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Curve fitting with splines is a fundamental problem in computer-aided design and engineering. However, how to choose the number of knots and how to place the knots in spline fitting remain a difficult issue. This paper presents a framework for computing knots (including the number and positions) in curve fitting based on a sparse optimization model. The framework consists of two steps: first, from a dense initial knot vector, a set of active knots is selected at which certain order derivative of the spline is discontinuous by solving a sparse optimization problem; second, we further remove redundant knots and adjust the positions of active knots to obtain the final knot vector. Our experiments show that the approximation spline curve obtained by our approach has less number of knots compared to existing methods. Particularly, when the data points are sampled dense enough from a spline, our algorithm can recover the ground truth knot vector and reproduce the spline.  相似文献   

Robust and fast free-form surface registration is a useful technique in various areas such as object recognition and 3D model reconstruction for animation. Notably, an object model can be constructed, in principle, by surface registration and integration of range images of the target object from different views. In this paper, we propose to formulate the surface registration problem as a high dimensional optimization problem, which can be solved by a genetic algorithm (GA) (Genetic Algorithms in Search Optimization and Machine Learning, Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1989). The performance of the GA for surface registration is highly dependent on its speed in evaluating the fitness function. A novel GA with a new fitness function and a new genetic operator is proposed. It can compute an optimal registration 1000 times faster than a conventional GA. The accuracy, speed and the robustness of the proposed method are verified by a number of real experiments.  相似文献   

Nowadays, many traffic accidents occur due to driver fatigue. Driver fatigue detection based on computer vision is one of the most hopeful applications of image recognition technology. There are several factors that reflect driver's fatigue. Many efforts have been made to develop fatigue monitoring, but most of them focus on only a single behavior, a feature of the eyes, or a head motion, or mouth motion, etc. When fatigue monitoring is implemented on a real model, it is difficult to predict the driver fatigue accurately or reliably based only on a single driver behavior. Additionally, the changes in a driver's performance are more complicated and not reliable. In this article, we represent a model that simulates a space in a real car. A web camera as a vision sensor is located to acquire video-images of the driver. Three typical characteristics of driver fatigue are involved, pupil shape, eye blinking frequency, and yawn frequency. As the influences of these characteristics on driver fatigue are quite different from each other, we propose a genetic algorithm (GA)-based neural network (NN) system to fuse these three parameters. We use the GA to determine the structure of the neural network system. Finally, simulation results show that the proposed fatigue monitoring system detects driver fatigue probability more exactly and robustly. This work was presented in part at the 11th International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics, Oita, Japan, January 23–25, 2006  相似文献   

A new approach for the source quantification has been developed on the basis of real air pollutant hourly concentrations of SO2, measured by three monitoring stations, during 9 h, around a group of three industrial sources. This inverse problem has been solved by coupling a direct model of diffusion (Pasquill’s Gaussian model) with a genetic algorithm, to search solutions leading to a minimum error between model outputs and measurements. The inversion performance depends on the relationship between the wind field and the configuration sources–receptors: good results are obtained when the monitoring stations are downwind from the sources, and in these cases, the order of magnitude of emissions is retrieved, sometimes with less than 10% error for at least two sources; there are some configurations (wind direction versus source and receptor locations) which do not permit to restore emissions. The latter situations reveal the need to conceive a specific network of sensors, taking into account the source locations and the most frequent weather patterns.  相似文献   

This paper describes the development and evaluation of a custom application exploring the use of genetic algorithms (GA) to solve a component placement sequencing problem for printed circuit board (PCB) assembly. In the assembly of PCB’s, the component placement process is often the bottleneck, and the equipment to complete component placement is often the largest capital investment. The number of components placed on a PCB can range from few to hundreds. As a result, developing an application to determine an optimal or near-optimal placement sequence can translate into reduced cycle times for the overall assembly process and reduced assembly costs. A custom application was developed to evaluate the effectiveness of using GA’s to solve the component placement sequencing problem. A designed experiment was used to determine the best representation and crossover type, crossover rate, and mutation rate to use in solving a component sequencing problem for a PCB consisting of 10 components being placed on a single-headed placement machine. Three different representations (path, ordinal, and adjacency) and six appropriate crossover types (partially mapped, ordered, cycle, classical, alternating edges, and heuristic) were evaluated at three different mutation rates and at 11 crossover rates. Two algorithm response variables, the total distance traveled by the placement head and the algorithm solution efficiency (measured as number of generations and algorithm solution time) were used to evaluate the different GA applications. The combination of representation and crossover type along with mutation rate were found to be the most significant parameters in the algorithm design. In particular, path representation with order crossover was found to produce the best solution as measured by the total distance traveled as well as the solution generation efficiency. Increasing the mutation rate led to slightly improved solutions in terms of head travel, but also resulted in increased solution time.  相似文献   

In this paper we propose a genetic algorithm (GA) for solving the DNA fragment assembly problem in a computational grid. The algorithm, which is named GrEA, is a steady-state GA which uses a panmitic population, and it is based on computing parallel function evaluations in an asynchronous way. We have implemented GrEA on top of the Condor system, and we have used it to solve the DNA assembly problem. This is an NP-hard combinatorial optimization problem which is growing in importance and complexity as more research centers become involved on sequencing new genomes. While previous works on this problem have usually faced 30 K base pairs (bps) long instances, we have tackled here a 77 K bps long one to show how a grid system can move research forward. After analyzing the basic grid algorithm, we have studied the use of an improvement method to still enhance its scalability. Then, by using a grid composed of up to 150 computers, we have achieved time reductions from tens of days down to a few hours, and we have obtained near optimal solutions when solving the 77 K bps long instance (773 fragments). We conclude that our proposal is a promising approach to take advantage of a grid system to solve large DNA fragment assembly problem instances and also to learn more about grid metaheuristics as a new class of algorithms for really challenging problems.  相似文献   

苗莎  郑晓薇 《计算机应用》2010,30(12):3194-3196
充分利用多核技术提升多核处理器的资源利用率,缩短执行时间,发挥多核系统的优异性能。在多核计算机上设计了解三对角方程组的奇偶约化多线程并行程序,实现了三次样条曲线拟合的快速计算。通过实验结果的加速比对比,可以看出并行后缩短了求解方程组的时间,多核资源得到充分利用。结果表明,奇偶约化多核并行算法在三次样条曲线拟合中的应用是有效及可行的。  相似文献   

The unit commitment problem (UCP) is a nonlinear mixed-integer optimization problem, encountered as one of the toughest problems in power systems. The problem becomes even more complicated when dynamic power limit based ramp rate constraint is taken into account. Due to the inadequacy of deterministic methods in handling large-size instances of the UCP, various metaheuristics are being considered as alternative algorithms to realistic power systems, among which genetic algorithm (GA) has been investigated widely since long back. Such proposals have been made for solving only the integer part of the UCP, along with some other approaches for the real part of the problem. Moreover, the ramp rate constraint is usually discussed only in the formulation part, without addressing how it could be implemented in an algorithm. In this paper, the GA is revisited with an attempt to solve both the integer and real parts of the UCP using a single algorithm, as well as to incorporate the ramp rate constraint in the proposed algorithm also. In the computational experiment carried out with power systems up to 100 units over 24-h time horizon, available in the literature, the performance of the proposed GA is found quite satisfactory in comparison with the previously reported results.  相似文献   

Data partitioning and scheduling is one the important issues in minimizing the processing time for parallel and distributed computing system. We consider a single-level tree architecture of the system and the case of affine communication model, for a general m processor system with n rounds of load distribution. For this case, there exists an optimal activation order, optimal number of processors m* (m *  m), and optimal rounds of load distribution n* (n *  n), such that the processing time of the entire processing load is a minimum. This is a difficult optimization problem because for a given activation order, we have to first identify the processors that are participating (in the computation process) in every round of load distribution and then obtain the load fractions assigned to them, and the processing time. Hence, in this paper, we propose a real-coded genetic algorithm (RCGA) to solve the optimal activation order, optimal number of processors m* (m *  m), and optimal rounds of load distribution n* (n *  n), such that the processing time of the entire processing load is a minimum. RCGA employs a modified crossover and mutation operators such that the operators always produce a valid solution. Also, we propose different population initialization schemes to improve the convergence. Finally, we present a comparative study with simple real-coded genetic algorithm and particle swarm optimization to highlight the advantage of the proposed algorithm. The results clearly indicate the effectiveness of the proposed real-coded genetic algorithm.  相似文献   

This paper presents the development of fuzzy portfolio selection model in investment. Fuzzy logic is utilized in the estimation of expected return and risk. Using fuzzy logic, managers can extract useful information and estimate expected return by using not only statistical data, but also economical and financial behaviors of the companies and their business strategies. In the formulated fuzzy portfolio model, fuzzy set theory provides the possibility of trade-off between risk and return. This is obtained by assigning a satisfaction degree between criteria and constraints. Using the formulated fuzzy portfolio model, a Genetic Algorithm (GA) is applied to find optimal values of risky securities. Numerical examples are given to demonstrate the effectiveness of proposed method.  相似文献   

针对计算机辅助颅像重合技术中三维颅骨模型与二维人脸照片的颅像叠加问题,提出一种基于浮点数编码遗传算法的自动叠加方法。首先使用遗传算法寻找三维颅骨相对于二维照片上对应标志点的最佳匹配几何变换f,遗传算法采用浮点数编码,选择、交叉、变异算子分别使用最佳保留选择算子、启发式交叉算子和随机变异算子,然后通过相似性变换和透视投影变换,将三维颅骨模型映射到二维人脸照片上,实现最佳颅像叠加。实验表明,此方法实现了自动化的颅像叠加,且耗时短,准确度高。  相似文献   

One of the key problems in using B-splines successfully to approximate an object contour is to determine good knots. In this paper, the knots of a parametric B-spline curve were treated as variables, and the initial location of every knot was generated using the Monte Carlo method in its solution domain. The best km knot vectors among the initial candidates were searched according to the fitness. Based on the initial parameters estimated by an improved k-means algorithm, the Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) for every knot was built according to the best km knot vectors. Then, the new generation of the population was generated according to the Gaussian mixture probabilistic models. An iterative procedure repeating these steps was carried out until a termination criterion was met. The GMM-based continuous optimization algorithm could determine the appropriate location of knots automatically. A set of experiments was then implemented to evaluate the performance of the new algorithm. The results show that the proposed method achieves better approximation accuracy than methods based on artificial immune system, genetic algorithm or squared distance minimization (SDM).  相似文献   

With the expansion of Internet and its importance, the types and number of the attacks have also grown making intrusion detection an increasingly important technique. In this work we have realized a misuse detection system based on genetic algorithm (GA) approach. For evolving and testing new rules for intrusion detection the KDD99Cup training and testing dataset were used. To be able to process network data in real time, we have deployed principal component analysis (PCA) to extract the most important features of the data. In that way we were able to keep the high level of detection rates of attacks while speeding up the processing of the data.  相似文献   

This paper describes a versatile methodology for solving topology design optimization problems using a genetic algorithm (GA). The key to its effectiveness is a geometric representation scheme that works by specifying a skeleton which defines the underlying topology/connectivity of a structural continuum together with segments of material surrounding the skeleton. The required design variables are encoded in a chromosome which is in the form of a directed graph that embodies this underlying topology so that appropriate crossover and mutation operators can be devised to recombine and help preserve any desirable geometry characteristics of the design through succeeding generations in the evolutionary process. The overall methodology is first tested by solving ‘target matching’ problems—simulated topology optimization problems in each of which a ‘target’ geometry is first created and predefined as the optimum solution, and the objective of the optimization problem is to evolve design solutions to converge towards this target shape. The methodology is then applied to design two path-generating compliant mechanisms—large-displacement flexural structures that undergo some desired displacement paths at some point when given a straight line input displacement at some other point—by an actual process of topology/shape optimization.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new codebook generation algorithm for image data compression using a combined scheme of principal component analysis (PCA) and genetic algorithm (GA). The combined scheme makes full use of the near global optimal searching ability of GA and the computation complexity reduction of PCA to compute the codebook. The experimental results show that our algorithm outperforms the popular LBG algorithm in terms of computational efficiency and image compression performance.  相似文献   

This paper studies the minimization of makespan in a three-machine flowshop scheduling problem in which a batch processing machine is located between two single processing machines on first and third stages. In this study also transportation capacity and transportation among machines times are explicitly considered.We establish a mixed integer programming model and propose a heuristic algorithm based on the basic idea of Johnson's algorithm. Since the problem under study is NP-hard, a genetic algorithm is also proposed to minimize makespan. The effectiveness of our solution procedures is evaluated through computational experiments. The results obtained from the computational study have shown that the genetic algorithm is a viable and effective approach that is capable to produce consistently good results.  相似文献   

This paper presents a simple and efficient real-coded genetic algorithm (RCGA) for constrained real-parameter optimization. Different from some conventional RCGAs that operate evolutionary operators in a series framework, the proposed RCGA implements three specially designed evolutionary operators, named the ranking selection (RS), direction-based crossover (DBX), and the dynamic random mutation (DRM), to mimic a specific evolutionary process that has a parallel-structured inner loop. A variety of benchmark constrained optimization problems (COPs) are used to evaluate the effectiveness and the applicability of the proposed RCGA. Besides, some existing state-of-the-art optimization algorithms in the same category of the proposed algorithm are considered and utilized as a rigorous base of performance evaluation. Extensive comparison results reveal that the proposed RCGA is superior to most of the comparison algorithms in providing a much faster convergence speed as well as a better solution accuracy, especially for problems subject to stringent equality constraints. Finally, as a specific application, the proposed RCGA is applied to optimize the GaAs film growth of a horizontal metal-organic chemical vapor deposition reactor. Simulation studies have confirmed the superior performance of the proposed RCGA in solving COPs.  相似文献   

In this paper, we derive a new application of fuzzy systems designed for a generalized autoregression conditional heteroscedasticity (GARCH) model. In general, stock market performance is time-varying and nonlinear, and exhibits properties of clustering. The latter means simply that certain large changes tend to follow other large changes, and in general small changes tend to follow other small changes. This paper shows results from using the method of functional fuzzy systems to analyze the clustering in the case of a GARCH model.The optimal parameters of the fuzzy membership functions and GARCH model are extracted using a genetic algorithm (GA). The GA method aims to achieve a global optimal solution with a fast convergence rate for this fuzzy GARCH model estimation problem. From the simulation results, we have determined that the performance is significantly improved if the leverage effect of clustering is considered in the GARCH model. The simulations use stock market data from the Taiwan weighted index (Taiwan) and the NASDAQ composite index (NASDAQ) to illustrate the performance of the proposed method.  相似文献   

The performance of a robot manipulator during a process depends on its position relative to the corresponding path. An ill-placed manipulator risks inefficient operation as well as blocks due to singularities. The paper deals with an optimization algorithm to determine the base position and the joint angles of a spatial robot, when the end-effector poses are prescribed, avoiding the singular configurations. The optimization problem is solved through a hybrid heuristic method that combines the advantages of a genetic algorithm, a quasi-Newton algorithm and a constraints handling method. Six cases of a 6-DOF manipulator are studied to verify the feasibility of the proposed algorithm.  相似文献   

This paper describes an application of genetic algorithm to generate a jumping motion pattern for a hopping robot. A central pattern generator is used to generate the motion pattern. The tuning parameters of the central pattern generator are regarded as genes and adjusted by the genetic algorithm, so that the hopping robot can jump continuously to the reference height with the minimum force. To realize online tuning of the parameters, new genetic operations such as few individuals, quick estimation, instant selection, and intentional mutation are introduced. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed scheme. This work was presented, in part, at the Fourth International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics, Oita, Japan, January 19–22, 1999  相似文献   

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