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Chip interleaving (CI) is a unique technique to exploit time diversity in direct sequence spread spectrum (DS/SS)‐based systems operating in fading environments. In order to facilitate design of CI systems in various fading situations, we present a performance analysis for CI DS/SS system over Rician multipath time‐varying fading channels. We derive the analytical bit error rate (BER) expression for CI DS/SS to allow fast and accurate evaluation of BER performance based on the interleaving depth selected, spreading codes employed, and the time correlation function of the channel. We then discuss some ideal cases by using the analytical results to reveal some of the insights presented in the performance analysis. For the purpose of comparison, we also obtain the BER expression for conventional DS/SS system as a special case of CI system with an interleaving depth of one. Using numerical examples, we verify the analytical results with computer simulations and illustrate the BER performance behavior of CI DS/SS system with varying interleaving depth for all possible combinations of two sets of spreading codes of different type and two different time correlation functions of the channel. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, a low‐complexity spread spectrum system with M‐ary cyclic‐shift keying (MCSK) symbol spreading is proposed. In addition, by using the minimum‐shift‐keying (MSK) as the chip‐level modulation, we obtain a high‐rate QPSK‐MCSK transceiver scheme which not only provides a constant‐envelop and continuous‐phase transmitted signal, but can also achieve a better performance than the conventional direct sequence spread spectrum (DSSS) system. At the transmitter, the data stream is first mapped into QPSK‐MCSK symbols in terms of orthogonal Gold code sequences, then followed by the cyclic prefix (CP) insertion for combating the interblock interference, and finally applying the MSK scheme to maintain the constant‐envelope property. The receiver first performs MSK demodulation, then CP removal, and finally the channel‐included MCSK despreading and symbol demapping. Furthermore, the single input single output (SISO) QPSK‐MCSK transceiver can be easily extended to the multiple input single output (MISO) case by incorporating the space–time block coding for high‐link quality. Simulation results show that the proposed SISO and MISO QPSK‐MCSK systems significantly outperform the conventional DSSS counterparts under the AWGN channel, and attain a more robust performance under the multipath fading channel. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The outage probability in a network of cooperative unmanned airborne vehicles (UAVs) over generalized fading channels is studied analytically using finite mixture with expectation maximization technique. A relay‐based topology with one ground control unit (GCU) is considered, where the cooperative UAVs can communicate with the GCU directly or through relay. The application the UAV is assigned for specifies the minimum required transmission rate the UAV should achieve. The outage probability of the system is defined as the probability that either the transmission rate over any of the links drops below a predefined minimum threshold for that link or the Relay‐GCU link is not able to transmit the aggregate data from all relayed UAVs and the minimum rate required by the relay UAV itself. Throughout the paper, expressions for the outage probability and the average achievable bit rate of a cooperative multi‐carrier system are derived over generalized fading channels. Finite mixture with expectation maximization algorithm is utilized to derive a simple approximate expression for the probability density function (pdf) of the achievable bit rate assuming adaptive M‐ary quadrature amplitude modulation (M‐QAM). This pdf is used to derive closed‐form expressions for the outage probability and the average bit rate. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

多径环境下的直扩信号伪码周期估计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对低信噪比条件下多径直接序列扩频(直扩)信号伪码周期估计的难题,拓展了先前提出的单径环境下基于信号功率谱二次处理的方法,提出了在低信噪比条件下多径环境中直扩信号的伪码周期估计的二次谱算法.该算法首先对多径直扩信号求取功率谱,然后将所得到的功率谱作为一输入信号求其第二次功率谱,所得二次功率谱将在伪码周期整数倍处出现代表信号存在的尖峰脉冲,通过对这些尖峰脉冲闻的距离进行检测就可以获得多径直扩信号伪码周期参数的检测估计.理论分析和计算机仿真结果表明:该算法可以有效地估计出多径环境下直扩信号的伪码周期,且估计性能和多径环境密切相关.  相似文献   

In this article, an analytical method is proposed to study an improved orthogonal multi‐carrier DS/CDMA system, which uses QPSK for both spreading and carrier modulations without redundant sub‐carriers and time interleavers in each sub‐channel. The article concerns in particular such a system and its performance under frequency‐selective Rayleigh fading channels with various delay‐power profiles. The bit error probabilities under varying multipath‐diversity orders (using maximal ratio combing RAKE reception) and different numbers of resolvable multipaths are derived. It has been shown that the system, despite of its structural simplicity, performs well in mitigating frequency‐selective fading. The performance is also evaluated taking into account various other parameter sets, such as numbers of users and sub‐carriers, lengths of PN codes and the number of fingers in an RAKE receiver, etc. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the performance of an adaptive multistage detection scheme for direct‐sequence code‐division multiple‐access (DS‐CDMA) systems. The first stage consists of an adaptive multiuser detector which is based on the linear constrained minimum variance (LCMV) criterion. The interference cancellation (IC) occurs in the second stage. The performance of the iterative receiver over both flat and frequency‐selective fading channels is investigated and compared to the single‐user bound. In all cases, and under heavy system loads with near‐far problems, the iterative receiver is shown to offer substantial performance improvement and large gain in user‐capacity relative to the standard LCMV. In flat‐fading channels, our results show that the performance of the iterative detector is very close to the single‐user bound. For the frequency‐selective channel, this performance is noted to be in the order of 1 dB far from the single‐user bound. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The mutual interference between the two ultra wideband (UWB) technologies, which use the same frequency spectrum, will be a matter of concern in the near future. In this context, we present a performance analysis of direct‐sequence (DS) UWB communication in the presence of multiband orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (MB‐OFDM) UWB interfering transmissions. The channel fading is modeled according to Nakagami‐m distribution, and multi‐user interference is taken into account. The DS‐UWB system performance is evaluated in terms of bit error rate (BER). Specifically, using the characteristic function approach, an analytical expression for the average BER is derived conditioned on the channel impulse response. Numerical and simulation results are provided and compared for different coexistence scenarios. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We analyze the performance of joint space‐frequency pre‐filtering and equalization techniques for downlink multi‐carrier code division multiple access in terms of average bit error rate performance. Several linear power allocation strategies combined with single‐user equalization schemes are compared with a joint pre‐filtering with an equal power constraint at the base station and maximal ratio combining at the mobile terminals. Our bit error rate analysis obtained in this paper facilitates predicting the performance of various space‐frequency pre‐filtering schemes without massive simulations. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Using a recently developed moment generating function‐based approach for the performance evaluation of digital communications over fading channels, we present a unified approach for the exact performance analysis of binary direct‐sequence code division multiple access (DS‐CDMA) systems operating over generalized frequency‐selective fading channels. The results are applicable to single carrier systems employing RAKE reception as well as to multicarrier DS‐CDMA systems with frequency diversity. Aside from simplifying previous results both analytically and computationally, the proposed approach also gives a solution for many situations which heretofore defied a simple form. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, the probability of error (Pe) expression of asynchronous direct sequence‐code division multiple access (DS‐CDMA) signals using band‐limited chip waveforms is derived over multi‐path Rayleigh fading channels. In receiver, a matched filter‐based rake receiver in conjunction with maximum ratio combiner (MRC) is considered. Numerical values for the Pe are calculated for various chip waveforms including an optimum wavelet waveform. Analytical results are verified by conducting simulations. Results show that the optimum wavelet‐based scheme outperforms time‐limited raised cosine, half sine, rectangular and band‐limited square‐root raised cosine chip waveform‐based schemes in terms of the Pe and the capacity defined as the number of users per Hertz for a same Pe level. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a novel low‐complexity transmission power adaptation with good bit error rate (BER) performance for multicarrier code‐division multiple‐access (MC‐CDMA) systems over Nakagami‐m fading channels. We first propose a new receiver called ath‐order‐maximal‐ratio‐combining (a‐MRC) receiver with which the receiver power gain for the nth subcarrier is the ath (a?1) power of the corresponding channel gain. Incorporating the a‐MRC receiver, we then propose a new transmission power adaptation scheme where the transmission power is allocated over all the N subcarriers according to the subchannel gains and the transmitter adapts its power to maintain a constant signal‐to‐interference‐plus‐noise (SINR) at the receiver. The proposed scheme has a significant performance gain over the nonadaptive transmission scheme over both independent and correlated fading channels. Moreover, the proposed scheme keeps good BER performance while it is much simpler than the previous power control/adaptation schemes. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, we proposed a new method based on expanding subspace algorithm and finite alphabet characteristics, for blind estimation of the users' spreading sequences in the multiuser direct sequence code division multiple access system in the presence of the multipath channels. In the proposed scheme, we show that the estimation of the users' overall channels in the direct sequence code division multiple access system is equivalent to the impulse response estimation of the multi‐input multi‐output finite impulse response channels. Our proposed approach is based on the successive estimation of the columns of the equivalent multi‐input multi‐output finite impulse response channels from the lowest degree columns to the highest degree ones. Accordingly, each user's overall channel that is the convolution of the original multipath channel and the spreading sequence is estimated. Then we extract PN sequences from the overall channel using finite alphabet characteristics of the spreading sequence chips for each user. According to simulation results, our proposed scheme outperforms the conventional methods in that it does not require symbol synchronization and does not have channel constraints (for example, AWGN and single user system) in the multipath channels.  相似文献   

The paper presents design techniques for novel signaling waveforms to optimize timing synchronization in direct‐sequence spread‐spectrum communication systems. Both coarse code timing acquisition and fine delay‐locked loop tracking systems are considered, and their performance metrics are analyzed in terms of initial acquisition detection probability and residual tracking jitter, showing a strong dependency on signal waveform spectral characteristics. Bit error performance under imperfect synchronization is also assessed. A design methodology is formulated with a low complexity parametric optimization approach based on prolate spheroidal waveform expansions for the generation of signals that minimize the probability of acquisition miss and tracking error jitter subject to additional constraints on signal energy and phase transitions. Novel optimized waveforms are synthesized with different levels of effective root mean square bandwidth occupancy and compared with conventional pulses to illustrate their advantages. Performance trade‐offs are demonstrated between the acquisition and tracking systems, whereby signals with low effective bandwidth are found to have better acquisition capability at the expense of poorer tracking jitter, while the converse holds for signals with higher effective bandwidth. It is found that an effective root mean square bandwidth occupancy in the range of 40% to 50% of the chip rate can achieve a good compromise between the requirements of the 2 code timing synchronization phases. Numerical results are presented to quantify the relative merits of representative waveforms with respect to the different performance measures in terms of acquisition capability, tracking jitter, and bit error probability.  相似文献   

This paper presents an application of LMS algorithm with optimum step size (µopt‐LMS) for fading channel estimation. The expression for optimum step size of the LMS algorithm is modified for use in the fading channel estimation problem. The robustness of the proposed µopt‐LMS algorithm is demonstrated via simulation in different channel conditions. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We present in this paper a generalized version of the method of equal areas (MEA) that is well suited for the design of sum‐of‐cisoids (SOC) simulators for narrowband mobile Rayleigh fading channels characterized by any type of Doppler power spectral densities (DPSDs). Unlike the original MEA, the generalized MEA (GMEA) can be applied to the simulation of fading channels with asymmetrical DPSDs. This is an important feature because the simulation of such channels is of great interest for the laboratory analysis of mobile communication systems under non‐isotropic scattering conditions. We show that irrespective of the underlying DPSD, the GMEA results in a very good approximation to the autocorrelation function, average Doppler shift, Doppler spread, and envelope distribution of the channel. We compare the performance of the GMEA with that of the Lp‐norm method (LPNM), which is the method that has been most widely used for designing SOC simulators for fading channels with arbitrary DPSDs. The obtained results demonstrate that the performance of the GMEA measures up to that of the LPNM. In addition, the results show that the determination of the model parameters is easier and less time‐consuming when applying the GMEA. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Search strategies for initial synchronization of direct sequence (DS) spread spectrum communication systems are compared, modelled and implemented using MATLAB then tested in the presence of additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) and narrowband interference. The performance of these search strategies, namely, offset‐z‐search strategies and expanding alternate search strategies, in terms of the mean value of the search length is evaluated for different probabilities of detection. A truncated Gaussian probability phase distribution is assumed (as a priori information about the correct phase) and the performance of these search strategies is tested for different standard deviations (σ) of the phase. A novel search strategy, namely the offset‐z3, based on the offset z‐search strategy is introduced. Among all search strategies investigated the non‐uniform expanding alternate (NUEA) search strategy is found to perform best at high probability of detection. However, for a more peaked phase distribution, the offset‐z3‐search strategy is shown to offer better performance at low probability of detection. Outcomes of the simulated system support trends predicted by theory for the performance of different search strategies. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A new design of primary synchronization signal (PSS) sequences and an efficient detection algorithm for multi‐beam satellite long‐term evolution (LTE) systems are investigated in this paper. First, a transmit‐timing adjustment method is proposed to reduce the large time difference of arrival of received signals from different satellites. Then, using the particular subcarrier mapping scheme of LTE, original Zadoff–Chu sequences are generalized to obtain more candidate sequences with good correlation properties. Later on, choosing an optimal subset from these candidate sequences, new PSS sequences for seamless global coverage multi‐beam satellite‐LTE systems are obtained. Subsequently, an efficient synchronization and low complexity PSS detection algorithm using interference cancellation method is presented. Finally, simulation results verify the effectiveness of the proposed scheme. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Multiuser diversity (MUD) cooperative wireless networks combine the features of the MIMO systems without confronting the physical layer constraints by providing multiple copies of the transmitted signal from the source to the destination with the help of the relay node. Cooperative wireless networks have attracted the full attention in the last few years and are implemented widely in many wireless communication systems to adapt for the fading impairments, provide higher data rates, and improve the performance of the wireless communication systems. In this paper, we present an informative study for the reason of evaluating the performance of the MUD in the multiuser two‐hop cooperative multi‐relay networks using maximal ratio combining. Furthermore, we derive tight closed‐form expressions of outage probability and symbol error probability for the amplify‐and‐forward and fixed decode‐and‐forward protocols with the MUD. Additionally, we conduct a simulation study to show to what extent our analytical and simulation results agree with each other. It is worthy to mention that our analytical and simulation results agree fairly with each other under high average signal‐to‐noise ratio, whereas they show that our proposed system with multiple relays provides significant improvements over those previously proposed systems having only one relay. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, coordinated limited feedback zero‐forcing beamforming multicell system in time‐varying channel is studied. In time‐varying channels, the actual rate loss arising from error in channel quantization of both interuser and intercell inferences is quantified in this work. Using the actual degradation of rate loss, a limited feedback bit allocation is proposed to reduce interuser and intercell interference simultaneously with feedback update period as one of the parameters. Furthermore, the scaling law of bits required to maintain a constant rate loss is formulated in varying channel conditions for a given feedback update period. Simulation results demonstrated the practical feedback requirement in multicell systems in the presence of both intercell and interuser interference over conventional schemes to maintain a constant rate offset. The key finding from the proposed feedback allocation is that practically much higher allocation of feedback bits and feedback scaling are required in time‐varying channels to reduce throughput degradation.  相似文献   

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