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Individual neutron monitoring presents several difficulties due to the differences in energy response of the dosemeters. In the present study, an individual dosemeter (TLD) calibration approach is attempted for the personnel of a research reactor facility. The neutron energy response function of the dosemeter was derived using the MCNP code. The results were verified by measurements to three different neutron spectra and were found to be in good agreement. Three different calibration curves were defined for thermal, intermediate and fast neutrons. At the different working positions around the reactor, neutron spectra were defined using the Monte Carlo technique and ambient dose rate measurements were performed. An estimation of the neutrons energy is provided by the ratio of the different TLD pellets of each dosemeter in combination with the information concerning the worker's position; then the dose equivalent is deduced according to the appropriate calibration curve.  相似文献   

Neutron imaging has a broad scope of applications and has played a pivotal role in visualizing and quantifying hydrogenous masses in metallic matrices. The field continues to expand into new applications with the installation of new neutron imaging facilities.In this scope, a neutron imaging facility for computed tomography and real-time neutron radiography is currently being developed around 2.0MW TRIGA MARK-II reactor at Maamora Nuclear Research Center in Morocco (Reuscher et al., 1990 [1]; de Menezes et al., 2003 [2]; Deinert et al., 2005 [3]).The neutron imaging facility consists of neutron collimator, real-time neutron imaging system and imaging process systems. In order to reduce the gamma-ray content in the neutron beam, the tangential channel was selected. For power of 250 kW, the corresponding thermal neutron flux measured at the inlet of the tangential channel is around 3×1011 ncm2/s.This facility will be based on a conical neutron collimator with two circular diaphragms with diameters of 4 and 2 cm corresponding to L/D-ratio of 165 and 325, respectively. These diaphragms' sizes allow reaching a compromise between good flux and efficient L/D-ratio. Convergent-divergent collimator geometry has been adopted.The beam line consists of a gamma filter, fast neutrons filter, neutron moderator, neutron and gamma shutters, biological shielding around the collimator and several stages of neutron collimator. Monte Carlo calculations by a fully 3D numerical code GEANT4 were used to design the neutron beam line (http://www.info.cern.ch/asd/geant4/geant4.html[4]).To enhance the neutron thermal beam in terms of quality, several materials, mainly bismuth (Bi) and sapphire (Al2O3) were examined as gamma and neutron filters respectively. The GEANT4 simulations showed that the gamma and epithermal and fast neutron could be filtered using the bismuth (Bi) and sapphire (Al2O3) filters, respectively.To get a good cadmium ratio, GEANT 4 simulations were used to define the design of the moderator in the inlet of the radiation channel. A graphite block of 22 cm thickness seems to be the optimal neutron moderator.The results showed that the combination of 5 cm of bismuth with 5 cm of sapphire permits the filtration of gamma-rays, epithermal neutrons as well as fast neutrons in a considerable way without affecting the neutron thermal flux.  相似文献   

A new thermal neutron irradiation facility, devoted to carry out both dosimetric and radiobiological studies on boron carriers, which are being developed in the framework of INFN BNCT project, has been installed at the ENEA Casaccia TAPIRO research fast reactor. The thermal column, based on an original, hybrid, neutron spectrum shifter configuration, has been recently become operative. In spite of its low power (5 kW), the new facility is able to provide a high thermal neutron flux level, uniformly distributed inside the irradiation cavity, with a quite low gamma background. The main features and preliminary benchmark measurements of the Beam-shaping assembly are here presented and discussed.  相似文献   

The NPL simulated reactor neutron field facility provides neutron spectra similar to those found in the environs of UK gas-cooled reactors. Neutrons are generated by irradiating a thick lithium-alloy target with monoenergetic protons between 2.5 and 3.5 MeV (depending on the desired spectrum), and then moderated by a 40-cm diameter sphere of heavy water. This represents an extremely soft workplace field, with a mean neutron energy of 25 keV and, more significantly, a mean fluence to ambient dose equivalent conversion coefficient of the order of 20 pSv cm(2), approximately 20 times lower than those of the ISO standard calibration sources (252)Cf and (241)Am-Be. Results of field trials are presented, including readings from neutron spectrometers, personal dosimeters (active and passive) and neutron area survey meters, and issues with beam monitoring are discussed.  相似文献   

An outline of the 0° neutron time-of-flight facility at RCNP is briefly described. A technique has been developed for obtaining a narrow beam burst width by detuning the isochronous cyclotron magnetic field. An overall subnanosecond time resolution has been achieved for 50–80 MeV proton beams. Applications have been made to polarization transfer experiments for the (p, n) reaction at 0°.  相似文献   

A new source facility (241Am-Be) has been installed in a bunker-type room of large dimensions. To characterise the neutron fields in the facility, detailed calculations have been made with MCNP-4C, showing the different components of the neutron radiation reaching the reference points (direct, inscattered, backscattered). The contribution from neutrons scattered in the walls to the total ambient dose equivalent remains reasonably low (<10%) in the reference points. Additionally, spectra measurements have been performed with a Bonner spheres spectrometer with a 6LiI(Eu) scintillator (0.4 phi x 0.4 cm2), UTA4 response matrix and BUNKIUT unfolding code. The calculated and experimentally obtained spectra are compared, with small differences found in the epithermal and thermal region, attributable to the concrete composition used in the calculations. The H*(10) rate has been determined from the spectra, and then compared to the reading of an active dosemeter (LB6411), with differences found lower than 8%.  相似文献   

The beamline for Imaging with COld Neutrons (ICON) at Swiss spallation neutron source (SINQ) at Paul Scherrer Institut has a flexible design to meet the requests from a wide user community. The current status of the beamline and its characteristics are described. The instrumentation includes three experimental positions from which two are equipped with digital camera based imaging detectors. Tomographic imaging is among the standard methods available at the beamline. Advanced methods such as energy-selective imaging and grating interferometry are available as instrument add-ons which are easily installed.  相似文献   

Microdosimetric spectra were measured in order to gain the microdosimetric parameters of some epithermal neutron fields. Changes in dose mean lineal energy YD as a function of depth of heavy water showed a trend of softening with heavy water of the beam. The neutron absorbed dose was obtained by using the frequency mean lineal energy. Results show good agreement with measurements with the activation method using gold foil. This study demonstrated how microdosimetric parameters change in radiation quality as a function of heavy water depth.  相似文献   

For the purpose of radiation protection, the reference neutron field for calibration of neutron monitors was constructed using radioactive neutron sources-bare-(252)Cf, D(2)O-moderated (252)Cf and (241)Am-Be(alpha,n)-at Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science (KRISS). The well-specified neutron source with its emission rate and the anisotropy was installed at the centre of the neutron irradiation room, which is 6.6 x 7.6 x 6.3 m(3) in size. The neutron spectra of each source was measured using the Bonner sphere spectrometer (KRISS-BSS). Calculations using MCNP5 with realistic geometry and materials in the neutron irradiation room were performed. The calculations and measurements were found to be in good agreement, showing that the neutron calibration facility at KRISS is well established.  相似文献   

The initial performance of the VENUS barrel electromagnetic calorimeter at TRISTAN is described. The calorimeter is composed of 5160 lead-glass counters in a semi-tower arrangement. An energy resolution of 3.8% was obtained for 26 GeV Bhabha events. The neutral pions in the hadronic events were reconstructed with a mass resolution of σ = 16 MeV. The gain of the lead-glass counters was stable within 2% during a four months operation at TRISTAN.  相似文献   

Microdosimetric single event spectrum in a human body simulated by an acrylic phantom has been measured for the clinical BNCT field at the Kyoto University Reactor (KUR). The recoil particles resulting from the initial reaction and subsequent interactions, namely protons, electrons, alpha particles and carbon nuclei are identified in the microdosimetric spectrum. The relative contributions to the neutron dose from proton, alpha particles and carbon are estimated to be about 0.9, 0.07 and 0.3, respectively, four depths between 5 and 41 mm. We estimate that the dose averaged lineal energy, yD decreased with depth from 64 to 46 keV microm(-1). Relative biological effectiveness (RBE) of this neutron field using a response function for the microdosimetric spectrum was estimated to decrease from 3.6 to 2.9 with increasing depth.  相似文献   

The multiplicity spectrometry technique of secondary emission of nuclei excited by thermal neutrons for the neutron cross sections measurements is developed. A multisectional NaI(Tl) scintillation detector for gamma-ray detection with high efficiency and 4π-geometry is used. The experiments are performed on a stationary 2 MW research reactor by the time-of-flight method. Such a method and apparatus are also to be used to measure the important neutron constant “alpha” (capture-to-fission ratio) for 235U.  相似文献   

The superconducting magnet of the VENUS detector was successfully operated with a central field of 0.75 T. A cryogenic system kept the coil temperature to below 4.5 K. When a coil quench was induced by built-in heaters, the stored energy of 11.7 MJ was safely extracted from the magnet to the outside dump resistor. The iron structure of the magnet yoke supported the magnetic force of about 230 t with a maximum elastic deformation of 0.4 mm. The maximum leakage field at the location of the barrel electromagnetic calorimeter was 33 G. The magnetic field was mapped in the solenoid bore by an NMR probe and by three-dimensional Hall probes with an accuracy of order 10−4. The field was confirmed to be uniform within 0.3% deviation in the spatial region of a central drift chamber.  相似文献   

The design construction and characterisation of a simulated realistic neutron workplace field is described. Utilising a low-energy primary source of neutrons based on the 7Li(p,n) reaction, and a heavy water moderator, a broad spectrum is produced with energies extending from thermal to about 1 MeV. The field simulates the type of spectra encountered around UK gas-cooled reactors.  相似文献   

A data acquisition system for the VENUS detector at the TRISTAN electron-positron collider is presented. The whole system of the VENUS detector consists of nine different kinds of principal detectors, and the total number of electronics channels of the system reaches about 30 000. A FASTBUS system was introduced as the main data path and the TKO and the CAMAC standard have also been utilized for the frontend electronics. A FASTBUS interface to an on-line computer (VAX11/780), simplex segment interconnect and many data acquisition modules were developed. Most of the data are analyzed in a VAX cluster system in real time. Data logging is done in a main frame computer (FACOM M382) by using an automatic loading cartridge tape subsystem.  相似文献   

NECTAR (Neutron Computerized Tomography and Radiography) is a versatile facility for radiographic and tomographic investigations as well as for neutron activation experiments using fission neutrons.The radiation sources for this facility are two plates of highly enriched uranium situated in the moderator vessel in FRM II. Thermal neutrons originating from the main fuel element of the reactor generate in these plates fast neutrons. These can escape through a horizontal beam tube without moderation. The beam can be filtered and manipulated in order to reduce the accompanying gamma radiation and to match the specific experimental tasks.A summary of the main parameters required for experimental set-up and (quantitative) data evaluation is presented. The (measured) spectra of the neutron and gamma radiations are shown along with the effect of different filters on their behavior. The neutron and gamma fluxes, dose rates, L/D-ratios, etc. and the main parameters of the actually used detection systems for neutron imaging are given, too.  相似文献   

A neutron beam instrument is described which will allow the simultaneous study of the microstructural, crystalline phase, internal stress, defect, local order, texture, diffusional and vibrational properties of materials. The penetration of neutrons permits all these properties to be studied in a bulk specimen in situ during a heat treatment of chemical reaction as a function of time. The possibility of using narrow incident and scattered neutron beams allows the simultaneous monitoring of these properties as a function of position across the sample. Only by using the polychromatic neutron beam from a pulsed source, can all these properties be studied at the same time and at the same point on the specimen. The instrument is designed for installation on the Spallation Neutron Source recently commissioned at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory. Its performance is evaluated for a series of key experiments in applied science and shown to permit a complete neutron examination of the sample within minutes.  相似文献   

Thermal neutron radiography is a useful complementary tool of the other non-destructive testing methods for the hydrogenous materials and heavy metal subassembly. By the use of MCNP program and the thermal neutron digital radiography facility at SPRR-300 reactor, the simulation and experimental study of the thermal neutron tomography has been developed. Its method and result has been introduced and analyzed.  相似文献   

The Center for Neutron Research is a new, national experimental facility being planned by Oak Ridge National Laboratory to meet the need for an intense steady-state source of neutrons and for associated experimental space and equipment. This article describes a preliminary design for a reactor to serve as the neutron source. The design offers an unprecedented thermal neutron flux for scattering experiments (5×1019 to 10×1019 neutrons m−2 s−1) as well as capabilities for isotope production and engineering materials irradiation experiments that surpass those at present research reactors.  相似文献   

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