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This paper introduces the novel flexible natural coordinates formulation to model small‐deformation multibody dynamics. The main contribution of this work is its resulting constant mass matrix and quadratic constraint equations devoid of any other nonlinearities. These properties are similar to those of a natural coordinates formulation for rigid multibody systems with the addition of constant damping and stiffness matrices to model the flexibility under the assumption of small deformations. As such, it is a straightforward extension to natural coordinates while maintaining its beneficial properties. The main concept of the current approach is to introduce ample redundancy in the set of generalized coordinates to simplify the kinematics ensuring the aforementioned properties and the similarity to a natural coordinates approach. This is not achievable by standard techniques that introduce redundancy. Not only does this offer a very simple equation structure but also interesting properties toward the development of system‐level model order reduction techniques for flexible multibody systems as well as a straightforward parameter gradient extraction. The formulation accuracy is validated with a floating frame of reference implementation.  相似文献   

When the driving joint forces, determined using the inverse dynamics procedure, are applied in the feedforward control of mechanical systems, discrepancies between the specified and the actual motion are observed. In some recent publications, these discrepancies were attributed to the wave phenomenon. It is shown in this investigation that the solution of the inverse dynamics of flexible mechanical systems defines two types of driving forces which can be classified as driving joint forces and driving elastic forces. The driving joint forces which depend on the deformation of the flexible bodies define the torque and the actuator forces which must be applied at the joints. The driving elastic forces are associated with the deformation degrees of freedom, and therefore, there is no gaurantee that an algorithm that ignores these driving elastic forces will converge and achieve the desired solution. It is the objective of this investigation to examine the nature of the driving elastic forces in the solution of the inverse dynamics problem, and demonstrate that the driving elastic forces associated with two different sets of vibration modes which produce the same physical displacements are basically the same and they differ only by a co-ordinate transformation. The effect of the selection of the deformable body co-ordinate system on these forces is also examined numerically using a slider crank mechanism with a flexible connecting rod.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new model order reduction strategy for flexible multibody simulation, namely the Subsystem Global Modal Parameterization. The proposed method is based on a system‐level reduction technique, named Global Modal Parameterization, but offers significant improvements for systems with many independent DOFs. The approach splits up the motion of a mechanism or part of a mechanism into a relative motion, in which the members move relatively with respect to each other, and a global motion of the system, in which the relative position of the members does not change. The relative motion is described by a local Global Modal Parameterization model expressed in a mechanism‐attached frame, and the global motion is described by the motion of the mechanism‐attached frame. In order to improve simulation efficiency, mass invariants are used, which are also introduced in this paper. Two numerical examples are presented, which show the good accuracy and the major simulation efficiency improvements this new approach offers. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This research develops a relative co‐ordinate formulation for the multibody flexible dynamics. The velocity transformation method is notationally compact, because the Cartesian generalized velocities are simultaneously transformed to the relative generalized velocities in a matrix form. However, inherent computational efficiency in the recursive kinematics between two adjacent bodies has not been exploited. This research presents a recursive formulation which is both notationally compact and computationally efficient. The velocity transformation method is used to derive the equations of motion and their derivatives. Matrix operations associated with the velocity transformation matrix in the resulting equations of motion and their derivatives are classified into several categories. A joint library of the generalized recursive formulas is developed for each category. When one category is encountered in implementing the equations of motion and their derivatives, the corresponding recursive formulas in the category are invoked. When a new force or joint module is added to a general purpose programme in the relative co‐ordinate formulation, the modules for the rigid body are not reusable for the flexible body. Since the flexible body dynamics handles additional generalized co‐ordinates associated with deformation, implementation of the flexible dynamics is generally complicated and prone to coding mistakes. A virtual rigid body is introduced at every joint and force reference frames. A virtual flexible body joint is introduced between two body reference frames of the virtual and original bodies. This makes a flexible body subjected to only the kinematic admissibility condition for the virtual flexible body joint. As a result, the only extra work to handle the flexible bodies is to add the virtual flexible body joint modules in all recursive formulas. Since computation time in a relative co‐ordinate formulation is approximately proportional to the number of relative co‐ordinates, computational overhead due to the additional virtual bodies and joints are minor. Meanwhile, implementation convenience is dramatically improved. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A new finite element beam formulation for modelling flexible multibody systems undergoing large rigid-body motion and large deflections is developed. In this formulation, the motion of the ‘nodes’ is referred to a global inertial reference frame. Only Cartesian position co-ordinates are used as degrees of freedom. The beam element is divided into two subelements. The first element is a truss element which gives the axial response. The second element is a torsional spring-like bending element which gives the transverse bending response. D'Alembert principle is directly used to derive the system's equations of motion by invoking the equilibrium, at the nodes, of inertia forces, structural (internal) forces and externally applied forces. Structural forces on a node are calculated from the state of deformation of the elements surrounding that node. Each element has a convected frame which translates and rotates with it. This frame is used to determine the flexible deformations of the element and to extract those deformations from the total element motion. The equations of motion are solved along with constraint equations using a direct iterative integration scheme. Two numerical examples which were presented in earlier literature are solved to demonstrate the features and accuracy of the new method.  相似文献   

Different finite‐element‐based strategies used to represent the components' flexibility in multibody systems lead to various sets of co‐ordinates. For systems in which the bodies only experience small elastic deformations it is common to use mode component synthesis to reduce the number of generalized elastic co‐ordinates and, consequently, the equations of motion are written in terms of modal co‐ordinates. However, when the system components experience non‐linear deformations the use of reduction methods is not possible, in general, and the finite element nodal co‐ordinates are the generalized co‐ordinates used. Furthermore, depending on the type of finite elements used to represent each flexible body, the nodal co‐ordinates may include all node rotations and translations or only some of each. Regardless of the type of generalized co‐ordinates adopted it is required that kinematic joints are defined. The complete set of joints available in a general‐purpose multibody code must include, for each particular type of joint, restrictions involving only rigid bodies, or only flexible bodies, or flexible and rigid bodies. Therefore, the effort put into the development and implementation of any joint is at least three times as much as the initial work done in the implementation of joints with rigid bodies only. The concept of virtual bodies provides a general framework to develop general kinematic joints for flexible multibody systems with minimal effort, regardless of the flexible co‐ordinates used. Initially, only a rigid constraint between the flexible and a massless rigid body is developed. Then, any kinematic joint that involves a flexible body is set with the massless rigid body instead, using the regular joint library of the multibody code. The major drawback is that for each kinematic joint involving a flexible body it is required to use six more co‐ordinates per virtual body and six more kinematic constraints. It is shown in this work that for small elastic deformations, for which the mode component synthesis is applied, the use of sparse matrix solvers can compensate for the computational overhead of involving more co‐ordinates and kinematic constraints in the system, due to the use of virtual bodies. For non‐linear deformations, where the generalized co‐ordinates are the global positions of the finite‐element nodes, the use of the virtual body concept does not require an increase in the number of system co‐ordinates or kinematic constraints. By introducing the rigid joint between the flexible body nodal co‐ordinates and the virtual body, with the use of Lagrange multipliers, and then solving the equations explicitly for these multipliers the resulting equations of motion for the subsystem have the same degrees of freedom as the original flexible body alone. The difference is that degrees of freedom associated to the virtual body are used as co‐ordinates of the subsystem instead of the nodal co‐ordinates of the nodes of the flexible body attached to the virtual body. Copyright ©2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This work develops variational principles for the coupled problem of standard and extended Cahn–Hilliard‐type species diffusion in solids undergoing finite elastic deformations. It shows that the coupled problem of diffusion in deforming solids, accounting for phenomena like swelling, diffusion‐induced stress generation and possible phase segregation caused by the diffusing species, is related to an intrinsic mixed variational principle. It determines the rates of deformation and concentration along with the chemical potential, where the latter plays the role of a mixed variable. The principle characterizes a canonically compact model structure, where the three governing equations involved, that is, the mechanical equilibrium condition, the mass balance for the species content and a microforce balance that determines the chemical potential, appear as the Euler equation of a variational statement. The existence of the variational principle underlines an inherent symmetry of the coupled deformation–diffusion problem. This can be exploited in the numerical implementation by the construction of time‐discrete and space‐discrete incremental potentials, which fully determine the update problems of typical time stepping procedures. The mixed variational principles provide the most fundamental approach to the monolithic finite element solution of the coupled deformation–diffusion problem based on low‐order basis functions. They induce in a natural format the choice of symmetric solvers for Newton‐type iterative updates, providing a speedup and reduction of data storage when compared with non‐symmetric implementations. This is a strong argument for the use of the developed variational principles in the computational design of deformation–diffusion problems. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An efficient method of model order reduction is proposed for the dynamic computation of a flexible multibody system undergoing both large overall motions and large deformations. The system is initially modeled by using the nonlinear finite elements of absolute nodal coordinate formulation and then locally linearized at a series of quasi-static equilibrium configurations according to the given accuracy in dynamic computation. By using the Craig-Bampton method, the reduced model is established by projecting the incremental displacements of the locally linearized system onto a set of local modal bases at the quasi-static equilibrium configuration accordingly. Afterwards, the initial conditions for the dynamic computation for the reduced model via the generalized-α integrator can be determined from the modal bases. The analysis of computation complexity is also performed. Hence, the proposed method gives time-varying and dimension-varying modal bases to elaborate the efficient model reduction. Finally, three examples are presented to validate the accuracy and efficiency of the proposed method.  相似文献   

This work outlines a theoretical and computational framework of gradient plasticity based on a rigorous exploitation of mixed variational principles. In contrast to classical local approaches to plasticity based on locally evolving internal variables, order parameter fields are taken into account governed by additional balance‐type PDEs including micro‐structural boundary conditions. This incorporates non‐local plastic effects based on length scales, which reflect properties of the material micro‐structure. We develop a unified variational framework based on mixed saddle point principles for the evolution problem of gradient plasticity, which is outlined for the simple model problem of von Mises plasticity with gradient‐extended hardening/softening response. The mixed variational structure includes the hardening/softening variable itself as well as its dual driving force. The numerical implementation exploits the underlying variational structure, yielding a canonical symmetric structure of the monolithic problem. It results in a novel finite element (FE) design of the coupled problem incorporating a long‐range hardening/softening parameter and its dual driving force. This allows a straightforward local definition of plastic loading‐unloading driven by the long‐range fields, providing very robust FE implementations of gradient plasticity. This includes a rational method for the definition of elastic‐plastic‐boundaries in gradient plasticity along with a post‐processor that defines the plastic variables in the elastic range. We discuss alternative mixed FE designs of the coupled problem, including a local‐global solution strategy of short‐range and long‐range fields. This includes several new aspects, such as extended Q1P0‐type and Mini‐type finite elements for gradient plasticity. All methods are derived in a rigorous format from variational principles. Numerical benchmarks address advantages and disadvantages of alternative FE designs, and provide a guide for the evaluation of simple and robust schemes for variational gradient plasticity. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The equivalent static load (ESL) method is a powerful approach to solve dynamic response structural optimization problems. The method transforms the dynamic response optimization into a static response optimization under multiple load cases. The ESL cases are defined based on the transient analysis response whereupon all the standard techniques of static response optimization can be used. In the last decade, the ESL method has been applied to perform the structural optimization of flexible components of mechanical systems modeled as multibody systems (MBS). The ESL evaluation strongly depends on the adopted formulation to describe the MBS and has been initially derived based on a floating frame of reference formulation. In this paper, we propose a method to derive the ESL adapted to a nonlinear finite element approach based on a Lie group formalism for two main reasons. Firstly, the finite element approach is completely general to analyze complex MBS and is suitable to perform more advanced optimization problems like topology optimization. Secondly, the selected Lie group formalism leads to a formulation of the equations of motion in the local frame, which turns out to be a strong practical advantage for the ESL evaluation. Examples are provided to validate the proposed method. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This work describes concepts for a posteriori error estimation and adaptive mesh design for finite element models where the solution is subjected to inequality constraints. These methods are developed here for several model problems. Based on these examples, unified frameworks are proposed, which provide a systematic way of adaptive error control for problems stated in form of variational inequalities. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study proposes a new uncertain analysis method for multibody dynamics of mechanical systems based on Chebyshev inclusion functions The interval model accounts for the uncertainties in multibody mechanical systems comprising uncertain‐but‐bounded parameters, which only requires lower and upper bounds of uncertain parameters, without having to know probability distributions. A Chebyshev inclusion function based on the truncated Chebyshev series, rather than the Taylor inclusion function, is proposed to achieve sharper and tighter bounds for meaningful solutions of interval functions, to effectively handle the overestimation caused by the wrapping effect, intrinsic to interval computations. The Mehler integral is used to evaluate the coefficients of Chebyshev polynomials in the numerical implementation. The multibody dynamics of mechanical systems are governed by index‐3 differential algebraic equations (DAEs), including a combination of differential equations and algebraic equations, responsible for the dynamics of the system subject to certain constraints. The proposed interval method with Chebyshev inclusion functions is applied to solve the DAEs in association with appropriate numerical solvers. This study employs HHT‐I3 as the numerical solver to transform the DAEs into a series of nonlinear algebraic equations at each integration time step, which are solved further by using the Newton–Raphson iterative method at the current time step. Two typical multibody dynamic systems with interval parameters, the slider crank and double pendulum mechanisms, are employed to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed methodology. The results show that the proposed methodology can supply sufficient numerical accuracy with a reasonable computational cost and is able to effectively handle the wrapping effect, as cosine functions are incorporated to sharpen the range of non‐monotonic interval functions. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The structural step problem for elastic-plastic internal-variable materials is addressed in the presence of frictionless unilateral contact conditions. Basing on the BIEM (boundary integral equation method) and making use of deformation-theory plasticity (through the backward-difference method of computational plasticity), two variational principles are shown to characterize the solution to the step problem: one is a stationarity principle having as unknowns all the problem variables, the other is a saddle-point principle having as unknowns the increments of the boundary tractions and displacements, along with the plastic strain increments in the domain. The discretization by boundary and interior elements transforms the above principles into well-posed mathematical programming formulations belonging to the symmetric Galerkin BEM formulations (with features such as a symmetric sign-definite coefficient matrix, double integrations, and hypersingular integrals).  相似文献   

Variational principles for geometrically non-linear continuum with independent rotation field are constructed based on the polar factorization theorem. Their regularized forms are next discussed suitable for the finite element implementation. The considerations are specialized to a two-dimensional membrane problem, and standard isoparametric interpolations are used in order to construct membrane elements with drilling rotations. The elements are evaluated on a set of problems in geometrically non-linear elastostatics.  相似文献   

针对某型号瓦楞机的瓦楞成型系统,基于自主研发的多体动力学求解程序,建立其刚柔耦合动力学模型。其中张力辊、瓦楞辊等主要支撑辊简化为刚体模型;传送带由36自由度绝对节点坐标四边形壳单元划分网格,并考虑其树脂材料的正交各向异性特征;此外,传送带与支撑辊之间的接触采用赫兹碰撞模型和点-面检测方法描述。利用该模型,计算了传送带的偏心位移,传送带表层应力场等动响应。仿真表明:基于绝对节点坐标法建立的瓦楞成型系统的多体动力学模型,可为瓦楞机传送带的动力学行为和控制研究提供一种新的分析方法。  相似文献   

In flexible multibody dynamics, advanced modelling methods lead to high‐order non‐linear differential‐algebraic equations (DAEs). The development of model reduction techniques is motivated by control design problems, for which compact ordinary differential equations (ODEs) in closed‐form are desirable. In a linear framework, reduction techniques classically rely on a projection of the dynamics onto a linear subspace. In flexible multibody dynamics, we propose to project the dynamics onto a submanifold of the configuration space, which allows to eliminate the non‐linear holonomic constraints and to preserve the Lagrangian structure. The construction of this submanifold follows from the definition of a global modal parameterization (GMP): the motion of the assembled mechanism is described in terms of rigid and flexible modes, which are configuration‐dependent. The numerical reduction procedure is presented, and an approximation strategy is also implemented in order to build a closed‐form expression of the reduced model in the configuration space. Numerical and experimental results illustrate the relevance of this approach. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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