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Owing to its implications with respect to a critical examination of the SIMP and ESO methods in a Forum Article, extended optimality in topology optimization is revisited, with a view to clarifying certain issues and to illustrate this concept with a case study. It is concluded that extended optimality can result in a much lower structural volume than traditional optimality.  相似文献   

Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization - This work provides an optimality criteria-based method for the simultaneous optimization of the structural design and optimal placement of...  相似文献   

This is the first part of a three-paper review of homogenization and topology optimization, viewed from an engineering standpoint and with the ultimate aim of clarifying the ideas so that interested researchers can easily implement the concepts described. In the first paper we focus on the theory of the homogenization method where we are concerned with the main concepts and derivation of the equations for computation of effective constitutive parameters of complex materials with a periodic micro structure. Such materials are described by the base cell, which is the smallest repetitive unit of material, and the evaluation of the effective constitutive parameters may be carried out by analysing the base cell alone. For simple microstructures this may be achieved analytically, whereas for more complicated systems numerical methods such as the finite element method must be employed. In the second paper, we consider numerical and analytical solutions of the homogenization equations. Topology optimization of structures is a rapidly growing research area, and as opposed to shape optimization allows the introduction of holes in structures, with consequent savings in weight and improved structural characteristics. The homogenization approach, with an emphasis on the optimality criteria method, will be the topic of the third paper in this review.  相似文献   

In this paper, a new multigrid interior point approach to topology optimization problems in the context of the homogenization method is presented. The key observation is that nonlinear interior point methods lead to linear-quadratic subproblems with structures that can be favourably exploited within multigrid methods. Primal as well as primal-dual formulations are discussed. The multigrid approach is based on the transformed smoother paradigm. Numerical results for an example problem are presented. Received February 15, 1999  相似文献   

The Isogeometric Analysis (IA) method is applied for structural topology optimization instead of finite elements. For this purpose, a control point based Solid Isotropic Material with Penalization (SIMP) method is employed and the material density is considered as a continuous function throughout the design domain and approximated by the Non-Uniform Rational B-Spline (NURBS) basis functions. To prevent the formation of layouts with porous media, a penalization technique similar to the SIMP method is used. For optimization an optimality criteria is derived and implemented. A few examples are presented to demonstrate the performance of the method. It is shown that, dissimilar to the element based SIMP topology optimization, the resulted layouts by this method are independent of the number of the discretizing control points and checkerboard free.  相似文献   

Level-set methods for structural topology optimization: a review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This review paper provides an overview of different level-set methods for structural topology optimization. Level-set methods can be categorized with respect to the level-set-function parameterization, the geometry mapping, the physical/mechanical model, the information and the procedure to update the design and the applied regularization. Different approaches for each of these interlinked components are outlined and compared. Based on this categorization, the convergence behavior of the optimization process is discussed, as well as control over the slope and smoothness of the level-set function, hole nucleation and the relation of level-set methods to other topology optimization methods. The importance of numerical consistency for understanding and studying the behavior of proposed methods is highlighted. This review concludes with recommendations for future research.  相似文献   

This paper deals with topology optimization of load carrying structures defined on a discretized design domain where binary design variables are used to indicate material or void in the various finite elements. The main contribution is the development of two iterative methods which are guaranteed to find a local optimum with respect to a 1-neighbourhood. Each new iteration point is obtained as the optimal solution to an integer linear programming problem which is an approximation of the original problem at the previous iteration point. The proposed methods are quite general and can be applied to a variety of topology optimization problems defined by 0-1 design variables. Most of the presented numerical examples are devoted to problems involving stresses which can be handled in a natural way since the design variables are kept binary in the subproblems.  相似文献   

This paper presents automatic tools aimed at the generation and adaptation of unstructured tetrahedral meshes in the context of composite or heterogeneous geometry. These tools are primarily intended for applications in the domain of topology optimization methods but the approach introduced presents great potential in a wider context. Indeed, various fields of application can be foreseen for which meshing heterogeneous geometry is required, such as finite element simulations (in the case of heterogeneous materials and assemblies, for example), animation and visualization (medical imaging, for example). Using B-Rep concepts as well as specific adaptations of advancing front mesh generation algorithms, the mesh generation approach presented guarantees, in a simple and natural way, mesh continuity and conformity across interior boundaries when trying to mesh a composite domain. When applied in the context of topology optimization methods, this approach guarantees that design and non-design sub-domains are meshed so that finite elements are tagged as design and non-design elements and so that continuity and conformity are guaranteed at the interface between design and non-design sub-domains. The paper also presents how mesh transformation and mesh smoothing tools can be successfully used when trying to derive a functional shape from raw topology optimization results.  相似文献   

The complexity of problems attacked in topology optimization has increased dramatically during the past decade. Examples include fully coupled multiphysics problems in thermo-elasticity, fluid-structure interaction, Micro-Electro Mechanical System (MEMS) design and large-scale three dimensional problems. The only feasible way to obtain a solution within a reasonable amount of time is to use parallel computations in order to speed up the solution process. The focus of this article is on a fully parallel topology optimization framework implemented in C++, with emphasis on utilizing well tested and simple to implement linear solvers and optimization algorithms. However, to ensure generality, the code is developed to be easily extendable in terms of physical models as well as in terms of solution methods, without compromising the parallel scalability. The widely used Method of Moving Asymptotes optimization algorithm is parallelized and included as a fundamental part of the code. The capabilities of the presented approaches are demonstrated on topology optimization of a Stokes flow problem with target outflow constraints as well as the minimum compliance problem with a volume constraint from linear elasticity.  相似文献   

Most existing studies of 2D problems in structural topology optimization are based on a given (limit on the) volume fraction or some equivalent formulation. The present note looks at simultaneous optimization with respect to both topology and volume fraction, termed here “extended optimality”. It is shown that the optimal volume fraction in such problems — in extreme cases — may be unity or may also tend to zero. The proposed concept is used for explaining certain “quasi-2D” solutions and an extension to 3D systems is also suggested. Finally, the relevance of Voigt’s bound to extended optimality is discussed.  相似文献   

A further review of ESO type methods for topology optimization   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
Evolutionary Structural Optimization (ESO) and its later version bi-directional ESO (BESO) have gained widespread popularity among researchers in structural optimization and practitioners in engineering and architecture. However, there have also been many critical comments on various aspects of ESO/BESO. To address those criticisms, we have carried out extensive work to improve the original ESO/BESO algorithms in recent years. This paper summarizes latest developments in BESO for stiffness optimization problems and compares BESO with other well-established optimization methods. Through a series of numerical examples, this paper provides answers to those critical comments and shows the validity and effectiveness of the evolutionary structural optimization method.  相似文献   

This paper considers the problem of optimal truss topology design subject to multiple loading conditions. We minimize a weighted average of the compliances subject to a volume constraint. Based on the ground structure approach, the cross-sectional areas are chosen as the design variables. While this problem is well-studied for continuous bar areas, we consider in this study the case of discrete areas. This problem is of major practical relevance if the truss must be built from pre-produced bars with given areas. As a special case, we consider the design problem for a single available bar area, i.e., a 0/1 problem. In contrast to the heuristic methods considered in many other approaches, our goal is to compute guaranteed globally optimal structures. This is done by a branch-and-bound method for which convergence can be proven. In this branch-and-bound framework, lower bounds of the optimal objective function values are calculated by treating a sequence of continuous but non-convex relaxations of the original mixed-integer problem. The main effect of using this approach lies in the fact that these relaxed problems can be equivalently reformulated as convex problems and, thus, can be solved to global optimality. In addition, these convex problems can be further relaxed to quadratic programs for which very efficient numerical solution procedures exist. By exploiting this special problem structure, much larger problem instances can be solved to global optimality compared to similar mixed-integer problems. The main intention of this paper is to provide optimal solutions for single and multiple load benchmark examples, which can be used for testing and validating other methods or heuristics for the treatment of this discrete topology design problem.  相似文献   

Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization - Structural topology optimization problems are commonly defined using continuous design variables combined with material interpolation schemes. One of...  相似文献   

In recent years, differential equation-driven methods have emerged as an alternate approach for structural topology optimization. In such methods, the design is evolved using special differential equations. Implicit level-set methods are one such set of approaches in which the design domain is represented in terms of implicit functions and generally (but not necessarily) use the Hamilton-Jacobi equation as the evolution equation. Another set of approaches are referred to as phase-field methods; which generally use a reaction-diffusion equation, such as the Allen-Cahn equation, for topology evolution. In this work, we exhaustively analyze four level-set methods and one phase-field method, which are representative of the literature. In order to evaluate performance, all the methods are implemented in MATLAB and studied using two-dimensional compliance minimization problems.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to benchmark different optimization solvers when applied to various finite element based structural topology optimization problems. An extensive and representative library of minimum compliance, minimum volume, and mechanism design problem instances for different sizes is developed for this benchmarking. The problems are based on a material interpolation scheme combined with a density filter. Different optimization solvers including Optimality Criteria (OC), the Method of Moving Asymptotes (MMA) and its globally convergent version GCMMA, the interior point solvers in IPOPT and FMINCON, and the sequential quadratic programming method in SNOPT, are benchmarked on the library using performance profiles. Whenever possible the methods are applied to both the nested and the Simultaneous Analysis and Design (SAND) formulations of the problem. The performance profiles conclude that general solvers are as efficient and reliable as classical structural topology optimization solvers. Moreover, the use of the exact Hessians in SAND formulations, generally produce designs with better objective function values. However, with the benchmarked implementations solving SAND formulations consumes more computational time than solving the corresponding nested formulations.  相似文献   

On the validity of ESO type methods in topology optimization   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
It is shown on a simple test example that ESO’s rejection criteria may result in a highly nonoptimal design. Reasons for this failure are also discussed. Received September 12, 2000  相似文献   

Stress-based topology optimization for continua   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1  
We propose an effective algorithm to resolve the stress-constrained topology optimization problem. Our procedure combines a density filter for length scale control, the solid isotropic material with penalization (SIMP) to generate black-and-white designs, a SIMP-motivated stress definition to resolve the stress singularity phenomenon, and a global/regional stress measure combined with an adaptive normalization scheme to control the local stress level.  相似文献   

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