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While it is possible to check the energy performance of a given building by means of several available methods, the inverse problem of determining the optimum configuration given a desired performance is more difficult to solve. In the Mediterranean region this problem is more complex due to the following two reasons: the air-conditioning load is as important as the heating load, and the energy needs depend on a high number of architectural parameters which have different, even contradictory, effects on summer and winter loads. In this paper we present an optimization algorithm that couples pseudo-random optimization techniques, the genetic algorithms (GA), with a simplified tool for building thermal evaluation (CHEOPS) for the purpose of minimizing the energy consumption of Mediterranean buildings. Since increasing the energy performance usually requires the use of special devices resulting in a high construction cost, we also propose to use GA for the purpose of economical optimization.  相似文献   

《Energy and Buildings》2005,37(8):858-866
This paper presents the coupling of a building thermal simulation code with genetic algorithms (GAs). GAs are randomized search algorithms that are based on the mechanisms of natural selection and genetics. We show that this coupling allows the location of defective sub-models of a building thermal model, i.e. parts of model that are responsible for the disagreements between measurements and model predictions. The method first of all is checked and validated on the basis of a numerical model of a building taken as reference. It is then applied to a real building case. The results show that the method could constitute an efficient tool when checking the model validity.  相似文献   

介绍了热力站建筑的平面布置方式,根据其结构专业设计原则,探讨了热力站建筑的地基处理方法,对热力站的装饰装修、防火防爆及各专业间的配合要求进行了阐述,可推动城镇集中供热事业的不断发展。  相似文献   

Various applications of slurry transportation through pipelines exist. A transportation problem is formulated to determine the pipe diameters and amounts of transported slurry from the production to the consumption points. The minimisation of the cost consisting of the pipe and energy cost terms is considered as the objective function. Pipe cost is given as the function of pipe diameters and the energy cost is defined as the function of pipe diameters and slurry amounts. Energy cost is obtained by using the relation that is previously determined after the experimental studies have been made for the magnetite ore. Genetic algorithm is used as the optimisation method and to apply this method a commercially available software written in the C language is used and modified. The proposed methodology to solve this non-linear programming problem is applied to a transportation system and it is found that the proposed methodology has made the complex, labour-intensive solution process very convenient for the users.  相似文献   

考虑了影响建筑热环境的6个建筑设计要素:窗墙面积比、窗类型(传热系数)、水平遮阳板尺寸、外墙传热系数、屋顶传热系数及房间尺寸(长∶高∶宽)。根据设定的室内热环境评价指标:室内温度平均值、PMV平均值、温度不均匀系数和速度不均匀系数,通过正交试验和CFD模拟,得到了自然通风建筑设计中,使建筑热环境相对最优化的6个建筑设计要素的最优搭配方案。  相似文献   

基于分级遗传算法的离散变量结构优化设计   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
提出一种分级处理的遗传算法,它采用微种群和附加变异算子来减少计算量、增加算法的局部搜索能力.算例表明,这种算法收敛平稳、并取得了较好的效果。  相似文献   

介绍用遗传算法优化设计混凝土搅拌机上料机构。该算法采用二进制编码,取比例选择方式,交叉操作基于概率随机选择父本单点交叉,变异操作基于概率随机变异。采用惩罚函数方法,将约束优化问题转为无约束优化问题。给出了遗传算法优化混凝土搅拌机上料机构的优化结果。  相似文献   

Building optimization involving multiple objectives is generally an extremely time-consuming process. The GAINN approach presented in this study first uses a simulation-based Artificial Neural Network (ANN) to characterize building behaviour, and then combines this ANN with a multiobjective Genetic Algorithm (NSGA-II) for optimization. The methodology has been used in the current study for the optimization of thermal comfort and energy consumption in a residential house. Results of ANN training and validation are first discussed. Two optimizations were then conducted taking variables from HVAC system settings, thermostat programming, and passive solar design. By integrating ANN into optimization the total simulation time was considerably reduced compared to classical optimization methodology. Results of the optimizations showed significant reduction in terms of energy consumption as well as improvement in thermal comfort. Finally, thanks to the multiobjective approach, dozens of potential designs were revealed, with a wide range of trade-offs between thermal comfort and energy consumption.  相似文献   

This paper describes the development and evaluation of a model-based approach for minimizing peak cooling demand using energy storage inherent in building structures. On any day where the strategy is invoked, the building is precooled with zone temperature setpoints at the low end of comfort prior to a demand-limiting (DL) period. The zone temperatures are then adjusted upwards during the demand-limiting period following a trajectory that keeps the peak cooling load below a specified target. The cooling demand target and setpoint trajectory are determined using a building model that is trained using field data. The overall approach was demonstrated for a building representative of a small commercial facility. The first step involved training the inverse model using a few weeks of hourly data. The model was then used to study the potential for peak load reduction and to determine setpoint trajectories that were implemented at the site. The demand-limiting strategy resulted in approximately 30% reductions in peak cooling loads compared to night setup control for a 5-h on-peak period of 1 PM to 6 PM.  相似文献   

张雪松 《山西建筑》2011,37(35):23-25
通过对火力发电厂的整体布局和单体建筑设计,论述了在火力发电厂建筑的设计中注重的原则和方法,为构建出一个有机的工业建筑群体提供了一些建筑设计参考。  相似文献   

建筑结构的控制与优化设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
雷震 《山西建筑》2002,28(12):26-27
介绍了建筑结构控制与减震设计的一些较为实用的方法,并结合对近期一些研究成果的评述,探讨了结构的动力优化设计,指出必须结合具体情况选择组合方式进行结构控制与减震设计。  相似文献   

随着我国社会主义市场经济体制的逐步建立。投资多元化格局的逐步形成。用有限的资金投入取得最佳的社会及经济效益。是政府、企业或个人的共同期望。对设计院来说。设计的经济合理性尤为重要。笔者认为。“设计的经济合理性”已成为各大设计院持续发展的指标之一。  相似文献   

山地建筑具有落差大、地质条件复杂、地形陡峭等特点。为满足人们出行需求,建筑上往往采用阶梯式布置,并利用盘山通道连接各级台地,场地中会形成人工边坡及自然边坡。该类边坡具有高差大,支护空间小,对支护设计提出了更高的要求。基此,结合福州市闽侯县一山地建筑项目探讨采用与结构措施相结合的边坡支护设计方案,以节省工程造价,提高场地空间利用率并兼顾景观效果。实践表明,该边坡支护工程达到安全、经济、美观的效果。  相似文献   

孙志勇  窦元伯 《门窗》2007,(7):36-38
本文通过冬季保温设计、夏季防热设计等的论述,指出了建筑热工设计对建筑节能的要求.  相似文献   

通过实际工程设计案例,对超百米高层建筑结构体系的设计问题进行介绍,重点分析桩基选型、不均匀沉降、结构位移控制的方法,可供同类工程参考。  相似文献   

结合哈尔滨市的某超高层建筑地基基础的设计选型过程,在合理保证工程安全情况下,分析比较了超流态桩基础与CFG桩+筏板基础两种方案的工程造价,实现了基于造价控制的方案优化,希望可以为其他工程提供参考。  相似文献   

针对遗传算法在结构优化应用中的缺点以及钢筋混凝土单筋梁的特点,提出了一种小群体规模遗传算法,同时给出适用的钢筋混凝土单筋梁优化设计的数学模型和适应度函数,来寻求钢筋混凝土单筋梁的满足约束、造价最低的设计方案.算例表明这种方法有很强的全局搜索能力,能减少结构特性计算量,收敛速度快,能有效解决单筋梁的优化问题.  相似文献   

邵勇 《中国建材科技》2017,26(4):151-152
铁路编组站是铁路枢纽的核心,而阶段计划的自动编制则是新一代编组站综合自动化系统的重要模块。我们要综合运用遗传算法、模拟退火算法和混合算法,确定阶段计划的编制和模型,解决列车的到发线运用、到达列车的解体顺序问题,保证不间断接车,避免作业干扰,核定出发列车的编组时机、取送内容和时机,推动我国编组站总体技术向世界先进水平看齐。  相似文献   

保温节能建筑优化设计方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
主要研究建筑节能优化设计方法,并以上海某住宅项目的德国保温节能技术为例,探讨几种目前国际先进的民用建筑物保温节能优化设计方法,如外墙、屋面、地板的保温隔热体系,小区的集中供能系统等.该研究成果可为我国今后的民用建筑保温节能的优化设计和进一步研究提供参考.  相似文献   

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