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In this paper,we describe the impact of quadrature imbalance (QI) in the presence of frequency offset in an optical coherent offset quadrature phase shift keying (OQPSK) receiver.Arbitrary conjugate misalignment was realized in a 2×4 90° optical hybrid,and the ellipse correction (EC) method of quadrature imbalance was applied in our simulation.In the case of transmission,the EC method can significantly improve the system performance.  相似文献   

SOQPSK信号包络恒定、相位连续,拥有很高的功率、频谱效率,在卫星通信、深空通信、航空遥测等系统中具有广泛的应用前景.为保证SOQPSK信号能够适应上述系统较大的载波多普勒平移,本文提出一种FFT引导COSTAS环的SOQPSK信号载波跟踪技术.算法首先利用FFT粗略估计多普勒频率,将载波频偏牵引至较小的误差范围,再利用改进的COSTAS环跟踪载波残差及相位误差,进而实现了对大频偏SOQPSK信号载波的稳态跟踪.仿真结果表明,本文所提算法不仅能够跟踪大频偏载波,而且在小频偏时性能亦优于传统方法.  相似文献   

介绍了微波高速正交相移键控(QPSK)调制器电路的设计和制作。电路采用环形调制电路形式,由环形肖特基二极管堆和微波宽带巴伦结构组成。利用高速发射极耦合逻辑(ECL)差分电路驱动,在误差矢量幅度(EVM)为5%时,在X 波段可实现调制码速率达500 Mbit/ s。通过电路优化以及补偿设计,可实现较高的电路性能。经产品测试,在X 波段,转换损耗小于12 dB,幅度和相位一致性小于±0. 25 dB 和±2°,载波抑制优于-38 dBc。该设计结构简单、精度高、可靠性高,对微波高速调制电路工程应用具有一定的参考意义。  相似文献   

基于光子矢量调制技术,首次提出了光域OOK到电域QPSK的直接转换方法.在提出的方案中,传送到宽带无线接入网中心站的光OOK信号无需光电转换成二进制基带信号,而是在光域直接进行转换,这样就避免了光-电-光转换,降低了系统的复杂性,并且克服了电子瓶颈问题.另外,使用了低硬件要求的PVM方案,降低了系统成本.理论与仿真分析...  相似文献   

光差分四相移键控(DQPSK)信号解调技术是相位调制光纤通信系统中的关键技术,本文利用钒酸钇(YVO4)晶体设计制作了2 bit延迟干涉仪(DI)作为DQPSK解调器。相对于传统的基于光纤结构的DI,用晶体材料制作的DI具有温度稳定性高的特点,其作为光DQPSK解调技术中的关键器件,具有广泛的应用前景。实验搭建了20 Gb/s光NRZ-DQPSK背靠背实验系统,并利用自主设计制作的DI成功实现了NRZ-DQPSK信号解调。实验结果与计算机仿真计算结果一致。  相似文献   

Driven by increasing demands for the ultra-compact interconnects of integrated electronics and the ultrafast information transfer of communication systems, research on spoof plasmonic metamaterials has attracted considerable attention. However, most efforts to date have been only achieved in individual modulation of amplitude or phase at a single frequency because of the limitation of structural design. Herein, an ultra-thin reprogrammable modulator consisting of a spoof surface plasmonic polariton (SSPP) waveguide and spoof localized surface plasmon (SLSP) resonators is proposed and experimentally demonstrated. It allows controlling the amplitudes and phases of surface waves independently. By simultaneously manipulating the SSPP waveguide and SLSP resonators in real time, different modulations are realized in a programmable way, such as amplitude-shift keying, phase-shift keying, quadrature amplitude modulation, and frequency-shift keying. Measured results confirm that the reprogrammable plasmonic metamaterial can modulate the surface electromagnetic waves, holding promising applications in integrated circuits and communication systems.  相似文献   

Orthogonal ASK/DPSK labeling, which encodes label information on optical carriers in a modulation format, is regarded as a competing scheme to subcarrier multiplexed optical labeling. However, the inherent cross-talk limits the extinction ratio (ER) of the payload and label sensitivity. In this paper, two optical coding methods-Manchester coding and 8B10B coding-which can remarkably improve the system quality to obtain acceptable ER are discussed. A novel optical packet encoding methodmark-insertion coding-is demonstrated to significantly reduce cross-talk between the amplitude shift keying ASK) payload and the differential phase shift keying (DPSK) label through spectrum shaping. The performance of mark-insertion coding depends on the number of inserted 'marks'. Finally, the transmission over a 40 km single mode fiber (SMF) is compared with optical label swapping for a. 40 Gbit/s ASK payload and 2.5 Gbit/s DPSK label under these coding schemes. The experimental result is consistent with the theoretical analysis.  相似文献   

无人机技术和载荷设备的不断升级,对地面站与无人机终端之间数据通信的可靠性和有效性等要素提出了更高的要求。结合传输数据流需求的非对称性,分析了非平衡四相移键控(Unbalanced Quadrature Phase Shift Keying, UQPSK)通信体制的优势,通过Matlab进行可行性仿真分析,并采用现场可编程门阵列(Field Programmable Gate Array, FPGA)进行实现。测试结果表明,在通信距离100 km、图像数据16 Mb/s、遥测数据51.2 kb/s的情况下,该方案能够实现小于10-6的误码率。  相似文献   

This paper presents a simple gain/phase blind compensation algorithm with an automatic gain control (AGC) function for the adoption of the AGC function and compensation for gain/phase imbalances in quadrature phase shift keying (QPSK) direct conversion receivers (DCRs). The AGC function is interactively operated with the compensation algorithm for gain/phase imbalances. By detecting the gain sum and difference values between the I‐channel and Q‐channel, the combined AGC and gain imbalance compensation algorithm provides a simpler DCR architecture.  相似文献   

振动会造成天线相对位置变化,产生干扰信号,导致通信质量下降.基于振动天线辐射理论模型,定量分析了四进制相移键控(quadrature phase shift keying,QPSK)系统天线振动对通信性能的影响,推导了QPSK系统天线在振动条件下系统误符率(symbol error rate,SER)公式,并通过计算机...  相似文献   

光子辅助的毫米波通信因其超带宽优势在下一代宽带无线接入网中有着广泛的应用前景,本文基于单个激光源和一个双极化马赫-曾德尔调制器(dual-polarization Mach-Zehnder modulator,DP-MZM)的光路结构产生了频率稳定的偏振复用毫米波信号,联合VPI与MATLAB仿真环境对单边带(single sideband,SSB)偏振复用四相相移键控(polarization-division-multiplexing,PDM)quadrature phase shift keying,QPSK、16阶正交幅度调制(16-ary quadrature amplitude modulation,16QAM)和32阶正交幅度调制(32-ary quadrature amplitude modulation,32QAM)信号分别实现了70 km、65 km与50 km的有效传输,并结合概率整形(probability shaping,PS)技术在28 GHz波段上,以相同净比特传输速率对比分析了均匀16QAM与PS-16QAM,均匀32QAM与PS-32QAM的SSB矢量毫米波(millimeter wave,MMW)信号在光纤传输条件下的误码率(bit error rate,BER)性能。仿真结果表明:在相同净比特速率,以硬判决阈值3.8×10^(-3)为判断条件,在普通单模光纤(single-mode fiber,SMF)传输系统中,PS-16QAM/32QAM信号光功率约有0.3 dBm的提升,非线性光纤(nonlinear fiber NLF)传输系统中,PS-16QAM信号光功率约有0.8 dBm的提升,PS-32QAM信号光功率约有0.5 dBm的提升,结果表明:经过PS后的MMW信号光纤传输性能有明显改善。  相似文献   

IJF-OQPSK数字调制器   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
无符号间干扰和抖动-交错正交相移键控(IFJ-OQPSK)是现代数字调制技术中的一种新的调制方式。在介绍一种新型集成调制芯片的基础上,给出实现IJF-OQPSK调制器的具体电路。  相似文献   

偏振复用QPSK相干光数字通信系统实验研究   总被引:1,自引:8,他引:1  
唐进  陈林  肖江南 《光电子.激光》2012,(10):1895-1900
建立了偏振复用正交相移键控(QPSK)传输及相干检测的数字通信实验系统,并分析系统的性能。40Gbit/s的偏振复用QPSK信号在单模光纤(SMF)中传输了100km;信号光与本振光在接收端进行混频并下变频,最后用数字信号处理(DSP)算法对接收信号离线处理。比较了光纤传输前后不同的光信噪比(OSNR)下的误码率(BER),实验结果表明,所使用的DSP算法能克服光纤信道对信号的主要损伤,对高速的相干检测信号进行有效的恢复。  相似文献   

When quadrature error exists, the shape of the M‐ary phase shift keying (MPSK) signal constellation becomes skewed‐elliptic. Each MPSK symbol takes on a different symbol error probability (SEP) value. The analytical results presented thus far have been derived from studies which examined the SEP problem assuming that the SEP of each MPSK symbol is equally likely; therefore, those results should not be treated as offering a complete solution. In this letter, we present a new and more complete solution to the SEP problem of MPSK by relaxing the above assumption and finding the expressions for the average as well as individual SEP in the presence of quadrature error.  相似文献   

张国庆  陈树强 《光电子.激光》2017,28(12):1310-1315
提出一种新型反射式电光调制器。为了验证反射式电光调制器在同步零差相干系 统中的 作用,采用OptiSystem14.0软件搭建了一个40Gbit/s偏振复用的QPS K系统。实验结果表 明,本文系统可以较好地接收信号,完成信号的调制与解调,解决了光锁相环问题。 反射型电光调制器在系 统中的性能优越,有利于实现同步零差相干接收,对实际工程中应用反射式电光调制器 具有参考价值。  相似文献   

为解决高效差分混沌键控(HE-DCSK)系统判决变量中信号内干扰的不利影响问题,提出一种无信号内干扰的高效差分混沌键控通信方案。该方案通过改变混沌载波的构造方式,确保在相同信息时隙内传输的两路携带不同信息的已调混沌信号严格正交,彻底去除了接收机判决变量中的信号内干扰分量。分析和仿真表明,所提的新系统可以大大改善HE-DCSK系统的误码性能。  相似文献   

卫星导航系统中数字调制技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了卫星导航系统中使用的各种调制技术及其优缺点,从调制信号的各种特性以及仿真结果出发,说明在频谱资源相当紧张的情况下,可利用各种调制技术的优势互补,来提高频谱资源的利用率和系统的整体性能,指出了未来卫星导航系统中调制技术的发展方向.  相似文献   

差分混沌键控(DCSK)系统的最大缺点是参考信号和数据信号消耗了相同比例的比特能量和数据传输速率.为了克服这一缺点,提出了一种高速差分混沌键控系统(HR-DCSK).该系统缩短了原来DCSK参考信号的长度,同时数据信号携带2 bit数据,并将数据信号重复发送,提高了数据传输速率和能量效率.推导出在高斯信道中的比特误码率公式并进行仿真,理论分析和仿真表明,在相同信噪比下,HR-DCSK比调频差分混沌键控系统(FM-DCSK)误码率降低了10%.  相似文献   

提出了一种基于非对称马赫增德干涉仪(MZI)的光偏振复用解调方案,使用VPI transmission Maker搭建了100Gb/s的DQPSK偏振复用传输系统,使用基于非对称MZI的光电探测模块对信号进行解调.仿真结果表明:信号经过背靠背和100km传输后,眼图较好.  相似文献   

High‐data transmission rate and reliable communication in underwater acoustic channel is challenging because of limited bandwidth, multipath propagation, and Doppler shift, which results in poor bit error performance. Under this constraint, this paper explains the simulation results of underwater wireless acoustic data transmission system by using quadrature phase shift keying modulation with convolution encoder at the transmitter and proposed Viterbi decoder at the receiver. The decoder algorithm in comparison with MATLAB inbuilt function shows asserting improved results. This paper evaluates the performance of convolution coded orthogonal frequency division multiplexing modem, which is studied over typical underwater channel through an extensive computer simulation and a semirealistic experimentation. The performance of convolution coded orthogonal frequency division multiplexing system is measured in time domain plots, bit error rate curves, and number of bit errors per frame over additive white Gaussian noise and Rayleigh channel conditions.  相似文献   

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