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1.目前能耗状况 1985年日本水泥行业拥有98台窑,其中带余热锅炉的干法窑7台;立波尔窑13台;SP窑17台;NSP窑60台;还有1台湿法长窑。 1985年日本每吨熟料所消耗的燃料量为:煤114.9千克;油0.8升;其它燃料1.6升。平均单位热耗为736千卡/千克熟料。1985年每吨水泥所消耗的电力,按原料、烧成、制成和其它四部分为:原料31.2度;烧成29.5度;制成44.5度;其它2.8度。总计单位电耗为108度/吨水泥。  相似文献   

我厂是设计能力为年产4.4万吨的水泥企业。近几年来,我们在节能增产方面做了一些工作,取得了一定的成绩。从1979~1984年,产量平均每年递增24.44%,单位产品能耗平均每年下降5.02%。1983年每吨熟料标准煤耗104.94公斤,每吨水泥综合电耗73.68度,创全国同类企业最好水平。我们的主要做法有以下几点: 一、积极进行工艺改革,大胆探索节能途径自1982年以来,我们从本厂实际情况出发,先后对生产工艺进行了“四大改革”。  相似文献   

王立 《城乡建设》2008,(11):66-66
一、发展绿色建筑是可持续发展的紧迫要求 近年来,我国年建筑量已经达到20亿平方米以上,相当于全球每年建筑总量的40%,我国每年因建筑消耗的水泥、玻璃、钢材分别占全球总消耗量:的40%、45%、35%.我国的既有建筑中95%未能达到节能标准,伴随着建筑业的快速增长和城乡面貌的巨大变化,建筑能耗的增长十分惊人,建筑能耗占全社会能耗的比重逐年增加,1995年占11%,2005年已达到27%左右.欧盟曾作过统计,欧洲国家的建筑能耗占全社会能耗比重的50%,建筑排放温室气体也占全社会总排放量的50%,建筑消耗的水资源占到全社会消耗总量的42%.并预测说,中国在2030年左右,建筑能耗、建筑废弃物的排放也会达到这样的水平.  相似文献   

琉璃河水泥厂,于一九六二年九月开始全面实行定额管理。实行定额管理后,各种原料、燃料、材料消耗大大降低,流动资金大量减少,产品成本显著下降。十四种主要原料、燃料、材料消耗定额,以每吨水泥平均耗用的材料费用计算,比实行定额前降低了5.32%,辅助材料消耗降低了37%,流动资金定额降低了2.43%,产品成本降低了5.53%。整顿定额工作,他们采取了以下几项措施:一、制订新定额修改和补充原有定额首先研究了一个水泥企业究竟应该有几种定额。他们认为应该有六种:一是产量、质量定额(也叫产量、质量指标);二是材料、燃  相似文献   

1~9月份全国工业生产者购进价格同比下降1.5%,但其中与建材工业生产密切相关的燃料、动力类购进价格同比上升1.8%。自2012年1月以来,全国建材企业原煤平均购进价格持续8个月下降,下降幅度52.3元。9月份建材企业原煤购进价格平均每吨680.8元,比上年同月低37.7元,1~9月份平均每吨比上年同  相似文献   

一、建材工业能源消耗和废弃物排放情况 1.能源消耗情况 2006年建材工业能源消耗总量1.75亿吨标准煤,同比增长12.4%。其中:消耗煤炭1.94亿吨,同比增长12.9%;消耗电力1518亿千瓦时,同比增长16.4%;消耗燃料油482万吨,同比下降17%;消耗柴油219万吨,同比增长3.2%;消耗天然气22.15亿立方米,同比增长42.4%。  相似文献   

1引言我国目前已成为建材生产大国,其中,水泥、平板玻璃、建筑陶瓷及砖瓦产量均居世界首位。且水泥和平板玻璃的年产量分别达到世界年产总量的30%左右。我国在短短几年内建材得到飞速发展,但是,这种发展长期以来是以能源和资源的过度消耗为代价的,建材工业已成为我国的耗能大户,据文献的资料表明自1980年至1996年,建材工业的全国总能耗每年达到10亿吨标煤,而且每年以增加1亿吨标煤的速度增长。每年能耗占全国总能耗平均高达13%,而且呈增长趋势。我国虽然称“地大物博,资源丰富”,但由于人口众多,人均能源占有…  相似文献   

我国绝缘子的发展现状及应考虑的问题   总被引:10,自引:8,他引:2  
介绍了我国交直流悬式瓷、玻璃和复合绝缘子以及变电站和换流站支柱瓷、复合绝缘子和空心瓷、复合绝缘子及套管制造技术的发展历程和技术水平。并结合我国绝缘子的运行经验、制造技术水平以及对技术的认识,提出了不同类型绝缘子在制造、设计、选型、运行方面应考虑的问题及建议。如:330 kV及以上支柱瓷绝缘子应采用等静压干法成型工艺;制造企业应控制悬式瓷和玻璃绝缘子的铁帽、绝缘件和水泥胶装剂机械强度的分散性;160 kN、210 kN、300 kN、400 kN、530 kN机械强度等级的绝缘子,应分别采用φ24、φ24或φ28、φ30、φ34或φ38、φ38或φ40芯棒制造绝缘子。超高压和特高压可选该系列中芯棒较大值。不能在同一电压等级采用同一直径的芯棒来制造不同机械强度等级的绝缘子。c级及以下污秽等级复合绝缘子的爬电系数(C.F)不大于3.2;d级及以上污秽等级爬电系数(C.F)不大于3.5;e级及以上污秽等级爬电系数(C.F)不大于3.8;等。  相似文献   

快波前冲击过电压对输电线路用盘形悬式瓷绝缘子危害较大,依据标准GB/T20642-2006《高压线路绝缘子空气中冲击击穿试验》,对盘形悬式瓷绝缘子中的空气动力学型瓷绝缘子进行了50%雷电冲击闪络电压和陡波试验,并与钟罩型瓷绝缘子进行了比对研究;研究了瓷绝缘子的形状及大气相对湿度对闪络电压的影响。试验表明:空气动力学型瓷绝缘子50%雷电冲击闪络电压较钟罩型瓷绝缘子低;空气动力学型瓷绝缘子在规定的试验电压下,波前(放电)时间不能满足标准要求;同时,当大气相对湿度较大时,会对瓷绝缘子陡波试验结果产生不利影响。  相似文献   

在苏联,热能输送和建筑采暖能耗占全苏国民经济消耗的燃料、电力的20%。民用和公共建筑中采暖、热水供应、空调每年消耗燃料2.4亿吨标准煤。工业建筑采暖、热水供应、空调消耗燃料每年为1亿吨标准煤。由于建筑外墙热物理性能不理想,每平米建筑面积的围护结构热耗中占的比例,在过去十五年内增加到40~50%。经验表明,提高外墙的保温性能和密封结  相似文献   

节能建筑保温外墙的节能和减排特性研究   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
建筑外墙设置保温层能减少外墙耗热量,从而降低污染物排放量。介绍了供暖期单位面积外墙年耗热量折合成的年燃料耗量及年CO2、SO2排放量的计算。结合实例,分析了外墙保温层厚度与年燃料耗量及年CO2、SO2排放量的关系。在以聚苯颗粒保温砂浆作为保温材料,分别采用3种燃料供热时,节能建筑比基础建筑的年燃料耗量及年CO2、SO2排放量的减小幅度为:对于天然气供热系统,年燃料耗量及年CO2排放量均减少52.2%,无SO2排出;对于燃煤供热系统,3项指标均减少5.5%;对于燃油供热系统,3项指标均减少56.9%。  相似文献   

An emission inventory (EI) of power plants and industrial (i.e., non-power plant) facilities in Thailand was developed. Emissions considered are those from fuel consumption (i.e., combustion) for power plants and those from both fuel consumption and industrial processes (i.e., non-combustion) for industrial facilities. For power plants, total annual emissions due to fuel consumption are 107.9 x 10(3) ton NOx (as NO2), 146.2 x 10(3) ton SO2, 6.1 x 10(3) ton NMVOC (non-methane volatile organic compounds), 47.0 x 10(3) ton CO, 1.8 x 10(3) ton NH3, 1.5 x 10(3) ton OC (organic carbon), and 1.5 x 10(3) ton BC (black carbon). For industrial facilities, total annual emissions due to fuel consumption are 111.4 x 10(3) ton NOx (as NO2), 476.9 x 10(3) ton SO2, 33.4 x 10(3) ton NMVOC, 193.1 x 10(3) ton CO, 1.6 x 10(3) ton NH3, 8.5 x 10(3) ton OC, and 8.0 x 10(3) ton BC. Among various industrial types, Food and Beverage, Chemical, and Non-Metal industries are dominant emitters. Total annual emissions due to industrial processes are 79.2 x 10(3) ton SO2, 76.0 x 10(3) ton NMVOC, and 4.8 x 10(3) ton CO. The Central and Eastern regions combined contribute considerably to total emissions for most emission species. Emission estimates found here show fair agreement with those in some selected past studies. A crude estimation of potential fugitive NMVOC emissions specifically from petroleum industry was also made, and the estimates found could be considered significant (nearly half of NMVOC emissions from industrial processes). Several temporal allocation profiles of emissions were also developed and suggested for power plants and industrial facilities, including monthly, daily, and hourly profiles.  相似文献   

建筑能耗分析是建筑节能设计的关键环节,传统建筑能耗分析往往时间上存在滞后性、分析结果粗糙、精度低。基于 BIM 平台建立了大连市某高校教学楼的建筑信息模型,通过 Dynamo 可视化编程实现了对建筑信息模型外围护结构参数的自动设置和提取。通过 Green Building Studio 的 web 端获取建筑能耗模拟云计算基础数据并进行能耗定量研究与回归分析。基于计量经济学一般方法,建立了年度耗电量和燃料使用量能耗计算模型并进行验证。结果表明,能耗计算方程准确性较高,误差率分别在 5%和 3.8%以内。该模型计算建筑能耗方便快捷,可操作性强,可用于建筑设计阶段寒冷地区的能耗计算,为能耗分析和建筑节能定量评价提供参考。  相似文献   

认为目前的节能评价体系用"年空调总用电量"、"单位空调面积耗电量"不能全面、正确地评价集中空调系统。提出了新的集中空调能效自动跟踪评价系统,该系统对集中空调系统的实时制冷量、各空调用电设备的实时功率、实时用电量、实时能效、历史平均综合能效、实时负荷率、历史平均负荷率等数据进行跟踪、监测、统计并显示。以工程实例说明新的评价系统的应用。  相似文献   

Global contribution from domestic sector towards energy use is quite remarkable, accounting for 20–40% of total primary energy consumption in developed countries. Current predictions indicate that the domestic energy consumption will steadily increase as a consequence of notable growth in world population, everlasting technological developments, growing demand for building services and rising comfort levels. In this respect, an accurate understanding and interpretation of energy consumption data in domestic sector is of vital importance for further amendments in energy policies at the global scale. Within the scope of this paper, an overview of the trends and some key drivers that have affected domestic energy consumption in the UK from 1970 to present is presented. Energy consumption by fuel type and end use, average domestic gas and electricity use in recent years, energy consumption per household and per person are illustrated in a comparable way.  相似文献   

采油系统能耗分析研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了系统分析采油过程的能源消耗,提出石油生产能耗分析的e-p法,给出了采油系统吨油综合能耗分析模型,把影响吨油综合能耗的因素分为各生产子系统工序能耗和油比系数,分析了这2个因素变化对综合能耗的影响及今后的节能方向.通过应用分析,用e-p法进行采油系统能耗分析简单明了,易于理解和计算.研究成果为油田企业能源管理规划及今后的节能研究提供了理论依据.  相似文献   

《Energy and Buildings》2004,36(12):1217-1225
Energy consumption in the residential sector is one of the main parts of the total consumption in China. In this study, China is divided into seven regions according to the climatic characteristics. Using statistical data, the annual consumption of electricity, coal gas, LPG, natural gas, coal as well as energy for district heating in urban residences in different regions is analyzed. The relationship between the annual energy consumption per household (UEC) and heating degree-days was examined for China, Japan, Canada, and the United States. The conclusions of this study are: (1) the values of UEC for the urban areas of China are between 11 and 24 GJ per household per year in 1997; (2) the consumption of coal has been decreasing and consumption of electricity, gases has been growing since 1990s; (3) the UEC on the secondary energy basis tend to decrease, while that on the primary energy basis keeps on growing; (4) the regression equations for UEC of residences in the USA, Canada, Japan, and China were developed for 1997; and (5) in 1997, the average UEC for the urban areas of China is 17.2 GJ, which is about 39, 16, and 12% as much as that of Japan, the USA, and Canada in 1997, respectively.  相似文献   

陈德明 《建筑节能》2016,(7):121-123
基于绿色环保的社会发展背景,以煤矿建筑为研究对象,选择山西运城某煤矿办公楼为研究示例,借助建筑能耗建设软件Doe-2进行热工变量计算,分析重点改造的热工变量,并提出相应的改造措施。从各项改造措施来看,采用发泡聚丙烯隔热材料涂抹外墙、在屋顶增设隔热层并铺设胶粉聚苯颗粒隔热保温浆料这两项措施的节能减排效果最为明显。从综合措施效果来看,示例建筑的年能耗由697 965 kW·h/a下降至419 978 kW·h/a,降幅达到39.83%,年CO_2排放量由10 588 kg/a下降至5 337 kg/a,下降幅度达到49.59%,效果十分显著。  相似文献   

上海公共建筑能耗现状及节能潜力分析   总被引:52,自引:10,他引:52  
龙惟定  胡欣 《暖通空调》1998,28(6):13-17
根据上海地区办公楼、商办楼、宾馆和商厦能耗调研的数据,对上海公共建筑空调能耗的现状作了评价。认为上海建筑用能水平较低,用能不尽合理,提出用系统能量效率比用单位面积平均一次能耗量作为建筑节能的评价指标更为合理。  相似文献   

Energy performance of non-residential buildings and in particular of office buildings used as bank branches is very limited. This paper presents new data from 39 representative bank branches and results from a more in-depth analysis of information from energy audits in 11 typical bank branches throughout Greece. The data was used to derive practical energy benchmarks and assess various energy conservation measures. Accordingly, the average annual total energy consumption is 345 kWh/m2. The breakdown of the different end-uses reveals that HVAC averages 48% of the final energy consumption, lighting averages 35% and other office and electronic equipment average 17%. The most effective energy conservation measures reach annual energy savings of 56 kWh/m2 by regulating the indoor set point temperature, while the use of HF electronic ballasts and CFL lamps may save about 22 kWh/m2 and 29 kWh/m2 with and without the use of the external marquee sign, respectively.  相似文献   

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