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浮躁、断续的堆砌总是短暂的,家居装饰体现了人们对自然的渴求。风格概念的淡化、宁静和谐的色彩、简约实用的构造,呈现出来给人的是一种灵性的生活味道和五金的想象空间。要更好地利用色彩的特点来达到满意的装饰效果,就要把色彩的属性和他在各个风格内的作用进行更加细腻的立体解析。  相似文献   

通过色的三要素,探索环境与生产的关系,以工程实例及效果较全面地阐述了色彩在冶金建筑中的重要作用。  相似文献   

通过色的三要素,探索环境与生产的关系,以工程实例及效果较全面地论述了色彩在冶金建筑中的作用。  相似文献   

室内设计的要素必须要同时具有形体、质感、色彩和灯光等。室内色彩的设计就是要求设计师在进行设计中,根据业主的要求和艺术规律来选择颜色,使得色彩在室内环境设计中无论是色彩本身的丰富程度还是和其他要素之间的相互作用中凸显它独特的室内渲染。  相似文献   

我院从2009年1月对内科急、危重症患者施行标识腕带管理,取得良好的效果,现将应用体会报告如下.  相似文献   

随着城市规划设计师与景观设计师为城市增添了更多的绿色空间和色彩,城市景观不再如往日一般的沉闷。城市发展不仅仅只是提升某一处办公楼或住宅的外观,也要为在这里生活与工作的人们带来一个心灵的归宿。  相似文献   

中国黄土沉积纪录了最近2.6 Ma以来黄土高原及全球自然环境演变的历史.重建其演变历史以预测未来气候环境的变化趋势是指导该地区经济、生态环境建设的重要基础.黄土的地球化学指标是重建该地区环境演变历史的重要途径之一.基于进一步研究的目的,总结了黄土地球化学指标在环境演变研究中的应用和近年来取得的进展.  相似文献   

色彩作为自然界的客观存在,与人们的生活息息相关。色彩是一种色彩感受,人类对色彩的感知与人类自身的历史一样漫长,人们长期生活在色彩环境中,并逐步对色彩产生审美意识。色彩是一门很深的学问,它给人们的印象是非常强烈的,在设计中占有的位置也是非常重要的。当我们接触一件设计作品时,首先引起注意的就是作品的颜色,色彩给人的印象特别强烈,所以作为设计师就必须懂得色彩,了解和掌握色彩知识和运用的基本技巧,如:色彩的冷暖、对比,色彩分布的平衡和统一等。  相似文献   

色彩在室内设计中起到十分重要的作用,是室内环境设计的重要手段,决定着环境空间的审美、个性、趣味,是人们精神追求的一种表现形式。色彩是室内设计中最为生动、最为活跃的因素,在本文中就针对色彩在室内设计中的功能和作用做相关的探讨  相似文献   

本文从色彩的生理效果和心理效果入手,通过实例讲述了色彩的心理效果和心理效果在服装设计中的应用。  相似文献   

赵朴 《不锈》2006,(4):1-4
2012年伦敦奥运会是不锈钢和不锈钢行业的重要机遇。仅30个奥运场馆的建设预算就是24亿英镑,而这与相关交通运输基础设施项目的投资相比就相形见绌了,后者的投资将达到约170亿英镑。那么,不锈钢的机遇如何呢?  相似文献   

The 1996 Summer Olympic Games in Atlanta, Georgia, were the largest in Olympic history, with 197 countries participating. These Centennial Games also represented podiatry's greatest involvement in the Olympics to date. The author describes the planning, organization, delivery, and outcome of podiatric medical care in an Olympic Games setting and presents data to assist in the future utilization of podiatry in other multiday, multievent sport competitions.  相似文献   

Extensive planning and preparation by public health agencies were required for the provision of public health services during the 1996 Centennial Olympic Games, which brought together more than 10000 athletes from 197 countries and more than 2 million visitors. Public health activities included the development and use of an augmented surveillance system to monitor health conditions and detect disease outbreaks; creation and implementation of 6 environmental health regulations; establishment of a central Public Health Command Center and response teams to coordinate response to public health emergencies; planning for potential mass casualties and the provision of emergency medical services; implementation of strategies for the prevention of heat-related illness; and distribution of health promotion and disease prevention information. Public health agencies should take the lead in organizing and implementing a system for preventing and managing public health issues at future large-scale public events such as the Olympics.  相似文献   

Doping-control (DC) procedures, particularly as used at the 1996 Olympic Games, are described, and the role of pharmacists in DC is discussed. DC procedures must be strict and precisely followed to avoid contamination of samples, the appearance of bias, and breaches in security and confidentiality. The process of selecting athletes for testing can be random, nonrandom, or a combination of the two. Escorts are used to notify athletes of their selection, verify their identity, and accompany them to the DC station. When urine specimens are obtained for DC, the voiding process must be directly observed. The specimen is checked for pH and specific gravity and then processed for shipping to a laboratory to be analyzed for banned substances. Medication histories are also obtained, giving athletes the opportunity to declare any substance that has been taken for legitimate medical purposes. Laboratory analysis involves screening and confirmation phases. During the Atlanta Games, roughly 50 pharmacists participated in the DC program as escorts or technical officers. It is logical to involve pharmacists in DC programs because they can develop and conduct drug-testing protocols; educate athletes, coaches, and trainers about drug use and abuse; and help ensure the safe and effective use of medications. Sophisticated doping-control procedures have been developed for athletic competitions, and pharmacists have much to offer DC programs.  相似文献   

The epidermis has a requirement for fatty acids in order to synthesize cellular membranes and the extracellular lipid lamellar membranes in the stratum corneum. Despite high endogenous production of fatty acids the transport of exogenous essential fatty acids into the epidermis is an absolute requirement. Fatty acid uptake by keratinocytes has been shown to be mediated by a transport system. In this study we determined in murine epidermis and human cultured keratinocytes the expression of three putative fatty acid transport related proteins and fatty acyl CoA synthase, an enzyme that facilitates the uptake of fatty acids by promoting their metabolism. In cultured human keratinocytes, mRNA for fatty acid transport protein (FATP), plasma membrane fatty acid binding protein (FABP-pm), and fatty acyl CoA synthase (FACS) were detectable. Differentiation, induced by high calcium, did not affect FATP mRNA levels, but resulted in an approximately 50% increase in FACS mRNA, while decreasing FABP-pm mRNA by 50%. Fatty acid translocase (FAT) mRNA was not detected in cultured human keratinocytes. In murine epidermis, FATP, FABP-pm, FACS, and FAT mRNA were all present. Barrier disruption by either tape stripping or acetone treatment increased FAT mRNA levels by approximately 2-fold without affecting FATP, FABP-pm, or FACS. Occlusion with an impermeable membrane immediately after barrier disruption completely blocked the increase in FAT mRNA levels, indicating that this increase is related to barrier disruption rather than a nonspecific injury effect. In summary, this study demonstrates that several putative fatty acid transport related proteins as well as fatty acyl CoA synthase are expressed in keratinocytes and epidermis, and that the expression of these proteins may be regulated by differentiation and/ or barrier disruption.  相似文献   

Planning for the 2000 Sydney Olympic Games may benefit from the experience of the 1996 Atlanta Olympics. Excellent health promotion and prevention activities before and during the Games resulted in fewer medical and public health problems than anticipated. Despite this, there was room for improvement in the level of communication and cooperation between the many service providers to ensure the most appropriate and efficient responses.  相似文献   

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