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Interactions of interfacial arc cracks   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The interaction of two interfacial arc cracks around a circular elastic inclusion embedded in an elastic matrix is examined. New results for stress intensity factors for a pair of interacting cracks are derived for a concentrated force acting in the matrix. For verifying the point load solutions, stress intensity factors under uniform loading are obtained by superposing point force results. For achieving this objective, a general method for generating desired stress fields inside a test region using point loads is described. The energetics of two interacting interfacial arc cracks is discussed in order to shed more light on the debonding of hard or soft inclusions from the matrix. The analysis based on complex variables is developed in a general way to handle the interactions of multiple interfacial arc cracks/straight cracks.  相似文献   

In this paper, exact stress field solutions are derived for an interfacial disclination dipole in an hcp bicrystal with an imperfect interface described by the traction discontinuity, displacement discontinuity and slipping models. The solutions show that the stress variation is not necessarily monotonic with worsening imperfection and can exceed 100% of the stresses in bicrystals with perfect interfaces. A strong bias exists between the influence of the normal and shear traction jump parameters, and between the influence of the normal and tangential displacement jump parameters, on the interfacial stresses. The traction and displacement discontinuity models also predict very different dependence of the interfacial stresses on the jump parameters. These results suggest that imperfect interfaces may significantly raise the internal stresses and thus drastically alter the damage mechanisms (nucleation and propagation of dislocations/cracks, fatigue, etc.) as well as the mechanical properties (effective properties, failure modes, strength, etc.) of polycrystalline materials.  相似文献   

The stress relaxation of an eccentric (off-center) negative wedge disclination in an isotropic homogeneous cylinder by nucleation of a Zener crack has been investigated with a continuum model. The nucleated Zener crack is simulated with distributed edge dislocations. The stress intensity factor (SIF) at the sharp tip of the Zener crack is computed through solving the singular integral equations formulated. By enforcing the fracture criterion at the sharp tip, the critical disclination power to nucleate a Zener crack is determined. The equilibrium crack lengths of the crack are then calculated when the disclination power is above the critical value. It is found that there is a special position at which the critical disclination power reaches the minimum value. As the disclination deviates from this position, the critical disclination power increases. Two or four equilibrium crack lengths could be found for the Zener crack, dependent upon the power and off-center position of the disclination. The influence of the off-center distance on the equilibrium crack lengths and the dependence of the critical disclination power and stable equilibrium crack lengths on cylinder radius are also discussed.  相似文献   

The complex stress intensity factor and energy release rate are obtained for two semi-infinite interfacial cracks between two bonded dissimilar elastic strips with equal thickness under inplane deformations. During the procedure, by means of conformal mapping technique, the mixed boundary-value problem is reduced to a standard Riemann-Hilbert problem, which is further solved in closed-form. In some limiting cases, the present explicit solutions can cover the well-known results in the literature.  相似文献   

The interaction effect of an interfacial crack–microcrack modifies considerably the fracture behaviour of S45C/Si3N4 bimaterial. This work aims at studying the interaction effect of a crack located in one of the materials constituting the assembly near the interface, and that between an interfacial crack and a microcrack parallel to the interface by using the finite element method. The effect of transverse and longitudinal interaction distances between the interfacial crack and the microcrack are highlighted. The stress intensity factor of the interacting cracks and the bimaterial mechanical properties influence on the conditions of deviation and propagation of crack by interface and intercrack are examined.  相似文献   

Multiple site damage is the occurrence of small fatigue cracks at several sites within aging aircraft structures. Focusing on this typical structure, an analytical method for calculating the stress intensity factor of an infinite plate containing multiple hole-edge cracks was introduced in this paper. The properties of complex variable functions are used to evaluate the stress function. The approximate superposition method is applied to solve stress intensity factor problems on multiple holes. The equivalent crack is introduced to modify the method. Some numerical examples of an infinite plate containing two hole-edge cracks are examined by the method. By comparing the analytical and finite element analysis results it was realized that the analytical results are accurate and reliable. This modified analytical method is easier to apply than some traditional analytical methods and can provide stress intensity factor solutions for an infinite plate containing a random distribution of multiple hole-edge cracks.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a definition of generalized stress intensity factors that includes classical definitions for crack problems as special cases. Based on the semi-analytical solution obtained from the scaled boundary finite-element method, the singular stress field is expressed as a matrix power function with its dimension equal to the number of singular terms. Not only real and complex power singularities but also power-logarithmic singularities are represented in a unified expression without explicitly determining the type of singularity. The generalized stress intensity factors are evaluated directly from the scaled boundary finite-element solution for the singular stress field by following standard stress recovery procedures in the finite element method. The definition and evaluation procedure are valid to multi-material wedges composed of any number of isotropic and anisotropic materials. Numerical examples, including a cracked homogeneous plate, a bimaterial plate with an interfacial crack, a V-notched bimaterial plate and a crack terminating at a material interface, are analyzed. Features of this unified definition are discussed.  相似文献   

To calculate the rate of fatigue crack growth in tubular members, one approach is to make use of the fracture mechanics based Paris law. Stress intensity factors (SIF) of the cracked tubular members are prerequisite for such calculations. In this paper, stress intensity factors for circumferential deep semi-elliptical surface crack (a/t > 0.8), semi-elliptical partly through-wall crack and fully through-wall crack cracks in tubular members subjected to axial tension are presented. The work has produced a comprehensive set of equations for stress intensity factors as a function of a/T, c/πR and R/T for deep surface cracks. For the partly through-wall cracks and fully through-wall cracks, two sets of bounding stress intensity factor equations were produced based on which all stress intensity factors within the range of parameters can be obtained by interpolation.  相似文献   

Interface and interfacial cracks interacting with screw dislocations in piezoelectric bimaterials subjected to antiplane mechanical and in-plane electrical loadings are studied within the framework of linear piezoelectricity theory. Straight dislocations with the Burgers vector normal to the isotropic basal plane near the interface or interfacial crack are considered. The dislocations are characterized by a discontinuous electric potential across the slip plane and are subjected to a line-force and a line-charge at the core. An explicit solution for the screw dislocation in piezoelectric bimaterial with straight interface is found based on the solution of a similar problem for infinite homogenous medium. The obtained relation is independent of the nature of singularity. This fundamental result is used to analyze dislocation interacting with a set of collinear interfacial cracks in piezoelectric bimaterials. Three solutions for the screw dislocation interacting with a semi-infinite crack, finite crack, and edge crack between two bonded dissimilar piezoelectric materials are obtained in closed-form. These solutions can be used as Green’s functions for the analyses of interfacial cracks in piezoelectric bimaterials.  相似文献   

In this paper, the interface cracking between a functionally graded material (FGM) and an elastic substrate is analyzed under antiplane shear loads. Two crack configurations are considered, namely a FGM bonded to an elastic substrate containing a single crack and a periodic array of interface cracks, respectively. Standard integral-transform techniques are employed to reduce the single crack problem to the solution of an integral equation with a Cauchy-type singular kernel. However, for the periodic cracks problem, application of finite Fourier transform techniques reduces the solution of the mixed-boundary value problem for a typical strip to triple series equations, then to a singular integral equation with a Hilbert-type singular kernel. The resulting singular integral equation is solved numerically. The results for the cases of single crack and periodic cracks are presented and compared. Effects of crack spacing, material properties and FGM nonhomogeneity on stress intensity factors are investigated in detail.  相似文献   

The analytical solution for the linear elastic, axisymmetric problem of inner and outer edge cracks in a transversely isotropic infinitely long hollow cylinder is considered. The z = 0 plane on which the crack lies is a plane of symmetry. The loading is uniform crack surface pressure. The mixed boundary value problem is reduced to a singular integral equation where the unknown is the derivative of the crack surface displacement. An asymptotic analysis is done to derive the generalized Cauchy kernel associated with edge cracks. It is shown that the stress intensity factor is a function of three material parameters. The singular integral equation is solved numerically. Stress intensity factors are presented for various values of material and geometric parameters.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes crack nucleation from a wedge disclination dipole in the presence of a remote stress, accounting for the shift of the rotation axes within the dipole arm of the disclinations. A Zener–Griffith crack is assumed and an energy method is employed for the analysis. A single energy equation determines the equilibrium crack lengths and the crack head opening. Uniaxial and biaxial dipoles are compared: in the former the disclinations share a common rotation axis while in the latter the axes are separate. The results show that stable and unstable cracks can nucleate from the positive disclination of the dipole, but some of them are energetically unfavorable. A uniaxial dipole is stable against crack nucleation when the axis is located away from the positive disclination. Biaxial dipoles are more stable when the rotation axis of each disclination approaches the defect line of the other disclination. If the negative disclinations of a uniaxial dipole and a biaxial dipole have the same axis shift, the critical nucleation stress of the biaxial dipole is larger if its positive disclination shift is more than that of the uniaxial dipole. Stable crack lengths generally increase, while the crack head openings decrease, with the axis shift of the positive disclination. The crack head opening to crack length ratio is of the order of 0.001–0.01, and can be higher if an applied stress is present.  相似文献   

Although a lot of interface crack problems were previously treated, few solutions are available under arbitrary material combinations. This paper deals with a central interface crack in a bonded finite plate and periodic interface cracks. Then, the effects of material combination and relative crack length on the stress intensity factors are discussed. A useful method to calculate the stress intensity factor of interface crack is presented with focusing on the stress at the crack tip calculated by the finite element method.  相似文献   

The virtual crack closure integral (VCCI) method is used to evaluate the stress intensity factor (SIF) and energy release rate (ERR) of an interface crack under thermal load. The VCCIs used in this work include the traditionally known “Mode I” and “Mode II” VCCIs and an additional coupling VCCI. The singularity element is used in the finite element method (FEM) implementation. The SIF and ERR calculated by the FEM are compared to the exact solution in the case of a joint dissimilar semi-infinite plates with double edge crack under thermal loading. The FEM result agrees well with the exact solution for relatively coarse meshes. The contribution of the mesh density and material mismatch to the FEM error is also explored. The VCCI method is used with the multi-scale FEM in a delamination risk assessment of a low-k integrated circuits device in flip-chip plastic ball grid array packages. The ERR is calculated for different package configurations and the prediction of the delamination risk is confirmed by reliability tests.  相似文献   

This paper examines the stress intensity factors that are associated with a penny-shaped crack perpendicular to the interface of a bi-material bonded with a graded interfacial zone. Elastic modulus of the graded interfacial zone is assumed to be an exponential function of the depth. The stress intensity factors are calculated numerically using a so-called generalized Kelvin solution based boundary element method. Three cases of normal or shear tractions acting on the crack surfaces are examined. Values of the stress intensity factors are examined by taking into account the effects of the following four parameters: (a) the crack front position; (b) the non-homogeneity parameter of the graded interfacial zone; (c) the crack distance to the graded interfacial zone; and (d) the graded interfacial zone thickness. The numerical results are compared well with existing solutions under some degenerated conditions. These results are useful to furthering our knowledge on fracture behavior of bi-material systems with or without a graded interfacial zone.  相似文献   

The numerical manifold method is a cover-based method using mathematical covers that are independent of the physical domain. As the unknowns are defined on individual physical covers, the numerical manifold method is very suitable for modeling discontinuities. This paper focuses on modeling complex crack propagation problems containing multiple or branched cracks. The displacement discontinuity across crack surface is modeled by independent cover functions over different physical covers, while additional functions, extracted from the asymptotic near tip field, are incorporated into cover functions of singular physical covers to reflect the stress singularity around the crack tips. In evaluating the element matrices, Gaussian quadrature is used over the sub-triangles of the element, replacing the simplex integration over the whole element. First, the method is validated by evaluating the fracture parameters in two examples involving stationary cracks. The results show good agreement with the reference solutions available. Next, three crack propagation problems involving multiple and branched cracks are simulated. It is found that when the crack growth increment is taken to be 0.5hda≤0.75h, the crack growth paths converge consistently and are satisfactory.  相似文献   

The problem of an interfacial arc crack around a circular elastic inclusion embedded in an elastic matrix is examined. A general approach for generating uniform/non-uniform stress fields inside a test region through remotely applied point loads is demonstrated. The effects of stress gradient, arc crack angle, and elastic mismatch are discussed. Interfacial arc crack kinking is examined using the maximum tensile stress criterion only for such cases wherein the crack is open. Finally, the energetics of inclusion debonding is addressed for the specific case of hydrostatic loading.  相似文献   

Delamination along an interface between dissimilar materials is the primary cause of failure in microstructures like electronic packages, micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS), and so on. Fracture mechanics is a powerful tool for the evaluation of delamination. However, many materials used in microstructures such as composite materials and single crystals are anisotropic materials. Stress intensity factors of an interface crack between dissimilar anisotropic materials, which were proposed by Hwu, are useful for evaluating the reliability of microstructures. However, numerical methods that can analyze the stress intensity factors of an interface crack between anisotropic materials have not been developed. We propose herein a new numerical method for the analysis of an interface crack between dissimilar anisotropic materials. The stress intensity factors of an interface crack are based on the generalized plane strain condition. The energy release rate is obtained by the virtual crack extension method in conjunction with the finite element method for the generalized plane strain condition. The energy release rate is separated into individual modes of the stress intensity factors KI, KII, and KIII, using the principal of superposition. The target problem to be solved is superposed on the asymptotic solution of displacement in the vicinity of an interface crack tip, which is described using the Stroh formalism. Analyses of the stress intensity factors of center interface cracks between semi-infinite dissimilar anisotropic media subjected to concentrated self-balanced loads on the center of crack surfaces and to uniform loads are demonstrated. The present method accurately provides mode-separated stress intensity factors using relatively coarse meshes for the finite element method.  相似文献   

A plane stress finite element analysis was implemented to understand the stress fields for a crack lying at an aluminium/epoxy interface of a compact tension and shear specimen. The interaction integral method was used to separate the mixed-mode stress intensity factors at the interfacial crack-tip under different loading modes, which can have important implications for characterisation of interfacial crack growth.  相似文献   

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