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Emergency resource allocation constitutes one of the most critical elements of response operations in the field of emergency management. This paper addresses an emergency resource allocation problem which involves multiple competing affected areas and one relief resource centre under supply shortage and uncertainty in the post-disaster phase. In humanitarian situations, both the efficiency and fairness of an allocation policy have a considerable influence on the effectiveness of emergency response operations. Thus, we formulate a bi-objective robust emergency resource allocation (BRERA) model which tries to maximise efficiency as well as fairness under different sources of uncertainties. To obtain decision-makers’ most preferred allocation policy, we propose a novel emergency resource allocation decision method which consists of three steps: (1) develop a bi-objective heuristic particle swarm optimisation algorithm to search the Pareto frontier of the BRERA model; (2) select a coefficient to measure fairness; and (3) establish a decision method based on decision-makers’ preference restricted by the fairness coefficient. Finally, a real case study taken from the 5 December 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed method through numerical results. The solution and model robustness are also analysed.  相似文献   

This article examines the yard allocation problem for outbound containers, with consideration of uncertainty factors, mainly including the arrival and operation time of calling vessels. Based on the time buffer inserting method, a bi-objective model is constructed to minimize the total operational cost and to maximize the robustness of fighting against the uncertainty. Due to the NP-hardness of the constructed model, a two-stage heuristic is developed to solve the problem. In the first stage, initial solutions are obtained by a greedy algorithm that looks n-steps ahead with the uncertainty factors set as their respective expected values; in the second stage, based on the solutions obtained in the first stage and with consideration of uncertainty factors, a neighbourhood search heuristic is employed to generate robust solutions that can fight better against the fluctuation of uncertainty factors. Finally, extensive numerical experiments are conducted to test the performance of the proposed method.  相似文献   

In this study, we considered a bi-objective, multi-project, multi-mode resource-constrained project scheduling problem. We adopted three objective pairs as combinations of the net present value (NPV) as a financial performance measure with one of the time-based performance measures, namely, makespan (Cmax), mean completion time (MCT), and mean flow time (MFT) (i.e., minCmax/maxNPV, minMCT/maxNPV, and minMFT/maxNPV). We developed a hybrid non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm II (hybrid-NSGA-II) as a solution method by introducing a backward–forward pass (BFP) procedure and an injection procedure into NSGA-II. The BFP was proposed for new population generation and post-processing. Then, an injection procedure was introduced to increase diversity. The BFP and injection procedures led to improved objective functional values. The injection procedure generated a significantly high number of non-dominated solutions, thereby resulting in great diversity. An extensive computational study was performed. Results showed that hybrid-NSGA-II surpassed NSGA-II in terms of the performance metrics hypervolume, maximum spread, and the number of non-dominated solutions. Solutions were obtained for the objective pairs using hybrid-NSGA-II and three different test problem sets with specific properties. Further analysis was performed by employing cash balance, which was another financial performance measure of practical importance. Several managerial insights and extensions for further research were presented.  相似文献   

The problem of this paper deals with the multi-mode project scheduling problem under uncertainty of activity duration where only the renewable resources are taken into account and a given deadline has to be met at the cost of recruiting additional resources. A heuristic algorithm is employed to solve this problem, and to maintain the robustness of the baseline schedule, the concept of critical chain project management (CCPM) is applied in which a new definition to resource buffer is considered. A simulation methodology is used to determine the size and location of resource buffers in the schedules in which three different buffer sizes and three different uncertainty levels are considered. Results and analysis of the simulation outcomes illustrate that resource buffers are useful and should be simulated by the CCPM schedules, as they help to decrease the total duration of the project during implementation and meet the deadline of the project with more assurance.  相似文献   

Unpredictable uncertainties cause delays and additional costs for projects. Often, when using traditional approaches, the optimizing procedure of the baseline project plan fails and leads to delays. In this study, a two-stage multi-objective buffer allocation approach is applied for robust project scheduling. In the first stage, some decisions are made on buffer sizes and allocation to the project activities. A set of Pareto-optimal robust schedules is designed using the meta-heuristic non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm (NSGA-II) based on the decisions made in the buffer allocation step. In the second stage, the Pareto solutions are evaluated in terms of the deviation from the initial start time and due dates. The proposed approach was implemented on a real dam construction project. The outcomes indicated that the obtained buffered schedule reduces the cost of disruptions by 17.7% compared with the baseline plan, with an increase of about 0.3% in the project completion time.  相似文献   

In this paper, we discuss the resource–constrained project scheduling problem with discounted cash flows. We introduce a new schedule construction technique which moves sets of activities to improve the project net present value and consists of two steps. In particular, the inclusion of individual activities into sets, which are then moved together, is crucial in both steps. The first step groups the activities based on the predecessors and successors in the project network, and adds these activities to a set based on their finish time and cash flow. The second step on the contrary does so based on the neighbouring activities in the schedule, which may but need not include precedence related activities. The proposed scheduling method is implemented in a genetic algorithm metaheuristic and we employ a penalty function to improve the algorithm’s feasibility with respect to a tight deadline. All steps of the proposed solution methodology are tested in detail and an extensive computational experiment shows that our results are competitive with existing work.  相似文献   

Yuan-Yuan Lu  Jia-Yu Liu 《工程优选》2018,50(10):1810-1827
In this note, single machine scheduling with concurrent resource allocation and position-dependent workloads is studied. The aim is to find jointly the optimal sequence and the optimal resource allocation. A bicriteria analysis of the problem is provided where the first criterion is to minimize the scheduling cost (i.e. makespan, total completion time, total absolute differences in completion times, total absolute differences in waiting times) and the second criterion is to minimize the total resource consumption cost. It is proved that four bicriteria problems can be solved efficiently.  相似文献   

A parallel Simulated Annealing algorithm with multi-threaded architecture is proposed to solve a real bi-objective maintenance scheduling problem with conflicting objectives: the minimisation of the total equipment downtime caused by maintenance jobs and the minimisation of the multi-skilled workforce requirements over the given horizon. The maintenance jobs have different priorities with some precedence relations between different skills. The total weighted flow time is used as a scheduling criterion to measure the equipment availability. The multi-threaded architecture is used to speed up a multi-objective Simulated Annealing algorithm to solve the considered problem. Multi-threading is a form of parallelism based on shared memory architecture where multiple logical processing units, so-called threads, run concurrently and communicate via shared memory. The performance of the parallel method compared to the exact method is verified using a number of test problems. The obtained results imply the high efficiency and robustness of the proposed heuristic for both solution quality and computational effort.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the scheduling problems in a hybrid flowshop with two objectives of minimising the makespan and total tardiness. Since this problem is NP-hard, evolutionary algorithms based on the genetic algorithm (GA) namely; BOGAW, BOGAC, BOGAT, and BOGAS are proposed for searching the Pareto-optimal frontier. In these algorithms, we propose to generate a section of solutions for the next generation using a neighbourhood search structure on the best individual in each generation. The selection procedure selects the best chromosome based on an evaluation mechanism used in the algorithm (i.e., weighted sum, crowding distance, TOPSIS and single-objective). The aim of this paper is to clarify that the cited characteristic is efficient and it enhances the efficiency of algorithms. Therefore, we perform a comparison between the proposed algorithms to find the best alternative. Data envelopment analysis is used to evaluate the performance of approximation methods. The obtained result from the comparison shows that, BOGAC is the more efficient. To continue, since the efficiency of our idea is not clear, we compare our efficient algorithm with other efficient algorithms in the literature (namely PGA-ALS and MOGLS). The final persuasive results support the idea that BOGAC in comparison with PGA-ALS and MOGLS is more effective and efficient.  相似文献   

Scheduling problems of semiconductor manufacturing systems (SMS) with the goal of optimising some classical performance indices (NP-hard), tend to be increasingly complicated due to stochastic uncertainties. This paper targets the robust scheduling problem of an SMS with uncertain processing times. A three-stage multi-objective robust optimisation (MORO) approach is proposed, that can collaboratively optimise the performance indices and their robustness measures. In the first stage, this paper studies the scheduling problem in the deterministic environment and obtains feasible scheduling strategies that perform well in four performance indices (the average cycle time (CT), the on-time delivery rate (ODR), the throughput (TP), and the total movement amount of wafers (MOV)). Then, in the second stage, the uncertainties are introduced into the production system. In the third stage, this paper proposes a hybrid method consisting of scenario planning, discrete simulation, and multi-objective optimisation to obtain an approximately and more robust optimal solution from the feasible scheduling strategy set. The proposed MORO approach is tested in a semiconductor experiment production line and makes a full analysis to illustrate the effectiveness of our method. The results show that our MORO is superior concerning the total robustness with multi-objective.  相似文献   

The NP-hard scheduling problems of semiconductor manufacturing systems (SMSs) are further complicated by stochastic uncertainties. Reactive scheduling is a common dynamic scheduling approach where the scheduling scheme is refreshed in response to real-time uncertainties. The scheduling scheme is overly sensitive to the emergence of uncertainties because the optimization of performance (such as minimum make-span) and the system robustness cannot be achieved simultaneously by conventional reactive scheduling methods. To improve the robustness of the scheduling scheme, we propose a novel slack-based robust scheduling rule (SR) based on the analysis of robustness measurement for SMS with uncertain processing time. The decision in the SR is made in real time given the robustness. The proposed SR is verified under different scenarios, and the results are compared with the existing heuristic rules. Simulation results show that the proposed SR can effectively improve the robustness of the scheduling scheme with a slight performance loss.  相似文献   

We study a single machine scheduling problem (SMSP) with uncertain job release times (JRTs) under the maximum waiting time (MWT) criterion. To deal with the uncertainty, a robust model is established to find an optimal schedule, which minimises the worst-case MWT (W-MWT) when JRTs vary over given time intervals. Although infinite possible scenarios for JRTs exist, we show that only n scenarios are needed for calculating the W-MWT, where n is the number of jobs. Based on this property, the robust (SMSP) with uncertain JRTs to minimise the W-MWT is formulated as a mixed integer linear programming problem. To solve large-size problem instances, an efficient two-stage heuristic (TSH) is proposed. In the first stage, n near-optimal schedules are obtained by solving n deterministic scenario-based SMSPs, and their W-MWTs are evaluated. To speed up the solution and evaluation process, a modified Gusfield’s heuristic is proposed by exploiting the inner connections of these SMSPs. To further improve the schedule obtained in the first stage, the second stage consists of a variable neighbourhood search method by combining both swap neighbourhood search and insert neighbourhood search. We also develop a method to calculate the lower bound of the proposed model so that we can evaluate the performance of the solutions given by the TSH. Experimental results confirm the robustness of schedules produced and advantages of the proposed TSH over other algorithms in terms of solution quality and run time.  相似文献   

In this paper, a fuzzy bi-objective mixed-integer linear programming (FBOMILP) model is presented. FBOMILP encompasses the minimisation workload imbalance and total tardiness simultaneously as a bi-objective formulation for an unrelated parallel machine scheduling problem. To make the proposed model more practical, sequence-dependent setup times, machine eligibility restrictions and release dates are also considered. Moreover, the inherent uncertainty of processing times, release dates, setup times and due dates are taken into account and modelled by fuzzy numbers. In order to solve the model for small-scale problems, a two-stage fuzzy approach is proposed. Nevertheless, since the problem belongs to the class of NP-hard problems, the proposed model is solved by two meta-heuristic algorithms, namely fuzzy multi-objective particle swarm optimisation (FMOPSO) and fuzzy non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm (FNSGA-II) for solving large-scale instances. Subsequently, through setting up various numerical examples, the performances of the two mentioned algorithms are compared. When α?=?0.5 (α is a level of risk-taking and when it increases the decision-maker’s risk-taking decreases), FNSGA-II is fairly more effective than FMOPSO and has better performance especially in solving large-sized problems. However, when α rises, it can be stated that FMOPSO moderately becomes more appropriate. Finally, directions for future studies are suggested and conclusion remarks are drawn.  相似文献   

This article considers a single-machine due-window assignment scheduling problem based on a common flow allowance (i.e. all jobs have slack due window (SLKW)). We assume that the actual processing time of a job is a function of its position in a sequence (learning effect) and its continuously divisible and non-renewable resource allocation. The problem is to determine the optimal due windows, the optimal resource allocation and the processing sequence simultaneously to minimise costs for earliness, tardiness, the window location, window size, makespan and resource consumption. For a linear or a convex function of the amount of a resource allocated to the job, we provide a polynomial time algorithm, respectively. Some extensions of the problem are also shown.  相似文献   

The continuous evolution of manufacturing environments leads to a more efficient production process that controls an increasing number of parameters. Production resources usually represent an important constraint in a manufacturing activity, specially talking about the management of human resources and their skills. In order to study the impact of this subject, this paper considers an open shop scheduling problem based on a mechanical production workshop to minimise the total flow time including a multi-skill resource constraint. Then, we count with a number of workers that have a versatility to carry out different tasks, and according to their assignment a schedule is generated. In that way, we have formulated the problem as a linear as and a non-linear mathematical model which applies the classic scheduling constraints, adding some different resources constraints related to personnel staff competences and their availability to execute one task. In addition, we introduce a genetic algorithm and an ant colony optimisation (ACO) method to solve large size problems. Finally, the best method (ACO) has been used to solve a real industrial case that is presented at the end.  相似文献   

This study proposes a methodology to solve the integrated problems of selection and scheduling of the exclusive bus lane. The selection problem intends to determine which roads (links) should have a lane reserved for buses while the scheduling problem intends to find the time period of the application. It is formulated as a bi-objective optimization model that aims to minimize the total travel time of non-bus traffic and buses simultaneously. The proposed model formulation is solved by the hybrid non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm with Paramics. The results show that the proposed methodology is workable. Sets of Pareto solutions are obtained indicating that a trade-off between buses and non-bus traffic for the improvement of the bus transit system is necessary when the exclusive bus lane is applied. This allows the engineer to choose the best solutions that could balance the performance of both modes in a multimode transport system environment to achieve a sustainable transport system.  相似文献   

Tight LP bounds for resource constrained project scheduling   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The best lower bound for the Resource Constrained Project Scheduling Problem is currently based on the resolution of several large Linear Programs (Brucker & Knust, EJOR, 107: 272-288, 1998). In this paper, we show that (1) intensive constraint propagation can be used to tighten the initial formulation of the linear programs and (2) we introduce several sets of valid cutting planes. These improvements allow us to close 16 new instances of the PSPLIB with 60 activities and to improve the best known lower bounds of 64 instances.Correspondence to:Philippe BaptisteThe authors would like to thank Peter Brucker and Sigrid Knust for providing their source code as well as Christian Artigues, Jacques Carlier and Philippe Michelon for enlightening discussions on project scheduling.  相似文献   

The Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling Problem (RCPSP) is one of the most intractable combinatorial optimisation problems that combines a set of constraints and objectives met in a vast variety of applications and industries. Its solution raises major theoretical challenges due to its complexity, yet presenting numerous practical dimensions. Adaptive memory programming (AMP) is one of the most successful frameworks for solving hard combinatorial optimisation problems (e.g. vehicle routing and scheduling). Its success stems from the use of learning mechanisms that capture favourable solution elements found in high-quality solutions. This paper challenges the efficiency of AMP for solving the RCPSP, to our knowledge, for the first time in the literature. Computational experiments on well-known benchmark RCPSP instances show that the proposed AMP consistently produces high-quality solutions in reasonable computational times.  相似文献   

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