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《Energy and Buildings》1999,30(1):35-51
In the IEA-ECBCS Annex 23 `Multizone Air Flow Modelling,' a sensitivity analysis procedure, that included both the Monte Carlo and Fractional Factorial analyses, was defined to evaluate COMVEN, a multizone air flow code. This procedure is here applied to evaluate COMVEN, when the simulation of the ventilation of a detached house is performed for the case of ventilation driven mainly by stack effect. The simulated values are compared to the measured values using the uncertainty range for each value; the confidence interval for the simulated values are obtained using the Monte Carlo method while the fractional factorial analysis has been used to identify the relative effects of the input parameters on the output accuracy. It is an interesting case which makes it possible to demonstrate the application of both sensitivity techniques.  相似文献   

This paper presents some of the wind tunnel pressure measurements made on a five-storey model building (32 cells), with a vertical shaft and fixed leakage characteristics. Internal and external pressures measurements are presented for various wind angles and a simulated fire pressure in a room on floor 2 and floor 4. Comparison is made to assess the effect of fire on internal pressure distribution. Although the results are presented for all the wind angles investigated, a detailed discussion is confined only to a single wind angle. Implications of the combined effect of wind and fire on the shaft pressurization system design calculations must take these two factors into account.

In a fire situation it is possible that escapers may leave some of the shaft doors open or the fire room door may burn down. In such a case the pressurization system can become ineffective, causing escape routes to get smoke-logged. The effect of a combination of fire door openings was also investigated. The results for the following door opening combinations are presented and discussed:

1. (i) shaft door open alone;

2. (ii) fire room door open alone;

3. (iii) shaft and fire room doors open together.

It is shown quite clearly that these openings are significant for a range of wind angles.  相似文献   

Wind tunnel evaluation of mean wind pressure on a frame-type signboard   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the context of the growing concern for the wind effects and the wind design of “street architecture” (bill-boards, traffic signs, traffic lights, etc.), wind tunnel tests have been carried out on a model of a frame-type signboard, placed within a regular array of buildings. The first experimental results, reported here, help to clarify the relationship between the wind loading on the signboard and the characteristics of the wind acting on the surrounding buildings.  相似文献   

依据某超高层建筑,着重介绍了风洞试验的方法,描述了在考虑有、无环境建筑影响下,该高层建筑一些典型的表面风压特性以及一些测点风压随风向角的变化规律。结果表明:迎风面中上部风压系数较大,接近1.0;底部部分风压系数达到1.0;侧风面和背风面风压系数大多为负值,特别是靠近角落处由于涡旋脱落,其值可达到-2。环境建筑对该高层建筑表面风压的影响较大,特别在建筑中下部。为其进行结构设计提出一些参考。  相似文献   

陈丽丽  王振华 《山西建筑》2008,34(11):94-95
对高层建筑屋面的风压分布进行了分析,模拟了0°和45°两个风向角下屋面平均风压分布,得出了迎风的屋面产生了极大的负风压,其他区域风压相对较小,45°风向角为高层建筑屋面风压的较不利风向角的结论。  相似文献   

基于Reynolds时均Navier-Stokes方程,采用剪切应力输运(SST)k-ω湍流模型,对球面网壳结构在不同工况下的屋盖风压进行了数值模拟计算。首先,采用数值模拟计算落地球面网壳屋盖体型系数,并与文献风洞试验结果进行对比发现吻合较好,验证了本文计算方法和湍流模型参数选取的合理性。然后,基于数值模拟方法研究不同矢跨比时球面网壳屋盖体型系数分布情况。结果表明:随着矢跨比的增加,屋面顶部风吸力峰值增大,而迎风面与背风面风吸力减小,且逐渐变为正压力。研究结果可为该类屋盖的抗风设计提供参考。  相似文献   

Studies on the effect of different shape strategies on wind‐induced responses of super tall buildings have been extensive. However, little systematic research on the influence of aerodynamic shapes on wind pressure distributions of super high‐rise building having a height more than 500 m is reported in the literature. In this paper, a series of wind tunnel tests are conducted on models simulating tapered buildings taller than 500 m with an aspect ratio of 9:1 by applying synchronous pressure measurement technology to investigate the influence of different shape strategies on the wind force coefficients of the cross section (Cs) and on the peak negative pressure distributions on surfaces. The shape strategies considered include tapering of the cross section of a building along its height, chamfered modification, and opening ventilation slots. It is found that the wind force coefficient Cs increase with an increase of the tapering ratio. It is shown that chamfered modification can effectively reduce most of the wind force coefficients Cs to less than 0.9. As for peak wind pressures, a zone having a higher negative pressure is found to locate at the bottom of the side faces of the model. With an increase of the tapering ratio, the peak negative pressure of side faces of the model slightly decreases. Chamfered modification can significantly increase the peak negative pressure at the chamfered location. Furthermore, it is demonstrated that opening ventilation slots had less effect on Cs, but the peak negative pressure can significantly increase at the area of opening ventilation slots and adjacent areas.  相似文献   

指出结构风压的研究和分析手段分为理论分析、实验研究及数值计算。数值求解流体力学方程(CFD)因为花费低、周期短、损耗小而得到了广泛应用。对标准模型风压进行了数值分析,并与风洞试验数据做了比对。结果表明:数值模拟风洞计算风压的结果是正确的。  相似文献   

通过刚性模型测压风洞试验研究了台风风场高湍流、强变异性等特征对大跨结构风压分布特性的影响。以某体育场罩棚为原型制作1∶300刚性模型,进行了常规B类风场和台风风场作用下的测压对比试验。基于试验数据,从测点风压和总体升力角度对两类风场作用下体育场罩棚结构的风压分布总体特性进行了分析,重点比较了典型测点在典型风向角下的风压分布规律及相互关系。结果表明:两类风场作用下平均风压的分布规律基本类似,但各风向角下台风风场中的屋盖总体升力比B类风场增大8%~25%;台风风场的高湍流特性导致基于极值负风压求得的各风向角下屋盖总体升力比B类风场大27%~46%,各测点的极值风压均明显高于常规B类风场作用下的对应值,比值约为1.13~1.70,因此对于台风多发地区的大型体育场屋盖设计,必须考虑台风风场高湍流所致的脉动风压增大效应。  相似文献   

对某一具有代表性的大型体育场看台挑篷刚性模型进行了表面测压风洞试验,详细介绍了试验所采用的主要技术参数和基本的数据处理方法,对比研究了在有、无临近建筑物干扰情况下的体育场挑篷表面风压分布的等值线图和结构典型测点在不同风向角下的风压变化规律。结果表明,邻近建筑对所测建筑的风荷载有一定的气动干扰影响,相关结论为结构的抗风设计提供了可靠的依据。  相似文献   

球面壳体表面风压分布特性风洞试验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
球面壳体是工程中一种常用的屋面结构形式。本文通过刚性模型风洞试验,对不同场地类别下球面壳体表面风压分布进行了同步测量。根据测到的同步风压分布数据,对壳体表面风压场特性进行了分析,包括平均风压系数及脉动风压系数分布、脉动风压的自功率谱及互功率谱分布、风压场的本征正交分解特性、雷诺数对壳体表面风压分布的影响等。结果表明,球面壳体模型表面风压分布受雷诺数的影响明显,且模型的曲面特性使得由风场本征正交分解得到的前几阶特征模态对整个风压分布的贡献增大。该研究为这类结构在抗风分析中风荷载的确定及数值模拟提供试验依据。  相似文献   

基于CFX10.0软件及LINUX大型并行服务器操作平台,采用剪切应力输运(SST)k-ω,模型对营口市奥体中心体育场屋盖进行了风压分布及风环境的数值模拟,得到了体育馆屋盖表面的平均风压系数,并分析了屋面的风压、湍动能分布特性,比较了屋盖在各风向角下总升力,得出了最不利风向角和分区风载体型系数,同时给出了双屋盖、仅ROOF1、仅ROOF2等三种计算模型时屋盖表面的风压分布.通过分析可以得到,随着区域位置的变化.体型系数值有很大不同,且其对风向角的敏感程度也不同;位于上游风场的屋盖和下部建筑(看台)的存在对体育场内流场及下游风场屋盖表面风压分布有很大的影响.  相似文献   

我国冷却塔规范风荷载条款仍源自20世纪80年代原型冷却塔(约90m高)实测资料,且仅规定了塔筒表面静态风压分布。事实上,超大型冷却塔(高度≥165m)风振问题与风荷载脉动作用关系更加密切,由此导致了冷却塔数学和物理试验模型雷诺数效应模拟准则的不完整性,难于准确再现冷却塔表面动态风荷载与来流条件、塔群组合状况等参数间的合理关系,已成为制约大型冷却塔抗风性能研究和结构设计的瓶颈。为此,采用全天候动态风压采集设备,对某电厂冷却塔(约166m高)进行通风筒表面动、静态风压长期现场观测,量化表面脉动压力与来流紊流度之间的影响关系,提出具有原创性的冷却塔超高雷诺数条件(Re≥6E7)脉动风压雷诺数效应模拟准则。  相似文献   

越南国家体育场屋盖平均风压及风环境影响数值模拟   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
汪丛军  黄本才  张昕  徐晓明  林高 《空间结构》2004,10(2):35-39,54
本文给出了越南国家体育场双挑屋盖平均风压分布的数值模拟结果,并将60^o风向下数值模拟平均风压系数与风洞实验结果进行了比较,两者大体上是吻合的,随后给出90^o风向下贴近屋盖面上数值模拟湍动能,以此分析悬挑屋盖面上脉动风压分布规律,且用风洞实验的脉动风压均方根值结果进行验证.最后由越南国家体育场单边屋盖和双边屋盖数值模型,进行了风环境影响的研究,以考察有无上风向屋盖对下风屋盖的影响。  相似文献   

Pressure management (PM) is commonly used in water distribution networks (WDNs) to provide a wide range of benefits. This study presents an economic evaluation framework to support the decision-making process relating to alternative PM schemes. The methodology allows for the assessment the principal direct and indirect benefits and costs associated with using pressure-reducing valves (PRVs). The methodology is applied to a district metered area in a WDN in Mashhad, Iran, by changing the existing fixed–outlet (FO-PRV) to time-based (TM-PRV) and flow-based modulation (FM-PRV). The results indicated that FM-PRV is the most beneficial scheme for the studied case. The importance of estimating direct and indirect benefits is highlighted. The presented methodology is essential to persuade water utility decision-makers to recognize the economic feasibility and significant benefits of implementing PM schemes and justify the associated investment.  相似文献   

数值模拟低矮房屋风压中湍流模型的比较   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
龙剑杰 《山西建筑》2007,33(28):96-97
利用有限体积法采用FLUENT软件,以国际通用的低矮建筑标准模型TTU模型为考察对象进行了湍流模型的比较,考虑了各种湍流模型对计算结果的影响,并与原型场地实测数据、实验结果进行了比较,旨在针对低矮房屋模型得出比较适用的湍流模型.  相似文献   

通过对平屋盖、悬挑屋盖、柱面屋盖、球面屋盖及鞍形屋盖五种典型大跨屋盖的1730组风洞试验工况下18048个风压时程样本的功率谱分析,采用峰值频率和相干指数对大跨屋盖特征湍流特性的风压谱进行表征并建立了简化模型。结果表明,从频谱特性角度,将上述五种形状的大跨度屋盖分为三类,即第Ⅰ类是以平屋盖和鞍形屋盖为代表的具有尖角钝体特性的屋盖,第Ⅱ类是以悬挑屋盖为代表的具有平板流特性的屋盖,第Ⅲ类是以柱面、球面屋盖为代表的具有曲面钝体绕流特性的屋盖;第Ⅰ、Ⅱ类屋盖峰值频率集中在0.1~0.2Hz,相干指数分别集中于2.5和3.5附近;第Ⅲ类屋盖峰值频率集中在0.1Hz以下,相干指数集中在4.0附近。经过统计分析,给出了参数分区值,以供结构抗风设计参考。  相似文献   

L形和一字形双层幕墙平均风压分布特性的试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
双层通风幕墙的抗风设计需考虑外层幕墙的内、外表面风压以及内层幕墙的外表面风压,其风荷载取值不同于普通单层幕墙,使得其风载取值变得复杂。通过多个不同截面形式的模型进行双层幕墙压力分布风洞试验研究。介绍风洞试验模型的设计及数据处理方法,着重分析一字形双层幕墙和L形双层幕墙的内外层幕墙的平均风压分布。试验结果表明:L形双层幕墙和一字形双层幕墙的平均风压分布有很大的不同。对于一字形双层幕墙,无论是正风压还是负风压,都主要作用在内幕墙上,外幕墙除拐角区域外所承担的风压很小。对于L形双层幕墙,其外幕墙的正风压要比内幕墙的风压大;负风压时,L形双层幕墙的短边区域是外幕墙所承担的风压大于内幕墙,其长边区域则是内幕墙所受的风压要大于外幕墙。  相似文献   

王忠诚  吴立 《山西建筑》2008,34(18):94-95
对泉州市海峡体育中心体育馆屋盖风压分布进行了数值模拟,并将在75°和105°风向角下的结果与风洞实验进行比较,两者大体上基本吻合,并对其误差进行分析,随后给出了体育馆屋盖附近流场的规律性,数值模拟结果说明了数值模拟在大跨屋盖风工程中应用的可行性。  相似文献   

大连市贝壳博物馆表面风压分布特性风洞试验研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为了满足大连市贝壳博物馆的抗风安全需要,进行了刚性模型表面风压分布特性风洞试验研究。详细介绍了试验所采用的主要技术参数与基本的数据处理方法,给出了典型风向角下结构表面风压分布的等值线图和结构典型测点在不同风向角下的风压变化规律;分析了各风向角下绝对值最大的局部体型系数及其出现的位置,并将屋盖的局部体型系数与现行《建筑结构荷载规范》(GB 5009—2001)进行了对比。结果表明:屋面上表面的风荷载主要表现为负压,顶部迎风挑檐边缘较大,屋面的尾流区域较小或为正压。屋面两侧的悬挑部分及主入口处迎风时分布有大面积正压,以靠近拐角部分最大,且这部分屋面对风作用反应敏感,设计时应考虑体型系数的变号情况。  相似文献   

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