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巧克力浆料是由非脂相,如糖、可可粉、乳粉等物质分散于以油脂为连续相而形成的悬浮液体系。可可脂、可可液块和糖是巧克力的主要成分,这些组分会影响巧克力浆料的流变性、质构及其微观结构等,从而影响巧克力及巧克力制品的品质。研究巧克力品质的影响因素对于调整产品配方,改善加工工艺,提高产品品质具有重要的指导意义。本文主要从产品配方如原料油、糖类及微量组分对巧克力品质的影响进行了综述,期待能为巧克力生产提供一定的指导作用。   相似文献   

以鸡肉为原料制作鸡肉丸,通过单因素试验和正交试验设计研究水、食盐、淀粉、卡拉胶添加量对鸡肉丸感官品质的影响.结果表明:4种配料的最佳添加量配比为:水15%、食盐1.5%、淀粉6%、卡拉胶0.6%,在此工艺条件下,鸡肉丸的感官品质最好,感官评分为7.4.  相似文献   

目的:研究预腌制配料对大麻哈鱼肉品质的影响并确定最佳配料配方。方法:将预腌制配料上浆至大麻哈鱼肉中并进行预油煎处理,之后分别对样品的出品率、水分含量、嫩度、盐度及感官质量进行测定,研究食盐、料酒、生抽和五香粉4种预腌制配料对大麻哈鱼肉品质的影响,筛选出腌制配料的最佳添加量。结果:当食盐、料酒、生抽和五香粉分别为大麻哈鱼肉质量的1%,8%,2.3%,0.8%时,大麻哈鱼肉的品质最佳。结论:该研究为大麻哈鱼中式预制菜肴食品的标准化生产提供了工业参数。  相似文献   

通过单因素和正交试验,研究了巧克力涂层温度、涂层厚度和冷却条件对巧克力涂层产品品质的影响。结果表明:巧克力冷却条件是影响巧克力涂层产品品质的首要因素,其次是涂层温度和涂层厚度。优化后最终成品巧克力涂层工艺参数是:36℃的涂层温度、0.5 mm的涂层厚度和12℃-10℃-12℃的冷却条件。  相似文献   

发花是巧克力最常见的品质问题,本文通过对巧克力发花机理及对品质影响的研究,从加工工艺改进的角度,探索了通过生产和成品保存过程温湿度的控制,以及有效的包装改进,抑制,芎克力发花,在产品保质期内,有效保持了巧克力产品的新鲜亮丽品质。  相似文献   

发花是巧克力最常见的品质问题,本文通过对巧克力发花机理及对品质影响的研究,从加工工艺改进的角度,探索了通过生产和成品保存过程温湿度的控制,以及有效的包装改进,抑制巧克力发花,在产品保质期内,有效保持了巧克力产品的新鲜亮丽品质。  相似文献   

大豆蛋白源配料特性对素肉饼品质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
主要研究了大豆拉丝蛋白和大豆分离蛋白(Soy protein isolate,SPI)2种大豆蛋白源配料的功能特性对素肉饼品质的影响.研究表明,大豆拉丝蛋白的蛋白含量越高,素肉饼的品质越高,主要表现在口感韧性强、弹性高,更接近肉的纤维状质构和口感;而在素肉饼配方一定的情况下,大豆分离蛋白的凝胶值对素肉饼的品质影响呈现先...  相似文献   

以感官评定和凝胶强度为指标,分析淀粉、肥膘、蛋清蛋白和氯化钙对鲤鱼鱼丸品质的影响;同时研究鱼丸在不同贮藏温度下,细菌总数、挥发性盐基氮(TVB-N值)随贮藏时间的变化规律。结果表明,添加鱼肉质量的10%淀粉、8%肥膘、6%蛋清蛋白、0.6%氯化钙的鱼丸,凝胶强度与对照组相比分别提高了3.317、0.131、0.4699和0.1063倍,感官评分也有一定程度提高。在贮藏过程中,鱼丸的细菌总数逐渐增加,TVB-N值逐渐增大,腐败现象加重。随贮藏温度的上升,鱼丸品质劣化速度加快。根据鱼丸的品质变化曲线,可以预测鱼丸在贮藏过程中的品质和货架期。  相似文献   

胶原蛋白和燕麦都是具有良好保健价值和营养价值的健康食品,把二者加入到猪肉香肠中,并使用复合发酵剂进行发酵,考察其对香肠品质特性的影响。经过对各个样品进行pH值、水分含量等理化指标测定以及感官评定,在单因素实验与正交实验的基础上得到最佳的制作工艺是:在原料猪肉中加入一定量调料及香辛料,添加10%燕麦粉及6%胶原蛋白粉(型号1000-S-01),接种4%复合发酵剂(乳酸菌∶酵母菌为1∶2)后,于30℃环境中发酵13h,在60℃环境中干燥2h后150℃烤30min左右至熟。所得产品色泽红润,组织紧密,口感细腻,有烤肠特有滋味,发酵香味浓郁,咸中带甜,酸度适中。复合发酵剂的使用可使发酵香肠的质量提高,色泽、风味改善,生产周期缩短,而胶原蛋白的添加可提高发酵香肠的弹性和嫩度。  相似文献   

上浆配料对预油炸鸡肉丁半成品品质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
上浆是中式肉类菜肴制作的重要工艺。研究了上浆配料对预油炸鸡肉丁半成品品质的影响规律。通过测定预油炸鸡肉丁的出品率、水分含量、嫩度,并进行感官评定,研究了浆液中淀粉、水和食盐3种组分的不同添加量对鸡肉丁品质的影响。结果表明,预油炸鸡肉丁上浆液中淀粉、水和食盐的添加量分别为原料肉质量的6%、6%和2%时,鸡肉丁半成品具有最好的品质特性。  相似文献   

Core objective of the work was to shorten conventional conching by means of omitting the dry conching phase and to replace it with a short or continuous liquefaction process. In order to achieve this for milk chocolate, it is necessary to dry milk powder below its equilibrium beforehand. Thus water removal by conching will no longer be necessary, but fat covering of particles and adjustment of flow properties still has to be done by using high shear force. In a first step a procedure was developed, in which skim milk powder is dried to <1% moisture and then coated and stabilised in fat. Milk chocolate flakes produced thereof contained <0.6% water. Secondly, conching time was gradually reduced. Flow properties of samples were very close to a standard, if enough shear was applied. Thirdly, scale up trials using industrial equipment gave similar results. A batch process now takes 15–30 min, however using a continuous high shear mixer is also feasible. Minor sensory differences between samples and standards were neither related to milk powder drying nor to fast liquefaction. Finally an outlook is given on other feasible drying methods and productivity benefits.  相似文献   

Influence of concentration of emulsifier Lactem P 22 (lactic acid ester of monodiglyceride) as blooming inhibitor on the quality and fat bloom stability of laboratory made samples of chocolate was investigated. This ingredient was added during the pre-crystallization process of chocolate mass. The pre-crystallization was performed in the laboratory crystallizer modified Brabender pharinograph, where the rheological characteristics of the pre-crystallized fluid chocolate mass were measured. The experiments were performed according to the factorial plan 32 (two factors on three levels). Statistical results processing was performed according to the Response Surface Methodology. Physics characteristics of chocolate—hardness and lightness—were obtained by instrumental methods. The results has shown that Lactem P 22 improve fat bloom stability of chocolate samples but decrease sensory quality of chocolate. Better sensory quality of chocolate was achieved with combination of the crystallization promoter—Dynasan 118. The best sensory quality of chocolate has been obtained with 0.5% Dynasan 118 and 1 and 2% Lactem P 22. Samples of chocolate which was pre-crystallized on 23°C and with 3% Lactem P 22, showed the highest fat bloom stability.  相似文献   

<正> 在巧克力的制造中,可可豆的加工处理是非常重要的一环。因为要生产高质量的巧克力产品,其原料必须经过严格的处理。此外,巧克力填料的制备和巧克力的制造工序,也是不可忽视的。凡此种种,均在要求采用先进而优质的生产技术。世界各地的食品生产设备供应商均深明这个道理,于是不断钻研新的生产科技。下文将就可可豆处理、巧克力制造及其填料制备过程进行探讨。  相似文献   

柳蒿芽是一种纯天然、野生可食用的野菜,具有较高的营养价值和生物活性。本文就柳蒿芽的主要营养成分、生物活性成分及其提取分离现状进行了综述,并对生物活性成分的研究利用进行了展望,为柳蒿芽资源的开发利用提供参考和依据。   相似文献   

A refining step is often crucial for the removal of undesired components in fats and oils. More flexible refining technologies are required due to a global decline in cocoa butter quality and to meet industry’s demand for cocoa butters with improved properties. The aim was to investigate the impact of the cocoa butter refining process on milk chocolate quality. Therefore a crude cocoa butter was subjected to a steam refining at different temperatures and this with or without a silica pretreatment. The major effect of the silica pretreatment was the complete removal of phosphorus (thus phospholipids), iron and alkaline components. During the steam refining step mainly Free Fatty Acids (FFA) were removed at increased temperatures (T ? 200 °C). The refining of the cocoa butter influenced the rheological properties of the chocolate. An increased packed column temperature, coinciding with the removal of FFA, resulted in a lower yield stress and a higher viscosity. Reduction of FFA positively influenced the crystallization kinetics and the formation of the crystal network, resulting in differences on a macroscopic scale.  相似文献   

Rheological properties of chocolate play a relevant role either in process design or texture definition. Nevertheless, only flow properties of molten product or mechanical properties of samples cooled at fixed temperature (usually 20 °C) are measured, whilst testing conditions close to the industrial applications (temperature close to 30 °C) are less common to be used. In this work, chocolate samples (cooled at 1 and 5 °C min−1) were characterised at 30 °C by using small-amplitude oscillations and low-stress creep tests, aiming at establishing how material properties are related to the chocolate microstructure. The effects of either 3 anhydrous milk fats (AMF), having different melting points, or sugar particle size were evaluated. It was found that addition of AMFs, owing to their solid content, can yield an increase in consistency; however, this effect is less relevant when coarse sugar is used, because of the broader particle size distribution, and it depends on the thermal history because of the different fat crystallisation time. Finally, creep tests resulted to be very sensitive in detecting changes in chocolate rheological properties.  相似文献   

月饼配料等对月饼质地的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
文章对碱水、防腐剂、乳化剂以及糖浆等困素对月饼质地的影响作了研究,质地的测量采用了TA-XT2i物性测定仪。结果表明适当提高饼皮中糖浆与碱水的添加量,降低饼皮的厚度,可以降低月饼的硬度,改善口感。  相似文献   

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