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ASM refinements are verified using generalized forward simulations which allow us to refine m abstract operations to n concrete operations with arbitrary m and n. One main difference from data refinement is that ASM refinement considers infinite runs and termination. Since backward simulation does not preserve termination in general, the standard technique of adding history information to the concrete level is not applicable to get a completeness proof. The power set construction also adds infinite runs and is therefore not applicable either. This paper shows that a completeness proof is nevertheless possible by adding infinite prophecy information, effectively moving nondeterminism to the initial state. Adding such prophecy information can be done not only on the semantic level, but also by a simple syntactic transformation that removes the choose construct of ASMs. The completeness proof is also translated to a completeness proof for IO automata. Finally, the proof is extended to deal with supplementary predicates, that specify fairness and liveness assumptions, by transferring a related result of Wim Hesselink for refinements that use the Abadi-Lamport setting.  相似文献   

Model-driven software engineering requires the refinement of abstract models into more concrete, platform-specific ones. To create and verify such refinements, behavioral models capturing recon- figuration or communication scenarios are presented as instances of a dynamic meta-model, i.e., a typed graph transformation system specifying the concepts and basic operations scenarios may be composed of. Possible refinement relations between models can now be described based on the corresponding meta-models.In contrast to previous approaches, refinement relations on graph transformation systems are not defined as fixed syntactic mappings between abstract transformation rules and, e.g., concrete rule expressions, but allow for a more loose, semantically defined relation between the transformation systems, resulting in a more flexible notion of refinement.  相似文献   

A conceptual workflow model specifies the control flow of a workflow together with abstract data information. This model is later on refined by adding specific data information, resulting in an executable workflow which is then run on an information system. It is desirable that correctness properties of the conceptual workflow are transferable to its refinements. In this paper, we present classical workflow nets extended with data operations as a conceptual workflow model. For these nets, we develop a novel technique to verify soundness. An executable workflow is sound if from every reachable state it is always possible to terminate properly. Our technique allows us to analyze a conceptual workflow and to conclude whether there exists at least one sound refinement of it, and whether any refinement of a conceptual workflow model is sound. The positive answer to the first question in combination with the negative answer to the second question means that sound and unsound refinements for the conceptual workflow in question are possible.  相似文献   

The ASM Refinement Method   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper the abstract state machine (ASM) refinement method is presented. Its characteristics compared to other refinement approaches in the literature are explained. Some frequently occurring forms of ASM refinements are identified and illustrated by examples from the design and verification of architectures and protocols, from the semantics and the implementation of programming languages and from requirements engineering.  相似文献   

This paper reconsiders refinements which introduce actions on the concrete level which were not present at the abstract level. It considers a range of different basic refinement relations, covering the standard ones for formalisms like Event-B, Z, action systems, and CSP. It also describes a number of ways in which new operations may be introduced: extended interfaces, internal actions, stuttering steps, and action refinement. The main contribution of this paper is in exploring the interaction between those two dimensions. In particular, it shows how the “refining skip” method is incompatible with failures-based refinement relations, and consequently some decisions in designing Event-B refinement are more entangled than previously highlighted.  相似文献   

Standard abstract model checking relies on abstract Kripke structureswhich approximate concrete models by gluing together indistinguishablestates, namely by a partition of the concrete state space. Strongpreservation for a specification language amounts to the equivalence of concrete and abstractmodel checking of formulas in . We show how abstract interpretation can be used to designgeneric abstract models that allow to view standard abstractKripke structures as particular instances. Accordingly, strongpreservation is generalized to abstract interpretation-basedmodels and precisely related to the concept of completenessin abstract interpretation. The problem of minimally refiningan abstract model in order to make it strongly preserving forsome language can be formulatedas a minimal domain refinement in abstract interpretation inorder to get completeness w.r.t. the logical/temporal operatorsof . It turns out thatthis refined strongly preserving abstract model always existsand can be characterized as a greatest fixed point. As a consequence,some well-known behavioural equivalences, like bisimulation,simulation and stuttering, and their corresponding partitionrefinement algorithms can be elegantly characterized in abstractinterpretation as completeness properties and refinements.  相似文献   

可信执行环境(trusted execution environment, TEE)基于硬件隔离机制,为安全敏感应用提供隔离的执行环境,保护敏感数据的安全性.内存隔离机制是TEE的关键机制之一,用于对安全内存和非安全内存进行隔离,并对安全内存实施访问控制,如果其安全性不能保证,可能造成存储在安全内存中的敏感数据泄露.为验证TEE内存隔离机制的安全性,针对基于ARM TrustZone技术构建的TEE,提出一种基于精化的可信执行环境内存隔离机制安全性验证方法.建立抽象模型和具体模型,并定义两种模型之间的精化关系,在证明精化关系成立和抽象模型满足信息流安全性的前提下,验证具体模型的信息流安全性.具体模型建模了TEE内存隔离机制的关键硬件和软件,包括TrustZone地址空间控制器、MMU和TrustZone monitor等,在定理证明器Isabelle/HOL中,验证了该模型满足无干扰、无泄露、无影响等信息流安全属性.  相似文献   

The notion of uniform closure operator is introduced, and it is shown how this concept surfaces in two different areas of application of abstract interpretation, notably in semantics design for logic programs and in the theory of abstract domain refinements. In logic programming, uniform closures permit generalization, from an order-theoretic perspective, of the standard hierarchy of declarative semantics. In particular, we show how to reconstruct the model-theoretic characterization of the well-known s-semantics using pure order-theoretic concepts only. As far as the systematic refinement operators on abstract domains are concerned, we show that uniform closures capture precisely the property of a refinement of being invertible, namely of admitting a related operator that simplifies as much as possible a given abstract domain of input for that refinement. Exploiting the same argument used to reconstruct the s-semantics of logic programming, we yield a precise relationship between refinements and their inverse operators: we demonstrate that they form an adjunction with respect to a conveniently modified complete order among abstract domains.  相似文献   

As a trusted execution environment technology on ARM processors, TrustZone provides an isolated and independent execution environment for security-sensitive programs and data on the device. However, running the trusted OS and all the trusted applications in the same environment may cause problems---The exploitation of vulnerabilities on any component may affect the others in the system. Although ARM proposed the S-EL2 virtualization technology, which supports multiple isolated partitions in the secure world to alleviate this problem, there may still be security threats such as information leakage between partitions in the real-world partition manager. Current secure partition manager designs and implementations lack rigorous mathematical proofs to guarantee the security of isolated partitions. This study analyzes the multiple secure partitions architecture of ARM TrustZone in detail, proposes a refinement-based modeling and security analysis method for multiple secure partitions of TrustZone, and completes the modeling and formal verification of the secure partition manager in the theorem prover Isabelle/HOL. First, we build a multiple secure partitions model named RMTEE based on refinement: an abstract state machine is used to describe the system running process and security policy requirements, forming the abstract model. Then the abstract model is instantiated into the concrete model, in which the event specification is implemented following the FF-A specification. Second, to address the problem that the existing partition manager design cannot meet the goal of information flow security verification, we design a DAC-based inter-partition communication access control and apply it to the modeling and verification of RMTEE. Lastly, we prove the refinement between the concrete model and the abstract model, and the correctness and security of the event specification in the concrete model. The formalization and verification consist of 137 definitions and 201 lemmas (more than 11,000 lines of Isabelle/HOL code). The results show that the model satisfies confidentiality and integrity, and can effectively defend against malicious attacks on partitions.  相似文献   

We present an abstraction refinement algorithm for model checking of safety properties that relies exclusively on a SAT solver for checking the abstract model, testing abstract counterexamples on the concrete model, and refinement. Model checking of the abstractions is based on bounded model checking extended with checks for the existence of simple paths that help in deciding passing properties. All minimum-length spurious counterexamples are eliminated in one refinement step by an incremental procedure that combines the analysis of the conflict dependency graph produced by the SAT solver while looking for concrete counterexamples with an effective refinement minimization procedure.  相似文献   

Invariant based programming is an approach where we start to construct a program by first identifying the basic situations (pre- and post-conditions as well as invariants) that could arise during the execution of the algorithm. These situations are identified before any code is written. After that, we identify the transitions between the situations, which will give us the flow of control in the program. Data refinement is a technique of building correct programs working on concrete data structures as refinements of more abstract programs working on abstract data types. We study in this paper data refinement for invariant based programs and we apply it to the construction of the classical Deutsch–Schorr–Waite graph marking algorithm. Our results are formalized and mechanically proved in the Isabelle/HOL theorem prover.  相似文献   

In carrying out SDC's Formal Development Method, one writes a specification of a system under design in the Ina Jo™ specification language and proves that the specification meets the requirements of the system. This paper develops an abstract machine model of what is specified by a level specification in an Ina Jo specification. It describes the state as defined by the front matter, computations as defined by initial states and transforms, and invariants, criteria, and constraints as properties of computations. The paper then describes a number of formal design methods and the kinds of abstractions that they require. For each of these kinds of abstractions, there is a characteristic relationship between refinements that should be proved as one is carrying out the method.  相似文献   

Refinement of Petri nets is well suited for the hierarchical design of system models. It is used to represent a model at different levels of abstraction.Usually, refinement is a static concept. For many scenarios, however, it is desirable to have a more flexible form of refinement. For example in the context of service updates, e.g. version control in distributed systems, a mechanism for dynamic transition refinement is needed.The requirement of dynamic refinement at runtime is quite strong. Since we would like to redefine the system structure by itself, transition refinement cannot be implemented by a model transformation. Instead, an approach is needed which allows for dynamic net structures that can evolve as an effect of transitions firing. In previous work we introduced nets-within-nets as a formalism for the dynamic refinement of tokens. Here we consider an extension of nets-within-nets that uses special net tokens describing the refinement structure of transitions. Using this formalism it is possible to update refinements, introduce alternative refinements, etc. We present some formal properties of the extended formalism and introduce an example implementation for the tool Renew in the context of workflow modeling.  相似文献   

曾凡浪  常瑞  许浩  潘少平  赵永望 《软件学报》2023,34(8):3507-3526
TrustZone作为ARM处理器上的可信执行环境技术,为设备上安全敏感的程序和数据提供一个隔离的独立执行环境.然而,可信操作系统与所有可信应用运行在同一个可信环境中,任意组件上的漏洞被利用都会波及系统中的其他组件.虽然ARM提出了S-EL2虚拟化技术,支持在安全世界建立多个隔离分区来缓解这个问题,但实际分区管理器中仍可能存在分区间信息泄漏等安全威胁.当前的分区管理器设计及实现缺乏严格的数学证明来保证隔离分区的安全性.详细研究了ARM TrustZone多隔离分区架构,提出一种基于精化的TrustZone多安全分区建模与安全性分析方法,并基于定理证明器Isabelle/HOL完成了分区管理器的建模和形式化验证.首先,基于逐层精化的方法构建了多安全分区模型RMTEE,使用抽象状态机描述系统运行过程和安全策略要求,建立多安全分区的抽象模型并实例化实现分区管理器的具体模型,遵循FF-A规范在具体模型中实现了事件规约;其次,针对现有分区管理器设计无法满足信息流安全性验证的不足,设计了基于DAC的分区间通信访问控制,并将其应用到TrustZone安全分区管理器的建模与验证中;再次,证明了具体模型...  相似文献   

Embedded systems are electronic devices that function in the context of a real environment, by sensing and reacting to a set of stimuli. Because of their close interaction with the environment, and to simplify their design, different parts of an embedded system are best described using different notations and different techniques. In this case, we say that the system is heterogeneous. We informally refer to the notation and the rules that are used to specify and verify the elements of heterogeneous systems and their collective behavior as a model of computation. In this paper, we consider different classes of relationships between models of computation and discuss their preservation properties with respect to the model's refinement relation and composition operator. In particular, we focus on abstraction and refinement relationships in the form of abstract interpretations and introduce the notion of conservative approximation. We show that, unlike abstract interpretations, conservative approximations preserve refinement verification results from an abstract to a concrete model while avoiding false positives. We also characterize the relationship between abstract interpretations and conservative approximations, and derive necessary and sufficient conditions to obtain a conservative approximation from a pair of abstract interpretations. In addition, we use the inverse of a conservative approximation to identify components that can be used indifferently in several models, thus enabling reuse across models of computation. The concepts described in this paper are illustrated with examples from continuous time and discrete time models of computation.  相似文献   

Simulations are a popular way to show data refinement. Simulations that have been proposed are either state-level, relating concrete to abstract states in a given state space, or value-level, relating individual concrete to abstract values and hence holding for all state spaces. Value-level simulations are less complex and easier to use, but the extent of their completeness has not been well studied. We show that in fact known value-level simulations are in general incomplete but are complete when operations are limited to a single argument.  相似文献   

A refinement is a transformation for replacing a simple entity of a system with its functional and operational details. In general, the refined system may become incorrect even if the original system is correct because some of its original properties may have been lost or some unneeded properties may have been created. For systems specified in pure ordinary Petri nets, this paper proposes the conditions imposed on several types of refinement under which the following 19 properties will be preserved: state machine, marked graph, free choice net, asymmetric choice net, conservativeness, structural boundedness, consistence, repetitiveness, rank, cluster, rank-cluster-property, coverability by minimal state-machines, siphon, trap, cyclomatic complexity, longest path, boundedness, liveness and reversibility. Such results have significance in three aspects: (1) It releases the designer's burden for having to provide different methods for individual properties. (2) In the literature, refinements have been shown preserving several equivalence relations and behavioral properties. Our results show that they also preserve many structural properties. (3) It greatly enlarges the scope of applicability of refinements because they can now be applied on systems that satisfy more properties than just liveness and boundedness.  相似文献   

抽象技术是解决模型检测状态空间爆炸的一种有效方法,但其中一个重大的障碍是对系统的抽象会引入原始系统中本来不存在的行为,即可能会引入虚假反例。因此,需要根据反例对抽象模型进行精化。如何判定一个反例是虚假反例还是真实反例,在抽象精化过程中相当重要。本文根据状态的前驱和后继定义失效状态,给出虚假反例的定义,并基于此提出检测虚假反例的并行算法。  相似文献   

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