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We present a theoretical study of the spectral and the spin-dependent transport properties of a few electron semiconductor parallel double quantum dot (DQD) in the presence of local induced Zeeman splittings at the quantum dots. Working in an extended Hubbard model and treating the coupled QD as a single coherent system, the linear response spin-dependent conductance is calculated at low temperatures. We analyze the conditions such that the device would operate as a bipolar spin filter by only varying the incident electron Fermi energy from non-magnetic leads.  相似文献   

We present a theoretical study of the spectral and the spin-dependent transport properties of a few electron semiconductor parallel double quantum dot (DQD) in the presence of local induced Zeeman splittings at the quantum dots. Working in an extended Hubbard model and treating the coupled QD as a single coherent system, the linear response spin-dependent conductance is calculated at low temperatures. We analyze the conditions such that the device would operate as a bipolar spin filter by only varying the incident electron Fermi energy from non-magnetic leads.  相似文献   

By applying the Lang-Firsov canonical transformation and the Keldysh nonequilibrium Green’s function approach, the effect of the spin-flip scattering on the spin current through a vibrating molecular quantum dot with spin bias is theoretically investigated. We can obtain the spin current from the output terminal, and find that the sign of the spin current can be changed by adjusting the spin-flip strength, and a pure spin current can be generated via the charge bias and the spin bias. In the presence of the electron-phonon interaction, the positions of the current peaks are shifted and the spin current is remarkably suppressed, which leads to the Franck-Condon blockade. Furthermore, it is found that the competition between the EPI and the spin-flip scattering jointly determines the character of the spin current. These results offer us a way to manipulate the spin current in the spin current setup. The proposed device should be realizable with use of the present technology at low temperature.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the spin-polarized transport through parallel N?dot (N = 1, 2, 3) systems in the strongly correlated regime. We focus our attention on the responses of the N t o t = i n t e g e r states to an increasing magnetic field B, where N t o t is the total charge number on the dots. We show that when the charge level ?? is chosen at the particle-hole (p-h) symmetric case, spin filtering is difficult to occur. While if ?? is beyond the p-h symmetric point, perfect spin-polarized currents could be achieved, and the spin directions can be easily manipulated by tuning external electric and/or magnetic fields, making it easy to be realized in future experiments of the ideas. To approach these problems, the celebrated numerical renormalization group (NRG) technique is implemented, the dynamical properties and the quantum fluctuations are shown.  相似文献   

We study spin-polarized electron transport through a quantum dot coupled to one normal metal lead and one ferromagnetic lead. Both the intradot Coulomb correlation and the electron-phonon interaction are taken into account in the framework of nonequilibrium Green’s function theory. We find that due to the interplay of the Coulomb blockade effect and the phonon-induced extra electron transport channels, the spin polarization of the electron current driven by external bias voltage is enhanced in a range of negative biases in which the current is flowing from the ferromagnetic lead to the normal metal one. While for the corresponding positive biases, the current polarization is suppressed to negative values where the current is flowing from the normal metal lead to the ferromagnetic one. The device thus operates as a current polarization switcher without the need of a magnetic field or spin-orbit interaction, and may find use in low-power spintronic devices with the help of phonon engineering techniques.  相似文献   

A heat current originating from electron–phonon coupling in a quantum dot (QD) molecule connected to ferromagnetic leads is studied by the non-equilibrium Green’s function technique. The system is driven out of equilibrium by a temperature gradient (thermal bias) applied across the two terminals of the structure. We find that when the magnetic moments of the two leads are arranged in parallel configuration, the heat current is not sensitive to the leads’ ferromagnetism, whereas in the case of antiparallel configuration, the magnitude of the heat current increases with increasing spin polarization of the leads, with the reduction of the electric current’s intensity. We also find that the ferromagnetism on the leads can amplify the heat rectification effect occurring for some particular dot levels, i.e., the strength of the heat flowing between the QD and the phonon bath can be very small for one direction of the temperature gradient, while it becomes quite large when the corresponding direction of the temperature gradient is reversed.  相似文献   

We investigated optical pumping of nuclear spin polarizations in a single self-assembled In0.75Al0.25As/Al0.3Ga0.7As quantum dot. The nuclear spin polarization exhibits the abrupt jump and hysteresis in the excitation power dependence at a particular excitation polarization. Measurement of circular polarization rate of the photoluminescence reveals that the abrupt change of the nuclear spin polarization is created mainly by the spin flip-flop process between nuclei and an electron of a positive charged exciton in this single quantum dot. Model calculation explains well the experimentally observed bistable behavior in InAlAs quantum dot. By using this abrupt change, the sign and magnitude of electron and hole g-factors in z-direction are verified.   相似文献   

A two-terminal quantum dot bridging a temperature difference can operate as a thermometer by probing the Fermi-Dirac distributions of the electron gas on both sides of the quantum dot. This thermometry requires that the dot’s energy levels are spaced in energy by many kT and that the intrinsic energetic width of the energy resonances are either much larger or much smaller than kT. We compare these two regimes of operation and discuss the intermediate regime which separates them. Quantum-dot thermometry can assist in mesoscopic thermal experiments where short-distance temperature gradients elude most thermometry techniques.  相似文献   

Heat generation by a spin-polarized current in a single-level quantum dot (QD) subjected to spin heat accumulation (SHA), which denotes the spin-dependent electron temperature, is studied by using the nonequilibrium Green’s function technique. The heat generation originates from the energy exchange between the conduction electrons and the phonon reservoir coupled to the QD. Due to the SHA, the spin-up and spin-down heat generations are opposite in sign, and each has a maximum when the QD level is aligned to the chemical potentials of the leads, where the electric current is zero. Under a magnetic field, the maxima of the spin-up and spin-down heat generations are shifted to different dot level regimes. Now total negative heat generation emerges, indicating that the electron absorbs heat from the phonon reservoir to the dot. By tuning the dot levels and the system temperature, the magnitude of the negative heat generation can be enhanced accompanied by weakened electric current, an ideal condition for the realization of nanorefrigerator.  相似文献   


We propose a scheme to detect the spin heat accumulation (SHA), an effective spin-dependent electron temperature, via sign reversion of thermopower induced by the Majorana bound states (MBSs) coupled to a quantum dot (QD). The SHA is generated in either a nonmagnetic material or a ferromagnet serving as an electrode connected to the QD and leads the spin-up and spin-down thermopowers to change signs at different temperatures with the help of QD-MBSs coupling. The existence of the SHA then can be detected by the variation of the spin-polarized or even charge thermopower with respect to the magnitude of the SHA. Our numerical results show that the transition temperature of the thermopower is sensitive to QD-MBSs coupling strength, hybridization between the MBSs, and the ferromagnetism on the leads. Around the transition temperature, either 100% spin-polarized or pure spin thermopower can be generated by the combined effects of SHA and MBSs. We also find that the intradot Coulomb interaction does not change the qualitative results of the present scheme.


On the basis of Lee–Low–Pines unitary transformation, the influence of magnetic field and LO phonon effects on the energy of spin polarization states of strong-coupling bipolarons in a quantum dot (QD) is studied by using the variational method of Pekar type. The variations of the ground state energy $E_0$ and the first excited state the energy $E_1$ of bipolarons in a two-dimensional QD with the confinement strength of QDs $\omega _0$ , dielectric constant ratio $\eta $ , electron–phonon coupling strength $\alpha $ and cyclotron resonance frequency of the magnetic field $\omega _{c}$ are derived when the influence of the spin and external magnetic field is taken into account. The results show that both energies of the ground and first excited states ( $E_0$ and $E_1)$ consist of four parts: the single-particle energy of electrons $E_\mathrm{e}$ , Coulomb interaction energy between two electrons $E_\mathrm{c}$ , interaction energy between the electron spin and magnetic field $E_\mathrm{S}$ and interaction energy between the electron and phonon $E_{\mathrm{e-ph}}$ ; the energy level of the first excited state $E_1$ splits into two lines as $E_1^{(1+1)}$ and $E_1^{(1-1)}$ due to the interaction between the single-particle “orbital” motion and magnetic field, and each energy level of the ground and first excited states splits into three “fine structures” caused by the interaction between the electron spin and magnetic field; the value of $E_{\mathrm{e-ph}}$ is always less than zero and its absolute value increases with increasing $\omega _0$ , $\alpha $ and $\omega _c$ ; the effect of the interaction between the electron and phonon is favorable to forming the binding bipolaron, but the existence of the confinement potential and Coulomb repulsive energy between electrons goes against that; the bipolaron with energy $E_1^{(1-1)}$ is easier and more stable in the binding state than that with $E_1^{(1+1)}$ .  相似文献   

We study the dynamics of a single electron spin in an isolated quantum dot induced by hyperfine interaction with nuclei. The decoherence is caused by the spatial variation of the electron wave function within the dot, leading to a nonuniform hyperfine coupling A. We evaluate the spin correlation function and find that the decay is not exponential but rather power (inverse logarithm) law-like. For polarized nuclei we find an exact solution and show that the precession amplitude and the decay behavior can be tuned by the magnetic field. The decay time is given by N/A, where N is the number of nuclei inside the dot, and the amplitude of precession decays to a finite value. We show that there is a striking difference between the decoherence time for a single dot and the dephasing time for an ensemble of dots.  相似文献   

The ground state of neutral and negatively charged excitons confined to a single self-assembled InGaAs quantum dot is probed in a direct absorption experiment by high resolution laser spectroscopy. We show how the anisotropic electron-hole exchange interaction depends on the exciton charge and demonstrate how the interaction can be switched on and off with a small dc voltage. Furthermore, we report polarization sensitive analysis of the excitonic interband transition in a single quantum dot as a function of charge with and without magnetic field.  相似文献   

The ground state of neutral and negatively charged excitons confined to a single self-assembled InGaAs quantum dot is probed in a direct absorption experiment by high resolution laser spectroscopy. We show how the anisotropic electron-hole exchange interaction depends on the exciton charge and demonstrate how the interaction can be switched on and off with a small dc voltage. Furthermore, we report polarization sensitive analysis of the excitonic interband transition in a single quantum dot as a function of charge with and without magnetic field.  相似文献   

Sn量子点可用于制作单电子器件、高密度存储单元、红外探测器以及发射器等,具有重要的研究意义.介绍了离子注入、分子束外延、磁控溅射和固相外延等各种制备Sn量子点的生长技术,综述了Sn量子点的光学性质、电学性质以及理论计算研究结果,指出了Sn量子点研究面临的关键问题以及研究方向.  相似文献   

The single-particle tunneling current is calculated for normal metal–superconductor and superconductor–superconductor junctions using the spin polaron theory.  相似文献   

We investigate joint effects of the Coulombic dot-lead interaction and intralead electron interaction on current through a quantum dot weakly coupled to Luttinger liquid leads. A general formula of current is derived by applying the canonical transformation and the nonequilibrium Green function technique. At low temperature and weak intralead interaction, the current exhibits staircase behavior with the Coulombic dot-lead interaction. When temperature or the intralead interaction increases, the steps are rounded. For a weak or moderately strong interaction the differential conductance as a function of bias voltage demonstrates resonant behavior. The dot-lead exchange scattering processes can dominate electron transport for a certain region of interaction strength. This result implies the possibility of controlling the differential conductance of the transistor by tuning the Coulombic dot-lead coupling.  相似文献   

The photoluminescene signal of individual semimagnetic CdSe–Zn0.75Mn0.25Se quantum dots is used to study the magnetization of the Mn2+ spin system in the exchange field of a single exciton. We demonstrate that by increasing the laser excitation power a significant blue shift of the photoluminescence signal occurs. This is attributed to a laser-induced demagnetization, i.e. the laser-generated carriers heat the Mn2+ spin system via spin–flip exchange scattering.  相似文献   

We have fabricated artificial molecules consisting of three coupled quantum dots defined in the two-dimensional electron gas of a GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructure using lithographically patterned gates and trenches. The three dots are arranged in a ring structure, where each dot is coupled to the other two dots. We find that, when tuned to the Coulomb blockade regime, the triple quantum dot device acts as a charge rectifier: an electron enters the third dot where it is trapped, producing a jamming effect where no other electron may enter the first dot. Triple quantum dots coupled in a ring will allow for the study of new molecular phases using artificial molecules and may also serve as building blocks of two-dimensional arrays for quantum computation.  相似文献   

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