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Jürgen Schmoldt 《Bauphysik》2008,30(5):308-313
Harmonised European standards for insulation in industrial and building services installations. European standards (EN) for building materials prepared by CEN according to the Construction Products Directive supersede national standards as reference documents in specification documents and standards, building codes and regional building regulations, based on Germany's obligation to implement EU Directives and DIN 's obligations vis‐à‐vis the European Committee for Standardization (CEN). The substitution of national standards by European standards does not apply to working papers prepared by the industrial construction association (Arbeitsgemeinschaft Industriebau e. V. – AGI). These papers continue to apply as the basis for the “generally recognised state of the art“. In the event of deviations between AGI working papers and European standards or DIN EN standards, any decision on which statement should be regarded as “generally recognised state of the art” may have to be referred to a court of law.  相似文献   

Energy saving retrofitting of a prefabricated panel construction kinder‐garden – demonstration project “Plappersnut” in Wismar. The project “kindergarten Plappersnut” in Wismar focuses on cutting the energy consumption of the in 1972 build prefabricated plate construction down to one third by mainly 3 means: – improving the relation between building volume and outside surface by replacing the corridor building between the two main wings with a light membrane roof, covering the whole space, – eliminating energy loss through the building structure by coating the whole building with different isolation systems, – replacing all of the technical installation under the aspects of ecological energy supply and energy retrieving systems. The project was classed as a demonstration project of the EnSan‐Program, supported by the German Ministry for Economy and Technology.  相似文献   

Für russische Wohnhäuser der ersten Periode des industriellen Bauens, so genannte “Chruschtschowki”, besteht ein hoher Sanierungsbedarf. Im Rahmen der nachfolgenden Betrachtungen werden mögliche energetische Sanierungsmaßnahmen für diese typischen russischen Wohngebäude vorgestellt. Das Ziel ist eine Angleichung an das europäische Wärmeschutzniveau und die Erstellung eines einheitlichen Berechnungsansatzes. Als Grundlage für die durchgeführten Berechnungen dienten die deutschen Vorschriften der aktuellen Energieeinsparverordnung in Kombination mit der Berechnungsnorm DIN 4108‐6 sowie DIN 4701‐10. Hierzu wurden die klimatischen Bedingungen Russlands am Beispiel der russischen Metropole Sankt Petersburg in die Berechnungen integriert. Die Datenanalyse des Bestandsgebäudes eröffnet eine große Bandbreite an Möglichkeiten zur Erhöhung der Energieeffizienz. So wird unter anderem im Zuge der Berechnungen festgestellt, dass durch relativ kostengünstige Maßnahmen zur Verbesserung des Wärmeschutzes eine bedeutende Verringerung des Endenergiebedarfs erreicht werden kann. Es werden weiterhin mögliche Sanierungsvarianten unter Einbeziehung verschiedener Materialien und Heizungsanlagen vorgestellt. Die Ergebnisse machen deutlich, dass die Zukunft russischer Wohnhäuser wie der hier dargestellten Typenserie 1‐507 alles andere als aussichtslos ist, wie oft vermutet wird. Sie können im Gegenteil durchaus als komfortabler und funktionaler Wohnraum dienen. Auch die Verwendung regenerativer Energiequellen wie der Solarenergie ist unter den Bedingungen einer nördlich gelegenen Stadt wie Sankt Petersburg realisierbar. Die durchgeführten Berechnungen zeigen, dass eine Sanierung der russischen Wohnbauten der ersten Periode des industriellen Bauens durchaus lohnenswert sein kann, insbesondere wenn man die Entwicklung der Energiepreise betrachtet. In seiner energieeffizientesten Form (“Passivhaus”) bringt eine Sanierung eine Reduzierung des Endenergiebedarfs von bis zu 90 % im Vergleich zum Bestandsgebäude mit sich. Development of plans for retrofitting Russian housing, taking into account European competences for increasing its energy efficiency. There are various options for retrofitting Russian prefabricated concrete‐slab buildings of the first period of industrial construction, so‐called khrushchevki, with the object of bringing them up to European standards of thermal insulation technology. In the given case the basis of calculations was the German EnEV 2007 (Building Energy Conservation Ordinance). The analysis of sample building data opened up a large range of possibilities for increasing its energy efficiency. For instance, calculations ascertained that relatively inexpensive methods of enhancing a building’s thermal insulation can achieve a significant decrease in energy consumption for heating. In addition, this thesis analyzes possible variations of retrofitting and reconstruction using different types of materials and heating systems. The results clearly illustrate that residential houses e.g. type series 1‐507 have a future as comfortable and functional housing space. In fact, and in contrast to common prejudices, their “fate” is far from hopeless. Even the climatic circumstances of a northern city such as St. Petersburg do not preclude the use of alternative energy sources such as solar energy. On the contrary, it is a conceivable method of support for heating systems. In summary, the investigations show that the retrofitting of prefabricated concrete‐slab buildings of the first construction period is a sensible project, especially when taking into account the further development of fossil energy prices. In its most sophisticated form (the passive house), retrofitting will result in energy savings of up to 90 %.  相似文献   

Abstract The promotion of healthier indoor air requires the use of building materials whose chemical emissions are free of toxicity and unfavourable sensory properties. Testing and assessment of chemical emissions are essential in order to identify “safe” materials, and to encourage manufacturers to produce, and the market to adopt, such materials. Various testing and assessment procedures for building materials have been developed in European countries such as Germany, Denmark, Sweden, and Finland. Recently the European Collaborative Action “Indoor Air Quality and its Impact on Man” proposed criteria and a testing procedure for the assessment of VOC emissions from solid flooring materials. The innovative aspects of this proposal are: a procedure for the performance of chemical emissions testing; sensory testing coupled with toxicological evaluation; and a procedure to handle compounds for which toxicological information is scarce or absent. This procedure, after validation and experience from practical use, will probably be extended to other building materials.  相似文献   

2007年10月发布的《建筑节能工程施工验收规范》(GB50411-2007)是一个强制性国家标准,旨在加强建筑节能工程的施工质量管理,统一建筑节能施工验收质量的标准。《规范》第一次把节能工程明确规定为建筑工程的一项分部工程,提高了建筑工程的验收标准。其中的配电与照明分项工程,提出了明确的节能方面的要求,需要建筑电气的设计、施工和监理岗位从业人员认真研究并贯彻到工程实践之中。  相似文献   

《Energy and Buildings》2004,36(4):367-372
In the context of an increasing number of retrofitting projects and greater consideration for the criteria of sustainability, architects and engineers are looking for a global optimization of existing buildings and therefore need to multiply comparisons between different possible variants. In order to structure the approach of this complex process, research carried out with the support of the Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences (SATW) and the Swiss National Energy Research Foundation (NEFF) in the framework of the European Master in Architecture and Sustainability has made it possible to develop a multicriteria assessment methodology for office building retrofitting strategies applied to different case studies. The present article presents a synthesis of this research and an explanation of the method as a contribution to a global vision of the retrofitting process.  相似文献   

《Building and Environment》2002,37(6):557-567
Within the framework of OFFICE research project the energy conservation potential of combined retrofitting actions was investigated for five building types in four different climatic regions in the European continent. The studied actions involve interventions on the building envelope, HVAC and artificial lighting systems as well as integration of passive components for heating and cooling. Interventions affecting the performance of the building in the global aspect were also assessed.The potential of retrofitting actions proposed for each building type was assessed through energy simulations using high-accuracy computer models and climatic data from 10 locations in South Mediterranean, Continental, Mid-Coastal and North Coastal Europe. Analysis of the results revealed common trends in the energy performance of different building types and permitted to extract information on the most suitable retrofitting interventions in each.  相似文献   

The presented work addresses the topic of energy savings in existing public buildings, when nosignificant retrofits on building envelope or plants can be done and savings can be achieved bydesigning intelligent ICT-based service to monitor and control environmental conditions, energy loads and plants operation. At the end of 2010 the European Commission, within the Seventh Framework Program, has founded a project entitled “Smart Energy Efficient Middleware for Public Spaces” (SEEMPubS). To achieve this goal the project will implement, in a set of demonstrator buildings, an interoperable web-based software and hardware solution for real-time monitoring and control of lighting, heating, ventilation and air conditioning services, through both wired and wireless sensor networks. In this paper the first phase of the project, concerning the selection of the environments to be used as demonstrator and the definition of the control and monitoring strategies to reduce energy consumptions for lighting and air conditioning, are presented.  相似文献   

杨本廷 《城市勘测》2015,(2):144-147
住房和城乡建设部于2013年12月19日颁布了修订后的《建筑工程建筑面积计算规范》(GB/T50353-2013),该规范对建筑面积的计算范围和计算方法进行了修改。为了保证前后执行标准的一致性,竣工核实将采用与项目审批相同的标准,这就会使新旧《建筑工程建筑面积计算规范》在一段时间内同时存在实施。本文对新旧《建筑工程建筑面积计算规范》以及与《房产测量规范》进行了对比分析,以便于技术人员和管理人员在实际工作中正确应用新旧规范。  相似文献   

华实  眭斌 《建筑节能》2016,(7):95-98
2008年江苏省建设厅颁布了《江苏省建筑节能管理办法》,专门增设了省级节能减排(建筑节能)专项引导资金,用于实施大型公共建筑和居住建筑既有建筑节能改造、建筑节能成熟适用技术推广等建筑节能重点工程领域。镇江扬中市西来桥镇幸福花苑一期始建于20世纪80年代,没有按照节能设计标准建造,选取具有代表性的32#楼进行建筑能效测评与节能改造研究,对推动江苏省居住建筑节能改造具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

陈子光  张宇 《建筑节能》2016,(6):125-128
在严酷的气候背景及社会发展背景下,东北寒地城市具有大量既有住宅亟待改造,全面的改造不仅仅是建筑节能性能的提高,也包含居住模式变化对建筑空间环境产生的改造要求。近年来,我国应对老龄化趋势在人口政策方面做出了大幅度调整,通过解析东北寒地城市既有住宅的本质特征及适老化需求特点,分析其改造关键问题,以积极老龄化理念为指引,发掘"代际互助模式"在该地区住宅改造中应用的可行性,建构基于此模式的东北寒地城市既有住宅改造研究平台。  相似文献   

Tunnel construction by TBMs through hard rock is significantly affected by the geological and geotechnical conditions at tunnel level. Ground parameters such as uniaxial compressive strength, fracturing degree and abrasiveness, and factors such as water inflows and stress level may deeply affect the way a TBM will perform. In addition, different types of TBMs will behave differently in a given condition.This paper presents a method for TBM performance prediction in changing grounds, which has been developed in the framework of the European project “New Technologies for Tunnelling and Underground Works” (NeTTUN). The model starts from an optimum TBM performance in best conditions, i.e. when all ground parameters are in their “best state”. A stepwise reduction of the optimum advance rate is then performed, according to “reduction factors” that quantify the effect of degrading ground conditions on the TBM advance rate. By doing so, the “penalty factors” model is able to take into account a very wide range of ground conditions, from very good to very poor. Two types of TBMs commonly employed in rock tunnelling have been considered, i.e. Gripper and Shielded machines, each of them characterized by its own set of reduction factors.In order to consolidate the factor values and to validate the model, a TBM performance database, also developed in the framework of the project NeTTUN, has been used. The database includes a large number of tunnels excavated in different ground conditions with all standard TBM types. The comparison between the values given by the “penalty factors” model and the actual TBM performances observed during construction shows that the developed tool may provide a reliable estimation of the TBM performance based on simple ground parameters.The “penalty factors” model has also been interfaced with the DAT (“Decision Aids for Tunnelling”). The DAT software, co-developed by MIT and LMR-EPFL, is able to compute the probabilistic distributions of the tunnel construction time and – cost in function of the geology – and construction related uncertainties.The model is conceived to be used in its present form. However, the methodology can be easily adapted to match the expertize of the user, who is free to update the optimal performances, the ground parameters and/or the values of the reduction factors according to his/her own experience. The model can also be extended to other TBM types and to conventional excavation methods.  相似文献   

以唐山市一既有居住建筑节能改造工程为例,分析了北方寒冷地区既有居住建筑节能改造效果.通过采集改造前后两个供暖季建筑的供热量,与住户室内逐时温度,进行对比分析.利用能耗模拟软件DeST-h对建筑改造前后的能耗进行模拟分析,结果表明:外围护结构进行保温改造对于既有居住建筑具有直接的节能效果,并能提高住户室内的舒适性.  相似文献   

Energy performance assessment based on DIN V 18599 vs. building simulation – a project report. The new German Energy Conservation Ordinance (EnEV 2007), which came into force on 1st October 2007, stipulates a new approach to energy performance assessment for non‐domestic buildings. In the past the calculations based on DIN 4701‐10 for office buildings and heated halls, for example, were relatively simple. DIN V 18599, in contrast, now specifies a rather time‐consuming procedure. In parallel, since the 1970s the approach to energy performance assessment increasingly developed from “passive” calculations to an “active” and key component of the design and formation process for a project, and this is indeed how it should be if the aim is to create an energy‐optimised building design. Based on a specific project the suitability for practical application and the benefit for the client of the calculation procedure according to DIN V 18599 were compared with a thermal building simulation. The resulting implementation issues are discussed in this paper. The Energy Conservation Ordinance 2007 no doubt represents a further milestone with far‐reaching consequences for the planning process and for building design and raises new issues that will have to be addressed in future.  相似文献   

消能减震技术作为建筑抗震的新技术,能有效吸收地震能量,降低建筑物振动反应。本文分别采用等效线性简化算法以及阻尼器与建筑结构的非线性分析方法,针对实际体育馆建筑结构抗震性能现状提出了加固方案,并对加固方案进行了计算分析。分析方法及结果可供现有类似结构的抗震改造加固借鉴参考。  相似文献   

城镇既有居住建筑绿色改造是实现我国能耗总量控制、单位GDP二氧化碳排放量削减、绿色建筑建设的重要途径。通过选取严寒、寒冷地区气候子区典型城镇,并根据典型城镇历年人口、人均住宅面积以及相关设计规范等建立各气候子区典型城镇居住建筑模型;同时,采用建筑能耗模拟软件DeST-h模拟分析了严寒、寒冷地区历年既有居住建筑节能改造后的能耗情况,从而得到既有居住建筑绿色改造对严寒、寒冷地区的居住建筑能耗的影响,对同类既有居住建筑绿色改造具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

姚越  李海旺 《建筑节能》2017,(12):113-117
在全世界范围内可持续建筑的研究领域当中,"被动房"技术作为重要的研究对象,越来越受到国内建筑行业的重视。总体来说,"被动房"技术就是运用合理且环保的技术使建筑所需能源最小化,做到建筑热量损耗最小化。在我国,老旧房屋的改造已经在我国建筑行业占据较大比例,由于我国用于建筑的土地面积越来越少,而且国民渐渐意识到利用农耕用地作为建筑用地实为不妥,因此,改造老旧房屋应现阶段的行业"浪潮"的引导,渐渐成为我国现行建筑行业的主导。然而,老旧房屋改造技术执行时依旧还"传统",与我国"可持续发展"和"绿色建筑"理念仍有一定距离。因此,通过利用现行最为绿色的"被动房"技术与我国现行最为流行的老旧房屋改造相结合,改造出既适合我国国民居住又能很好地节约资源、合理经济的房屋是我国建筑行业的必然发展方向。  相似文献   

Today, building information modelling (BIM) plays a crucial role in the research and development fields of construction information integration and interoperability. This paper, from an information technology point of view, outlines the definition and aims of the “3D to nD Modelling” project, a platform grant-funded project by UK’s British Engineering and Physics Sciences Research Council (EPSRC). It presents a scenario of widening BIM implementation into the overall aspects involved in the whole life cycle of a building project. Industry foundation classes (IFC) as a standard BIM specification has been adopted as a central information repository in order to deliver the integrated building information throughout the nD-driven assessments, evaluation and decision-making. This paper also focuses on the development of an IFC-viewer, which is defined as the holistic interface of the nD modelling tool. The techniques and methods including the auxiliary tools adopted in this development are detailed. This development presents a practical and economic way to reveal and retrieve the information of IFC models inclusively, structurally and visually.  相似文献   

建筑是能源的消耗大户,我国既有建筑的存量很大,建筑节能改造能有效地减少既有建筑的能耗,但在实际项目中,建筑节能改造的效果与原先设计目标有着很大偏差,其中“人为因素”是最主要的原因,建筑节能改造市场化将有助于解决这个问题。本文引入经济学中的4C营销概念来探讨使建筑节能改造市场化可能性,分析了其面临的原因以及可能的应对方法。  相似文献   

郑晓卫 《建筑节能》2016,(5):101-104
介绍了上海某办公建筑基本概况和节能改造实施方案,对该建筑的围护结构、暖通空调系统、照明采光及室内环境进行了测评,分析了节能改造前后的实际能耗数据和经济效益,评价了节能改造的效果,同时为我国既有办公建筑改造效果评价提供借鉴。  相似文献   

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