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In the mid-2000s, unprecedented economic growth provided a catalyst for Istanbul's transformation. Tolga İslam outlines the background to large-scale urban development and renewal projects that have been undertaken by local authorities throughout the city. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Lahore is the second largest metropolitan area in Pakistan, and the capital city of Punjab province. The city hosts various historical monuments, buildings and gardens. A walled city during the Mughal era (1524–1752) and British colonial rule, the city has grown as a hub of commerce and trade in the region. The built-up area almost doubled from 1999 to 2011 and is expected to grow at a similar or even higher rate, hence increasing pressure on the city administration in terms of managing infrastructure and squatter settlements. Challenges such as lack of integrated urban development policies, unchecked urban growth, overlapping jurisdictions of land governing authorities and ineffective building control further aggravate the situation. Despite the recent positive developments (like the provision of improved commuting facilities through Metro and Orange Line transport systems, and restoration of the walled city), Lahore still needs dynamic and structured institutions with technical, legal and regulatory support for managing the ever-increasing population. Planners need to develop feasible, realistic and practical urban development plans to ensure integrated infrastructural and socioeconomic development in the city. Additionally, utilizing the underexploited potential of tourism and knowledge-driven businesses can help boost the economy and transform Lahore into a modern city.  相似文献   

The nature and politics of urban development in Auckland have undergone rapid transformation following amalgamation of eight separate authorities in 2010. Institutions governing metropolitan planning and infrastructure provision were rescaled to form the Auckland ‘Super City’ Council in 2010, with an ambitious vision to become the world's most liveable city and ongoing political contestation between the local and central government. Amalgamation of Auckland's governance was conceived and imposed by the central government as part of a broader economic strategy for “competitive cities”. However, Auckland Council's first strategic plan adopted a contrasting agenda, centred around the goal of “liveability”. Auckland's recent developments illustrate the challenges of a distinctly post-suburban polity. The majority of employment is located in suburban areas and the city has variegated and overlapping patterns in spatial form generated through inconsistent infrastructure interventions across local and national authorities. Conflicting urban policy agenda at national and local scales shows a tension between the pursuit of economic development and provision for collective needs. The politics of post-suburban development create specific challenges for Auckland's governance. Liveability and economic competitiveness are treated as complementary terms in political rhetoric, however trade-offs emerge at a smaller spatial scales. Public concern over housing affordability and risks to the financial stability of New Zealand's economy have led to central government intervention and renegotiation of authority between different tiers of government for land use and infrastructure provision. Auckland's position as New Zealand's largest city and economic centre frequently blurs the distinction between issues of local and national significance. Auckland's governance challenges are not unique, however the current tensions are exacerbated by its dominance in a small and geographically-isolated nation.  相似文献   

Local Agenda 21 is a part of a more comprehensive effort to bring about sustainable development. The latter requires far reaching changes in the attitudes of individuals towards current consumption and production practices that pose a threat to the world environment. The preparation of a Local Agenda 21 has required local authorities to carry out a dialogue with citizens, local organizations and private enterprises. Public dialogue is a crucial element of communicative planning, which results not only in tangible proposals for action but also engenders institutional capital. The aim of this article is to evaluate how local development authorities succeeded in building institutional capital during their programme for sustainable development. It does so in the context of the formulation of a Local Agenda 21 by the city authorities in Göteborg, Sweden.  相似文献   

全球化竞争导致区域角色比国家更重要,以全球城市及其腹地有机联系形成的全球城市一区域在这一背景下应运而生,并成为较具实力的城市一区域及其他各类城市联盟的发展目标。本文通过分析纽约大都市区、伦敦都市圈和日本首都圈三大全球城市一区域的形成和发展机制,概括出全球城市一区域的四大共性特征:(1)中心城市的高等级性;(2)内部联系的紧密性;(3)所属国家强大综合国力的支撑性;(4)地理区位及软环境条件的优越性。基于此,提出我国要构建全球城市一区域,可在中心城市地位提升、自身经济结构转型、空间组织模式优化、社会保障体系和文化基础建设,以及人居和产业发展空间环境营造等五方面借鉴国际经验。  相似文献   

Since reform started under Ottoman rule in the early 19th century, Istanbul has undergone a substantial period of modernisation that has spanned more than 150 years. İlhan Tekeli outlines the metropolis' enduring development, characterising Istanbul's transformation into a modern city into four distinct periods. It is a story that bridges the collapse of the Ottoman Empire and the reconstruction of the Turkish Republic as a nation-state, with the initial demise of the city in favour of Ankara; and continues with Istanbul regaining its status as a world city; as it evolves from a monstrous industrial city to an urban region and global centre. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Innovation networks have been analysed at several spatial levels, from the local to the global. There has still been much interest in innovation systems below the national level. A wide range of regions has been studied but there is still one type which has been so far neglected, the metropolitan or urban region. It is a region which reaches beyond the administrative boundary of a city, comprising the core city and the surrounding suburban municipalities which are closely interlinked with the centre. In this paper the special case of the Vienna urban region is analysed with regard to the innovation networks in the city and the suburban area and, in particular, between the two parts of the metropolitan area. The analysis of data from an innovation survey covering the Vienna urban region leads to the conclusion that in this specific case the innovation relations between the city and its surroundings are not very strong and concentrated on interactions within the business sector. Firms located in the city focus most on relations within the city, which applies to the business, finance as well as the research sectors. Firms in the suburban area, on the contrary, are more oriented towards innovation partners outside the urban region.  相似文献   

This paper explores the challenges involved in planning the adaptation of the urban built environment. It approaches this subject by appraising a recently introduced national planning policy (the permission to convert office buildings into residential use without planning permission) in England. Drawing on interviews conducted with planning practitioners, it is possible to unravel the impact of this policy instrument at the coal face of the discipline. The office-to-residential conversion policy has removed the long-established process of local planning discretion in England in favour of a developer led planning policy. Consequently, there has been a tactical manipulation of additional planning tools, originally designed for other use, to re-exert influence at the local level by local planning authorities. Rather than greasing the wheels of office-to-residential conversion, the new policy has thrown a spanner in the works of a unique local planning process that was originally developed to manage urban change. The paper concludes by calling for local planners to reformulate their role in planning urban adaptation by reasserting their role as “market actors” through the development of city information models, the exploitation of professional communication networks and the transference of their own tacit knowledge.  相似文献   

孙思玮  孙喆 《中国园林》2021,37(2):26-30
浙江大花园建设已成为全省城乡环境建设的重要抓手,有力推进浙江生态文明建设迈上新台阶。杭州应该乘浙江大花园建设的东风,借鉴香港郊野公园的规划、管理模式,大力推进郊野公园建设。杭州郊野公园除了绿色本底外,还应该吸收、巩固浙江大花园建设成果,使杭州郊野公园建设成为建设"组团式、网络化、生态型"大都市,严格管控城市开发边界,满足市民对美好生活的需求,建设公园城市和推进乡村振兴的最佳形式与途径。提出在大花园建设的基础上,建立杭州特色郊野公园的路径和对策。  相似文献   

贺文敏  王军 《华中建筑》2014,(1):146-149
陕北山地地区是我国生态极为脆弱的地区,为了改善这一现状,我国从1999年开始实行了退耕还林政策,该政策的实施对于陕北乃至全国都产生了深远的影响。特别是对陕北山地地区的生态环境以及人居环境建设有着重大的意义,对陕北山地地区乡村聚落建设产生了巨大的影响,随之亦带来了很多现实的问题。乡村的产业模式、农业生产方式、第三产业、景观、人的生活方式及生活观念都产生了巨大的变化。亦带来了乡村聚落的更新与重构。在这样的历史背景下,陕北山地地区的乡村如何营建并适应新条件是值得研究的问题。  相似文献   

通济渠与沿岸聚落相伴而生,相互作用.互为影响。一方面,通济渠营造了沿岸区域经济环境,影响了沿岸聚落的兴衰变化及沿岸聚落空间形态的发展;另一方面,沿岸聚落也影响着通济渠及运河体系的发展。通济渠因其地上悬河的特性,与沿岸聚落形成一种“亦亲亦疏”的特殊关系。通济渠因漕运而凿,沿岸聚落因通济渠而兴,二者共同推动了通济渠沿岸社会经济的发展。  相似文献   

合掌造民居是日本白川乡的一种传统乡土建筑,在城镇化中得到了完好延续。它通过因地制宜的技术,营造出与环境和谐相融的建成环境,体现了传统聚落的生存智慧和生活文化。以白川乡合掌造聚落为例,从“结文化”的合作造屋智慧、合掌造的木架建构智慧、融于环境的消防保护智慧进行解析,提出生态智慧活化传承的策略,旨在启示我国传统聚落保护研究。  相似文献   

考察了国内外流域风景的研究发展,指出基于城市八景的大尺度流域风景研究具有的拓展性价值与文化自信意义。整理出长江沿线(湖北段)29个清代府州县、总256景目构成的方志八景清单,以此为素材,从自然、人文及两者综合三方面来佐证城市八景中的流域风景特质。自然风景方面,阐述了城市八景诗意响应流域自然山水格局,以典型集萃的方式彰显流域自然风土特质;人文风景方面,探讨了城市八景高度响应流域文化地理格局,是流域人文风土特质的集萃;最后从流域自然与人文的综合视角,提出了城市八景时空制宜组构流域天人要素,是极具中国吉时均衡特质的文化景观之思想观点。  相似文献   

Debate over the merits of public and private transport has gathered pace in recent years. Yet road building in metropolitan Perth, already Australia's most motorised city, continues apace. While investment in more environmentally sustainable forms of transport has lifted as a result of a rail electrication and extension programme, plans for damaging inner city freeway type links still remain.

One project in this category is the so-called City Northern Bypass. After consideration of its planning history, a light rail option is presented and some factors in its favour are considered.  相似文献   

I seek to synthesize several different approaches to issues of urban land redevelopment and the built environment. The essay focuses on developments in the third and current historical wave of capitalist development. I describe the economic logic of land-use change with reference to both commercial and residential property. This logic has become intimately intertwined with global finance and this state of affairs has introduced new elements of fluidity and risk into the built environment. Issues of urban policy and the role of municipal authorities in shaping urban land markets are then considered. I describe how local government agencies increasingly pursue development projects in complex partnerships with representatives of the real-estate industry. In the second half of the paper, the overall argument is recast by reference to three important trends in regard to land-redevelopment and the built environment in third-wave cities, namely, the economic and architectural renaissance of central business districts, the widespread gentrification of inner-city neighborhoods, and the emergence of a new post-suburban phase of peripheral urban expansion.  相似文献   

Public urban parks and greenspaces are an important aspect of the urban environment. It was the UK that pioneered the concept of municipal parks in the nineteenth century, for reasons of improved public health and a better environment, in response to the creeping industrialisation of our towns and cities. For generations, public parks have contributed to the social, economic, environmental and cultural fabric of local communities, and it was local authorities which pioneered their provision, development and management. Such has been their success that almost every town and city has a public park or network of public greenspace, and they now account for about 20% of the developed land areas in England (13.5% in England and Wales). Their status and quality depends upon the good stewardship of local authorities. However, year-on-year budget cuts over the last thirty years, a lack of recognition of parks services in the Government's annual Standard Spending Assessment for local authorities, and the fact that provision of public parks is a non-statutory service of local government have all contributed to their declining condition and status.
This paper provides an assessment of the history, status and condition of public urban parks and greenspace, and discusses how these important assets can be rejuvenated to service the needs of present and future generations.  相似文献   

Conclusion  It has been argued that in terms of local economic development, the fortress city of Johannesburg is seeking to transform itself into a creative city. The initiatives which I examined in the process of assessing the potential of Johannesburg to become a centre for cultural and media excellence all had the common vision of Johannesburg at the centre of the African renaissance. Not only did the interviewees express the desire for Johannesburg to become the most competitive city in the country, they extended this desire to the whole of Africa. Private-public partnerships have been suggested as a strategy to combat the common challenge of a lack of finance, and innovative strategies have demonstrated a refusal to allow the threat of crime to dominate them. With these strategies in place, the only weakness which Johannesburg faces is the training of its residents so that there is a pool of highly skilled workers available for the ever increasing technological sophistication which many of the industries rely upon to expand. Johannesburg is primed to become the centre of cultural and media excellence in South Africa. The energy and commitment which many of the interviewees expressed almost guarantees Johannesburg the status of being the centre of the African renaissance. *** DIRECT SUPPORT *** A00OB018 00006  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a study that evaluated the effects of marine salts on built infrastructures at the Port city of Chittagong in Bangladesh. Specimens made from five different types of mortars (normally used as external renders in built infrastructures such as buildings and bridges) with varying cement contents were exposed to atmospheric environment at 12 sampling stations scattered around the metropolitan area of Chittagong. The performance of the specimens was evaluated based on marine salt deposition and resistance to marine salt penetration. The study also monitored the deposition of chlorides and sulfates in wet candle sensors located at 12 stations. The type and amount of salts captured in powdered samples extracted from the mortar specimens as well as from wet candle sensors were determined using ion chromatography. The study showed that the marine salt deposition is significant up to a distance of about 200 m from the seashore. The analysis of deposition and subsequent penetration of marine salts in exposed specimens identified the mortar types that are more resistant to the aggressive potential of the region's marine aerosol. The results of this study can be very useful for local authorities engaged in selecting protective measures (in terms of external renderings) to improve the durability of infrastructures exposed to marine salts.  相似文献   

为解决因快速发展所带来的"全球同声",对声景资源的保护及运用研究成为目前国内研究瞩目的新趋势。笔者以游牧文化下蒙族传统聚落空间声景观的自然生态与地域文化资源保存较完好的锡林郭勒草原为对象,通过对声音信息的归纳总结分类,探索不同时域下聚落空间的声景资源多样性及其珍贵的文化性。构建视觉与声音相结合的保护理念,通过Atmos制式的全景声运用,弥补传统聚落空间的研究在声方面的缺失。期望通过对传统聚落空间声景研究,为我国具有地域性传统居住空间的声景资源与利用研究提供方法与参考。  相似文献   

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