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The main objective of this paper is to develop a recursive formulation for the flexible dynamic manufacturing analysis of
open-loop robotic systems. The nonlinear generalized Newton–Euler equations are used for flexible bodies that undergo large
translational and rotational displacements. These equations are formulated in terms of a set of time invariant scalars, vectors
and matrices that depend on the spatial coordinates as well as the assumed displacement fields. These time invariant quantities
represent the dynamic manufacturing couplings between the rigid body motion and elastic deformation. This formulation applies
recursive procedures with the generalized Newton–Euler equations for flexible bodies to obtain a large, loosely coupled system
equation describing motion in flexible manufacturing systems. The techniques used to solve the system equations can be implemented
in any computer system. The algorithms presented in this investigation are illustrated using cylindrical joints for open-loop
robotic systems, which can be easily extended to revolute, slider and rigid joints. The recursive Newton–Euler formulation
developed in this paper is demonstrated with a robotic system using cylindrical mechanical joints. 相似文献
N. Jawahar P. Aravindan Dr S. G. Ponnambalam L. N. Raghavendra 《The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology》1998,14(7):514-538
The economy of production in flexible manufacturing systems (FMS) depends mainly on how effectively the production is planned and how the resources are used. This requires efficient and dynamic factory scheduling and control procedures. This paper addresses two knowledge-based scheduling schemes (work cell attribute oriented dynamic schedulers WCAODSs) to control the flow of parts efficiently in real-time for FMS in which the part-mix varies continually with the planning horizon. The present work employs a hybrid optimisation approach in the generalised A1 framework. A genetic algorithm that provides an optimal combination of a set of priority dispatching rules, one for each work cell WC (WCwisepdr set), for each of the problem instances characterised by their WC attributes, is used for generating examples. The WC attributes reflect the information about the operating environment of each individual WC. Two inductive learning algorithms are employed to learn the examples, and scheduling rules are formulated as a knowledge base. The learning algorithms employed are: the Genetic CID3 (Continuous Interactive Dichotomister3 algorithm extended with genetic program for weight optimisation) and the Classification Decision Tree algorithm. The knowledge base obtained through the above learning schemes generates robust and effective schedules intelligently with respect to the part-mix changes in real-time, for makespan criteria. The comparison made with a GA-based scheduling methodology shows that WCAODSs provide solutions closer to the optimum. 相似文献
N. Jawahar P. Aravindan Dr S. G. Ponnambalam 《The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology》1998,14(8):588-607
General job shop scheduling and rescheduling with alternative route choices for an FMS environment is addressed in this paper. A genetic algorithm is proposed to derive an optimal combination of priority dispatching rules pdrs (independentpdrs one each for one Work Cell WC), to resolve the conflict among the contending jobs in the Giffler and Thompson GT procedure. The performance is compared with regard to makes-pan criteria and computational time. The optimal WCwise-pdr is proved to be efficient in providing optimal solutions in a reasonable computational time. Also, the proposed GA based heuristic method is extended to revise schedules on the arrival of new jobs, and on the failure of equipment to address the dynamic operation mode of flexible manufacturing systems. An iterative search technique is proposed to find the best route choice for all operations to provide a feasible and optimal solution. The applicability and usefulness of the proposed methodology for the operation and control of FMS in real-time are illustrated with examples. The scope of the genetic search process and future research directions are discussed. 相似文献
A. K. Jain R. G. Kasilingam S. D. Bhole 《The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology》1991,6(3):232-245
In this paper, we address the problem of planning the requirements of some of the important resources in flexible manufacturing
systems. Specifically, we model the problem of estimating the required numbers and types of machines and tools in the context
of a cellular layout. A two-stage procedure is developed which first forms the part families, using the complete-linkage clustering
method based on a new similarity index defined in terms of the tooling requirements, and then subsequently estimates the resource
requirements to manufacture the part families using an integer programming model. Several variations of the model are discussed
and a numerical example is given. 相似文献
Tarek Y. ElMekkawy Hoda A. ElMaraghy 《The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology》2003,22(3-4):259-270
The dynamic nature of manufacturing makes rescheduling essential in today's complex production environment, particularly in flexible and re-configurable systems. Research on optimising schedules, which includes deadlock avoidance, is rather limited. Furthermore, the deadlock problem is mostly ignored in research on rescheduling. A rescheduling algorithm, that uses time petri-nets and the minimal siphons concept, was developed to deal with sources of disturbance such as machine breakdowns in real-time. The algorithm guarantees a deadlock-free new schedule. The existence of alternative routes, availability of material handling facilities and the limitation of buffer capacities were taken into consideration. The developed algorithm modifies only the affected portion of the original schedule, rather than rescheduling all jobs, in order to limit changes to the original schedule and reduce the impact on the response time.The effect of flexible routing, machine breakdowns, machine downtime, routing criterion and the use of the dispatching rule on the performance of manufacturing systems was studied. The systems performance was measured by the average flow time, the makespan and the average machine utilisation. The results indicate that utilising the system routing flexibility in real-time rescheduling, while avoiding deadlocks, improves system performance. Moreover, routing the interrupted operation to an alternative machine, based on the minimum expected completion time rather than the least utilised machine criterion, resulted in better performance. 相似文献
In this paper we examine some of the general principles and analysis methods that are used to design an automated material handling system. The paper focuses on one type of automated handling system that seems especially suitable for automation in discrete-product manufacturing. These types of automated handling systems are called automated guided vehicle systems. These systems are most applicable for the automation of low-and medium-volume handling situations, where the routeing of materials is more individualised. For guided vehicles, a new quantitative method for analysing these systems is developed in the paper. Examples are presented to demonstrate the method. 相似文献
Yumin He Milton L. Smith 《International Journal of Flexible Manufacturing Systems》2007,19(4):392-409
In the increasingly competitive global markets, enterprises face challenges in responding to customer orders quickly, as well
as producing customized products cost-effectively. This paper proposes a dynamic heuristic-based algorithm for the part input
sequencing problem of flexible manufacturing systems (FMSs) in a mass customization (MC) environment. The FMS manufactures
a variety of parts, and customer orders arrive dynamically with order size as small as one. Segmental set functions are established
in the proposed algorithm to apply the strategy of dynamic workload balancing, and the shortest processing time (SPT) scheduling
rule. Theoretical analysis is performed and the effectiveness of the algorithm in dynamic workload balancing under the complex
and dynamic environment is proven. The application of the algorithm is illustrated by an example. The potential of its practical
applications to the FMSs in make-to-order (MTO) supply chains is also discussed. Further research is provided.
Milton L. SmithEmail: |
Dr. C. R. Nagarajah W. Thompson 《The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology》1994,9(5):333-342
There are two aspects to cell formation in flexible manufacturing systems, cell sizing or deciding on the optimum number of machines to be allocated to each cell, and then allocation of specific machines to each cell. Although the latter problem has been investigated extensively there is a paucity of published work on the former. This paper discusses the effects of cell sizing on operational flexibility.Operational flexibility is that aspect of flexibility that enables manufacturing systems to respond with speed and efficiency to changes in the manufacturing environment while maintaining an effective level of control. 相似文献
This paper describes a part spectrum based methodology which enables the determination of an optimum size for flexible manufacturing cells. The methodology incorporates a systems approach in that it enables the sizing of cells to achieve specified manufacturing objectives while maintaining a realistic level of flexibility and an acceptable level in terms of complexity of control.The proposed methodology for cell sizing is based on two component characteristics: processing time and number of operations. Furthermore, it is generalised in its implementation in that the effects of case specific factors such as processing sequence of components and location of machines in relation to each other are negated.The validation of the proposed methodology for cell sizing using data obtained from manufacturing companies implementing flexible manufacturing systems is also described. 相似文献
N. Jawahar P. Aravindan Dr S. G. Ponnambalam R. K. Suresh 《The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology》1998,14(6):428-440
Flexible manufacturing systems (FMS) comprise, automated machine tools, automated material handling, and automated storage and automated retrieval systems (AS/RS) as essential components. Effective sequencing and scheduling of the material handling systems (MHS) can have a major impact on the productivity of the manufacturing system. The material handling cannot be neglected while scheduling the production tasks. It is necessary to take into account the interaction between machines, material handling systems and computer. In this context, this paper attempts to link the operation of automated guided vehicles (AGV) with the production schedule and suggests a heuristic algorithm that employs vehicle dispatching rules (vdr) for conflict resolution. The vdrs considered in this paper are: shortest operation time (SPT), longest operation time (LPT), longest travel time (LTT) and shortest travel time (STT). The performance of the vdrs in the proposed heuristic is compared with makespan criteria. The results show that the STT provides the best solutions compared to other vdrs. 相似文献
Chung-Hsien Kuo Professor Han-Pang Huang Min-Chin Yeh 《The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology》1998,14(10):737-749
Manufacturing industry is facing a stricter challenge than ever before owing to the rapid change in market requirements. Flexible manufacturing systems (FMSs) have a much greater capability than traditional fixed-type production systems for coping with the rapid change. In this paper, a modified coloured-timed Petri net (MCTPN) is developed to model the dynamic activities in an FMS. The MCTPN provides an object-oriented and modular method of modelling manufacturing activities. It includes colour, time, modular and communication attributes. The features of object-oriented modelling allow the FMS to be modelled with the properties of classes, objects, and container trees. Since the system activities can be encapsulated and modularised by the proposed MCTPN, the manufacturing systems can be easily constructed and investigated by the system developers. It makes the concept of software IC possible for modelling complex FMSs. Once all of the MCTPN objects are well defined, the developers need to consider only the interfaces and operations relating to the MCTPN objects. In order to demonstrate the capability of the proposed MCTPN, the FMS in the Manufacturing Automation Technology Research Center (MATRC) of the National Taiwan University will be stimulated and justified by using the proposed MCTPN along with the G2 expert system. 相似文献
Udayan Nandkeolyar David P. Christy 《International Journal of Flexible Manufacturing Systems》1992,4(3-4):267-292
Evaluating the design of flexible manufacturing systems is complex. Developing a measure of performance useful for evaluating alternate designs continues to be interesting. Here, total productivity of the system is proposed as an appropriate measure. Specification of parameters based upon strategic considerations for this measure are discussed. Finally, the usefulness of the measure is demonstrated through an example. 相似文献
Manbir S. Sodhi Alessandro Agnetis Ronald G. Askin 《International Journal of Flexible Manufacturing Systems》1994,6(4):287-310
The allocation of tools to machines determines potential part routes in flexible manufacturing systems. Given production requirements and a minimum feasible set of tools, the decision of how to fill vacant slots in tool magazines to maximize routing flexibility is shown to be a minimum cost network flow problem for the cases when routing flexibility is a function of the average workload per tool aggregated over tool types, or of the number of possible routes through the system. A linear programming model is then used to plan a set of routes for each part type so as to minimize either the material handling requirement or the maximum workload on any machine. The impact of these tool addition strategies on the material handling and workload equalization is investigated and computational results presented. The advantage of the overall approach is computational simplicity at each step and the ability to react to dynamic changes.This article is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grants No. DMC 85–44993 and DDM 92–15432.This work was done by the author while visiting the SIE Department of the University of Arizona. 相似文献
Heungsoon Felix Lee Mandyam M. Srinivasan Candace Arai Yano 《International Journal of Flexible Manufacturing Systems》2006,18(4):239-268
We consider the problem of simultaneously determining the number of machines (and/or workers), the assignment of tasks (and
related tools and components) to these machines, and the number of jobs circulating in a flexible assembly system (FAS), to
satisfy steady-state throughput requirements for a family of similar products at minimum cost. We focus on situations where
there are precedence relations among the various tasks, as is common in assembly systems. We present a framework for solving
this problem based on a heuristic decomposition approach which involves the solution of only a few types of sub-problems.
We demonstrate the efficiency and effectiveness of the overall procedure using a number of example problems. 相似文献
Production lead-time performance in flexible manufacturing systems is influenced by several factors which include: machine groupings, demand rates, machine processing rates, product batching, material handling system capacity, and so on. Hence, control of lead-time performance can be affected through the manipulation of one or more of these variables. In this article, we investigate the potential of batch sizing as a control variable for lead-time performance through the use of a queueing network model. We establish a functional relationship between the two variables, and incorporate the relationship in an optimization model to determine the optimal batch size(s) which minimizes the sum of annual work-in-process inventory and final inventory costs. The nonlinear batch sizing problem which results is solved by discrete optimization via marginal analysis. Results show that batch sizing can be a cheap and effective variable for controlling flexible manufacturing system throughput. 相似文献
Mohan V. Tatikonda Mary K. Stietz 《The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology》1994,9(4):245-252
This paper contributes a novel methodology for operations analysis of computer integrated manufacturing systems. The methodology employs an integrated set of personal computer-based manufacturing systems modelling software, and is conducted in three stages. The methodology is illustrated in detail for analysis of materials flow and staffing for a flexible manufacturing system (FMS) installed at a medical instruments manufacturing plant. First, a rough-cut capacity and materials flow analysis was performed using a queueing model. Second, a detailed analysis of FMS system characteristics was conducted by creating and analysing a discrete-event simulation model. Finally, a graphical animation package was used to verify previous results and provide visual feedback on FMS system performance. Analysis results were obtained rapidly and conveniently, and were used to advise manufacturing managers regarding FMS operating policy. This analysis methodology can be applied to a wide range of computer integrated manufacturing systems and manufacturing cells. 相似文献
George Chryssolouris James E. Pierce Kristian Dicke 《International Journal of Flexible Manufacturing Systems》1992,4(3-4):309-330
This paper introduces a generic decision-making framework for assigning resources of a manufacturing system to production tasks. Resources are broadly defined production units, such as machines, human operators, or material handling vehicles; and tasks are activities performed by resources. In the specific context of FMS, resources correspond to individual machines; tasks correspond to operations to be performed on parts. The framework assumes a hierarchical structure of the system and calls for the execution of four consecutive steps to make a decision for the assignment of a resource to a task. These steps are 1) establishment of decision-making criteria, 2) formation of alternative assignments, 3) estimation of the consequences of the assignments, and 4) selection of the best alternative assignment. This framework has been applied to an existing FMS as an operational policy that decides what task will be executed on which resource of this FMS. Simulation runs provide some initial results of the application of this policy. It is shown that the policy provides flexibility in terms of system performance and computational effort. 相似文献
Murat Uzam 《The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology》2004,23(3-4):204-219
In a flexible manufacturing system (FMS) with multiple products, deadlocks can arise due to limited shared resources, such as machines, robots, buffers, fixtures etc. The development of efficient deadlock prevention policies, which can optimise the use of system resources, while preventing deadlocks from occurring, has long been an important issue to be addressed. In [1], an optimal deadlock prevention policy was proposed, based on the use of reachability graph (RG) analysis of the Petri net model (PNM) of a given FMS and the synthesis of a set of new net elements, namely places with initial marking and related arcs, to be added to the PNM, using the theory of regions. The policy proposed in [1] is optimal in the sense that it allows the maximal use of resources in the system according to the production requirements. For very big PNMs, the reachability graph of the PNMs becomes very large and the necessary computations to obtain an optimal deadlock prevention policy become more difficult. In this paper, we propose the use of the Petri net reduction approach to simplify very big PNMs so as to make necessary calculations easily in order to obtain an optimal deadlock prevention policy for FMSs. An example is provided for illustration. 相似文献
F. T. S. Chan 《The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology》2004,24(5-6):447-459
Operation flexibility is one of the eight common types of flexibility that exist in flexible manufacturing systems. Dispatching rules are commonly used in loading the machines. This paper studies the effects of different levels of operation flexibility and various dispatching rules on the performance of a flexible manufacturing system. The system performance considered is mean flow time. Simulation results indicate that the mean flow time cannot be always improved by increasing the level of operation flexibility. Altering the dispatching rules seems to have a more significant effect on the mean flow time performance than changing the level of operation flexibility. 相似文献