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Functional effects of human alpha 5 nicotinic ACh receptor (AChR) subunits coassembled with alpha 3 and beta 2 or with alpha 3 and beta 4 subunits, were investigated in Xenopus oocytes. The presence of alpha 5 subunits altered some properties of both alpha 3 AChRs and differentially altered other properties of alpha 3 beta 2 AChRs vs. alpha 3 beta 4 AChRs. alpha 5 subunits increased desensitization and Ca++ permeability of all alpha 3 AChRs. The Ca++ permeabilities of both alpha 3 beta 2 alpha 5 and alpha 3 beta 4 alpha 5 AChRs were comparable to that of alpha 7 AChRs. As we have shown previously, alpha 5 subunits increased the ACh sensitivity of alpha 3 beta 2 AChRs 50-fold but had little effect on alpha 3 beta 4 AChRs. alpha 5 caused only subtle changes in the activation potencies of alpha 3 AChRs for nicotine, cytisine and 1,1-dimethyl-4-plenylpiperazinium (DMPP). However, alpha 5 increased the efficacies of nicotine and DMPP on alpha 3 beta 2 AChRs but decreased them on alpha 3 beta 4 AChRs. Immunoisolation of cloned human AChRs expressed in oocytes showed that alpha 5 efficiently coassembled with alpha 3 plus beta 2 and/or beta 4 subunits. As expected, human AChRs immunoisolated from SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells showed that AChRs containing alpha 3 and probably alpha 5 subunits were present, but alpha 4 AChRs were not. In brain, by contrast, alpha 4 beta 2 AChRs were shown to predominate over alpha 3 AChRs. Some of the brain alpha 4 beta 2 AChRs were found to contain alpha 5 subunits.  相似文献   

An asd-complementing mini-Tn5 transposon was constructed for random insertion of the Escherichia coli LT enterotoxin genes (elt) into the genome of Deltaasd attenuated strains of Salmonella typhimurium. Transfer of the minitransposon to different S. typhimurium strains resulted in random integration only in strain chi4072, while in strain chi3987, which harbours the virulence plasmid, over 20% of the insertions occurred at the same site. Expression of elt was found to be highest in Salmonella isolates carrying the mini-Tn5 integrated at the preferred site, which was mapped to an uncharacterised region of the virulence plasmid. Sequence analysis of the integration site showed that it lies within an open reading frame with sequence similarity to E. coli leuO and contiguous to a novel fimbrial locus.  相似文献   

Adhesion is an important initial step during bacterial colonization of the intestinal mucosa. However, mutations in the Salmonella typhimurium fimbrial operons lpf, pef, or fim only moderately alter mouse virulence. The respective adhesins may thus play only a minor role during infection or S. typhimurium may encode alternative virulence factors that can functionally compensate for their loss. To address this question, we constructed mutations in all four known fimbrial operons of S. typhimurium: fim, lpf, pef, and agf. A mutation in the agfB gene resulted in a threefold increase in the oral 50% lethal dose (LD50) of S. typhimurium for mice. In contrast, an S. typhimurium strain carrying mutations in all four fimbrial operons (quadruple mutant) had a 26-fold increased oral LD50. The quadruple mutant, but not the agfB mutant, was recovered in reduced numbers from murine fecal pellets, suggesting that a reduced ability to colonize the intestinal lumen contributed to its attenuation. These data are evidence for a synergistic action of fimbrial operons during colonization of the mouse intestine and the development of murine typhoid fever.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to evaluate the suitability of the fimA gene amplification by PCR as a specific method for detection of Salmonella strains. Salmonella typhimurium and other pathogenic members of the family Enterobacteriaceae produce morphologically and antigenically related, thin, aggregative, type 1 fimbriae. A single gene, fimA, encodes the major fimbrial unit. In order to obtain higher specificity, we have selected a series of primers internal to the fimA gene sequence and have developed a PCR method for detecting Salmonella strains. A collection of 376 strains of Salmonella comprising over 80 serovars, isolated from animals and humans in Canada, have been used to evaluate this PCR method. Forty non-Salmonella strains were also tested by the same procedure. Cultures were screened by inoculating a single colony of bacteria directly into a PCR mixture containing a pair of primers specific for the fimA gene. The specific PCR product is an 85-bp fragment which was visualized by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and ethidium bromide staining. All Salmonella strains gave positive results by the PCR. Feed and milk samples contaminated by Salmonella strains were also detected by this procedure. The detection of all Salmonella strains tested and the failure to amplify the fragment from non-Salmonella strains confirm that the fimA gene contains sequences unique to Salmonella strains and demonstrate that this gene is a suitable PCR target for detection of Salmonella strains in food samples.  相似文献   

Salmonella typhimurium is able to catabolize 1,2-propanediol for use as the sole carbon and energy source; the first enzyme of this pathway requires the cofactor adenosyl cobalamin (Ado-B12). Surprisingly, Salmonella can use propanediol as the sole carbon source only in the presence of oxygen but can synthesize Ado-B12 only anaerobically. To understand this situation, we have studied the pdu operon, which encodes proteins for propanediol degradation. A set of pdu mutants defective in aerobic degradation of propanediol (with exogenous vitamin B12) defines four distinct complementation groups. Mutations in two of these groups (pduC and pduD) eliminate propanediol dehydratase activity. Based on mutant phenotypes, a third complementation group (pduG) appears to encode a cobalamin adenosyl transferase activity. No function has been assigned to the pduJ complementation group. Propionaldehyde dehydrogenase activity is eliminated by mutations in any of the four identified complementation groups, suggesting that this activity may require a complex of proteins encoded by the operon. None of the mutations analyzed affects either of the first two genes of the operon (pduA and pduB), which were identified by DNA sequence analysis. Available data suggest that the pdu operon includes enough DNA for about 15 genes and that the four genetically identified genes are the only ones required for aerobic use of propanediol.  相似文献   

The flagellar gene fliO of Salmonella typhimurium can be translated from an AUG codon that overlaps the termination codon of fliN (K. Ohnishi et al., J. Bacteriol. 179:6092-6099, 1997). However, it had been concluded on the basis of complementation analysis that in Escherichia coli a second start codon 60 bp downstream was the authentic one (J. Malakooti et al., J. Bacteriol. 176:189-197, 1994). This raised the possibility of tandem translational starts, such as occur for the chemotaxis gene cheA; this possibility was increased by the existence of a stem-loop sequence covering the second start, a feature also found with cheA. Protein translated from the first start codon was detected regardless of whether the second start codon was present; it was also detected when the stem-loop structure was disrupted or deleted. Translation from the second start codon, either as the natural one (GUG) or as AUG, was not detected when the first start and intervening sequence were intact. Nor was it detected when the first codon was attenuated (by conversion of AUGAUG to AUAAUA; in S. typhimurium there is a second, adjacent, AUG) or eliminated (by conversion to CGCCGC); disruption of the stem-loop structure still did not yield detectable translation from the second start. When the entire sequence up to the second start was deleted, translation from the second start was detected provided the natural codon GUG had been converted to AUG. A fliO null mutant could be fully complemented in swarm assays whenever the first start and intervening sequence were present, regardless of the state of the second start. Reasonably good complementation occurred when the first start and intervening sequence were absent provided the second start was intact, either as AUG or as GUG; thus translation from the GUG codon must have been occurring even though protein levels were too low to be detected. The translated intervening sequence is rather divergent between S. typhimurium and E. coli and corresponds to a substantial cytoplasmic domain prior to the sole transmembrane segment, which is highly conserved; the sequence following the second start begins immediately prior to that transmembrane segment. The significance of the data for FliO is discussed and compared to the equivalent data for CheA. Attention is also drawn to the fact that given an optimal ribosome binding site, AUA can serve as a fairly efficient start codon even though it seldom if ever appears to be used in nature.  相似文献   

Salmonella typhimurium 798, which was isolated from a pig, is known to phase vary from a nonadhesive to an adhesive phenotype. Cells of the adhesive phenotype adhere to porcine enterocytes, are more readily phagocytized by porcine neutrophils and macrophages, and once phagocytized can survive intracellularly, while cells of the nonadhesive phenotype die rapidly. The effect of phenotypic switching also can be visualized by changes in colony morphologies and the presence of between 10 and 15 proteins in the envelopes of cells in the adhesive phenotype. Mutants previously constructed with cells in the adhesive phenotype and the transposon TnphoA were screened to identify mutants lacking one or more of the unique proteins. One mutation was cloned and sequenced, and the mutation was shown to be in rfaL (O-antigen ligase). Expression of O antigen was shown to be phase variable. The adhesive strain expressed an O antigen that was at least eightfold longer than that for the nonadhesive strain and by virtue of O-antigen production was resistant to porcine complement. The mutant survived intracellularly in phagocytic cells as well as its wild-type parent.  相似文献   

Salmonella enteritidis produces thin, filamentous fimbriae composed of the fimbrin subunit SefA. Although insoluble in most detergents and chaotropic agents, these fimbriae were soluble at pH 10.5. Furthermore, in sodium dodecyl sulfate, these fibers depolymerized into monomers, dimers and other multimers of SefA, which precipitated on removal of the detergent. In contrast, unassembled periplasmic SefA fimbrins purified from Escherichia coli expressing cloned sefA and sefB were readily soluble in aqueous solution. Fimbrial and periplasmic SefA also differed in their reaction with an anti-SEF14 monoclonal antibody and in their surface hydrophobicity, indicating that the two forms had different properties. Precise mass measurements of periplasmic and fimbrial SefA by mass spectroscopy showed that these variations were not due to post-translational modifications. Periplasmic SefA consisted primarily of intact as well as some N-terminally truncated forms. The main 24 amino acid, N-terminally truncated form of periplasmic SefA was present as a 12.2 kDa monomer which had a low tendency to dimerize whereas intact periplasmic SefA was present as a 34.1 kDa homodimer. Intact periplasmic SefA also formed stable multimers at low concentrations of chemical cross-linker but multimerization of the truncated form required high concentrations of protein or cross-linker. Thus, SefA fimbrins appear to multimerize through their N-termini and undergo a conformational change prior to assembly into fibers. Within these fibers, subunit-subunit contact is maintained through strong hydrophobic interactions.  相似文献   

The treatment of occlusive lesions in the innominate, subclavian, and axillary arteries has, until recently, been entirely surgical. Recently, advances in endovascular technologies have provided an alternative means of therapy. The advent of balloon angioplasty has resulted in some turmoil between medical specialties regarding patient selection and acceptable applications. Innovations in imaging, guidewire, catheter, stent, and balloon technology allow one to obtain percutaneous access and perform therapeutic procedures in a relatively safe manner. However, the excellent and time-tested results of surgery remain a standard for developing new procedures. Despite the appeal of less invasive techniques, the morbidity, mortality, and durability of novel treatments must equal or exceed those standards set by surgical procedures. Proponents of the endovascular options must familiarize themselves with advantages and disadvantages of surgical procedures. In a similar manner, surgeons have an obligation to understand the less invasive technologies as well. The clinician must uphold the best interests of the patient as a fundamental factor in the determination of a particular form of therapy. This paradox is well illustrated by consideration of occlusive lesions in the upper extremity.  相似文献   

We report here the first quantitative study of the branched-chain amino acid biosynthetic pathway in Salmonella typhimurium LT2. The intracellular levels of the enzymes of the pathway and of the 2-keto acid intermediates were determined under various physiological conditions and used for estimation of several of the fluxes in the cells. The results led to a revision of previous ideas concerning the way in which multiple acetohydroxy acid synthase (AHAS) isozymes contribute to the fitness of enterobacteria. In wild-type LT2, AHAS isozyme I provides most of the flux to valine, leucine, and pantothenate, while isozyme II provides most of the flux to isoleucine. With acetate as a carbon source, a strain expressing AHAS II only is limited in growth because of the low enzyme activity in the presence of elevated levels of the inhibitor glyoxylate. A strain with AHAS I only is limited during growth on glucose by the low tendency of this enzyme to utilize 2-ketobutyrate as a substrate; isoleucine limitation then leads to elevated threonine deaminase activity and an increased 2-ketobutyrate/2-ketoisovalerate ratio, which in turn interferes with the synthesis of coenzyme A and methionine. The regulation of threonine deaminase is also crucial in this regard. It is conceivable that, because of fundamental limitations on the specificity of enzymes, no single AHAS could possibly be adequate for the varied conditions that enterobacteria successfully encounter.  相似文献   

Mutants of Salmonella typhimurium with an impaired process of transition to the nonculturable state were tainted. Mutants were divided into four phenotypic groups. In four mutants (representatives of each phenotypic group), genes with TnPhoA transposon insertions were cloned; these insertions caused a disturbance in the process of mutant cell transition to the nonculturable state. Nucleotide sequences of mutant gene fragments were determined. Comparison of nucleotide sequences obtained with a data bank on DNA nucleotide sequences of enterobacterial genomes allowed the identification of four genes involved in the control of nonculturable form generation in salmonellae.  相似文献   

An avirulent live delta cya delta crp Salmonella typhimurium strain chi 3985 that precludes colonization and invasion of chickens by homologous and heterologous Salmonella serotypes was evaluated for its long-term protection efficacy. Chickens vaccinated orally at 2 and 4 wk of age were assessed for protection against oral challenge with wild-type S. typhimurium and Salmonella enteritidis strains at 3, 6, 9, and 12 mo of age. A comparison of Salmonella isolation from vaccinated and nonvaccinated layers after challenge with S. typhimurium or S. enteritidis showed that delta cya delta crp S. typhimurium chi 3985 induced excellent protection against intestinal, visceral, reproductive tract, and egg colonization, invasion, and/or contamination by Salmonella. The duration of protection lasted for 11 mo after vaccination, at which time the experiment was terminated. S. enteritidis and S. typhimurium were isolated from the yolk, albumen, and shells of eggs laid by nonvaccinated chickens challenged with Salmonella. S. typhimurium caused pathological lesions in nonvaccinated chickens, whereas vaccinated and nonvaccinated chickens challenged with S. enteritidis showed no pathological lesion in the visceral and reproductive organs. Vaccination with chi 3985 prevented transmission of S. typhimurium or S. enteritidis into eggs laid by vaccinated layers with no effect on egg production. To our knowledge, this is the first publication confirming that vaccination with live avirulent Salmonella can induce long-term protection against Salmonella infection in layers.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Despite improved systemic control of metastatic breast cancer, the incidence of brain metastases from breast carcinoma continues to rise, in part because most systemically administered agents have poor central nervous system penetration. Therefore, as a method of optimizing drug delivery into the central nervous system, we studied the safety and efficacy of chemotherapy delivered locally via biodegradable polymers in a mouse model of breast carcinoma metastases to the brain. METHODS: The chemotherapeutic agents carmustine (BCNU), carboplatin, and camptothecin were incorporated into controlled release polymers and tested individually against intracranial challenges of EMT-6 breast tumor in BALB/c female mice. For each drug, four groups were tested: Group 1, empty polymer (no drug); Group 2, external beam radiotherapy (XRT) alone; Group 3, local chemotherapy from biodegradable polymer alone; and Group 4, local chemotherapy and XRT together. Polymers were implanted 5 days after intracranial tumor inoculation; XRT was administered on Days 7 through 9 (300 cGy/d). RESULTS: BCNU polymer alone (n = 10; median survival time, >200 d; P < 0.0001) and BCNU and XRT together (n = 10; median survival time, 41 d; P = 0.02) significantly improved survival in mice with intracranial EMT-6 breast cancer in comparison with control animals (n = 20; median survival time, 17 d). Carboplatin and camptothecin, either with or without XRT, and XRT alone did not have any significant effect on survival. CONCLUSION: Local delivery of BCNU with biodegradable polymers can significantly prolong survival in a murine model of intracranial metastatic breast cancer. Surgical resection and placement of BCNU polymers into the resection cavity may decrease the incidence of local recurrence of breast cancer metastases with minimal morbidity.  相似文献   

The fhuA genes of Salmonella paratyphi B, Salmonella typhimurium, and Pantoea agglomerans were sequenced and compared with the known fhuA sequence of Escherichia coli. The highly similar FhuA proteins displayed the largest difference in the predicted gating loop, which in E. coli controls the permeability of the FhuA channel and serves as the principal binding site for the phages T1, T5, and phi80. All the FhuA proteins contained the region in the gating loops required in E. coli for ferrichrome and albomycin transport. The three subdomains required for phage binding were contained in the gating loop of S. paratyphi B which is infected by the E. coli phages, whereas two of the subdomains were deleted in S. typhimurium and P. agglomerans which are resistant to the E. coli phages. Small deletions in a surface loop adjacent to the gating loop, residues 236 to 243 and 236 to 248, inactivated E. coli FhuA with regard to transport of ferrichrome and albomycin, but sensitivity to T1 and T5 was fully retained and sensitivity to phi80 and colicin M was reduced 10-fold. Full-size FhuA hybrid proteins of S. paratyphi B and S. typhimurium displayed S. paratyphi B FhuA activity when the hybrids contained two-thirds of either the N- or the C-terminal portions of S. paratyphi B and displayed S. typhimurium FhuA activity to phage ES18 when the hybrid contained two-thirds of the N-terminal region of the S. typhimurium FhuA. The central segment of the S. paratyphi B FhuA flanked on both sides by S. typhimurium FhuA regions conferred full sensitivity only to phage T5. The data support the essential role of the gating loop for the transport of ferrichrome and albomycin, identified an additional loop for ferrichrome and albomycin uptake, and suggest that several segments and their proper conformation, determined by the entire FhuA protein, contribute to the multiple FhuA activities.  相似文献   

A cytotoxic protein was isolated from the sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS)-solubilized extract of the stable L forms of Salmonella typhimurium by ion-retardation chromatography, ion-exchange chromatography, isoelectric focusing and gel filtration. The purified toxin, with a molecular mass of 32 kDa and with isoelectric point of 6.4, was thermolabile and trypsin-sensitive. Against mouse macrophages, its cytolytic effect was detectable in vitro at concentrations higher than 0.7 micrograms/ml, with a complete lysis obtained at 5 micrograms/ml. In contrast, it stimulated C3H/HeJ macrophages in the dose range of 0.1-0.5 micrograms/ml to allow the cell to respond to endotoxin, resulting in the significant production of tumor necrosis factor alpha. By Northern blot analysis, this effect was detectable at a dose as low as 0.01 micrograms/ml. These findings suggest that the transformation of bacillary S. typhimurium into L forms in vivo may induce alterations in host resistance against murine typhoid.  相似文献   

This study examines occupational health and safety provision from farmers' perspectives, to address the question 'Are farmers' health and safety needs being met?' Given that farmers encounter a variety of health and safety risks in the course of their daily work, and that available statistics clearly indicate they are a high risk group, a review of the literature suggests that this area has attracted little research attention. No study has critically examined the system of occupational health and safety provision for farmers and no attempts have been made to elicit farmers' perspectives on the subject. A telephone survey using a questionnaire divided into four sections, involving a random sample of 150 farmers from the counties of Cumbria, Cheshire and Cambridgeshire in England, found that farmers considered the system of occupational health and safety provision to be inadequate and that their occupational health and safety needs were not being met. Recommendations for improvements are made based on the results of the survey.  相似文献   

We carried out PCR mutagenesis of the proU promoter of Salmonella typhimurium, in order to identify sequences important for its osmotic control. We obtained five mutations in the -35 element: two decreased the promoter strength, one increased it, and the others had no effect. However, none abolished osmotic control, suggesting that the sequence of the -35 element is not crucial for osmotic control.  相似文献   

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