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针对一类具有范数有界不确定性的连续系统和二次矩阵不等式区域,考虑系统具有方差和区域极点约束 的输出反馈控制器设计问题.为此首先导出闭环系统区域稳定的充分必要条件.然后用线性矩阵不等式方法给出输出反馈控制器存在的一个充分条件.在此充分条件下闭环系统是鲁棒区域稳定的且具有H-infinity性能以及当干扰为白噪声信号时其稳态状态方差有限.接下来用矩阵分解方法给出输出反馈控制器增益矩阵的求解过程.最后通过一个仿真实例说明本文所提出的控制器设计方法的有效性. 相似文献
鲁棒极点约束的H∞设计 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
讨论在H∞混合灵敏度问题中加极点约束以避免零极点对消的设计问题,给出了乘性不确定性下的鲁棒极点约束的LMI。讨论了极点约束问题中性能权函数的处理方法。给出了H∞控制挠性系统的设计算例。 相似文献
具有区域极点和方差约束的Delta 算子
系统鲁棒H ∞滤波 总被引:12,自引:3,他引:9
系统鲁棒H ∞滤波 总被引:12,自引:3,他引:9
研究Delta算子不确定系统在误差方差约束和区域极点约束下的鲁棒H∞滤波问题,针对多目标H∞滤波问题,采用代数矩阵不等式方法,提出滤波器的存在条件和显式表达式.所得结果可将连续系统和离散系统的有关结果统一到Delta算子框架。 相似文献
研究一类鲁棒H∞滤波问题。针对带有不确定性参数和白噪声干扰的中立型时滞系统,设计一类滤波器,使之对于任意容许的不确定性,滤波误差系统一致渐近稳定且使噪声对估计误差的影响降至给定约束范围之内。利用线性矩阵不等式的方法.将所得的确定性系统的鲁棒滤波结论,扩展到不确定性系统,得到不确定性系统鲁棒H∞滤波器的充分条件。给出的数值算例验证了所提出算法的有效性。 相似文献
不确定线性系统的输出反馈鲁棒H∞控制 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
研究了具有范数有界参数不确定线性系统的输出反馈鲁棒H∞控制问题,给出了该系统带H∞指标γ鲁棒稳定的充要条件,以及该系统静态输出反馈带H∞指标γ鲁棒镇定的充要条件,并且指出,系统的动态输出反馈鲁棒H∞镇定问题可等价为广义系统的静态输出反馈鲁棒H∞镇定问题,所给出的方法,其设计过程只需解一个特殊的Riccati方程最后通过实例论证了方法的有效性。 相似文献
1IntroductionSingular systems have comprehensive practical back-ground such as power systems[1,2],social economicsystems[3],circuit systems[4],and so on.Great progress[5~7]has been made in the theory and its applicationssince1970s.On the other hand,control of delay systemshas been a topic of recurring interest over the past decadessince time_delays are often the main causes for instabilityand poor performance of systems and encounteredfrequently in various engineering systems.There exist anext… 相似文献
This paper addresses robust model predictive control (MPC) for time-delay systems with polytopic uncertainty. Uncertain time-varying input delay and state delays are considered, and the infinite horizon control moves are parametrised into an augmented state feedback law at each time instant. A receding horizon implementation of this state feedback law renders satisfaction of input/state constraints and closed-loop stability. For time-invariant delays and known delays, simplified results are obtained. A numerical example and a benchmark problem on continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR) are given to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed techniques. 相似文献
Robust reliable H-infinity control for nonlinear uncertain stochastic time-delay systems with Markovian jumping parameters 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
This paper deals with the problems of robust reliable exponential stabilization and robust stochastic stabilization with H-infinity performance for a class of nonlinear uncertain time-delay stochastic systems with Markovian jumping parameters. The time delays are assumed to be dependent on the system modes. Delay-dependent conditions for the solvability of these problems are obtained via parameter-dependent Lyapunov functionals. Furthermore, it is shown that the desired state feedback controller can be designed by solving a set of linear matrix inequalities. Finally, the simulation is provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed methods. 相似文献
This paper focuses on the robust H-infinity reliable control for a class of nonlinear neutral delay systems with uncertainties and actuator failures. We design a state feedback controller in terms of linear matrix inequality(LMI) such that the plant satisfies robust H-infinity performance for all adnfissible uncertainties, and actuator failures among a prespecified subset of actuators. An example is also given to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach. 相似文献
A systematic approach is given in this paper for analyzing the robust stability of uncertain time-delay systems controlled by output feedback. By checking the eigenvalues of a Hamiltonian matrix, the stability of nominal systems can be examined first. Then, for the nominally stable uncertain systems with multiple time delays, a new method using structured singular value technique is proposed for finding a set of uncertain parameters within which the systems remain stable. Moreover, an illustrative example is given to show the usefulness of the proposed approach. 相似文献
This paper deals with the problem of H∞ output feedback control for uncertain stochastic systems with time-varying delays. The parameter uncertainties are assumed to be time-varying norm-bounded. The aim is the design of a full-order dynamic output feedback controller ensuring robust exponential mean-square stability and a prescribed H∞ performance level for the resulting closed-loop system, irrespective of the uncertainties. A sufficient condition for the existence of such an output feedback controller is obtained and the expression of desired controllers is given. 相似文献