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阐述基于GMPLS协议的无源宽带光接入网技术(GMPLSPON),从统一接入网和骨干网网络管理的角度探讨此种方案的优越性。根据MPLS网络中实施策略管理的原型以及基于策略的端到端QoS网络管理环境,针对PON的特殊结构提出GMPLSPON的管理机制的构想。给出接入网策略管理的框架,并进行简单的功能分析。 相似文献
国内宽带需求越来越大,随着光进铜退的加速,PON网络的建设也在迅速扩展。在网络的建设和验收以及维护阶段,OTDR扮演着重要角色。而应用CPON网络的OTDR与应用于一般光纤线路的OTDR有很大区别。 相似文献
本文首先介绍了PON技术与FTTH,阐述了两者的概念、特点,并分析了PON技术于传统技术相比的优势所在.在此基础上,研究了PON技术在FTTH中的应用问题,最后支持了FTTH未来的发展方向,仅供参考. 相似文献
现代科学技术的不断前进,网络技术有了突飞猛进的发展态势,现在宽带网络已经运用到了光纤通信中,这不但节省了不少的资本,而且也对于用户使用宽带提出更高的要求.PON网络技术有着自己独特的优势,已经被运用到了光纤通信中,本文首先对PON无源光纤网络做了相关的阐述,并对PON网络技术的优势做了分析,并分析了PON网络技术运用到FTTx应用场景的效果. 相似文献
PON技术在宽带IP城域网中的应用 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文全面分析了PON技术特点,PON技术在宽带IP城域网中的应用,着重探讨武汉铁通如何利用PON技术在宽带IP城域网中的组网方案. 相似文献
信息技术不断的更新迭代,使得各类通信技术应用也越来越广泛.作为通信技术中的一项新兴技术,PON技术被广泛的运用到网络运营商的网络建设中,但在高校校园网建设发展过程总,PON技术并未被广泛使用.笔者从高校校园网络实际应用出发,分析了PON在高校校园网应用上的优缺点,并结合不同场景下PON技术的应用情况,总结出PON适用的场景.随着我国PON技术的不断发展,其在高校校园网中的应用也会越来越广泛. 相似文献
基于城市地区发展城域网的重要性和迫切性,在对城域网基本特征进行简要介绍基础上,着重从PON与城域网业务接入的关系及ON技术与MSTP技术相互结合等两方面对PON接入技术在城域网中的应用定位进行了较为深入的探讨。 相似文献
本文提出了一种新颖的PON技术在高速公路紧急电话系统中的新型应用方案,该方案充分发挥了PON技术的优势,降低了系统的初装成本和维护费用,在理论分析的基础上,计算了系统覆盖范围并提出了具体的系统设计方案,现场实验结果证明该高速公路光纤紧急电话系统,为道路紧急求救报警和救援提供一种更有效、更安全、更可靠的通信工具. 相似文献
提出了一种基于光线路终端(OLT)的接入允许控制(CAC),能够在各光网络单元(ONU)之间合理分配上行资源.随后分析了两种适用的算法:速率分割CAC和最佳CAC,仿真结果表明后者具有更高的效率,更适合在PON系统中使用. 相似文献
文中首先比较了GMPLS和SDH/SONET的保护和恢复机制,接下来阐述了GMPLS用于增强网络的保护与恢复能力的信令机制,最后对网络的保护和恢复机制如何使用GMPLS信令来实现进行了详细的分析和讨论. 相似文献
Wavelength converters are used in optical networks to overcome transparent wavelength channel insufficiency. However, current GMPLS control plane does not distribute wavelength converter information to network nodes. To overcome this situation, four wavelength converter information sharing methods for GMPLS-controlled optical networks are proposed. The first two, Conversion Capability during Signaling (CCS) and Conversion Availability during Signaling (CAS), are based on the RSVP-TE signaling protocol, while the others, Conversion Capability Advertisement (CCA) and Conversion Availability Advertisement (CAA), are based on the OSPF-TE routing protocol. Simulations show that CAA obtains the lowest blocking, while CCS the highest. Moreover, CAA only slightly increases the control plane load compared to CAS. 相似文献
ZHAOJi-jun JIYue-feng XUDa-xiong 《半导体光子学与技术》2003,9(3):141-147
In last decade,due to that the popularity of the internet, data--central traffic kept growing, some emerging networking requirements have been posed on the today‘s telecommunication networks,especially in the area of network survivability. Obviously, as a key networking problem, network reliability will be more and more important. The integration of different technologies such as ATM, SDH, and WDM in multilayer transport networks raises many questions regarding the coordination of the individual network layers.This problem is referred as multilayer network survivability. The integrated multilayer network survivability is investingated as well as the representation of an interworking strategy between different single layer survivability schemes in IP via generalized multiprotocol label switching over ootical netwnrk 相似文献
In last decade,due to that the popularity of the internet, data-central traffic kept growing,some emerging networking requirements have been posed on the todays telecommunication networks,especially in the area of network survivability.Obviously,as a key networking problem,network reliability will be more and more important.The integration of different technologies such as ATM,SDH,and WDM in multilayer transport networks raises many questions regarding the coordination of the individual network layers.This problem is referred as multilayer network survivability.The integrated multilayer network survivability is investingated as well as the representation of an interworking strategy between different single layer survivability schemes in IP via generalized multi-protocol label switching over optical network. 相似文献
de Miguel Ignacio González Juan Carlos Koonen Ton Durán Ramón Fernández Patricia Monroy Idelfonso Tafur 《Photonic Network Communications》2004,8(2):177-189
This paper proposes a novel polymorphic framework for optical networking and a seamless evolution path from optical circuit-switched towards optical packet-switched networks. We show that by simultaneously supporting several optical switching paradigms in a single physical topology, efficient and flexible optical networks can be built. The supported paradigms are associated with different Classes of Service (CoS) in order to provide service differentiation at the optical layer. Two polymorphic architectures are presented, one based on optical circuit switching paradigms with different grades of dynamism, and a second one based on optical labeled burst-switched networks with the added capability of dynamic lightpath provisioning. These architectures provide a seamless evolution path towards an efficient IP-over-WDM approach with service differentiation. Moreover, the proposed polymorphic architectures are fully compatible with the GMPLS unified control plane. We present in a detailed form the proposed polymorphic framework, including the selection of switching paradigms, its support for CoS, the network and control architecture, and a possible seamless evolution towards optical packet-switched networks. Possible implementation examples of optical network nodes that support the proposed polymorphic architectures are also presented. 相似文献
In this paper, we study regenerator placement and traffic engineering of restorable paths in generalized multiprotocol label switching (GMPLS) networks. Regenerators are necessary in optical networks in order to cope with transmission impairments. We study a network architecture where regenerators are placed only at selected nodes for decreasing cost of regeneration. We propose two heuristic algorithms for optimum placement of these regenerators. Performances of these algorithms in terms of required number of regenerators and computational complexity are evaluated. In this network architecture with sparse regeneration, off-line computation of working and restoration paths is studied for traffic engineering with path rerouting as the restoration scheme. We study two approaches for selecting working and restoration paths from a set of candidate paths and formulate each method as an integer linear programming (ILP) problem. A traffic uncertainty model is developed in order to compare these methods based on their robustness with respect to changing traffic patterns. Traffic engineering methods are compared based on number of additional demands resulting from traffic uncertainties that can be carried over the network. Proposed heuristic regenerator placement algorithms are also evaluated from a traffic engineering point of view. 相似文献
自动交换光网络(ASON)指的是直接由控制系统下达信令来完成光网络连接自动交换的新型网络,它赋予了原本单纯传送业务的底层光网以自动交换的智能,它的具体实现要依靠通用的多协议标签交换(GMPLS)协议。首先对ASON和GMPLS技术作了一个简单介绍,然后说明了GMPLS控制平面的软件结构,最后重点分析了ASON控制平面中的GMPLS管理器功能及应用。 相似文献