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A 100-MESFET planar grid oscillator   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A 100-MESFET oscillator which gives 21 W of CW effective radiated power (ERP) with a 16-dB directivity and a 20% DC-to-RF conversion efficiency at 5 GHz is presented. The oscillator is a planar grid structure periodically loaded with transistors. The grid radiates and the devices combine quasi-optically and lock to each other. The oscillator can also be quasi-optically injection-locked to an external signal. The planar grid structure is very simple. All of the devices share the same bias, and they can be power and frequency tuned with a mirror behind the grid or dielectric slabs in front of it. An equivalent circuit for an infinite grid predicts the mirror frequency tuning. The planar property of the oscillator offers the possibility of a wafer-scale monolithically integrated source. Thousands of active solid-state devices can potentially be integrated in a high-power source for microwave or millimeter-wave applications  相似文献   

A technique is proposed for stabilizing the output amplitude of a variable-frequency RC sine-wave oscillator. Amplitude settling time is reduced by converting amplitude to a d.c. voltage having only a small ripple content, which requires little filtering. A relationship between amplitude transient response and harmonic distortion is demonstrated, and the results are compared to those obtained by more conventional methods.  相似文献   

Phase noise in externally injection-locked oscillator arrays   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Previous investigations of noise in mutually synchronized coupled-oscillator systems are extended to include the effects of phase noise introduced by externally injected signals. The analysis is developed for arbitrarily coupled arrays and an arbitrary collection of coherent injected signals, and is illustrated with the specific case of linear chains of nearest neighbor coupled oscillators either globally locked (locking signal applied to each array element) or with the locking signal applied to a single-array element. It is shown that the general behavior is qualitatively similar to a single injection-locked oscillator, with the output noise tracking the injected noise near the carrier, and returning to the free-running array noise far from the carrier, with intermediate behavior significantly influenced by the number of array elements and injection strength. The theory is validated using a five-element GaAs MESFET oscillator array operating at S-band  相似文献   

The state of the art in the field of frequency stabilization of gas lasers is surveyed. A brief discussion of the methods employed to determine the frequency stability of lasers is followed by a listing of the principle causes of frequency instability. The close relationship existing between the control system design and the laser environment is pointed out. Stabilization techniques based on the use of atomic resonance and on the use of interferometers are discussed in detail. Many of these techniques are capable of achieving long-term frequency stabilities of one part in 109or better, which appears to be entirely adequate for most systems applications.  相似文献   

Field profiles, equivalent isotropic radiated power (EIRP), beamwidth, and sidelobe levels of a quasi-optical power-combining grid amplifier structure are obtained using a whole-field electromagnetic analysis of a finite structure. This is efficiently obtained using a mixed spectral- and spatial-domain method-of-moments technique. It is seen that edge effects can have a significant effect on system performance  相似文献   

In this letter, we describe a method for phase modulation of a loop phase-locked grid oscillator array and report results obtained in a test bed implementation of the method. The key to the scheme lies in introducing the phase-locked loop (PLL) in such a way that the modulating data stream is introduced in parallel with the loop rather than through it, thereby circumventing the bandwidth limitation of the PLL. The experiment was performed at 4.7 GHz with a phase-locked grid oscillator array. The grid oscillator was successfully modulated by a 1 MHz signal, which is ten times higher than the bandwidth of the phase-locked loop  相似文献   

《Applied Superconductivity》1999,6(10-12):675-680
We present results of our experimental investigations of the dynamic properties of two types of shorted two-dimensional (2D) arrays. The first type consisted of 4×4 YBCO step edge junctions integrated into a circuit, which allowed the simultaneous detection of all single row voltages. Thus, using only dc-measurements, the interaction and synchronization between the rows could be observed. In the second investigated array type the edge junctions of the rows were closed into superconducting loops in the form of coplanar resonators. Resonant steps were observed on the current–voltage characteristic due to interaction of the junctions with the resonators. The circuits were integrated into a stripline geometry and coupled to another (detector) Josephson junction. A clear detector response, i.e. Shapiro steps, was measured up to 460 GHz. Steps up to 4th harmonic were observed in the frequency range 150–200 GHz.  相似文献   

This paper describes the application of the phase-controlled oscillator to precision frequency comparison in order to improve the measurement accuracy. A relation derived between the counter readings, which measure the average frequency over time T, and the power spectrum of the added phase noise forms the basis for the design of the loop in various applications: frequency comparison, optimization of the operating parameters of frequency standards by detecting the frequency shift due to an applied parameter change, and assessment of the phase jitter generated in multiplier chains. The design procedure includes a determination of the error due to drifts in the oscillator and an estimate of the response time of the loop. An example of a loop which multiplies a noisy 5.6 kHz signal by 200 is given. In determining the mean frequency of a 9.2 MHz crystal oscillator compared to a rubidium vapor frequency standard the one-second counter readings of the multiplied beat signal are found to have a standard deviation of 1.16 × 10-11.  相似文献   

A technique for the frequency stabilization of an FM laser is discussed. This technique employs a stabilization discriminant derived from a residual variation of the phase and amplitude of the small FM laser beat note at the modulation frequency, as the frequency of the FM carrier moves across the Doppler gain profile. A first-order analysis describes the dependence of that stabilization discriminant on δ, the mode coupling coefficient produced by the internal KDP phase modulator, and Γ, the resulting FM modulation index. Experimentally, a 50-mW He-Ne FM laser was frequency stabilized to better than one part in 108on a long-term basis. In addition, the beat note at the modulation frequency was suppressed by 40 dB from its free-running value.  相似文献   

The subject of this paper is a 14×22 mm ball grid array (BGA) integrated circuit assembly containing two or three chips. Three failure modes came to light in the reliability testing of this BGA package: delamination of solder resist from the top copper layer occurred in moisture resistance testing; cracking of the top layer solder resist and consequent cracking of the top copper layer occurred in temperature cycling; and cracking of the bottom layer solder resist which propagated into the bottom copper layer occurred in thermal shock. The failure analysis techniques used to disclose these failures are presented. Finite element analysis of thermomechanical stress within the multichip structure was carried out. The purpose was to find the root cause of one of the failure modes and to explore possible means of overcoming the stress damage. The characteristics of the original and modified substrate layout designs are detailed. The improved performance in reliability testing is compared with the original. All failure modes were eliminated in the final design, and the product was qualified to greatly improved reliability standards.  相似文献   

A new measurement technique for determining the broadband driving point impedance of large two-dimensional active grid arrays is presented. The active array radiates a plane wave in the broadside direction when all elements are locked in phase. For analysis, the array is reduced to a single unit cell by exploiting the array symmetries. The driving point impedance of the unit cell is determined by using the dielectric waveguide measurement method (DWM). The approximations of the method are discussed, and the method is compared with other measurement techniques. Results are presented for four square arrays: dipole, bow-tie, double-vee and slot array. The measurement method is verified by comparing it to the full-wave theory in the whole range. It is shown that all four antenna arrays can be represented by very simple circuits that use only transmission lines as circuit elements. The bow-tie array is found to represent the best choice for broadband operation  相似文献   

Mutually injection-locked arrays of electronic oscillators provide a novel means of controlling the aperture phase of a phased-array antenna, thus achieving the advantages of spatial power combining while retaining the ability to steer the radiated beam. In a number of design concepts, one or more of the oscillators are injection locked to a signal from an external master oscillator. The behavior of such a system has been analyzed by numerical solution of a system of nonlinear differential equations which, due to its complexity, yields limited insight into the relationship between the injection signals and the aperture phase. In this paper, we develop a continuum model, which results in a single partial differential equation for the aperture phase as a function of time. Solution of the equation is effected by means of the Laplace transform and yields detailed information concerning the dynamics of the array under the influence of the external injection signals  相似文献   

Rotary traveling-wave oscillators (RTWOs) represent a new transmission-line approach to gigahertz-rate clock generation. Using the inherently stable LC characteristics of on-chip VLSI interconnect, the clock distribution network becomes a low-impedance distributed oscillator. The RTWO operates by creating a rotating traveling wave within a closed-loop differential transmission line. Distributed CMOS inverters serve as both transmission-line amplifiers and latches to power the oscillation and ensure rotational lock. Load capacitance is absorbed into the transmission-line constants whereby energy is recirculated giving an adiabatic quality. Unusually for an LC oscillator, multiphase (360°) square waves are produced directly. RTWO structures are compact and can be wired together to form rotary oscillator arrays (ROAs) to distribute a phase-locked clock over a large chip. The principle is scalable to very high clock frequencies. Issues related to interconnect and field coupling dominate the design process for RTWOs. Taking precautions to avoid unwanted signal couplings, the rise and fall times of 20 ps, suggested by simulation, may be realized at low power consumption. Experimental results of the 0.25-μm CMOS test chip with 950-MHz and 3.4-GHz rings are presented, indicating 5,5-ps jitter and 34-dB power supply rejection ratio (PSRR). Design errors in the test chip precluded meaningful rise and fall time measurements  相似文献   

Arrays of voltage-controlled oscillators can be coupled by means of a network so as to be mutually injection locked and thus oscillate as an ensemble. This ensemble may be used to excite the elements of a phased array antenna in such a manner as to radiate an agile beam. Design of the coupling network requires attention to three key parameters: the inter-oscillator coupling strength, the network bandwidth, and the oscillator loading. These parameters can be related to the network admittance matrix elements, which, in turn, are related to the lumped element values. This provides convenient formulas for use in designing networks, which provide the necessary values of the above three key design parameters.  相似文献   

The frequency stability measurement of a new kind of secondary frequency standard, the whispering gallery mode maser oscillator, is reported. Based on a very simple design the beatnote comparison with a state-of-the-art cryogenic sapphire resonator oscillator gave a preliminary result of 10-14 frequency instability at 1 s integration time. The measurement is limited by the microwave synthesis chain used to evaluate the maser stability.  相似文献   

红外波段双线He-Ne激光的频率稳定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邓罗根 《中国激光》1991,18(8):569-573
本文介绍了用于绝对距离干涉计量的3.39μm波段双线He-Ne激光的稳频工作的背景、要求和所采用的方法,分析了稳频伺服环路,说明了稳定性实验的理论依据并给出了实验结果。  相似文献   

This paper describes three phase-shifterless beam steering techniques which exploit the synchronization properties of coupled nonlinear oscillator arrays. In each, the control parameters are the coupling phases of the local interactions between elements. The one-dimensional oscillator arrays under consideration are described by Phase Model-type equations, implying the assumption that the amplitude dynamics have achieved a steady state. Linear stability analyzes for each technique are provided which reveal significant differences in attainable scan angles.  相似文献   

A phase synchronisation method is proposed for beam-scanning control, utilising a newly identified phase synchronisation pattern. The proposed method provides more flexible control compared to conventional methods, even in noisy, non-ideal environments, as confirmed by systematic simulations and mathematical analysis  相似文献   

Experimental results are presented for the performance of a MIC common drain GaAs FET oscillator and are compared with the performance of the same oscillator stabilized by using a high Q. temperature compensated dielectric resonator made from barium nonatitanate. The unstabilized oscillator gave 85 mW of Rf power at an efficiency of 20%. whilst the compensated oscillator gave 46 mW of power at an efficiency of 12%. with a line width of only 0.3 MHz as measured at 60 dB below the peak. Over the temperature range 0 to 60°C the frequency of the stabilized oscillator changed only 5 MHz, compared t0 the 30 MHz change found in unstabilized oscillators. Mechanical tuning was easily achieved, and careful choice of coupling between the resonator and oscillator eliminated the hysteresis observed in the mode of oscillation of designs previously reported.  相似文献   

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