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Given a squarefree polynomial P  k0[ x,y ], k0a number field, we construct a linear differential operator that allows one to calculate the genus of the complex curve defined by P =  0 (when P is absolutely irreducible), the absolute factorization of P over the algebraic closure of k0, and calculate information concerning the Galois group of P over ___ k0(x) as well as overk0 (x).  相似文献   

This paper investigates an iterative Boolean-like law with fuzzy implications derived from uninorms. More precisely, we characterize the solutions to the functional equation I(x, y) = I(x, I(x, y)) that involve RU-, (U, N)- and QLU-implications generated by the most usual classes of uninorms.  相似文献   

With the use of Adomian decomposition method, the prototypical, genuinely nonlinear K(m,n) equation, ut+(um)x+(un)xxx=0, which exhibits compactons  solitons with finite wavelength  is solved exactly. Two numerical illustrations, K(2,2) and K(3,3), are investigated to illustrate the pertinent features of the proposed scheme. The technique is presented in a general way so that it can be used in nonlinear dispersive equations.  相似文献   

《Information and Computation》2007,205(7):1078-1095
Assume that G = (V, E) is an undirected graph, and C  V. For every v  V, denote Ir(G; v) = {u  C: d(u,v)  r}, where d(u,v) denotes the number of edges on any shortest path from u to v in G. If all the sets Ir(G; v) for v  V are pairwise different, and none of them is the empty set, the code C is called r-identifying. The motivation for identifying codes comes, for instance, from finding faulty processors in multiprocessor systems or from location detection in emergency sensor networks. The underlying architecture is modelled by a graph. We study various types of identifying codes that are robust against six natural changes in the graph; known or unknown edge deletions, additions or both. Our focus is on the radius r = 1. We show that in the infinite square grid the optimal density of a 1-identifying code that is robust against one unknown edge deletion is 1/2 and the optimal density of a 1-identifying code that is robust against one unknown edge addition equals 3/4 in the infinite hexagonal mesh. Moreover, although it is shown that all six problems are in general different, we prove that in the binary hypercube there are cases where five of the six problems coincide.  相似文献   

We prove that there is a polynomial time substitution (y1,…,yn):=g(x1,…,xk) with k?n such that whenever the substitution instance A(g(x1,…,xk)) of a 3DNF formula A(y1,…,yn) has a short resolution proof it follows that A(y1,…,yn) is a tautology. The qualification “short” depends on the parameters k and n.  相似文献   

Electronic structures, energies and splitting of the Qx and Qy bands for positional isomers of zinc mono-, di-, tri-, and tetra pyridinoporphyrazines as well as parent zinc phthalocyanine were investigated using density functional theory (DFT) and time-dependent (TD) DFT approaches. The influence of the Hartree–Fock exchange on excited state energies and Qx and Qy bands splitting were studied using GGA BP86 and hybrid B3LYP and PBE1PBE exchange-correlation functionals. Solvent effects were estimated using the polarized continuum model (PCM) approach and cyclohexane, toluene, or DMSO as solvents. It was found that general trends in the Qx and Qy band energies and splitting correlate very well with the available experimental data on pyridinoporphyrazines and follow the trends in HOMO–LUMO and HOMO–LUMO + 1 energy gaps as well as LUMO–LUMO + 1 splitting. TDDFT trends allow estimation of the Qx and Qy band energies and splitting in unknown tripyridinoporphyrazines and in individual positional isomers of tetrapyridinoporphyrazines.  相似文献   

Let L = K(α) be an Abelian extension of degree n of a number field K, given by the minimal polynomial of α over K. We describe an algorithm for computing the local Artin map associated with the extension L / K at a finite or infinite prime v of K. We apply this algorithm to decide if a nonzero a  K is a norm from L, assuming that L / K is cyclic.  相似文献   

Using a constructive field-ideal correspondence it is shown how to compute the transcendence degree and a (separating) transcendence basis of finitely generated field extensionsk (x) / k(g), resp. how to determine the (separable) degree if k(x) / k(g) is algebraic. Moreover, this correspondence is used to derive a method for computing minimal polynomials and deciding field membership. Finally, a connection between certain intermediate fields of k(x) / k(g) and a minimal primary decomposition of a suitable ideal is described. For Galois extensions the field-ideal correspondence can also be used to determine the elements of the Galois group.  相似文献   

《Information and Computation》2007,205(11):1575-1607
We propose a new approximation technique for Hybrid Automata. Given any Hybrid Automaton H, we call Approx(H, k) the Polynomial Hybrid Automaton obtained by approximating each formula ϕ in H with the formulae ϕk obtained by replacing the functions in ϕ with their Taylor polynomial of degree k. We prove that Approx(H, k) is an over-approximation of H. We study the conditions ensuring that, given any ϵ > 0, some k0 exists such that, for all k > k0, the “distance” between any vector satisfying ϕk and at least one vector satisfying ϕ is less than ϵ. We study also conditions ensuring that, given any ϵ > 0, some k0 exists such that, for all k > k0, the “distance” between any configuration reached by Approx(H, k) in n steps and at least one configuration reached by H in n steps is less than ϵ.  相似文献   

《Graphical Models》2005,67(4):285-303
The traditional rounding and filleting morphological filters are biased. Hence, as r grows, the rounding Rr (S) of S shrinks and the filleting Fr (S) grows. A shape S is r-regular when Rr (S) = Fr (S) = S. The combinations Fr (Rr (S)) and Rr (Fr (S)) produce nearly r-regular shapes, but retain a bias: Fr (Rr (S)) is usually smaller than S and Rr (Fr (S)) is larger. To overcome this bias, we propose a new filter, called Mason. The r-mortar Mr (S) of S is Fr (S)–Rr (S), and the stability of a point P with respect to S is the smallest value of r for which P belongs to Mr (S). Stability provides important information about the shape’s imbedding that cannot be obtained through traditional topological or differential analysis tools. Fr (Rr (S)) and Rr (Fr (S)) only affect space in Mr (S). For each maximally connected component of Mr (S), Mason performs either Fr (Rr (S)) or Rr (Fr (S)), choosing the combination that alters the smallest portion of that component. Hence, Mason acts symmetrically on the shape and on its complement. Its output is guaranteed to have a smaller symmetric difference with the original shape than that of either combination Fr (Rr (S)) or Rr (Fr (S)). Many previously proposed shape simplification algorithms were focused on reducing the combinatorial storage or processing costs of a shape at the expense of the smoothness and regularity or altered the shape in regular portions that did not exhibit any high frequency complexity. Mason is the first shape simplification operator that is independent of the particular representation and offers the advantage of preserving portions of the boundary of S that are regular at the desired scale.  相似文献   

A graph G(VE) (|V|⩾2k) satisfies property Ak if, given k pairs of distinct nodes (s1t1), …, (sktk) of V(G), there are k mutually node-disjoint paths, one connecting si and ti for each i, 1⩽ik. A necessary condition for any graph to satisfy Ak is that it is (2k−1)-connected. Hypercubes are important interconnection topologies for parallel computation and communication networks. It has been known that hypercubes of dimension n (which are n-connected) satisfy An/2⌉. In this paper we give an algorithm which, given k=⌈n/2⌉ pairs of distinct nodes (s1t1), …, (sktk) in the n-dimensional hypercube, finds the k disjoint paths of length at most n+⌈log n⌉+1 in O(n2 log* n) time.  相似文献   

This paper presents an algorithm for the Quillen–Suslin Theorem for quotients of polynomial rings by monomial ideals, that is, quotients of the form A = k [ x0, . . . ,xn ] / I, with I a monomial ideal and k a field. Vorst proved that finitely generated projective modules over such algebras are free. Given a finitely generated module P, described by generators and relations, the algorithm tests whether P is projective, in which case it computes a free basis forP .  相似文献   

We present a generalization of the Cylindrical Algebraic Decomposition (CAD) algorithm to systems of equations and inequalities in functions of the form p(x,f1(x),…,fm(x),y1,…,yn), where pQ[x,t1,…,tm,y1,…,yn] and f1(x),…,fm(x) are real univariate functions such that there exists a real root isolation algorithm for functions from the algebra Q[x,f1(x),…,fm(x)]. In particular, the algorithm applies when f1(x),…,fm(x) are real exp-log functions or tame elementary functions.  相似文献   

In this paper we describe scalable parallel algorithms for building the convex hull and a triangulation ofncoplanar points. These algorithms are designed for thecoarse grained multicomputermodel:pprocessors withO(n/p)⪢O(1) local memory each, connected to some arbitrary interconnection network. They scale over a large range of values ofnandp, assuming only thatnp1+ε(ε>0) and require timeO((Tsequential/p)+Ts(n, p)), whereTs(n, p) refers to the time of a global sort ofndata on approcessor machine. Furthermore, they involve only a constant number of global communication rounds. Since computing either 2D convex hull or triangulation requires timeTsequential=Θ(n log n) these algorithms either run in optimal time,Θ((n log n)/p), or in sort time,Ts(n, p), for the interconnection network in question. These results become optimal whenTsequential/pdominatesTs(n, p) or for interconnection networks like the mesh for which optimal sorting algorithms exist.  相似文献   

Let f(X, Y) be an absolutely irreducible polynomial with integer coefficients such that the curve defined by the equation f(X, Y)  =  0 is of genus 0 having at least three infinite valuations. This paper describes a practical general method for the explicit determination of all integer solutions of the diophantine equation f(X, Y)  =  0. Some elaborated examples are given.  相似文献   

We develop a theory of Gröbner bases over Galois rings, following the usual formulation for Gröbner bases over finite fields. Our treatment includes a division algorithm, a characterization of Gröbner bases, and an extension of Buchberger’s algorithm. One application is towards the problem of decoding alternant codes over Galois rings. To this end we consider the module M =  {(a, b) :aS  b  mod xr} of all solutions to the so-called key equation for alternant codes, where S is a syndrome polynomial. In decoding, a particular solution (Σ, Ω)   M is sought satisfying certain conditions, and such a solution can be found in a Gröbner basis of M. Applying techniques introduced in the first part of this paper, we give an algorithm which returns the required solution.  相似文献   

《Information Sciences》2007,177(8):1782-1788
In this paper, we explore the 2-extra connectivity and 2-extra-edge-connectivity of the folded hypercube FQn. We show that κ2(FQn) = 3n  2 for n  8; and λ2(FQn) = 3n  1 for n  5. That is, for n  8 (resp. n  5), at least 3n  2 vertices (resp. 3n  1 edges) of FQn are removed to get a disconnected graph that contains no isolated vertices (resp. edges). When the folded hypercube is used to model the topological structure of a large-scale parallel processing system, these results can provide more accurate measurements for reliability and fault tolerance of the system.  相似文献   

Let f(X, Y) be an absolutely irreducible polynomial with integer coefficients such that the curve defined by the equation f(X, Y)  =  0 is of genus 0 having at most two infinite valuations. This paper describes a practical general method for the explicit determination of all integer solutions of the diophantine equation f(X, Y)  =  0. Several elaborated examples are given. Furthermore, a necessary and sufficient condition for a curve of genus 0 to have infinitely many integer points is obtained.  相似文献   

Processor fault diagnosis plays an important role in multiprocessor systems for reliable computing, and the diagnosability of many well-known networks has been explored. Lai et al. proposed a novel measure of diagnosability, called conditional diagnosability, by adding an additional condition that any faulty set cannot contain all the neighbors of any vertex in a system. We make a contribution to the evaluation of diagnosability for hypercube networks under the comparison model and prove that the conditional diagnosability of n-dimensional Hypercube Qn is 3(n ? 2) + 1 for n ? 5. The conditional diagnosability of Qn is about three times larger than the classical diagnosability of Qn.  相似文献   

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