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M. De Falco D. Barba S. Cosenza G. Iaquaniello L. Marrelli 《International Journal of Hydrogen Energy》2008
The application of hydrogen selective membranes in steam reforming plants may play an important role in converting natural gas or heavy hydrocarbons into hydrogen in a very efficient way. Providing the reaction heat by sources as solar heated molten salts or a fluid heated in a nuclear reactor may further increase the overall energy efficiency of the system and pave the way for producing large amount of hydrogen with minimum environmental impact. The new architecture proposed in this paper consists of a heat exchanger where air is heated up by molten salts or other fluids as helium, a post-combustion chamber, a reforming-membrane system based on three reaction/separation steps, a retentate recirculator, a hydrogen cooler and compressor, and a final PSA. 相似文献
This study addresses the solar thermal decomposition of natural gas for the co-production of hydrogen, as well as Carbon Black as a high-value nano-material, with the bonus of zero CO2 emissions. The work focused on the development of a medium-scale solar reactor (10 kW) based on the concept of indirect heating. The solar reactor is composed of a cubic cavity receiver (20 cm side), which absorbs concentrated solar irradiation through a quartz window via a 9 cm-diameter aperture. The reacting gas flows inside four graphite tubular reaction zones that are settled vertically inside the cavity. Experimental results were as follows: methane conversion and hydrogen yield of up to 98% and 90%, respectively, were achieved at 1770 K, and acetylene was the most important by-product, with a mole fraction up to about 5%. The effect of the methane mole fraction in the feed gas, the residence time and the temperature on the reaction extent was analyzed. In addition to the experimental section, thermal simulations were carried out. They showed a homogeneous temperature distribution inside the cavity receiver of the reactor and permit to draw up a thermal balance. 相似文献
A pilot-scale solar reactor for the production of hydrogen and carbon black from methane splitting 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Sylvain Rodat Stéphane AbanadesJean-Louis Sans Gilles Flamant 《International Journal of Hydrogen Energy》2010
A pilot-scale solar reactor was designed and operated at the 1 MW solar furnace of CNRS for H2 and carbon black production from methane splitting. This constitutes the final objective of the SOLHYCARB EC project. The reaction of CH4 dissociation produces H2 and carbon nanoparticles without CO2 emissions and with a solar upgrade of 8% of the high heating value of the products. The reactor was composed of 7 tubular reaction zones and of a graphite cavity-type solar receiver behaving as a black-body cavity. Temperature measurements around the cavity showed a homogeneous temperature distribution. The influence of temperature (1608K–1928K) and residence time (37–71 ms) on methane conversion, hydrogen yield, and carbon yield was especially stressed. For 900 g/h of CH4 injected (50% molar, the rest being argon) at 1800K, this reactor produced 200 g/h H2 (88% H2 yield), 330 g/h CB (49% C yield) and 340 g/h C2H2 with a thermal efficiency of 15%. C2H2 was the most important by-product and its amount decreased by increasing the residence time. A 2D thermal model of the reactor was developed. It showed that the design of the reactor front face could be drastically improved to lower thermal losses. The optimised design could reach 77% of the ideal black-body absorption efficiency (86% at 1800K), i.e. 66%. 相似文献
A. Iulianelli G. Manzolini M. De Falco S. Campanari T. Longo S. Liguori A. Basile 《International Journal of Hydrogen Energy》2010
Nowadays, there is a growing interest towards pure hydrogen production for proton exchange membrane fuel cell applications. Methane steam reforming reaction is one of the most important industrial chemical processes for hydrogen production. This reaction is usually carried out in fixed bed reactors at 30–40 bar and at temperatures above 850 °C. In this work, a dense Pd–Ag membrane reactor packed with a Ni-based catalyst was used to carry out the methane steam reforming reaction between 400 and 500 °C and at relatively low pressure (1.0–3.0 bar) with the aim of obtaining higher methane conversion and hydrogen yield than a fixed bed reactor, operated at the same conditions. Furthermore, the Pd–Ag membrane reactor is able to produce a pure, or at least, a CO and CO2 free hydrogen stream. A 50% methane conversion was experimentally achieved in the membrane reactor at 450 °C and 3.0 bar whereas, at the same conditions, the fixed bed reactor reached a 6% methane conversion. Moreover, 70% of high-purity hydrogen on total hydrogen produced was collected with the sweep-gas in the permeate stream of the membrane reactor. From a modeling point of view, the mathematical model realized for the simulation of both the membrane and fixed bed reactors was satisfactorily validated with the experimental results obtained in this work. 相似文献
Danielle M. Murphy Anthony Manerbino Margarite Parker Justin Blasi Robert J. Kee Neal P. Sullivan 《International Journal of Hydrogen Energy》2013
Microchannel heat exchangers and reactors can deliver very high performance in small packages. Such heat exchangers are typically fabricated from aluminum, copper, stainless steel, and silicon materials. Ceramic microchannel reactors offer some significant advantages over their metallic counterparts, including very-high-temperature operation, corrosion resistance in harsh chemical environments, low cost of materials and manufacturing, and compatibility with ceramic-supported catalysts. This work describes a ceramic microchannel reactor that achieves process intensification by combining heat-exchanger and catalytic-reactor functions to produce syngas. A complete computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model as well as a geometrically simplified hybrid CFD/chemical kinetics model is used in conjunction with experimentation to examine heat transfer, fluid flow, and chemical kinetics within the ceramic microchannel structure. Heat-exchanger effectiveness of up to 88% is experimentally demonstrated. Reactive heat-exchanger performance for methane-steam reforming reaches 100% methane conversion and high selectivity to syngas at a gas hourly space velocities (GHSV) of 15,000 h−1. Model results agree well with experimental data and provide insight into physical processes underway during reactor operation. 相似文献
Nobuyuki Gokon Shin-ichi Inuta Shingo Yamashita Tsuyoshi Hatamachi Tatsuya Kodama 《International Journal of Hydrogen Energy》2009,34(17):7143
Composite materials with alkali carbonate and magnesia have been examined for high-temperature thermal storage in solar tubular reformers. The concept of a double-walled reactor tube involves packing a molten-salt/ceramic composite material into the annular region between internal catalyst tube and exterior solar-absorber wall. In this paper, the shape and interior structure of the reactor tube are newly designed for use in solar cavity-type reformers using straight reactor tubes. Na2CO3, K2CO3, and Li2CO3 composite materials with magnesia were tested as thermal storage media for CO2 reforming of methane during cooling mode of the reactor tube at a laboratory scale. The efficiency of Na2CO3/MgO composite with various MgO contents was also estimated. Composite materials of Na2CO3 80–90 wt% and MgO 20–10 wt% were successfully delayed the cooling of the catalyst bed and sustained methane conversion at >90%. A solar cavity-type reformer consisting of multiple straight reactor tubes is expected to enable stable operation of the solar reforming process under fluctuating solar insolation during cloud passage. 相似文献
Kyung-Ran HwangChun-Boo Lee Sung-Wook LeeShin-Kun Ryi Jong-Soo Park 《International Journal of Hydrogen Energy》2011,36(1):473-481
A metal catalyst-containing, 80 ml, micro-channel reactor (MCR) with a section dedicated to combustion reaction was investigated for the potential application of on-board methane steam reforming (MSR) to hydrogen production. The metal catalyst was introduced into the MCR as a shape of a thin plate that was diffusion-bonded with the other micro-channel plates. The combustion reaction was performed on the other side of the MCR for direct provision of the necessary heat for the endothermic MSR and for miniaturizing the system volume. In the MCR, both the methane conversion and the hydrogen production rate are extremely high compared with those of the equilibrium under atmospheric pressure. The required heat of reaction is successfully provided by the combustion of either hydrogen or the methane mixture on the other side of the MCR without the need for any heating cartridges. This novel micro-channel reformer is suitable for application as a compact fuel processor due to its production of hydrogen-rich syn-gas, small volume, simple catalyst loading and use of an active and easily stackable catalyst. 相似文献
Majid Saidi 《International Journal of Hydrogen Energy》2018,43(31):14834-14847
In the present study, application of catalytic membrane reactor as a novel approach for the flare gas recovery is proposed. A comprehensive two-dimensional non-isothermal model has been constructed to evaluate the performance of flare gas recovery process in the membrane reactor. The model is developed by taking into accounts the main chemical kinetics, heat and mass transfer phenomena and hydrogen permeation in the radial direction across a Pd–Ag membrane. The model predictions are validated based on different experimental results reported in literature. The impact of reactor operating conditions on the recovery process such as temperature and pressure, feed molar ratio and sweep gas ratio are investigated and discussed. The modeling results confirm that the flare gas conversion and hydrogen recovery improves with increasing the operating temperature, pressure and sweep ratio as a consequence of increasing the driving force for H2 permeation through membrane. The environmental consideration revealed that by application of catalytic membrane reactor for the flare gas recovery of Asalouyeh gas processing plant (Iran), not only the equivalent mass of greenhouse gases emission reduces from 2179 kg/s to 36 kg/s, but also, 12.7 kg/s pure hydrogen will be produced by flare gas recovery at 750 K, 5 bar, sweep ratio of 5 and feed molar ratio of 4. 相似文献
《International Journal of Hydrogen Energy》2019,44(45):24441-24449
As a renewable source, solar energy plays an important role in meeting energy demand for human beings and in relieving global warming. In this paper, the concentrated solar heat is utilized to drive the high-endothermic methane reforming with carbon looping. In so doing, the process increases the utilization of CO2 and reduces the carbon emissions as well as saves the extra fuel consumption for combustion, leading to high efficiency of energy utilization. By optimizing this proposed system, the energy efficiency can reach approximate 67.13% with simultaneously reducing CO2 emissions by 34.98% compared with SMR process. Exergy analysis is used to assess the location of irreversibility within process. The maximal part of exergy destroyer was localized in reformer with a contribution of 68%. In addition, the effects of hourly variation of direct normal irradiation on thermodynamic performance and methane conversion on the four typical days (spring equinox, summer solstice, autumn equinox, winter solstice) were analyzed in this work. The current work might be insightful for solar-hydrogen production field. 相似文献
《International Journal of Hydrogen Energy》2022,47(82):34794-34809
A solar thermochemical reactor with better thermal management is proposed to improve the performance for dry reforming of methane. Conical cavity is introduced in the thermochemical reactor to adjust incident solar radiation distribution. Preheating area is adopted to recover sensible heat from gas outlet. Multiphysical model is presented for analyzing the overall performance of the reactor under different inlet flow rates. Also, local ideal reaction temperature required for maximizing local hydrogen production is analyzed according to the reaction kinetics. It is shown that better synergy between real temperature distribution and ideal temperature requirement can be achieved in this new reactor. Compared with conventional reactor, the present reactor exhibits the better performance in terms of reactant conversion, energy storage efficiency and hydrogen yield. Particularly, hydrogen yield is increased by 4.31%–17.12% at inlet flow rates between 6 and 12 L min?1. 相似文献
A novel concept for hydrogen generation by methane steam reforming in a thermally coupled catalytic fixed bed membrane reformer is experimentally demonstrated. The reactor, built from three concentric compartments, indirectly couples the endothermic methane steam reforming with the exothermic methane oxidation, while hydrogen is separated by a permselective Pd membrane. The study focuses on the determination of the key operation parameters and understanding their influence on the reactor performance. It has been shown that the reactor performance is mainly defined by the dimensionless ratio of the methane steam reforming feed flow rate to the hydrogen maximal membrane flow rate and by the ratio of the oxidation and steam reforming methane feed flow rates. 相似文献
A.B. Shigarov V.A. Кirillov Y.I. Аmosov A.S. Brayko V.B. Avakov I.К. Landgraf A.R. Urusov S.A. Jivulko V.V. Izmaylovich 《International Journal of Hydrogen Energy》2017,42(10):6713-6726
Results of experiments and modeling of a compact (800 cm3) membrane reformer module for the production of 0.25–0.30 Nm3/h hydrogen by methane steam reforming are reported. The module consists of a two-sided composite membrane disc with a 50 μm PdAg layer and two adjacent 4 mm thick Ni foam discs (60 ppi). A nickel catalyst and a porous support were deposited on the foam discs to give the final composition of 10%Ni/10%MgO/Ni-foam. Membrane permeability by pure hydrogen was investigated, and coefficients of transverse hydrogen transport across the Ni foam to the membrane in the case of inlet binary N2H2 mixture were refined in order to account for concentration polarization effect into the model. Activity of the catalytic discs was measured in a differential laboratory scale reactor at a pressure of 1 bar and temperature of 400–600 °C. Modules were tested at a 8–13 bar pressure of the mixture in the reforming zone and at 1 bar of pure hydrogen under the membrane, H2O/C = 2.5–3 and a module temperature of 550–680 °C (with and without hydrogen removal). Two modifications of the module were tested: consecutive (I-type) and parallel (II-type) flow of the reaction mixture around two sides of the membrane disc. In order to optimize construction of the module, calculations were made for revealing the effect of thickness of the PdAg membrane layer (5–50 μm), thickness of the Ni foam discs (0.5–8 mm) and temperature (600–700 °C) on the hydrogen output of the module. A comparison of the values obtained in our experiments (>1 MW/m3 and >0.7 kg(H2)/h/m2) with the literature data reported by other authors showed that the developed modules are promising for practical application as components of a fuel processor section for mobile applications. 相似文献
《International Journal of Hydrogen Energy》2019,44(23):11535-11545
Steam methane reforming is an endothermic reaction and it used to produce hydrogen and syngas. In this research, a factorial design is developed for an integrated Pd-based membrane reactor, producing hydrogen by methane steam reaction. In literature, no analogous works are present, because a simple sensitivity analysis is carried out without finding significant factors for the process. The reactor is modelled in MATLAB software using the Numaguchi kinetic. The reactor does not use conventional catalysts, but a Ni(10)/CeLaZr catalyst supported on SSiC ceramic foam. In ANOVA analysis, inlet temperature (550 K-815 K), methane flow rate in the feed (0.1 kmol/h-1 kmol/h), hydrogen permeability (1000 m3μmm−2hrbar0.5–3600 m3μmm−2hrbar0.5), the thickness of membrane (0.003 m-0.02 m) are the chosen factors. The analyzed responses are: hydrogen yield, carbon dioxide conversion and methane conversion. Results show that only inlet temperature, methane flow rate, their interaction and the thickens of membrane are significant. Also, the optimal operating conditions are obtained with inlet temperature, methane flow rate, hydrogen permeability and thickness of membrane equal to 550 K, 0.1 kmol/h, 3600 m3μmm−2hrbar0.5 and 0.003 m. 相似文献
Angelo Basile Stefano CampanariGiampaolo Manzolini Adolfo IulianelliTiziana Longo Simona Liguori Marcello De FalcoVincenzo Piemonte 《International Journal of Hydrogen Energy》2011,36(2):1531-1539
In this experimental work, methane steam reforming (MSR) reaction is performed in a dense Pd-Ag membrane reactor and the influence of pressure on methane conversion, COx-free hydrogen recovery and COx-free hydrogen production is investigated. The reaction is conducted at 450 °C by supplying nitrogen as a sweep gas in co-current flow configuration with respect to the reactants. Three experimental campaigns are realized in the MR packed with Ni-ZrO catalyst, which showed better performances than Ni-Al2O3 used in a previous paper dealing with the same MR system. The first one is directed to keep constant the total pressure in both retentate and permeate sides of the membrane reactor. In the second case study, the total retentate pressure is kept constant at 9.0 bar, while the total permeate pressure is varied between 5.0 and 9.0 bar. As the best result of this work, at 450 °C and 4.0 bar of total pressure difference between retentate and permeate sides, around 65% methane conversion and 1.2 l/h of COx-free hydrogen are reached, further recovering 80% COx-free hydrogen over the total hydrogen produced during the reaction. Moreover, a study on the influence of hydrogen-rich gas mixtures on the hydrogen permeation through the Pd-Ag membrane is also performed and discussed. 相似文献
Wei-Je Huang Ching-Tsung Yu Wen-Jenn Sheu Yen-Cho Chen 《International Journal of Hydrogen Energy》2021,46(31):16522-16533
The effect of non-uniform temperature on the sorption-enhanced steam methane reforming (SE-SMR) in a tubular fixed-bed reactor with a constant wall temperature of 600 °C is investigated numerically by an experimentally verified unsteady two-dimensional model. The reactor uses Ni/Al2O3 as the reforming catalyst and CaO as the sorbent. The reaction of SMR is enhanced by removing the CO2 through the reaction of CaO + CO2 → CaCO3 based on the Le Chatelier's principle. A non-uniform temperature distribution instead of a uniform temperature in the reactor appears due to the rapid endothermic reaction of SMR followed by an exothermic reaction of CO2 sorption. For a small weight hourly space velocity (WHSV) of 0.67 h?1 before the CO2 breakthrough, both a low and a high temperature regions exist simultaneously in the catalyst/sorbent bed, and their sizes are enlarged and the temperature distribution is more non-uniform for a larger tube diameter (D). Both the CH4 conversion and the H2 molar fraction are slightly increased with the increase of D. Based on the parameters adopted in this work, the CH4 conversion, the H2 and CO molar fractions at D = 60 mm are 84.6%, 94.4%, and 0.63%, respectively. After CO2 breakthrough, the reaction of SMR dominates, and the reactor performance is remarkably reduced due to low reactor temperature.For a higher value of WHSV (4.03 h?1) before CO2 breakthrough, both the reaction times for SMR and CO2 sorption become much shorter. The size of low temperature region becomes larger, and the high temperature region inside the catalyst/sorbent bed doesn't exist for D ≥ 30 mm. The maximum temperature difference inside the catalyst/sorbent bed is greater than 67 °C. Both the CH4 conversion and H2 molar fraction are slightly decreased with the increase of D. However, this phenomenon is qualitatively opposite to that for small WHSV of 0.67 h?1. The CH4 conversion and H2 molar fraction at D = 60 mm are 52.6% and 78.7%, respectively, which are much lower than those for WHSV = 0.67 h?1. 相似文献
Steam reforming of methane in a tapered membrane - Assisted fluidized - Bed reactor: Modeling and simulation 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Asghar Molaei Dehkordi Chiya SavariMohammad Ghasemi 《International Journal of Hydrogen Energy》2011,36(1):490-504
A compartment model was developed to describe the flow pattern of gas within the dense zone of a tapered membrane-assisted fluidized-bed reactor (TMAFBR), in the bubbling mode of operation for steam reforming of methane under wall heat flux. The parameters of the developed model (i.e., number of compartments for the bubble and emulsion phases) were determined using the experimental data reported elsewhere [Adris AM, Lim CJ, Grace JR. The fluidized bed membrane reactor system: a pilot scale experimental study. Chem Eng Sci 1994; 49:5833-43.] and good agreements were obtained between model predictions and corresponding experimental data. The developed model was then utilized to predict the behavior of TMAFBR under various operating and design conditions. Moreover, the influences of tapered angle, bed operating temperature and pressure, and feed temperature on the methane conversion and the total yield of hydrogen were carefully investigated. Furthermore, the performance capability of the TMAFBR was compared with that of a columnar one under identical operating conditions. 相似文献
《International Journal of Hydrogen Energy》2022,47(86):36493-36503
Methane steam reforming will still account for most of hydrogen production in the coming decades. Membrane reactor can play a key role in both energy saving and process/equipment compactness, particularly for its decentralized applications. Here we design a particles-based packed-bed membrane reactor and explore the operational window and design challenges by conducting systematic study experimentally and computationally, particularly emphasizing geometrical scale of membrane reactor and catalyst activity. The results show that membrane reactor presents maximum hydrogen flux by consuming unit methane under the optimized operation conditions of GHSV (i.e., 1134 hr?1) and steam-to-carbon ratio (i.e., 2), and computational study shows that optimal operation window is around 30 atm and 773.15 K. Moreover, the design criteria of “Catalyst activity – Membrane performance – Radial depth” is revealed quantitatively and catalyst activity is identified as the key limiting factor for further process intensification. Briefly, these results shed some lights on operation, optimal design, and further improvement of membrane reactor in methane steam reforming. 相似文献
This paper presents the results of a theoretical investigation whose aim was the development of a simulation tool for performance prediction of a steam reforming hydrogen production plant, and particularly of its overall energetic efficiency. A 1500 Nm3/h hydrogen production plant was simulated. Field data coming from an industrial plant were used for model validation in both design and off design operating conditions. To evaluate the plant performances in terms of energetic efficiency, a particular attention was paid to the simulation of all plant auxiliaries consumptions. Nevertheless the large uncertainty in most of the field data values, the model was able to capture all the relevant phenomena taking place in all the plant components, from reformer reactor up to CO2 sequestration unit, in the investigated plant capacity range (40–100%). 相似文献
Chang-Hyun Kim Jae-Yun Han Hankwon Lim Kwan-Young Lee Shin-Kun Ryi 《International Journal of Hydrogen Energy》2018,43(11):5863-5872
Herein, a methane steam reforming (MSR) reaction was carried out using a Pd composite membrane reactor packed with a commercial Ru/Al2O3 catalyst under mild operating conditions, to produce hydrogen with CO2 capture. The Pd composite membrane was fabricated on a tubular stainless steel support by the electroless plating (ELP) method. The membrane exhibited a hydrogen permeance of 2.26 × 10?3 mol m2 s?1 Pa?0.5, H2/N2 selectivity of 145 at 773 K, and pressure difference of 20.3 kPa. The MSR reaction, which was carried out at steam to carbon ratio (S/C) = 3.0, gas hourly space velocity (GHSV) = 1700 h?1, and 773 K, showed that methane conversion increased with the pressure difference and reached 79.5% at ΔP = 506 kPa. This value was ~1.9 time higher than the equilibrium value at 773 K and 101 kPa. Comparing with the previous studies which introduced sweeping gas for low hydrogen partial pressure in the permeate stream, very high pressure difference (2500–2900 kPa) for increase of hydrogen recovery and very low GHSV (<150) for increase hydraulic retention time (HRT), our result was worthy of notice. The gas composition monitored during the long-term stability test showed that the permeate side was composed of 97.8 vol% H2, and the retentate side contained 67.8 vol% CO2 with 22.2 vol% CH4. When energy was recovered by CH4 combustion in the retentate streams, pre-combustion carbon capture was accomplished using the Pd-based composite membrane reactor. 相似文献
Two compact reformer configurations in the context of production of hydrogen in a fuel processing system for use in a Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell (PEMFC) based auxiliary power unit in the 2–3 kW range are compared using computer-based modeling techniques. Hydrogen is produced via catalytic steam reforming of n-heptane, the surrogate for petroleum naphtha. Heat required for this endothermic reaction is supplied via catalytic combustion of methane, the model compound for natural gas. The combination of steam reforming and catalytic combustion is modeled for a microchannel reactor configuration in which reactions and heat transfer take place in parallel, micro-sized flow paths with wall-coated catalysts and for a cascade reactor configuration in which reactions occur in a series of adiabatic packed-beds, heat exchange in interconnecting microchannel heat exchangers being used to maintain the desired temperature. Size and efficiency of the fuel processor consisting of the reformer, hydrogen clean-up units and heat exchange peripherals are estimated for either case of using a microchannel and a cascade configuration in the reforming step. The respective sizes of fuel processors with microchannel and cascade configurations are 1.53 × 10−3 and 1.71 × 10−3 m3. The overall efficiency of the fuel processor, defined as the ratio of the lower heating value of the hydrogen produced to the lower heating value of the fuel consumed, is 68.2% with the microchannel reactor and 73.5% with the cascade reactor mainly due to 30% lower consumption of n-heptane in the latter. The cascade system also offers advanced temperature control over the reactions and ease of catalyst replacement. 相似文献