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建立一种快速、无损分析肉中挥发性有机成分的顶空进样气相色谱-离子迁移谱联用方法,结合化学计量学方法构建快速分类模型以区分肉的种类。以牛肉、羊肉和鸡肉共59个样品为研究对象,称取约1 g待测肉样于标准瓶中,用磁帽密封,直接进行GC-IMS分析。结果表明,GC-IMS三维指纹谱可以有效表征不同肉类之间的气味差异信息,选取对应三维谱中26个特征峰的强度作为变量参数,用PCA方法对数据进行降维分析,并用LDA算法对样品进行分类。结果表明,采用前2个主成分能达到98.3%的正确率,仅有1个牛肉样品被误判成羊肉样品。以顶空进样气相色谱-离子迁移谱检测肉中挥发性成分,用PCA和LDA分析鉴别肉的种类具有可行性。 相似文献
为准确识别法庭科学领域中微量油脂物证,给涉及微量植物油物证鉴定的相关案件提供技术支持,以遗留在不同载体上并在4、25、38 ℃下分别放置1、3、7、14、30、45、60 d的8种微量植物油(亚麻籽油、油茶籽油、菜籽油、玉米油、花生油、芝麻油、大豆油、葵花籽油)为研究对象,利用气相色谱技术测定其脂肪酸组成,以 5种主要脂肪酸(十六烷酸、硬脂酸、油酸、亚油酸、亚麻酸)作为识别指标,结合化学计量学方法构建Fisher判别分析、卷积神经网络和随机森林3种植物油识别模型。结果表明:Fisher判别分析、卷积神经网络和随机森林3种模型均能实现对8种植物油的准确识别,其中随机森林模型能评估各脂肪酸对分类结果的重要性,且识别准确率最高,达98.2%。综上,随机森林模型参数设置简单,识别准确率高,有效解决了微量植物油种类识别困难的问题。 相似文献
庞钶靖;万国超;刘振平;甘芳瑗;姜容;龙道崎;唐超 《食品科学》2024,(13):275-281
采用气相色谱-离子迁移谱(gas chromatography-ion mobility spectrometry,GC-IMS)技术对包括新会陈皮在内的10个产地陈皮的风味成分进行测定,运用主成分分析和偏最小二乘判别分析(partial least squares discriminant analysis,PLS-DA)方法对GC-IMS检出的75种风味成分进行分析,以建立新会陈皮的鉴别方法。结果表明,该方法可将新会陈皮与其他陈皮区分开,实现对新会陈皮的有效鉴别。同时,分析变量投影重要性可进一步筛选出20种对有效区分新会陈皮和其他产地陈皮发挥关键作用的特征标志物。本研究通过引入GC-IMS技术和PLS-DA方法实现了新会陈皮与其他产地陈皮的准确鉴别,可为新会陈皮的国家地理标志产品保护和产地溯源提供新的技术参考。 相似文献
目的:建立茶籽油掺假的快速定性和定量检测方法。方法:采用电子鼻技术结合化学计量学,基于单因素方差分析筛选差异变量,通过主成分分析(PCA)和判别分析(DA)建立茶籽油掺假类型鉴别的定性模型;通过正交偏最小二乘法(OPLS)建立了茶籽油掺假类型和掺假度鉴别的定量模型。结果:模型的R2均高达0.98,RMSEE均低于0.005,RMSECV均低于0.01,具有较高性能指标。通过外部验证,DA模型对不同掺假类型的茶油样品定性识别率高达100%,OPLS模型具有良好的准确性。结论:电子鼻技术结合化学计量学能够实现茶籽油掺假的快速、无损鉴定。 相似文献
微生物生长异常或环境波动等复杂因素,导致白酒风味异常并进一步造成浪费,该问题一直困扰着生产。为了明晰缺陷白酒形成的物质,先采用感官评价法分析与验证正常及霉味、泥臭味、馊酸味、盐菜味4种缺陷白酒的风味特征,进一步采用顶空固相微萃取-气相色谱-质谱技术对酱香型缺陷白酒进行分析。结果表明,4种缺陷白酒酱香不足,果香、焦香和花香风格特征较弱,均带有异常气味特征。本文共检测出58种挥发性化合物,主要为酯类、醛酮类和芳香族化合物,整体而言,不同酒样的化合物种类基本相似,但相对含量差异明显。通过主成分分析可对5种酒样进行有效区分,偏最小二乘法判别模型分析表明,酒样中的变量重要性因子(VIP>1)主要是十四酸乙酯、丁酸庚酯、己酸丁酯等挥发性成分。本研究为解析缺陷白酒特征成分和提高白酒质量提供一定参考。 相似文献
为快速鉴别不同香型的白酒,以3种香型(浓香、酱香、小曲清香)白酒的24个酒样为研究对象,采用气相色谱-四极杆飞行时间质谱(GC-QTOF MS)法检测其40种挥发性风味物质含量。对结果进行Z-score标准化后,结合层次聚类分析(HCA)、主成分分析(PCA)及偏最小二乘法-判别分析(PLS-DA)3种化学计量法,对酒样香型进行鉴别。结果表明,不同香型白酒间挥发性风味物质含量差异明显,且3种化学计量法能根据香型将3个香型的24个酒样进行有效区分,其中,PLS-DA的区分效果最好。利用PLS-DA结合变量重要性投影(VIP)值建立验证模型,确定己酸乙酯、乳酸乙酯等9种物质是导致不同香型白酒风味差异的主要物质(VIP≥1),建立的模型也能很好地将验证酒样按香型分类,可为白酒香型的快速鉴别分类提供科学有效的技术手段。 相似文献
Water is the most important substance in our daily lives and contains minerals which play an important role in our nutrition. In this study, the chemical composition of Iranian bottled water brands were investigated by correlation analysis, principal component analysis and hierarchical cluster analysis. For this purpose, the chemical composition reported on the label of 73 Iranian bottled waters was used as data set. It was found out that only 26 brands had eight important parameters such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, chloride, sulphate, bicarbonate and fluoride and 20 brands had acceptable charge balance error. Results showed that Iranian bottled waters can be divided into 11 classes. Most of them were Ca–Mg–HCO3 type. The relationships among selected variables were also examined by Piper diagram. The best brands were introduced for common customers and kidney stone patients. The chemical content of Iranian bottled water brands was also compared with some world standards. It was observed that only one of the brands had fluoride in excess compare to that of standard values. 相似文献
目的 探究新疆主栽辣椒品种的品质差异,并进行干椒样品间的品质综合评价。方法 本研究对25 种新疆主栽辣椒的表型特征和营养指标进行测定,针对品质指标进行数据的统计分析、相关性分析和主成分分析,并对供试样品进行聚类分析。结果 分析各指标间的相关性,结果表明各品种辣椒品质指标之间差异明显,不同品种辣椒制干适性存在区别。通过主成分分析可选取4 个主成分代表25 种辣椒的12 个品质指标,且累计贡献率达到82.275%,较全面地表达辣椒品质的综合信息;通过聚类分析将所有样品分为4 类,与样品的谱系关系基本一致。在25 种样品中筛选出综合排名较高的品种为“线椒10号”“长线1号”、“聚源5号”,制干后营养品质较高且色泽较好。同时高得分品种的品质进行分析,可将果形指数、可溶性糖含量、ASTA色度及蛋白质含量作为干制辣椒品质分析的重要指标。结论 该研究为辣椒干制加工适宜性原料筛选提供了科学依据,有助于辣椒加工制品产业的发展。 相似文献
A study was done to detect Aspergillus glaucus, and Penicillium spp., infection and Ochratoxin A contamination in stored wheat using a Near-Infrared (NIR) Hyperspectral Imaging system. Fungal-infected samples were imaged every two weeks, and the three dimensional hypercubes obtained from image data were transformed into two dimensional data. Principal component analysis was applied to the two dimensional data and based on the highest factor loadings, 1280, 1300, and 1350 nm were identified as significant wavelengths. Six statistical features and ten histogram features corresponding to the significant wavelengths were extracted and subjected to linear, quadratic and Mahalanobis discriminant classifiers. All the three classifiers differentiated healthy kernels from fungal-infected kernels with a classification accuracy of more than 90%. The quadratic discriminant classifier provided classification accuracy higher than the linear and Mahalanobis classifiers for pair-wise, two-way and six-way classification models. The Ochratoxin A contaminated samples had a unique significant wavelength at 1480 nm in addition to the two significant wavelengths corresponding to fungal infection. The peak at 1480 nm was identified only in the Ochratoxin A contaminated samples. The Ochratoxin A contaminated samples can be detected with 100% classification accuracy using NIR hyperspectral imaging system. The NIR hyperspectral system can differentiate between different fungal infection stages and different levels of Ochratoxin A contamination in stored wheat. 相似文献
目的 探究不同采收期不同品种莲藕的营养成分和活性成分的变化规律。方法 选取5个采收期的4个品种莲藕,测定蛋白质、淀粉等指标。采用主成分分析和聚类分析进行综合评价,并建立莲藕品质评价模型。结果 在采收期内,莲藕淀粉含量呈现先上升后下降再上升的趋势,可溶性糖的变化趋势与其相反;总酚含量整体呈现先上升后下降的趋势;蛋白质、膳食纤维等指标呈现不同的变化规律。主成分分析法提取出PC1、PC2、PC3 3个主成分因子,特征值依次为2.274、1.933、1.023,累积方差贡献率达87.170%。不溶性膳食纤维、可溶性膳食纤维、可溶性总糖、淀粉、总酚和总黄酮6个指标可以用来综合评价莲藕营养品质。综合评价发现, 9月采收的八月粉,10月的鄂莲6号,2月的鄂莲10号和鄂莲11号,营养品质较好,优于其他采收期。3月采收的4个品种莲藕的综合营养品质较低。结论 在采收期内, 4个品种莲藕的营养物质动态规律存在一定差异。基于主成分分析和聚类分析的分析方法能够科学评价不同采收期莲藕的综合营养品质,为莲藕育种、加工等提供支撑。 相似文献
Xiao-Lei Dong Ji Zhang Yan-Li Zhao Zhi-Tian Zuo Jin-Yu Zhang 《International Journal of Food Properties》2017,20(7):1666-1676
This study aimed to analyze the concentrations of 10 elements in 19 species of herbs related to medical and edible purpose in Yunnan, China. Microwave-assisted acid digestion was used for all of the dried herbs and element contents were determined by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry. The accuracy of this method was validated by analyzing GBW07605 certified reference material. The results indicated that the distributions of element contents were varied over a wide range in the specimens tested. The decreasing sequence of average element content expressed as dry weight was presented as follows: calcium (1740–22,246 µg/g dry weight), magnesium (634–6367 µg/g dry weight), iron (52.8–5707 µg/g dry weight), barium (9.19–465 µg/g dry weight), zinc (10.7–82.1 µg/g dry weight), strontium (8.25–69.8 µg/g dry weight), copper (4.10–36.6 µg/g dry weight), chromium (0.26–13.3 µg/g dry weight), nickel (0.57–14.7 µg/g dry weight), and cadmium (0.11–2.66 µg/g dry weight). The element contents of samples were different depending on several species. However, the accumulations of toxic elements (cadmium, chromium, and nickel) were above the international safety standards limit in most samples. Principal component analysis generated three principal components that explained 77% of the total variance in the data. Similar samples may get together by cluster analysis and could correspond to the result of principal component analysis. 相似文献
基于主成分和聚类分析的烤烟化学品质综合评价 总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4
为对烤烟化学品质进行综合评价,应用DPS数据处理系统软件,对53个烤烟样本的13项化学指标进行主成分分析,按累积贡献率90%提取6个主成分,求得烤烟样本的6个主成分得分及综合得分,并对综合得分以欧氏距离为衡量烟叶样本间差异大小的指标,采用重心法进行系统聚类,再按距离系数0.3截取,将53个烟叶样本分为5类。结果表明:第1类综合化学品质最好,其综合得分≥1.34;第2类综合化学品质较好,其综合得分为0.50~0.93;第3类综合化学品质中等,其综合得分为0.00~0.44;第4类综合化学品质稍差,其综合得分为0.20~-0.79;第5类综合化学品质差,其综合得分≤-0.91。 相似文献
Xiaohong Wu Bin Wu Jun Sun Min Li Hui Du 《International Journal of Food Properties》2016,19(5):1016-1028
Near infrared spectra of apples contain the most useful information of the soluble solids content and firmness of apples. A new feature extraction method, called sorting discriminant analysis, was proposed to use a sorting method based on principal component analysis and linear discriminant analysis to extract the features of near infrared spectra. The objective of this research was to make use of feature extraction methods, such as principal component analysis, linear discriminant analysis, discriminant partial least squares, and sorting discriminant analysis to extract information from near infrared spectra of the “Huaniu” apples and the “Fuji” apples. After feature extraction, the nearest neighbor classifier was used to classify the apples, and the classification results were compared to study that which feature extraction method performed best. The experimental results showed principal component analysis + linear discriminant analysis and sorting discriminant analysis could extract discriminant information from near infrared spectra of apples better than principal component analysis and discriminant partial least squares, and sorting discriminant analysis was the best one. Sorting discriminant analysis can not only compress the high-dimensional near infrared spectra to the low-dimensional data but also project near infrared spectra to a new feature space where the data can be classified easily and effectively, and sorting discriminant analysis is superior to principal component analysis + linear discriminant analysis in most cases. 相似文献