior of biological media. It is based on the analysis of the characteristics times of the system, including those of the hydrodynamics of the two phases, the sensor dynamics and the system inertia when the gas composition is modified. A numerical procedure was developed to estimate the characteristic time of the system inertia ti, using the assumption that this inertia is nearly independent of superficial gas velocity UG. The calculations confirmed that the optimized ti value was nearly independent of UG and of the coalescence behavior of the liquid phase. Additionally, the resulting KLaL values for tap water were closer to the correlation of Shah et al. [1982. Design parameters estimations for bubble column reactors. A.I.Ch.E. Journal 28, 353-379] than those of other conventional models. Finally, the original procedure was also reported to reduce significantly the square sum deviation between the predicted and the measured oxygen response curves. 相似文献
According to literature, few experiments are performed in organic solvents which are mostly used in commercial gas-liquid reactors. However, it is commonly accepted that data obtained in aqueous solution allow to predict the surface tension effects, and to model the behaviour of organic solvents. In this work, we examine the validity of this approximation.In this objective, the flows observed in two pure media having similar viscosity but different surface tension—respectively, water (reference) and cyclohexane (solvent)—are successively compared at two scales: in a bubble column and in bubble plumes.In bubble plumes, as expected, the mean bubble size is smaller in the medium having the smallest surface tension (cyclohexane), but for this medium the destabilisation of flow is observed to occur at smaller gas velocity, due to break-up and coalescence phenomena. In bubble column, these phenomena induce the bubbling transition regime at lower gas velocity, whatever the operating conditions for liquid phase: batch or continuous. Consequently, when the two media are used at similar gas superficial velocity, but in different hydrodynamic regimes, greater gas hold-up and smaller bubble diameter can be observed in water; the interfacial area is then not always higher in cyclohexane.This result differs from the behaviour observed in the literature for aqueous solutions. The analysis of bubble plumes in aqueous solutions of butanol shows that this difference is due to a fundamental difference in coalescent behaviour between pure solvents and aqueous mixtures: the surface tension effect is less important in pure liquid than in aqueous solutions, because of the specific behaviour of surfactants.It is then still difficult to predict a priori the bubbling regime or the flow characteristics for a given medium, and all the more to choose an appropriate liquid as a model for industrial solvents. 相似文献
Rodolphe Sardeing 《Chemical engineering science》2006,61(19):6249-6260
This paper focuses on the effect of surfactants on the mass transfer parameters (volumetric mass transfer coefficient kLa and liquid-side mass transfer coefficient kL). Tap water and aqueous solutions with surfactants (anionic, cationic and non-ionic at concentrations up to are used as liquid phases. The bubbles are generated into a small-scale bubble column having an elastic membrane with a single orifice as gas sparger. To understand the effects of the surfactants on the mass transfer, not only the static surface tension is used, but also the characteristic adsorption parameters like the surface coverage ratio at equilibrium Se. The liquid-side mass transfer coefficient is obtained from the ratio of the volumetric mass transfer coefficient (measured by a chemical method) and the specific interfacial area. These two parameters are obtained simultaneously. The methods used to obtain these parameters are described in Painmanakul et al. [2005. Effects of surfactants on liquid-side mass transfer coefficients. Chemical Engineering Science 60, 6480-6491].Whatever the liquid phase, three zones are found on the liquid-side mass transfer coefficient variation with the bubble diameter. For bubble diameters less than 1.5 mm, whatever the liquid phases, the kL values are roughly constant at . For bubble diameters greater than 3.5 mm, the kL values do not vary much with the bubble diameter, but depend on the surfactant concentration. For bubble diameters between 1.5 and 3.5 mm, the kL values increase from to the value reached at 3.5 mm. This increase depends on the surfactants. Higbie's model does not represent the kL values for bubble diameters greater than 3.5 mm, even though there is a small amount of surfactant in the liquid phase. Thus, a model is proposed for each zone described above. Explanations are also proposed for the effect of the surfactant on the kL values for each of the above zones. 相似文献
Deinking efficiency of recycled fibers was investigated in bubble column reactor (BCR) and in internal loop airlift reactor (ALR). The brightness and intensity of ink spot of deinked fibers were reported as deinking efficiencies. A four-step process involving pulping, washing, flotation, and secondary washing was used. Employing ALR instead of BCR resulted in an increase of 1–4% in brightness, and a decrease of 3–14% in number of ink spot. Subsequently, in separate experiment the wastewater obtained from a Merox unit was used in pulping step instead of sodium hydroxide solution as pulping liquor. Compared to sodium hydroxide, industrial wastewater rendered more brightness gain. Comparison of both experiments suggests that using industrial wastewater in the pulping step and ALR in flotation step gives satisfactory results for industrial applications, yields a quality product with reduced capital investment and operation costs while considerably preserving the environment. 相似文献
D. Colombet D. Legendre A. Cockx P. Guiraud F. Risso C. Daniel S. Galinat 《Chemical engineering science》2011,(14):3432
We consider the liquid-side mass transfer coefficient kL in a dense bubble swarm for a wide range of gas volume fraction (0.45%≤αG≤16.5%). The study is performed for an air–water system in a square column. Bubble size, shape and velocity have been measured for different gas flow rates by means of a high speed camera. Gas volume fraction and bubble velocity have also been measured by a dual-tip optical probe. Both of these measurements show that the bubble vertical velocity decreases when increasing αG in agreement with previous investigations. The mass transfer is measured from the time evolution of the dissolved oxygen concentration, which is obtained by the gassing-out method. The mass transfer coefficient is found to be very close to that of a single bubble provided the bubble Reynolds number is based on the average equivalent diameter 〈deq〉 and the vertical slip velocity 〈Vz〉. 相似文献
Jaber Gharib Mostafa Keshavarz MoravejiReza Davarnejad Mohamad Ebrahim Malool 《Chemical Engineering Research and Design》2013
Gas holdup and gas–liquid mass transfer coefficient were considered in an external airlift reactor. Air was sparged through some aliphatic alcohols (methanol, ethanol, n-propanol, and n-butanol) with different concentrations (0–1%, v/v). It was observed that gas holdup and mass transfer coefficient increased with increasing the number of carbons in alcohols. Furthermore, an increment in alcohols concentration increased gas holdup and mass transfer coefficient. The same behavior was observed in external and internal loop airlift reactors although gas holdup and mass transfer coefficient values were less than those of internal airlift reactor. According to the experiments, two correlations for gas holdup and mass transfer were developed. 相似文献
The contribution of local regions to global mass transfer holds the key to optimization and scale-up of a reactor. Extensive study has been conducted to investigate gas-liquid mass transfer occurring in the internal airlift loop reactor, but mostly restricted to global mass transfer performance. A cold model forced circulation internal airlift loop reactor was employed and divided into six regions in which dissolved oxygen concentration in slurry and mass transfer interfacial area were measured respectively. Different models were utilized to calculate volumetric mass transfer coefficient. Contributions of individual region to global mass transfer performance were calculated and compared. It was found that mass transfer coefficient and mass transfer interfacial area of individual region increases with increasing superficial gas velocity and slurry feed flowrate. The feed affected region has the greatest mass transfer coefficient and volumetric mass transfer coefficient, contributing more than 30% to global mass transfer in most operating condition. Mass transfer interfacial area is close in the gas distributor region, feed affected region and the gas-slurry separator region. In the present work, circulating bubbles are rare and contribute negligibly to the global mass transfer. Global volumetric mass transfer coefficient is close to that of the gas-slurry separator region, ranging from 0.02 to 0.1 1/s. Comparison of kLa is made between this work and literatures, suggesting a great improvement of mass transfer due to external liquid circulation. 相似文献
Jennifer V. Littlejohns 《Chemical engineering science》2009,64(19):4171-4177
The addition of select polymer beads to stirred tank bioscrubber systems has been shown to greatly enhance the removal and treatment of toxic VOCs via the capture and sequestration of poorly soluble compounds such as benzene, and the release of these materials, based on equilibrium partitioning, to microorganisms in the aqueous phase. In this study, oxygen volumetric mass transfer coefficients were determined for an 11 L airlift vessel containing tap water alone, tap water with Nylon 6,6 polymer beads (10% v/v), and tap water with silicone rubber beads (10% v/v), over various inlet gas flow rates, with the aim of initially characterizing a low-energy pneumatically agitated reactor (concentric tube airlift). In addition, oxygen transfer rates into the airlift with and without polymers with high oxygen affinity were determined. To further characterize this reactor system, a residence time distribution analysis was completed to determine hydrodynamic parameters including the Peclet number (Pe), circulation time (tc) and mixing time (tm) over various gas flow rates for the airlift containing tap water with and without silicone rubber. It was found that the addition of silicone rubber beads, which has a high affinity for oxygen, reduced the measured volumetric mass transfer coefficient relative to a system without polymers due to oxygen sorption during the dynamic period of testing, but increased the overall amount of oxygen that was transferred to the system during the dynamic period. The addition of Nylon 6,6, which has very low oxygen uptake, allowed for estimation of the physical effect of solids addition on gas-liquid mass transfer and it was found that there was no effect on the measured volumetric mass transfer coefficient relative to a system without polymers. However, hydrodynamic parameters revealed that the addition of silicone rubber into an airlift vessel improves liquid phase mixing. This investigation has defined key operational features of a low-energy three-phase airlift bioscrubber system for the treatment of toxic VOC substrates. 相似文献
Experiments were carried out to investigate the effect a surface active agent on homogeneous-heterogeneous flow regime transition in a laboratory scale bubble column. Air and water with various amount of CaCl2 were the phases. The (voidage e) - (gas flow rate q) dependence was measured. The critical point where the homogeneous regime loses stability and the transition begins was evaluated by several methods. These methods are based on the slip speed concept and the drift flux model. The critical values of voidage and gas flow rate were taken as the quantitative measures of the homogeneous regime stability. They were plotted against the surfactant concentration. It was found that the surfactant has a dual effect on both the voidage and the regime transition: low concentration stabilizes and larger concentration destabilizes the homogeneous bubble bed. At present, we do not have an explanation to these observations. Possible physical mechanisms of the surfactant effect are expected to be revealed by further experiments, which are currently under way. 相似文献
Surface active agents depress gas transfer at gas-liquid interfaces. They are present as measurable trace contaminants at all environmental and at most industrial interfaces. An experimental apparatus to concurrently measure dynamic surface tension and mass transfer was constructed and tested for single-bubble and multi-bubble experiments. In this work, the parameters describing time-dependent bubble surface contamination were characterized. The application of a Ward-Tordai transient model and of a Langmuir saturation model showed that for fine-bubbles in low molecular weight surfactant solutions the interfacial surfactant accumulation equilibrates before bubble detachment. This is reflected in the bubbles behaving as solid-spheres, which is shown in our dimensionless results.For a given contamination, interfaces with higher renewal rates have higher mass transfer. At higher renewal rates, the variation due to different contamination is smaller than the variation at lower renewal rates, concluding that higher interfacial flow regimes can offset contamination. Our experimental evidence shows a gas transfer reduction of 30-70% of pure water values in surfactant solutions, which confirms full-scale field measurements. Results are consistent with expectations and correct previous Frössling-like dimensionless correlations for pure water systems. Our results offer a tool for mass transfer prediction from flow regime and surfactant properties. 相似文献
Mehdi Asadollahzadeh Ahad Ghaemi Meisam Torab-Mostaedi Shahrokh Shahhosseini 《中国化学工程学报》2016,24(8):989-999
The volumetric overall mass transfer coefficients in a multistage column have been measured using axial dispersion model for toluene–acetone–water system. The effect of operating parameters on the volumetric overall mass transfer coefficients has been investigated for both mass transfer directions. The results show that the mass transfer performance is strongly dependent on rotor speed and mass transfer direction, although only slightly dependent on phase flow rates. In addition, empirical correlations to predict the overall mass transfer coefficients have been developed. The proposed correlations based on dimensionless numbers can be considered as a useful tool for the possible scale up of the multistage column extractor. 相似文献
Mechanical stress on suspended particles in two- and three-phase airlift loop reactors and bubble columns 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Roman Daniel Pilz 《Chemical engineering science》2005,60(22):6004-6012
The effect of power input, fluid phase viscosity and solids loading on the mechanical stress on suspended particles was examined. Experiments were carried out in an airlift loop reactor and a bubble column operated in two- and three-phase mode. The disintegration of a shear sensitive floc system was observed with an optical in-line particle system analyser and information about the mechanical stress was obtained by means of mathematical analysis of the raw data. The volumetric power input has been derived to be the governing factor and a linear dependence between volumetric power input and resulting mechanical stress was observed. The addition of a solid phase leads to a drastical change of mechanical stress on the particles with a dominating increase of the stress at high solids loadings. Likewise higher fluid phase viscosity leads to higher mechanical stress on the floc system. 相似文献
Yong Kang Bung T. Min Jong B. Nah Sang D. Kim 《Journal of chemical technology and biotechnology (Oxford, Oxfordshire : 1986)》1991,51(2):235-241
This study investigates the adoption of floating contactors to promote the rate of oxygen transfer from non-uniform air bubbles to liquid in a bubble column with continuous operation. The volumetric oxygen transfer coefficient and axial dispersion coefficient of a liquid phase have been analyzed based on the axial dispersion model. Attention was focused on the effects of the volume fraction of the floating contactors on the volumetric oxygen transfer coefficient, axial dispersion coefficient of a liquid phase, and gas phase hold-up in the bubble column. The results have shown that the volumetric oxygen transfer coefficient and gas phase hold-up can increase by up to 25% and 13%, respectively, while the axial dispersion coefficient of a liquid phase decreases by up to 30% by adding floating contactors in the column. 相似文献
The earlier work of Calderbank and Moo-Young (1961) dealing with the liquid-phase mass transfer coefficient in gas-liquid dispersions is examined. Their well-known empirical correlations for small and large bubbles which are free to move under gravity are theoretically derived. The analyses are based on the approach for natural convection mass transfer, and include the case where the fluid is non-Newtonian. The predictions of the models are compared with reported experimental data and correlations. 相似文献