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《Soils and Foundations》2005,45(1):141-151
Naturally deposited clays exhibit complicated mechanical behavior that differs from that of remolded clays. For example, clay in a normally consolidated state commonly exhibits softening in undrained shear tests or “rewinding” in a heavily overconsolidated state. The Super/subloading Yield Surface Cam-clay model (Asaoka et al., 1998, 2000, 2002) was proposed in an attempt to clarify the complicated mechanical behavior in naturally deposited clays. In this constitutive model, the concepts of “structure,” overconsolidation, anisotropy, and their evolution laws, are introduced into the modified Cam-clay model. In the present study, undrained triaxial compression tests and oedometer tests were carried out on two types of naturally deposited undisturbed clay, Pleistocene clay and Holocene clay, and the behavior was then simulated using the Super/subloading Yield Surface Cam-clay model. The findings of the present study are as follows:
  • 1)For the two types of undisturbed clay, the Super/subloading Yield Surface Cam-clay model can simulate undrained triaxial compression behavior ranging from the normally consolidated state to the overconsolidated state, corresponding to various isotropic pressures using a single set of material constants.
  • 2)In addition, the model can simulate one-dimensional compression behavior using the same material constants as those used for the simulation of the undrained triaxial compression behavior.
  • 3)Through the simulation, the mechanical behavior of Pleistocene clay and Holocene clay, which have different loading histories and have undergone different aging effects, can be described by the different evolution parameters, as well as the elasto-plastic parameters.

应变加载速率对盐岩力学性能的影响   总被引:2,自引:5,他引:2  
 对盐岩进行不同围压下变应变加载速率的三轴压缩强度与变形特性的室内测试,分析应变加载速率对盐岩三轴强度、轴向应变及侧向应变以及破裂形式等物理力学性质的影响。在所测试的应变加载速率范围内,加载速率对盐岩三轴强度的影响可分为3个阶段:无明显影响的弹性阶段、强度差异形成的塑性阶段初期、强度差异保持的应变硬化阶段,最终的结果是抗压强度随着加载速率的提高而增大。对试验后岩样的破坏形式进行细观分析可知,高应变加载速率对盐岩内部结构造成的破坏更明显,裂纹长度大且外观明显,与低应变率下的裂纹破裂形式有显著的差异。对三轴试验后的岩样进行单轴压缩测试,发现三轴试验时的应变率较大,试验后岩样的弹性模量越小,表明高应变率导致盐岩的结构破坏更严重,对盐岩的内部损伤越大。对比不同围压下的试验数据并结合其他单轴试验下的研究结果,得出围压是加载速率对盐岩性质有无影响的先决条件,并且围压越高加载速率对盐岩力学性质的影响越明显的结论。以本次试验研究所得成果出发,结合实际工程中盐岩溶腔的各种用途以及建造、运营的各个阶段内不同的盐岩应变率进行分析,提出对工程有益的建议。  相似文献   

《Soils and Foundations》2005,45(1):15-26
A systematic investigation of the undrained behavior of sand at high pressures was performed to study the effects of initial relative density on the stress-strain, pore pressure, and strength behavior. Experiments were conducted on Cambria sand with initial relative densities of 30% and 60%, and the results are compared with previously published data for an initial relative density of 90%. Triaxial compression and extension tests were performed on cylindrical specimens with isotropic consolidation pressures in the range from 8 to 60MPa. Particle crushing played an important role in the observed behavior. Stress-strain, pore pressure, and strength behavior were found to be very similar and almost independent of initial relative density at high pressures, because the isotropic compression curves tend to merge once particle breakage becomes important at these high pressures. Effective stress friction angles for undrained compression and extension tests varied systematically in the range from 32° to 35° with slightly higher values for the compression tests. Interpretation of all results from the experimental study in terms of total stresses shows that sand at high pressures behaves similar to a normally consolidated clay.  相似文献   

A high-pressure triaxial compression and extension apparatus was employed to investigate the effects of initial relative density on the drained behavior of sand. Experiments were performed on cylindrical specimens of Cambria sand with initial relative densities of 30% and 60%, and compared with previously published results for 90%. Confining pressures in the range of 0.25 to 60MPa were employed to obtain the characteristic behavior of the sand over a large range of pressures. As the confining pressure increased particle crushing increasingly influenced the stress-strain and volume change relations, producing increasing strains to failure and increasingly contractive volume changes. Beyond certain high values of mean normal stress at failure, increasing with initial relative density, the volumetric contraction and strains to failure began to decrease. The Mohr-Coulomb failure envelopes show the greatest curvature for the highest density, but the failure envelopes merge at high pressures where, due to particle crushing, the relations between void ratio and isotropic pressure are described by a single curve. The experiments show clearly that the rates of dilation at failure and the friction angles are directly related to each other, as has been proposed by many investigators. The friction angles are higher in extension than in compression for lower confining pressures, but a crossover occurs and the friction angles are higher in compression than in extension for higher confining pressures.  相似文献   

高温后粗砂岩常规三轴压缩条件下力学特性 试验研究   总被引:8,自引:5,他引:8  
 通过在MTS815.03电液伺服岩石力学试验机上对焦作方庄煤矿煤层顶板粗砂岩进行高温后常规三轴压缩试验,基于试验结果研究不同温度作用后常规三向压缩条件下粗砂岩宏观力学特性,分析粗砂岩强度、平均模量、黏聚力、内摩擦角和极限应变与温度的关系;同时对粗砂岩强度、平均模量与围压关系进行探讨。研究结果表明,围压一定,温度为25 ℃~300 ℃时,随着温度的升高,试样的强度、平均模量、黏聚力、内摩擦角均逐渐增大,而变形模量有所降低。高温产生的热应力起到容纳变形和裂隙闭合作用,砂岩试件部分原生裂隙逐渐愈合,裂隙数量减少,密实程度提高,矿物颗粒间接触关系得到改善,摩擦特性得以增强;超过300 ℃ 以后,随着温度的升高,粗砂岩试样的强度、平均模量、黏聚力、内摩擦角均有所减小,而峰值变形逐渐增大,由高温引起的粗砂岩矿物颗粒的不同热膨胀率导致跨颗粒边界的热膨胀不协调,从而产生结构热应力使试样内部产生微裂隙,试样承载能力和抗变形能力减弱。而围压对粗砂岩的力学性质起到改善和强化作用,当温度一定时,随着围压的升高,粗砂岩试件强度、平均模量、黏聚力、内摩擦角均逐渐增大。  相似文献   

《Soils and Foundations》2005,45(1):153-169
The sedimentary environment and the effects of sample disturbance on strength and consolidation properties of Busan New Port clays are examined through microfossils and radiocarbon age analyses and unconfined compression, K0-consolidated undrained triaxial compression and extension tests and consolidation tests. In this study, only one or two samples, 74 mm in diameter and 100 mm in height, obtained from different depths, are used for the whole series of tests to provide small-sized specimens. The sedimentation rates of Busan New Port clays were (3.7-7.8) mm/year and higher than those for the coastal areas of the USA, Thailand and Japan. The in-situ undrained shear strength and consolidation parameters were estimated using Shogaki's method and compared with those of other test results and evaluated. Busan New Port clays are lightly overconsolidated clays. It can be seen that the consolidation settlements, which were greater than those estimated, were observed in Holocene Busan clay, are caused by the underestimation of the compression index and coefficient of consolidation values caused by sample disturbance.  相似文献   

《Soils and Foundations》2005,45(1):125-140
The effects of strain rates on the strain localization characteristics of soft rocks in plane strain compression tests were studied. Using digital image correlation method based on image analysis technique, digital photographs of the specimen taken by CCD camera mounted in a microscope at different stages of loading were analyzed and displacement and strain fields were obtained. The accuracy of displacement and strain measurements are found to be 2.625 μm and 0.0525% (for 5 mm × 5 mm grid), respectively. By analyzing the strain fields, important information regarding strain localization characteristics at three different strain rates were obtained. The results of the study indicate that strain rate has significant influence on the localization modes. Strain localization was observed before the peak stress. The switching of localization mode from highly concentrated strain accumulation mode for higher strain rate to diffuse and complex strain accumulation mode for lower strain rate were observed. The evolutions of strain fields during creep tests at different loads were also studied.  相似文献   

 采集大量巴东黄土坡滑坡原状滑带土样本,采用CT扫描获取原状滑带土内部颗粒分布,并初步判断样本属土–石混合体。挑选典型CT扫描图像并经过栅格化处理,对原状滑带土进行三轴数值试验,其中滑带土细组构(粒径小于2 mm)部分采用直剪试验获取其力学参数,粗粒碎石(粒径大于2 mm)部分参照滑床母岩的力学参数,根据仿真计算结果分析原状样本破坏机制,并对比土–石混合体与纯土(细组构)力学参数的区别。研究结果表明:与纯土剪切强度相比,原状滑带土内摩擦角提高不明显,而黏聚力却能提高80%以上。据分析,土–石混合体中含石量仅为30%左右,不会改变细组构作为骨架的实际情况,但变形过程中,碎石运动速率较细组构慢,在较大法向应力作用下对细组构产生有效阻力,从而在碎石与土界面处提供类似于挡土墙与填土界面的主动土压力外摩擦角,在莫尔圆中,该作用反映在土–石混合体系黏聚力的显著提高上,通过分析滑带中采集到的大块石表面力学痕迹找到相关依据。该研究方法可为获取真实有效的滑带土剪切强度参数提供一条新思路。  相似文献   

《Soils and Foundations》2014,54(6):1081-1093
A series of torsion shear experiments was performed on large hollow cylinder specimens of Fine Nevada sand with major principal stress directions relative to vertical, α, varying from 0° to 90° and with the intermediate principal stress, σ2, varying from σ3 to σ1 as indicated by b=(σ2–σ3)/(σ1–σ3). The Fine Nevada sand was deposited by dry pluviation, thus producing a sand fabric with horizontal bedding planes and cross-anisotropic characteristics. The various stress conditions were achieved by varying the pressures inside and outside the hollow cylinder specimen relative to the shear stress and the vertical deviator stress according to a pre-calculated pattern. All stresses and all strains were determined from careful measurements so that analysis of the soil behavior could be made reliably. The soil behavior was determined for a pattern of combinations of α varying with increments of 22.5° from 0° to 90° and b varying with increments of 0.25 from 0.0 to 1.0. Thus, 25 test locations were established, but many tests were repeated to study the consistency of the results. The friction angles varied considerably with α and b, thus indicating the importance of the intermediate principal stress and the principal stress directions relative to the horizontal bedding planes. The observed shear bands essentially followed the expected directions, but due to the cross-anisotropy shear bands were also observed in the direction of the major principal stress in regions with high b-values. The strength variation was also influenced by the flexibility of the boundaries in these regions.  相似文献   

《Soils and Foundations》2005,45(1):87-98
Several chemical reactions controlling the alkalinity of solidified/stabilized sludge using a low alkalinity additive (mainly composed of gypsum and slag) are investigated experimentally. The influence of curing conditions (open air or sealed) on the alkali leaching characteristics of the treated sludge was evaluated from the viewpoint of carbonate uptake and leaching properties of cations (Ca, K, Na, Mg, Al and Si). Modified batch leaching tests were conducted for the treated sludge cured in both open air and sealed conditions to characterize the alkali and cation leaching behaviour. Mineralogical characterization was performed through X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis, and the Calcimeter test traced the variation of carbonate amount in the treated sludge under curing. In addition, the type of hydration products in treated sludge was also estimated by the acid neutralization capacity (ANC) tests. Experimental results showed that open air curing has an effect to decrease the pH of solutions from batch leaching tests compared to sealed curing, since the sludge cured in open air contained more carbonate and less hydroxide than those cured in sealed condition. Promoting the carbonation of Ca(OH)_2 by contact with carbon dioxide could reduce the alkalinity of treated sludge. In addition, the amount of magnesium carbonates (e.g. MgCO_3) and the fraction of Mg ions in treated sludge could affect the pH of leached water.  相似文献   

《Soils and Foundations》2005,45(1):37-49
A series of elasto-viscoplastic finite element analyses is performed to describe the long-term settlement measured at the reclaimed islands in Osaka Port. The compression modeling for the quasi-overconsolidated Pleistocene clays proposed by the authors has been incorporated to the procedure in which an elasto-viscoplastic deformation is assumed to occur even in the quasi-overconsolidated region (P0≤P≤Pc). One-dimensional analysis is adopted for assessing the settlement of Sakishima and Yumeshima Reclaimed islands, whereas the plane-strain finite element analysis is carried out for investigating the deformation of the Pleistocene deposit beneath the sheet-pile composite revetment at Maishima Reclaimed Island. The proposed procedure is found to provide larger settlement for all cases compared to the conventional approach because of the consideration of viscoplastic deformation in the quasi-overconsolidated region. As for the case of the sheet-pile composite revetment, the effect of stress concentration due to ground improvement with SCP for the Holocene clay layer is remarkable on the underlying Pleistocene deposit. The measured settlement of the individual Pleistocene clay layers as well as the total settlement of the Pleistocene deposits are precisely described by the proposed procedure, whereas the conventional approach in which the instantaneous elastic deformation is assumed to occur in the quasi-overconsolidated region exhibits serious underestimation. From these results, the predictive accuracy of the proposed procedure is verified for assessing the long-term settlement at the reclaimed islands in Osaka Port.  相似文献   

《Soils and Foundations》2005,45(1):27-36
This paper deals with the measurement of copper contaminant migration in soils by means of a fibre-optic sensor operating with yellow light buried in the soil. The resulting breakthrough curve is compared with a numerical analysis using the advection-dispersion equation. In order to examine the copper adsorption properties, a batch experiment was carried out. It was found that the copper adsorption on silica sand follows a Langmuir model at high concentration. The copper dispersion coefficient was estimated from the plume shape, assuming that a Gaussian distribution of concentration is applicable to the copper plumes. It is demonstrated that the measured breakthrough curve is in reasonable agreement with the one calculated from the dispersion coefficient or the longitudinal dispersivity and retardation factor measured by the batch method. The retardation factor is observed to decrease sharply with increasing concentration of copper solution up to 10 (g/L).  相似文献   

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