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A DC-contact MEMS shunt switch   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper presents the design, fabrication, and performance of a metal-to-metal contact micro-electro-mechanical (MEMS) shunt switch. The switch is composed of a fixed-fixed metal beam with two pull-down electrodes and a central DC-contact area. The switch is placed in an in-line configuration in a coplanar waveguide transmission line. This topology results in a compact DC-contact shunt switch and high isolation at 0.1-18 GHz. The isolation at MM-wave frequencies is limited by the inductance to ground and is -20 dB at 18 GHz. The application areas are in wireless communications and high-isolation switching networks for satellite systems  相似文献   

提出了一种串联MEMS开关的电磁耦合模型,并且应用该模型,对采用表面硅工艺和体硅工艺制作的MEMS开关,采用全波分析方法,进行了瞬态电磁场分析。由于开关尺寸为微米量级,而驱动电压高达40~60V,这样的瞬态高压有可能对开关上的信号产生影响。理论仿真结果显示,开关驱动路对信号路有很强的耦合场存在。实验结果同样显示,耦舍到信号路的信号可以输入信号产生最大值为60%的失真。  相似文献   

提出了一种串联MEMS开关的电磁耦合模型 ,并且应用该模型 ,对采用表面硅工艺和体硅工艺制作的MEMS开关 ,采用全波分析方法 ,进行了瞬态电磁场分析。由于开关尺寸为微米量级 ,而驱动电压高达 4 0~ 6 0V ,这样的瞬态高压有可能对开关上的信号产生影响。理论仿真结果显示 ,开关驱动路对信号路有很强的耦合场存在。实验结果同样显示 ,耦合到信号路的信号可以输入信号产生最大值为 6 0 %的失真  相似文献   

Inline capacitive and DC-contact MEMS shunt switches   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper presents inline capacitive MEMS shunt switches suitable for X/K-band and Ka/V-band applications. The inline switch allows for a low- or high-inductance connection to the ground plane without changing the mechanical characteristics of the MEMS bridge. Excellent isolation and loss are achieved with this design, and the performance is very similar to the standard capacitive MEMS shunt switch. Also, a new metal-to-metal contact MEMS shunt switch is presented. A novel pull-down electrode is used which applies the electrostatic force at the same location as the metal-to-metal contact area. A contact resistance of 0.15-0.35 Ω is repeatable, and results in an isolation of -40 dB at 0.1-3 GHz. The measured isolation is still better than -20 dB at 40 GHz. The application areas are in high-isolation/low-loss switches for telecommunication and radar systems  相似文献   

悬臂梁接触式RF-MEMS开关的制作研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
报道了悬臂梁接触式RF-MEMS开关的设计、制作和测试结果。整个工艺采用表面微机械加工技术,利用正胶作为牺牲层。其中开关的悬臂梁采用了“三明治”式的结构,即上下两层为SiO2,中间夹着一层Cr/Au合金,这种结构可使梁合为一体,且具有很好的机械性能。对350μm长、200μm宽、1.7μm厚、且距底电极为2.5μm的悬臂梁开关进行测试,其驱动电压约为20V,在同类开关中是较低的。  相似文献   

设计了一种应用于毫米波波段的串联接触式RF MEMS开关.为了在毫米波波段获得较高的隔离度,通过使用短截线结构,以降低输入输出端口的耦合电容.为了获得可靠的金属接触,设计了一种改进型的“蟹形”桥结构.测试结果显示,在30 GHz,插入损耗为-0.3dB,隔离度为-20 dB.在DC~40 GHz的频率范围内,插入损耗优于-0.5 dB,隔离度优于-20 dB.所设计的串联接触式RF MEMS开关,可应用于20~40 GHz的频率范围内.  相似文献   

南京电子器件研究所最近研制出国内首只宽带微波 MEMS开关 ,在 DC- 2 0 GHz范围内插入损耗、驻波和隔离性能良好。开关设计为一薄金属膜桥组成的内禀式桥式结构 ,在硅衬底上由介质膜、下电极、上金属薄膜、共平面波导传一等组成 ,形成一个 SPST并联设置的金属 -绝缘体 -金属接触开关。开关通过静电力进行控制 ,其插入损耗及隔离性能取决于开态和关态的电容。所研制宽带微波 MEMS开关 ,用 WIL TRON36 0 B网络分析仪进行检测 ,结果是 :DC-2 0 GHz频段插入损耗小于 0 .6 9d B;1 4- 1 8GHz内隔离大于 1 3d B,1 8- 2 0 GHz时隔离大…  相似文献   

提出了采用陷波电路结构来补偿串联RFMEMS开关断开时的耦合电容,提高其隔离度的一种方法。理论分析显示,采用这种方法,在2~5GHz的频率范围内,可以使开关的隔离度最多提高15郾6dB,而插入损耗只受到0郾07dB的影响。  相似文献   

设计了一种应用于毫米波波段的串联接触式RF MEMS开关。为了在毫米波波段获得较高的隔离度,通过使用短截线结构,以降低输入输出端口的耦合电容。为了获得可靠的金属接触,设计了一种改进型的"蟹形"桥结构。测试结果显示,在30GHz,插入损耗为-0.3dB,隔离度为-20dB。在DC~40GHz的频率范围内,插入损耗优于-0.5dB,隔离度优于-20dB。所设计的串联接触式RF MEMS开关,可应用于20~40GHz的频率范围内。  相似文献   

RF MEMS开关   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
由于能耗低、隔离度好、工作频带宽,MEMS开关在RF领域得到了广泛的应用。本文着重介绍了RF MEMS开关的基本参数、分类以及典型制造工艺和设计时考虑因素等一些基本的概念。  相似文献   

全光网络中的MEMS光开关   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍了目前国内外光纤通信系统中所涉及的电磁驱动移动式MEMS光开关、静电驱动式光开关、基于MEMS光大器的可扩展型光开关矩阵、喷墨气泡MEMS光开关、开环式1×N波长选择MEMS光开关。对这些器件的结构原理,制造方法及其性能指标作了分析。把这些器件的性能指标和当前光纤通信系统中的光开关的性能要求进行比较,分析了这些器件的应用前景。最后,对MEMS光开关做出了展望,指出了今后MEMS光开关的进一步研究方向。  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel concept for an RF microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) waveguide switch. The proposed switch employs a ridge waveguide integrated with MEMS rotary actuators based on a thermal plastic deformation approach. The switch promises to be useful in high-power applications, as well as in millimeter-wave applications. Two switch implementations are presented: one with a waveguide interface and the other with a coplanar-waveguide interface for wide-band applications. Electromagnetic simulation results are presented showing the ultimate potential of the proposed concept. Both switch implementations have been fabricated and tested. The achievable measured results are very encouraging and demonstrate the feasibility of such novel types of MEMS switches. The power-handling capability of the switch is also investigated both theoretically and experimentally.  相似文献   

一种速度为1ms的多信道光开关样品有望提供开发全光通信网络所需的快速光交叉连接。  相似文献   

MEMS光开关的研究与进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
光开关是光通信网络的重要功能器件,MEMS光开关是最具发展前景的光开关之一。在简介不同种类光开关原理特点的基础上,详细分析了当前主要的MEMS光开关的分类、结构、工艺与性能特点,并给出这一领域的研究与发展状况。  相似文献   

介绍了一种新型的隔离放大电路,采用微机械开关实现“飞电容”结构。这种隔离放大电路具有许多优点:电路结构简单、尺寸小、成本低、隔离电压高、电磁兼容性能优良,很容易组成多通道隔离电路等;在30V驱动电压下测试,微机械开关的延时小于50μs,隔离电压大于110V。对设计、制造出的微机械开关隔离放大器进行了测试,证明该电路的精度优于2%。  相似文献   

This letter presents the design, fabrication, and characterization of a novel capacitive radio frequency (RF) microelectromechanical system (MEMS) switch. The switch uses thermal actuation and a finger structure for capacitive coupling. The switch is CMOS process-compatible and uses a two step maskless reactive ion etching (RIE) micromachining technique for post-processing. The measurement results show that the insertion loss is 1.6 dB and isolation is 33 dB at 5.4 GHz. The applications of this switch are ISM/WLAN CMOS front-end reconfigurable RF circuits such as voltage controlled oscillators, filters, and matching networks.   相似文献   

全光交换被誉为通讯网络迈向宽带网络中必不可缺的关口,AGERE SYSTEMS(原朗讯科技微电子部)已经推出实际商用化的全光交换产品,使得MEMS光开关逐步从实验室走向市场商用化。从目前业界不断涌现的技术方向看,MEMS似乎会成为大容量交换技术的主流;尽管,液晶交换和别的技术同样也可适用于未来的全光网络。  相似文献   

MEMS开关辐照实验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
进行了MEMS开关的辐照试验,并对结果进行了分析。所述的MEMS开关采用单晶硅悬臂梁结构实现金属电极接触,工作电压小于50V,最大工作频率大于10kHz。进行了中子辐照和γ辐照实验,其中中子注量为2.73×1013cm-2,γ总剂量为50krad(Si)。并通过对MEMS开关辐照前后性能的测试,获得了辐照对MEMS开关性能影响的实验数据。结果表明,在辐照剂量大于10krad(Si)时MEMS开关性能有明显变化。借鉴国外的相关研究成果,对MEMS器件的辐照失效机理进行了初步分析。  相似文献   

设计了一种可用于X频段的射频微机电系统(RF-MEMS)的开关。它通过上电极中心以及两端的螺旋结构提高了等效电感值,减小了谐振频率,从而在较低的频段下实现了较好的隔离度。采用阻抗匹配改善开关结构的射频性能。利用Ansoft HFSS软件仿真分析了开关关键结构参数对电磁性能的影响,包括绝缘介质层厚度k,上电极与下电极之间空气层厚度o、上电极宽度w和上电极间距m,总结了各参数对电磁性能的影响趋势,确定了各参数的最优取值。在整个X频段,开关开态时的插入损耗小于0.83 d B(绝对值,下同);关态时的隔离度大于18.5d B。在中心频率10 GHz的插入损耗为0.57 d B,隔离度为30.65 d B。  相似文献   

All-metal high-isolation series and series/shunt MEMS switches   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper presents a novel all-metal series switch with several different pull-down electrode geometries. The switch results in an up-state capacitance of 5-9 fF and an isolation of -25 to -30 d8 at 10 GHz. The fabrication process is completely compatible with the standard capacitive (or dc-contact) shunt switch, A dc-30 GHz series/shunt switch is also presented with an isolation of -60 dB at 5 GHz and -42 dB at 10 GHz. This is the highest isolation switch available to-date. The performance is limited by radiation in the CPW lines and not by the series/shunt switch characteristics. The application areas are in high-isolation switches for basestations and satellite systems  相似文献   

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