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Glass samples have been synthesized in quaternary system based on TeO 2–oxide within composition, 85TeO 2–5Nb 2O 5–5ZnO–5Ag 2O, 68TeO 2–5Nb 2O 5–20ZnO–7Na 2O and [(75?x)TeO 2–5Nb 2O 5–20ZnO–xPbO, x = 7, 18 mol%]. Structural characterization of the glasses was studied with respect to their thermal stability, refractive indices, third order nonlinear optical susceptibility, IR spectra and Vickers hardness. For four different prepared glasses, density in the range from 5·3744 to 6·0731 g· cm ???1, the glass transition temperature (T g) in the range from 326 to 350 °C and refractive indices, n, in the range from 2·1273 to 2·2123 at 435 nm and Vickers hardness, H v, in the range from 2·91 to 3·44 GPa were determined. The value of third order nonlinear optical susceptibilities ${\vert} {\chi}^{\text{(3)}}{\vert} {\approx} $ 17·9 ·10??? 13 esu of glass within composition, 68TeO 2–5Nb 2O 5–20ZnO–7PbO, was measured by using degenerate four-wave mixing (DFWM).  相似文献   

Mechanical and elastic properties of transparent TeO2-based glass-ceramics (15K2O · 15Nb2O5 · 70TeO2) consisting of nanocrystalline particles (each particle size: 40–50 nm) and showing optical second harmonic generation were evaluated by means of usual Vickers indentation and nanoindentation tests. The precursor glass has Vickers hardness H v of 2.9 GPa, Young's modulus E of 54.7 GPa, the fracture toughness K c of 0.25 MPam1/2 and Poisson's ratio of 0.24. The transparent nanocrystalline glass-ceramic heat-treated at 420°C for 1 h has H v = 3.8 GPa, E = 75.9 GPa and K c = 0.34 MPam1/2, and the opaque glass-ceramic heat-treated at 475°C for 1 h has H v = 4.5 GPa, E = 82.9 GPa and K c = 0.68 MPam1/2, demonstrating that poor mechanical and elastic properties of the precursor TeO2-based glass are improved through sufficient crystallization. The fracture surface energy, brittleness and elastic recoveries (about 44%) after unloading (the maximum load: 30 mN) of transparent nanocrystalline glass-ceramics are almost the same as those of the precursor glass, implying that the interaction among nanocrystalline particles is not so strong.  相似文献   

The d.c. and a.c. electrical properties on TeO2-Fe2O3 glasses with various compositions of PbO, B2O3 and SiO2 were studied over a frequency range of 102–105 Hz and in the temperature range 300–500 K. The a.c. conductivity is proportional tow n, and the conduction mechanism is due to an electronic hopping process. The effects of composition and temperature on the dielectric constant and loss factor (tan ) were studied. The infrared absorption spectra of these glasses reveal that the addition of PbO, B2O3 and SiO2 of these glasses does not introduce any new absorption band in the infrared spectrum of TeO2-Fe2O3 glasses. These results prove the distribution of TeO4 polyhedra which determines the network and basic oscillation of the building units in the tellurite glasses.  相似文献   

Optical absorption measurements in the visible and infrared and reflectivity measurements in the visible and ultraviolet are reported for single crystals of bismuth tellurium oxide (Bi2TeO5). Strong dependence of these measurements on the light polarization is found for this recently grown non-linear material. Deviation from the Urbach rule (see Appendix) is believed to result from non-stoichiometry; approximate values of the Urbach parameters are given for the [0 1 0] polarization.  相似文献   

The hardness and elastic properties of 20PbO · xBi2O3 · (80 – x)B2O3 glasses with x = 20–60 were evaluated through usual Vickers indentation and nanoindentation tests. The glass transition temperature (T g = 295–421°C), Vickers hardness (H v = 2.9–4.5 GPa), true hardness (H = 1.5–3.8 GPa) and Young's modulus (E = 24.4–72.6 GPa) decreased monotonously with increasing Bi2O3 content. This compositional trend demonstrates that the strength of Bi–O chemical bonds in these glasses is considerably weak compared with B–O bonds and plastic deformations under indentation loading occur easily. The elastic recovery after unloading was about 45% for the glasses with x = 20–50, and the Poisson's ratio was 0.27 for the glass with x = 20. The fracture toughness was evaluated to be 0.37–0.88 MPam1/2 from the values of H v and E, and it was proposed that not only weak Bi–O bonds but also boron coordination polyhedra (BO3 or BO4) and their arrangements affect on crack formation. From the temperature dependence of Vickers hardness up to the glass transition region, it was suggested that the glasses with high Bi2O3 contents belong to the category to fragile glass-forming liquids.  相似文献   

The glasses with composition 65TeO2-(35–x)CuO-xCuCl2 (x=0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 mol%) were prepared by a melt quenching technique and thin films of different thicknesses were made by blowing. The optical energy gap was studied and its variation with composition is discussed in terms of the effective role played by chloride ions which reduce the non-bridging oxygen ions and modify the structure of the network. The infrared spectra of all these glass samples at room temperature, recorded between 200 and 2400 cm–1, are discussed in terms of anti-symmetric vibrations of the heteronuclear atoms.  相似文献   

研究了掺Er3+碲酸盐玻璃的吸收和荧光光谱性质;应用Judd-Ofelt理论计算了碲酸盐玻璃中Er3+离子的强度参数Ω(Ω2=4.79 × 10-20cm2,Ω4=1.52×10-20cm2,Ω6=0.66×10-20cm2),计算了离子的自发跃迁几率,荧光分支比;应用McCumber理论计算了Er3+的受激发射截面(σe=10.40 × 10-21cm2)、Er3+离子4I13/2→4I15/2发射谱的荧光半高宽(FWHM=65.5nm)及各能级的荧光寿命(4I13/2能级τrad=3.99ms);比较了不同基质玻璃中Er3+离子的光谱特性,结果表明掺铒碲酸盐玻璃更适合于掺Er3+光纤放大器实现宽带和高增益放大.  相似文献   

Germanium oxide (GeO2) and tellurium oxide (TeO2) based glasses are classed as the heavy metal oxide glasses, with phonon energies ranging between 740 cm?1 and 880 cm?1. These two types of glasses exhibit unique combinations of optical and spectroscopic properties, together with their attractive environmental resistance and mechanical properties. Engineering such a combination of structural, optical and spectroscopic properties is only feasible as a result of structural variability in these two types of glasses, since more than one structural units (TeO4 bi-pyramid, TeO3 trigonal pyramid, and TeO3+δ polyhedra) in tellurite and (GeO4 tetrahedron, GeO3 octahedron) in GeO2 based glasses may exist, depending on composition. The presence of multiple structural moities creates a range of dipole environments which is ideal for engineering broad spectral bandwidth rare-earth ion doped photonic device materials, suitable for laser and amplifier devices. Tellurite glasses were discovered in 1952, but remained virtually unknown to materials and device engineers until 1994 when unusual spectroscopic, nonlinear and dispersion properties of alkali and alkaline earth modified tellurite glasses and fibres were reported. Detailed spectroscopic analysis of Pr3+, Nd3+, Er3+, and Tm3+ doped tellurite glasses revealed its potential for laser and amplifier devices for optical communication wavelengths. This review summarises the thermal and viscosity properties of tellurite and germanate glasses for fibre fabrication and compares the linear loss for near and mid-IR device engineering. The aspects of glass preform fabrication for fibre engineering is discussed by emphasising the raw materials processing with casting of preforms and fibre fabrication. The spectroscopic properties of tellurite and germanate glasses have been analysed with special emphasis on oscillator strength and radiative rate characteristics for visible, near IR and mid-IR emission. The review also compares the latest results in the engineering of lasers and amplifiers, based on fibres for optical communication and mid-IR. The achievements in the areas of near-IR waveguide and mid-IR bulk glass, fibre, and waveguide lasers are discussed. The latest landmark results in mode-locked 2 μm bulk glass lasers sets the precedence for engineering nonlinear and other laser devices for accessing the inaccessible parts of the mid-IR spectrum and discovering new applications for the future.  相似文献   

Bi2O3对堇青石基玻璃性能的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了Bi2O3的掺入量和热处理制度对微晶玻璃的烧结和介电性能的影响.结果表明Bi2O3的加入和提高热处理温度有效促进了堇青石基微晶玻璃的烧结致密化.烧结样品的介电常数和介质损耗因子是由存在的晶体结构和致密化程度所决定的.样品的介质损耗因子随烧结温度的增加而减少,与样品的气孔率变化曲线相似.950℃以下,随着温度的增加,样品的介电常数亦增加,与样品的密度变化规律相似.这种材料具有低的介电常数(≈5)、低的介质损耗因子(<0.2%)和低的烧结温度(约900℃),能够与高导电率的金属如Au,Ag/Pd和Cu共烧,是一种潜在的低温共烧基板材料.  相似文献   

Phase equilibrium, glass-forming, properties and structure of the glasses in the TeO2-B2O3 system have been investigated. The phase diagram is a simple eutectic-like type without any compound formation. A wide region of stable phase separation has been established. A monotectic temperature at 934 K and nonvariant point at 73.6% TeO2 has been determined. The temperature dependence of the stable phase separation in the system has been studied. Some properties (density, transformation temperature, softening point, coefficient of thermal expansion, hardness, absorption in the UV and VIS region) of the tellurite borate glasses have been investigated. A structural interpretation of the glasses, on the basis of B11 NMR spectra was undertaken and two coordination states of boron atoms have been established. A simple model of two tellurium-boron-oxygen building units is presented.  相似文献   

Divalent metal fluorides MF2 (M=Sr, Mg, Ca) in oxyfluoride tellurite glasses TeO2-BaF2-LaF3 were synthesized. The densities, refractive indices and characteristic temperatures of synthesized glasses were measured. The influence of divalent metal fluorides-MF2(M=Sr, Mg, Ca) on the thermal stability of oxyfluoride tellurite glasses TeO2-BaF2-LaF3 were studied. Results show that the replacement of BaF2 by SrF2 and MgF2 can enhance the thermal stability against crystallization of the glass. A glass system with good thermal stability was produced, which could be a potential candidate for the host materials of the fiber devices.  相似文献   

《Materials Research Bulletin》2013,48(11):4947-4952
60ZnCl2–20KCl–20BaCl2xTbCl3 glasses (x = 0.10, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1.00, and 1.25) were prepared by melt-quenching method, and Tb3+ fluorescence properties were investigated under 355 nm excitation. Regardless of x values, the electrons that were relaxed from the 5D3 to 5D4 level of Tb3+ ions by the multiphonon relaxation, were repressed to 28% of all the excited electrons because the ZnCl2-based glass had much lower phonon energy than oxide glasses. For 0 < x  0.34, the cross relaxation, (5D3  5D4)  (7F0  7F6), was repressed, and consequently 72% and 28% of all the excited electrons were radiatively relaxed by the 5D3  7FJ (J = 6, 5, 4, 3, and 2) and 5D4  7FJ (J = 6, 5, 4, and 3) transitions, respectively. The lifetimes of the 5D3 and 5D4 initial levels were obtained to be 1.1 and 2.1 ms, respectively.  相似文献   

The co-effects of two glass-formers in the TeO2-P2O5 system are studied on the basis of neutron diffraction data. The curves for the radial distribution function (RDF) obtained show a high extent of destruction of the short-range order in the tellurite matrix, while the basic co-ordination PO4 polyhedron remains unchanged. The co-ordination number (cn) of the Te atom changes from 4 to 3+1 and marked tendency towards elongation of the Te-O distances over 2.3 Å is observed. The considerably higher stability of the PO4 polyhedra and their strong influence on the TeO4 polyhedra is established. The observed smearing effect of the Te-Te, Te-second O and O-second O distances in the range of 3.8 to 3.9 Å in other tellurite glasses is also characteristic of this system. A structural interpretation of the liquid-liquid immiscibility on the short-range order level in the system is given. A critical composition with 26±5% of the second glass-former is established, above which concentration a stable immiscibility in the tellurite systems is observed. An attempt is made to construct two adequate structural models (microhomogeneous and microheterogeneous) for the short-range order in the glasses studied.  相似文献   

The infrared absorption spectra of the vitreous TeO2-P2O5 and Bi2O3-TeO2-P2O5 systems are studied in the spectral region of 4000 to 200 cm–1. Absorption bands in this range are assigned. The midband wavenumber and the absorption intensity for the attributed bands are found to be strongly and systematically dependent on glass composition. Quantitative analysis was also attempted to justify our attribution of the observed bands.  相似文献   

Sol-gel processing routes have been developed for the production of thin films and powders in the system TeO2-TiO2 from tellurium and titanium alkoxides. The structure and properties of the resultant materials have been characterised as a function of heat treatment temperature. Pure sol-gel derived TeO2 thin films are difficult to prepare with good optical transparency due to the presence of organic impurities and/or a highly dispersed metallic tellurium phase when heated at temperatures up to approximately 340°C, with crystallisation to -TeO2 occurring when the heat treatment temperature is further increased. Additions of TiO2 were found to retard the crystallisation of the -TeO2 but promote the formation of other TiO2 or TiTe3O8 phases. However, an optimum composition in the range 0.9TeO2 0.1TiO2 was identified, which allows optically transparent thin films to be prepared with high refractive index and offers the potential for practical device manufacture.  相似文献   

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