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硫酸渣是一种铁含量高的硫酸副产品,广泛应用于钢铁及水泥行业。全铁含量是供需双方主要的结算指标,但目前尚无相应的检测标准,大都采用《硫铁矿和硫精矿中全铁含量的测定》。该方法能耗高(11~14 kW.h),检测时间长(3~4 h)。因此,经过摸索,利用盐酸溶样,重铬酸钾氧化还原滴定二价铁离子,取得了较好的效果。 相似文献
A rapid and sensitive chromatographic method for the determination of total sulfur in canola oil is described. All forms of
sulfur in the oil are quantitatively converted to sulfate in an oxygen bomb. The sulfate is separated from other ions and
measured using an ion chromatograph equipped with a conductivity detector. Standards containing different forms of sulfur
were prepared and analyzed with this method. Recovery achieved on 11 compounds covering the concentration range from 9.3 to
143.5 mg/kg S ranged from 95.7% to 102.2%. The coefficient of variability of total sulfur in canola oils ranged from 1.0%
to 2.9%. Values obtained on high sulfur content mustard oils when plotted vs the values determined by barium precipitation
method showed a correlation coefficient of 0.997 and provided a slope of 1.0. This new method employing comparatively simple
equipment requires less than 40 minutes for a complete analysis and is reliable for the determination of as little as 0.5
mg/kg S in canola oil. 相似文献
A rapid and sensitive method for the determination of the total glucosinolate content in rapeseed is described. The method
is based on the specific UV absorbance of the thioureas and oxazolidine-2-thiones. Results obtained were confirmed by gas-liquid
chromatography. Recoveries varying from 94 to 103% were obtained for samples containing mixtures of isothiocyanate and oxazolidine-2-thione
(a total of 0.25 to 0.78 mg per assay). The relative stadard deviation for rapeseed meals varied from 4 to 10% for the total
glucosinolate content (expressed as 3-butenylisothiocyanate) and depended on the size of sample taken. The relative standard
deviation for oxazolidine-2-thione varied from 5 to 35% for the same meal. The lower limit of detection for rapeseed meal
is of the order of 0.25 mg of 3-butenylisothiocyanate per g.
NRCC No. 15090. 相似文献
采用在湿法磷酸中加入磷矿浆来降低磷酸的硫酸含量。介绍采用磷矿浆脱除硫酸根的反应原理,工艺路线的选择,矿浆添加量的计算及实施效果。通过计算,脱硫后反应、过滤装置生产能力提高,30万t/a磷酸装置每年节省硫酸8 700 t,减少消耗支出300多万元。 相似文献
高镁磷尾矿在硫酸中的溶解动力学 总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1
对高镁磷尾矿在硫酸中的溶解动力学进行了研究.考查了硫酸质量分数及反应温度对酸解过程的影响;选用考虑了自阻化因素的德罗兹多夫方程1/tln100/100-α-βα%/t=k描述酸解过程的动力学.研究结果表明:反应速率常数随温度的升高而增加,随硫酸质量分数的增加而减小.该反应属于扩散控制,反应活化能约为4~7kJ/mol. 相似文献
本文对硫酸脲分解磷矿粉反应的影响因素(反应温度、尿素与硫酸的摩尔比)进行了分析。并对结晶的形状进行观察和讨论。实验结果表明:升高反应温度,反应速率提高,在相同反应时间下,转化率提高,但同时结晶变小;随着尿素与硫酸摩尔比的增大,反应速率有所降低;添加尿素能够生成尿素和硫酸钙的加合物,因此结晶较大,减弱"包裹"或"钝化"现象,有利于第二阶段反应进行。在工业实施时,应综合考虑各种因素的影响及各因素间可能的制约和协同作用。 相似文献
对硫酸分解磷矿粉的第一阶段反应进行了动力学研究,通过对实验数据的分析,证明此阶段反应为一级反应。反应速率常数与温度的关系符合阿累尼乌斯方程,活化能Ea为8.65kJ/mol。 相似文献
T. H. Chen 《Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics》1979,4(1):17-21
A rapid method for simultaneous determinations of nitroguanidine and nitrate ion in the spent sulfuric acid has been developed. This method consists of merely diluting an aliquot of sample with water and measuring the absorbances of nitroguanidine and nitrate ion at 265 nm and 203 nm, respectively. In the concentration ranges studied, average accuracies of better than 1% and 2% were obtained for nitroguanidine and nitrate ion, respectively. The precision was better than 1% in both cases. 相似文献
The kinetics of the reaction between urea and formaldehyde were studied in the presence of various amounts of sulfuric acid (5–45% by weight) at different temperatures (5°, 15°, and 25°C). The reaction was shown to follow first-order kinetics. The activation energy for the reaction varies from 12.51 kcal/mole to 14.59 kcal/mole in the range of sulfuric acid concentration studied. 相似文献
The sulfuric acid catalysed absorption and reaction of isobutene was studied in a bubble column (10.2 cm diameter, 256 cm height) covering a wide range of liquid phase compositions. At acid concentrations of 40–48% wt and tert-butanol concentrations of 3.2–4.3 moles/l. the absorption rate has a maximum value. From measurements in the slow reaction or diffusional regime of mass transfer it was possible to obtain a value of liquid side mass transfer coefficient kL. As interfacial areas and solubilities of isobutene were determined by independent means the rate constants of the hydration could be evaluated from this and other studies in bubble column reactors. The reaction rate constant follows a simple correlation which considers the effect of the acid and the generated butanol. Thus, all relevant data of the absorption-reaction system are available. The significance of these data was checked by a dynamic study in a smaller bubble column. 相似文献
高效液相色谱法测定化妆品中熊果酸的含量 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
采用甲醇超声提取,液相色谱分离的方法测定化妆品中熊果酸的含量。色谱条件为:Agilent HC-C18(250 mm×4.6 mm,5μm)色谱柱,流动相V(甲醇)∶V(水)∶V(冰乙酸)=87∶13∶0.03,流速1.0 mL/min,紫外检测波长215 nm。结果表明,在此条件下熊果酸在0.2μg/mL~103μg/mL与相应的峰面积具有良好的线性关系(r>0.999 7),线性回归方程为y=25.367 5x 0.546 9,回收率在96.4%~101.3%,方法精密度RSD<3.6%。 相似文献
Two analytical methods are developed and validated for determination of low total nitrogen levels (below 0.0150%) in different petroleum matrices. The experimental and the instrumental conditions are optimized during the study. The oxidative combustion method with chemiluminescence’s detection is automatic with less handling while the Kjeldahl method involves more manual handling procedures and hence, has more potential for problems rise from contamination. The oxidative combustion with chemiluminescence’s detection method is more sensitive, faster (i.e. the determination requires few minutes compared to several hours with Kjeldahl method) and lees hazardous (i.e. no handling of dangerous boiling sulfuric acid). The estimated analytical characteristics suggest that two methods are reliable: the mean values of recovery for the Kjeldahl method and the other method are respectively 91.5% and 98.6%. The relative uncertainties are less than 2.5% and 2.8% respectively for the developed methods. The detection limits, based on the triple standard deviation, are 5 and 0.03 mgN kg−1 respectively. 相似文献
分析了100万t/a聚氯乙烯装置乙炔硫酸清净中硫酸单耗的影响因素,提出了解决措施,达到了节能降耗的目的。 相似文献
The io for the H+/H exchange on Pt was found to be dependent on H2SO4 concentration, giving a linear log—log relation with a slope of 0·5. For any given H2SO4 concentration, io was virtually independent of potential to an anodic value at which the Pt-associated H concentration dropped to a low value. Comparisons are made with literature results. The influence of the dilute double layer on io appeared to be minimal over a wide range of H2SO4 concentrations. 相似文献