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针对深远海和陆基间高速率实时数据通信需求,完成了一种应用于低轨卫星的高集成度、低成本、低功耗L频段中继通信载荷的设计和实现。该中继通信载荷将通信天线、射频前端、信号处理单元、电源变换单元和接口单元等集成化设计。接收前端采用有源相控阵天线设计,发射前端设计了GaN功率放大器以提高接收单元獹/T值和发射单元等效全向辐射功率(Effective Isotropic Radiated Power,EIRP)。信号处理单元集成了零中频接收结构和直接射频调制结构,可完成反向链路8Mb/s载荷数据接收解调及前向链路数据处理转发的功能。载荷单机和装星后的环境模拟测试以及星地通信回路模拟测试结果表明,装星载荷可实现L频段卫星通信。整机质量为12.87 kg,在工作温度-25℃~+55℃范围内,发射端功率放大器输出大于30 W时,最大功耗为91.2 W(3.04 A/30 V)。 相似文献
Likun Wang Lin Yao Zichuan Xu Guowei Wu Mohammad S. Obaidat 《International Journal of Communication Systems》2018,31(10)
Software‐defined networking that separates the control plane from the data plane is envisioned as a promising technology to enable resilient and flexible network management. Tolerating link failures is a fundamental problem in enhancing such network resilience in software‐defined networking. Reactive and proactive fault tolerant schemes for conventional networks may not well balance the fault recovery time and network performance, since the proactive scheme typically underutilizes resources and the reactive scheme usually incurs a longer recovery time. In this paper, we propose a cooperative link failure recovery scheme to find a fine‐grained trade‐off between resource utilization and recovery time by combining reactive and proactive methods. We formalize the problem of link failure recovery as a multiobjective optimization problem and devise a 2‐stage algorithm for it. The first stage of the algorithm guarantees connectivity restoration in an acceptable recovery interval based on fast failover feature supported in OpenFlow protocol, meanwhile it assigns virtual local area network tags to back up paths for achieving a lower memory consumption. The second stage of the algorithm guarantees the quality of service for different applications by adjusting the backup paths after rapid connectivity restoration. Extensive simulations highlight that cooperative link failure recovery scheme can satisfy both the carrier‐grade recovery requirements and quality of service requirements in terms of delay and network bandwidth. 相似文献
针对5G毫米波通信,研制了一种双极化有源相控阵天线模组.厚度为2 mm的多层PCB正面印制阵列天线,在其背面集成多通道波束成形芯片,通过中间层实现天线与芯片的互连以及供电、控制等.测试结果表明,研制的板状4×4双极化相控阵模组在E面和H面均实现了不小于±40度的波束扫描范围(不大于3 dB的电平下降)和低于-18 dB的归一化交叉极化电平,在24~27.5 GHz的频率范围内实现了V极化和H极化分别为42.6~45.7 dBm和43.5~46.1 dBm的等效全向辐射功率(EIRP). 相似文献
For finding the best route in a network, distributed routing offers robustness but has poor flexibility while central control of software‐defined networking is just the opposite. The Fibbing architecture can run distributed routing protocols on software‐defined networking and has both robustness and flexibility. The 2 main steps of Fibbing's process are (1) compute a route that is available for the network according to the network topology and the flow request and (2) add fake nodes and fake links to augment the network topology in conformity with the distributed routing protocol and the route computed in the first step. Both of the 2 steps affect the performance of the network, but Fibbing does not consider them coordinately, and the cost of choosing the routes can be reduced further. In this paper, a coordinated algorithm for Fibbing is proposed to determine a lowest‐cost route. In the process to calculate an available route, our algorithm accommodates not only the network topology and the flow request but also the fake nodes and the fake links. The experiments on random topologies and classic topologies show that our algorithm can reduce the numbers of the fake nodes and the costs of the chosen routes, with the improved flow request acceptance ratios achieved. 相似文献
介绍了飞行器与卫星间通信链路的组成、工作原理和系统设计考虑,讨论了系统信息传输体制和飞行器载设备的实现.通过理论计算及仿真,进行了系统关键技术及主要性能指标的可实现性分析,对工程应用具有一定参考价值. 相似文献
Amina Gharsallah Faouzi Zarai Mahmoud Neji 《International Journal of Communication Systems》2019,32(17)
With the great increase of connected devices and new types of applications, mobile networks are witnessing exponential growth of traffic volume. To meet emerging requirements, it is widely agreed that the fifth‐generation mobile network will be ultradense and heterogeneous. However, the deployment of a high number of small cells in such networks poses challenges for the mobility management, including frequent, undesired, and ping‐pong handovers, not to mention issues related to increased delay and failure of the handover process. The adoption of software‐defined networking (SDN) and network function virtualization (NFV) technologies into 5G networks offers a new way to address the above‐mentioned challenges. These technologies offer tools and mechanisms to make networks flexible, programmable, and more manageable. The SDN has global network control ability so that various functions such as the handover control can be implemented in the SDN architecture to manage the handover efficiently. In this article, we propose a Software‐Defined Handover (SDHO) solution to optimize the handover in future 5G networks. In particular, we design a Software‐Defined Handover Management Engine (SDHME) to handle the handover control mechanism in 5G ultradense networks. The SDHME is defined in the application plane of the SDN architecture, executed by the control plane to orchestrate the data plane. Simulation results demonstrate that, compared with the conventional LTE handover strategy, the proposed approach significantly reduces the handover failure ratio and handover delay. 相似文献
Kaveh Ahmadi S. Pourya Miralavy Mona Ghassemian 《International Journal of Communication Systems》2020,33(14)
Mobility management and handover for a seamless connection are among all‐time challenges of wireless networks. Software‐defined networking (SDN) has opened new horizons toward research by adding intelligence in edge networks while decoupling the control and data planes. The flexibility and centralized nature of SDN further improve the handover decision algorithms. In this paper, we have improved the network performance with respect to the number of handovers and the handover delay by applying an LTE‐SDN architecture and a novel handover decision algorithm based on predicting the future locations of a moving vehicle. The proposed algorithm decouples the handover procedure into two phases of preparation and execution. In the preparation phase, which occurs in the control plane, the handover decision and resource allocation take place, and in the execution phase, handover gets executed similar to the LTE architecture. The results of our research indicate that our proposed LTE‐SDN performance is improved with respect to the number of handovers, handover delay, and signaling overhead by 24%, 16%, and 20%, respectively. On the other hand, average Reference Signal Received Quality (RSRQ) value is decreased by 4% as a tradeoff for the improvements gained. 相似文献
设计了一种相位控制和馈电一体化的8×8相控阵天线.将多路微带线功分器和移相器芯片集成于同一片电路板作为馈电网络并压合于阵列天线背面,形成了单端口馈电的64单元集成相控阵天线.该相控阵天线整体厚度仅2.25 mm,馈电端口至天线单元之间没有任何连接电缆,具有低剖面小型化和一体化的显著优点.电磁仿真结果显示,4.9 GHz的回波损耗小于-25 dB,最大增益为22.5 dB.此外,主极化和交叉极化隔离度为30 dB,主波束可实现-58°~62°平面扫描,具有较好的交叉极化和波束宽角域连续扫描特性,可应用于5G移动通信小型基站. 相似文献
传统相控阵天线系统为实现多波束,在重量、体积、功耗等方面会有明显的增加,系统的基本可靠性也显著降低。基于软件无线电思想,利用超外差结构实现宽带信号变频,并对瞬时带宽内的信号同时进行模/数或数/模变换,再根据串口提供的每个波束方位、俯仰和频率等信息,在基带实现数字多波束形成。设计了一套S频段、瞬时宽带100MHz的数字多波束相控阵天线系统。测试结果表明,该天线可收发同时形成3个独立波束,每个波束在俯仰面0°~70°、方位面全向的扫描范围内实现EIRP值不小于40 dBm,G/T值不小于-20 dB/K的优良指标。该设计可以有效提高系统灵活性,降低系统的复杂度。 相似文献
相控阵天线装配好之后,由于各组成部件机械加工误差、装配误差、部件老化更换和环境温度改变等因素,各单元通道的初始幅相产生差异,因此必须对天线的所有系统进行校准。本文针对小型化相控阵平台,通过硬连接将相控阵天线的波控系统与测试设备相结合,提出一种简便的自动化近场逐点校准方法。同时,本文还提出一种简单的外监测方法。当相控阵天线工作期间,可对阵面的幅相分布进行监测。可在相控阵天线工作期间,对近场幅相校准数据进行修正,达到阵面自身校准的目的。经对一个16阵元的相控阵天线进行实验测量可知,该自动化校准与阵面自身校准方法可以准确、快捷测试出天线阵面的幅相分布。非常适合一维、二维相控阵天线,尤其是小型化相控阵天线的幅相校准与监测。 相似文献
Zhiguo Liu Jie Zhu Jiangmei Zhang Qingli Liu 《International Journal of Satellite Communications and Networking》2020,38(1):1-15
In view of the problems of low routing efficiency, complex control process, and difficult network management in big data environment in the traditional integrated space‐terrestrial network, in the paper, we propose a satellite network architecture called software‐defined information centric satellite networking (SDICSN) based on software‐defined networking (SDN) and information‐centric networking (ICN), and we design a virtual node matrix routing algorithm (VNMR) under the SDICSN architecture. The SDICSN architecture realizes the flexibility of network management and business deployment through the features of the separation of forwarding and controlling by the SDN architecture and improves the response speed of requests in the network by the centric of “content” as the ICN idea. According to the periodicity and predictability of the satellite network, the VNMR algorithm obtains the routing matrix through the relative orientation of the source and destination nodes, thus reducing the spatial complexity of the input matrix of the Dijkstra algorithm and then reducing the time complexity of the routing algorithm. For forwarding information base (FIB), the mechanism of combination of event driven and polling can be quickly updated in real time. Finally, the advantages of the SDICSN architecture in routing efficiency, request delay, and request aggregation are verified by simulation. 相似文献
Software‐defined networking (SDN) acts as a centralized management unit, especially in a network with devices that operate under the transport layer of the OSI model. However, when a network with layer 7 middleboxes (MBs) is considered, current SDNs exhibit limitations. As such, to achieve a real‐centralized management unit, a new architecture is required that decouples the data and control planes of all network devices. In this report, we propose such a complementary architecture to the current SDN in which SDN‐enabled MBs are included along with contemporary SDN‐enabled switches. The management unit of this architecture improves network performance and reduces routing cost by considering the status of the MBs during flow forwarding. This unit consists of the following two parts: an SDN controller (SDNC) and a middlebox controller (MBC). The latter selects the best MBs for each flow and the former determines the best path according to its routing algorithm and provides information via the MBC. The results show that the proposed architecture improved performance because the utilization of all network devices including MBs is manageable. 相似文献