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张强 《规划师》2015,(1):107-112
研究以"多规融合"为基础,通过对福建省莆田市城乡一体化总体规划编制的分析,从空间层面重点研究了"5个一体化"的规划编制模式;同时,结合国家新型城镇化发展战略,对市域基本生态控制线和城市开发边界划定、新型农村社区建设等领域进行了深入研究,为城乡一体化理论的进一步完善积累实践经验。  相似文献   

研究以"多规融合"为基础,通过对福建省莆田市城乡一体化总体规划编制的分析,从空间层面重点研究了"5个一体化"的规划编制模式;同时,结合国家新型城镇化发展战略,对市域基本生态控制线和城市开发边界划定、新型农村社区建设等领域进行了深入研究,为城乡一体化理论的进一步完善积累实践经验。  相似文献   

城市总体规划与土地利用总体规划的冲突与矛盾是近年来城市规划实施中遇到的突出问题之一。本文分析了两规在指导思想、工作内容、发展规模、空间布局等方面的矛盾冲突,总结了上海"两规合一"实践中关于战略引领、城乡统筹、生态优先、转型发展、管理创新的基本做法,并对"两规合一"后城市规划在管控能力、配给能力、政策能力和实施能力等方面的新变革进行了探讨。  相似文献   

城市生态控制线规划是涉及城市生态安全的重要公共政策,如何达成规划的共识及保障可操作性一直是难点。本文以广东、福建等地的实践,提出将"多规合一"的理念和工作思路贯彻于城市生态控制线的划定与管理工作中,包括法理层面梳理和构建与生态空间相关的法理法规体系,体系层面协调空间规划体系的管制分区,并明确生态控制线规划的对应空间范畴,以及技术层面对部门数据、专项规划、空间格局等三方面采取"多规合一"的规划编制方式,在此基础上进一步推动实现生态控制线的目标、内容、过程等方面的精细化管制。  相似文献   

李壮  丛容  钟曼琳  林旻 《规划师》2021,(8):68-75
生态优先是新时代国土空间规划编制的基本理念与要求,在当前的规划编制工作中,仍存在生态系统认识不足、保护与开发技术内容"两张皮"、生态学理论支撑不足等普遍性问题.文章以景观生态学、恢复生态学、生态系统服务供给与需求等理论为基础,结合包头市国土空间总体规划编制实践,从价值认识、空间格局、管控体系、结构优化、实施行动和政策建...  相似文献   

通过借鉴国外宜居城市绿地建设的做法和理念,分析宜居城市对绿地建设的要求,针对广州实现宜居城市中绿地建设存在的主要问题,广州新一轮绿地系统规划修编进行了探索和尝试,包括城乡一体的绿地规划理念、多样功能的绿地规划导向、基本生态控制线的优先保护、公园服务网络体系的多层次构建、规划编制适度超前与实施策略探索等。  相似文献   

城市空间增长管理一直是城市规划工作关注的核心课题。城市开发边界经历了从国外城市起源、国内学界引进研究的过程,目前进入到全国试点推广的阶段,并被纳入中央和国务院的有关政策文件中,正式上升到国家政策层面。城市开发边界作为城市空间治理的有效方法和手段,被寄予了厚望。武汉城市开发边界划定在"规土合一"的基础上,采取开发边界、城市周边永久基本农田和基本生态控制线"三线统筹"划定的方式,形成了开发边界方案。同时,按照"划管结合"的思路,提出了由城市开发边界、生态红线构成的"两线三区"分区分类管控的政策措施。  相似文献   

城市空间增长管理一直是城市规划工作关注的核心课题。城市开发边界经历了从国外城市起源、国内学界引进研究的过程,目前进入到全国试点推广的阶段,并被纳入中央和国务院的有关政策文件中,正式上升到国家政策层面。城市开发边界作为城市空间治理的有效方法和手段,被寄予了厚望。武汉城市开发边界划定在"规土合一"的基础上,采取开发边界、城市周边永久基本农田和基本生态控制线"三线统筹"划定的方式,形成了开发边界方案。同时,按照"划管结合"的思路,提出了由城市开发边界、生态红线构成的"两线三区"分区分类管控的政策措施。  相似文献   

新城战略是贯穿上海城市规划的基本规划战略之一。面对城市转型发展的宏观背景,上海启动新一轮新城建设,低碳生态的基本理念成为指导新城建设的重要指导思想。作为上海本轮首个批复的新城规划,南桥新城总体规划修编在工作过程中从网络生态、紧凑发展、复合有机三个层面落实低碳城市理念的基本出发点,搭建起规划理念到实践间的桥梁。  相似文献   

城镇低碳生态规划实践与探索   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
低碳城镇规划应该以低碳生态为编制理念,按镇域规划、镇区规划两个层次展开,本文对低碳城镇规划进行了理论探索和实践尝试。规划强调低碳经济系统和低碳城镇规划理念,从镇域规划、总体规划、控制性详细规划、中心区城市设计导引和重要项目策划等多个方面对规划策略进行解读:镇域规划层面强调低碳经济园区产业系统、低碳能源系统、低碳交通系统、低碳物流系统和扩大碳汇系统等技术应用,总体规划层面注重园区低碳经济系统设计、低碳经济园区整体形态把握、土地利用形式和结构布局、道路系统规划与设计,镇区控制性详细规划和中心区城市设计层面强调减少碳排放的规划设计技术运用、注重低碳城市生活模式研究、生活居住社区规划与设计低碳编制技术研究,旨在建立低碳生态型城镇规划模式,为我国的城镇规划发展提供又一创新实践。  相似文献   

谢舒逸 《建筑师》2021,(2):65-71
类型学与形态学主导的规划技术是意大利自战后以来对历史中心与历史城市规划的重要方法.本文梳理该技术及其主导的规划实践的发展历程,特别是其主导的当代城市规划实践.以罗马和博洛尼亚最新版总体规划为例,重点讨论该技术如何指引对历史城市的规划与管理,并结合UNESCO近年提出的“历史城市景观”(HUL)理念以及我国历史城市保护与...  相似文献   

The Los Angeles General Plan consists of three parts: the concept, a general statement of long-range objectives and policies (50-year projection); the citywide plan, comprising an overview document and 30 technical plans (five- to 20-year projection) designed to implement the concept; and the community plans, which set forth the policies and objectives of each of the city's 35 planning areas and which collectively form the land use, social, and economic elements of the citywide plan. Implementation includes detailed specific plans, budgets, development programs, implementation reports, zoning consistency rollbacks, specialized ordinance requirements, and specialized use overlay zoning districts.  相似文献   

A substantive Public Interest criterion promotes planning area residents' welfare, absent countervailing public policy considerations. This criterion is applied to appraise planning practices in two planning regimes in the West Bank of Palestine: the British Mandate and the Israeli occupation. Detailed analysis of these planning systems' institutions, land policies, statutory plans and development control shows that planners in both regimes acted in the Public Interest as they saw it. But under the British Mandate there was no conflict between the two considerations, while the Israeli occupation policy promoting Israeli interests overrides the welfare of the Palestinian population. This conclusion invites reflection on the interaction between planning regimes and the ethics of planners' practices.  相似文献   

引入"土地开发权"概念,从公共政策的角度,提出城乡规划的核心任务,是要高效地实现和公平地分配开发权。城乡规划体系中的三大法定规划,就是从不同层面逐步明确土地开发权的:区域规划确定各地区发展权并制定区域之间开发权的转移和补偿政策,城乡总体规划确定土地使用性质并制定城乡之间开发权的转移和补偿政策,城市控制性详细规划确定土地开发强度并制定城市内部开发权转移和补偿政策。由此提出对现行城乡规划体系及其编制内容和方法等方面新的完善要求。  相似文献   

Much in Alexander’s life happened by chance. Born in Germany, he grew up in South Africa where he discovered design—a continuing concern—and qualified as an architect; chance and inclination led him to practice planning. In Berkeley (CA) for a planning education, curiosity initiated a 30-year academic career as a planning theorist and educator. This Perspective has two threads: design and contingency. Design means devising possible courses of action: Alexander reviews his design engagement at various levels, from designing buildings through policies and plans to institutional design. Contingency planning adapts to complexity and uncertainty; contingency thinking avoids generalizations, hence the need for detailed institutional design. In planning theory, contingency implies dissent and diversity, to suggest that planning is diverse planning practices, each with its planning theories. Alexander’s message: Be critical, of theories, institutions, and practices. Be modest: planners’ roles in knowledge-centered practices (e.g., spatial planning) should reflect their particular practice. Be confident: planners share their substantive knowledge and apply design and planning skills in the co-construction of knowledge that is participative planning. This is our unique contribution to making a better world.  相似文献   

《城乡规划法》的颁布与实施,规范了各级城乡规划的运行程序与原则,对城乡规划编制内容、深度提出了更新的要求,如何适应挑战,修订完善各级(国家级、省级等)城市规划编制办法、规范,更好地实现"城乡规划全覆盖"已提上日程。本文根据城乡规划编制实践中存在的问题,从实践层面和建构支撑体系两方面对完善城乡规划编制提出了一些想法和建议。  相似文献   

从绿色基础设施的研究范式引入,本文对德国绿色基础设施规划的概念、发展历程以及规划内容和目标进行概述,进而剖析其空间规划体系特征,即以法定层面规划为原则框架、国家顶层设计为发展导向、非法定层面规划为主要落实手段、尺度覆盖从联邦到地方的空间规划。在规划实践方面,本文介绍了德国绿色基础设施联邦尺度、区域尺度和城市尺度的优秀规划案例,并从规划内涵、支撑体系、顶层设计、规划尺度、公众参与五个方面分析其特点。借鉴德国规划经验,同时以我国国土空间规划改革为契机,本文提出我国未来绿色基础设施规划体系的发展建议。  相似文献   

This article analyses a case of citizen-driven participation in urban planning in Sydney, Australia. Drawing on a case study of the local resident action group REDWatch the analysis is undertaken within the context of the hybrid forms of technocratic, participatory and neoliberal planning that are operating in the New South Wales planning system. Framed by the concept of monitory democracy, the analysis explores the four key features of monitory forms of civic action: (1) monitoring powerful social actors; (2) encouraging difference, disagreement, debate and change; (3) making formal power structures more transparent and accountable; and (4) fostering new forms of informal political power. The findings demonstrate that analyses of formal community consultation events and participatory planning policies are far too narrow to determine the civic utility of citizen participation in planning. Expanding the analytical borderland beyond the formal structures of the planning system exposes important informal citizen participation practices that are operating from outside of planning systems. Unlike formal state-driven participatory planning events and policies, these informal citizen-driven participatory planning practices can deal with planning hybridity and conflict, which are increasingly central to many contemporary planning systems.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Urban time policies are public policies that intervene in the time schedules and time organization that regulate human relationships at the urban level. Urban time policies were launched in Italy at the end of the 1980s. Within a span of 10 to 15 years, 170 municipalities have been involved in time-oriented projects or timetable plans, or in studies of urban social time. There has also been a diffusion into several countries of the European Union, especially in Germany and France. Now the diffusion is starting in Spain, the Netherlands and Belgium. In this article, the development of urban time policies in Italy is reviewed up to the new national law of 2000. The article examines how urban and social time emerged as a new theme of public policy, and the way it has been translated into public actions. In Italy, 15 years of experience and a new national law brought urban planners, sociologists and policy makers to think over the role of these city actions and over the nature of innovation in these policies. In conclusion, the article underlines the innovative aspects of Italian urban time policies (urban and social time became a new way to examine urban transformations and a new stake for urban policies; it offered an integrated approach to planning management; experimentation has been the driver of innovation) and how urban time policies can be considered an enrichment of traditional town planning (they offered a wider problem solving articulation acting also on timetables; they provided a new concept, chronotopes, to study and design urban transformation and, finally, they encouraged social, political and institutional capacity-building in urban action and planning).  相似文献   

李鑫  张琰 《中国园林》2020,36(4):73
长期气候变化和极端天气事件给中国城乡可持续发展带来考验,而城乡地区自身的适应性规划体系不完善及生态环境恶化让城市适应性提升面临压力。因此,以"无悔"设计和可持续发展为基础的生态适应性(Ecological-based Adaptation,EbA)理念和措施逐渐引起国内学者的研究和关注。在收集和总结相关国际案例及应用的基础上,对Eb A理论、理念及研究进展进行深入分析和探讨。以生态适应性规划为着眼点,对分析的成果进行归纳,从研究和决策2个方面提出新的本地化解读、未来研究趋势及应用特点。同时结合中国开放空间规划体系的改革现状,提出适用于中国城乡可持续发展及韧性体系构建的本土化理念框架和相关建议。  相似文献   

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