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Undergraduate women with a helpless or nonhelpless attributional style as measured by the Attributional Style Questionnaire were subjected to social failure or success (interaction with unresponsive or responsive confederates). Subsequently, each interacted with a second naive subject. As predicted, individuals with a helpless attributional style became depressed and hostile (as measured by the Multiple Affect Adjective Check List) after interacting with an unresponsive confederate. Furthermore, in comparison with nonhelpless subjects, helpless subjects who interacted with the unresponsive confederate evidenced more tension in their voices during both interactions and less pleasantness in their nonverbal behavior during the second interaction. Overall, the second group of subjects did not respond differently to the first group of subjects as an interactive function of attributions and experimental condition of the initial subjects. However, helpless subjects in the second group spoke less, were less nonverbally pleasant, and became more hostile than did nonhelpless subjects after interacting with individuals who had previously interacted with an unresponsive confederate. A consistent but unexpected pattern was found for nonhelpless subjects: They responded more adaptively to stressful than to nonstressful interactions. Results are interpreted as providing support for a vulnerability model of depression. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study compared the efficacy of 2 approaches for the treatment of cocaine dependence among methadone-maintained patients with and without antisocial personality disorder (ASPD). Patients were randomly assigned to 4 study conditions: cognitive-behavioral treatment (CBT), contingency management (CM), CBT with CM, or methadone maintenance. The Structural Clinical Interview for Mental Disorders-IV was administered to 108 patients to assess ASPD. A 2-way analysis of variance showed that patients with ASPD were more likely to abstain from cocaine use during treatment than patients without ASPD. The strong treatment effect for ASPD patients was primarily due to the CM condition. Regression analyses showed that ASPD remained significantly related to CM treatment responsivity while controlling for other factors. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Attempted to determine whether psychophysiological differences exist between prematurely born and full-term infants in their responsivity to tactile stimulation and in their ability to discriminate among different intensities of such stimulation. The performance of 20 full-term neonates in active sleep was compared with that of 20 premature infants of comparable conceptional age (average, 38.5 wks). Whereas the full-term Ss showed both behavioral responsiveness and heart rate acceleration to the stronger levels of stimulation, the premature Ss showed weaker behavioral responses and no significant cardiac response. Even on those trials where the premature infants did show strong behavioral response, their cardiac response was smaller than that of the full-term infants. A significant sex difference for premature Ss indicated that the lower behavioral responsiveness was due mainly to males. Issues raised were whether the lack of cardiac responsivity in the premature infant is secondary to his/her heightened level of autonomic arousal whether it reflects a lack of integration between motor and autonomic systems. (38 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Examined patients (20–66 yrs old) with a history of recurrent affective disorder on a variety of smooth-pursuit and saccadic eye-tracking tasks and on psychomotor analogs of these tasks. The 25 unipolar and 24 bipolar Ss were compared to 24 schizophrenics; all Ss were in remission. Results indicate that the performance of the 2 affective-disorder groups was not significantly different from that of the controls on any of these tasks. Smooth-pursuit tracking error was greater for Ss receiving Li and for those with a higher frequency of prior episodes of the disorder. When the pursuit eye movements of these Ss were compared to those of the schizophrenics, the latter produced more tracking error than both affective-disorder groups but significantly so only with respect to unipolar Ss. Although findings are consistent with the interpretation that tracking dysfunction is not a trait characteristic of affective disorders, further investigations contrasting remitted patients with bipolar and schizophrenic disorders are needed to determine the specificity of deviant tracking to schizophrenia. (38 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Compared physiological arousal in 45 fraternity members selected for high, average, and low scores of Duncan's Personality Integration Reputation Test. Heart rate, skin temperature, and GSR were measured under various conditions of stress. Results indicate that (a) the low group showed greater reaction as measured by skin temperature change, (b) the average group more quickly reached peak RT in the mental arithmetic task, (c) the mental arithmetic task elicited shorter RTs than other stimuli, (d) skin temperature was the slowest and most reliable modality to response, and (e) greater heart rate changes occurred when discussing social data and working mental arithmetic problems than when discussing the future. It is concluded that multiple criteria for identification of optimal adjustment may be more valid than the use of a single measure. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The additional use of the palmaris longus tendon is presented with the composite radial forearm-palmaris longus free flap, as useful for improving the final cosmetic appearance. This flap has the additional advantage of avoiding gravitational descent, which is a common problem encountered with many free flaps in head and reconstructions. A clinical case is also presented as an example of this approach.  相似文献   

Examined consistency and stability of feelings in reports that were completed on 3,512 occasions randomly sampled from the lives of 42 undergraduates. Over a 6-wk period, Ss completed a mood inventory at times indicated by an alarm watch. The stability and consistency of responses depended on the situations, individuals, and responses involved. High degrees of consistency were unusual for single responses, although mean levels of responding tended to be both highly stable and consistent. The consistency and stability of variables covaried, suggesting a connection between the two. Ss who were more consistent across one pair of situations tended to be more consistent across other situational pairs. Results indicate that the question of whether personality consistency exists does not have a simple answer and requires knowledge of the persons, situations, responses, and level of analysis involved. (41 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The authors examined the relationship between ethnicity and treatment utilization by individuals with personality disorders (PDs). Lifetime and prospectively determined rates and amounts of mental health treatments received were compared in over 500 White, African American, and Hispanic participants with PDs in a naturalistic longitudinal study. Minority, especially Hispanic, participants were significantly less likely than White participants to receive a range of outpatient and inpatient psychosocial treatments and psychotropic medications. This pattern was especially pronounced for minority participants with more severe PDs. A positive support alliance factor significantly predicted the amount of individual psychotherapy used by African American and Hispanic but not White participants, underscoring the importance of special attention to the treatment relationship with minority patients. These treatment use differences raise complex questions about treatment assessment and delivery, cultural biases of the current diagnostic system, and possible variation in PD manifestation across racial/ethnic groups. Future studies need to assess specific barriers to adequate and appropriate treatments for minority individuals with PDs. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A study was conducted using 165 firemen in large and small firehouses to test the hypothesis that 1st borns learn to interact more successfully because of their stronger dependency and affiliation needs. It was also predicted that this greater interactional skill would become more apparent the more complex the social situation. As predicted, 1st borns had less selfconfidence. They also conformed more, were more efficient problem solvers in a group situation, and were more often the official leader of their work group. However, these group behaviors were only related to birth order in the larger and more complex groups. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Lithium carbonate has been administered to 69 patients (45 women and 24 men) for 1-17 years as affective disorders prevention. Its effect on the recurrence and clinical course of labial herpes infection has been analysed both prior to and after the administration of lithium carbonate. Labial herpes has been diagnosed in 28 patients before lithium prophylaxis. The drug significantly decreased virus infection recurrence incidence in this group. No labial herpes recurrence has been noted in 13 patients after the treatment. Lithium efficiency has not been dependent on patients' age, duration of therapy, and lithium levels in both blood serum and erythrocytes. These results suggest, that lithium salts may be effective in certain herpes simplex infections at doses used for prevention affective disorders.  相似文献   

M. Linehan developed "dialectical behavioral therapy" specifically to treat chronically suicidal borderline patients. It rests on a biosocial model that assumes a disorder in the regulation of emotions and in tolerance of stress. The numerous dysfunctional patterns of behavior such as self-destructive behavior, inability to govern impulses or severe dissociative phenomena are regarded as attempts at problem-solving. This concept of therapy focuses on the continuing balance between the necessity of accepting maladaptive behavior patterns in both an intrapsychic and an interactional context while still working to change them. A comprehensive manual outlines the clearly structured therapy and integrates a wide choice of therapeutic strategies. Parallel to development of the therapy itself, a method also was developed for testing therapist adherence to the manual's guidelines, thus providing a basis for empirical evaluation. An initial controlled, randomized study demonstrated the significant superiority of this method to methods of unspecific psychotherapy at various levels. In the current endeavor to develop disorder-specific approaches to the treatment of personality disorders, "dialectical behavioral therapy" is a noteworthy model.  相似文献   

This study examines whether in group situations, patients with borderline personality disorder (BPD) received less empathic verbal responses from nurses than non-BPD patients. Nurses' feelings toward specific diagnoses were also examined. Twenty patient groups were observed involving 17 nurse leaders and 164 patients. Responses by the nurse leaders were rated using Heineken's Confirmation/Disconfirmation Rating Instrument. The staff response portion of Colson's Hospital Treatment Rating Scale was used to determine nurses's feelings toward specific diagnoses. The study provides some initial evidence that in actual practice situations nurses respond to BPD patients in a less empathic manner than to patients with other diagnoses.  相似文献   

Forty-eight male rats were administered continuous cocaine, daily cocaine injections (intermittent), continuous amphetamine, or no drug for 5 days. Beginning 45 days after the administration all groups were tested for their responsivity, as measured by automated activity cages, to a low dose of the cholinergic agonist scopolamine. The continuous cocaine group showed decreased sensitivity to this challenge as compared to the other groups. When tested with a low dose of diazepam, the continuous cocaine group showed the greatest response. However, when observed following an injection of cocaine HCl, the intermittent cocaine group showed the greatest behavioral response. These findings support those of previous studies that indicated that the mode of initial cocaine administration is a key factor in the production of persisting changes in behavior and biochemistry.  相似文献   

J. A. Gray (1981, 1982) holds that 2 general motivational systems underlie behavior and affect: a behavioral inhibition system (BIS) and a behavioral activation system (BAS). Self-report scales to assess dispositional BIS and BAS sensitivities were created. Scale development (Study 1) and convergent and discriminant validity in the form of correlations with alternative measures are reported (Study 2). In Study 3, a situation in which Ss anticipated a punishment was created. Controlling for initial nervousness, Ss high in BIS sensitivity (assessed earlier) were more nervous than those low in BIS sensitivity. In Study 4, a situation in which Ss anticipated a reward was created. Controlling for initial happiness, Ss high in BAS sensitivity (Reward Responsiveness and Drive scales) were happier than those low in BAS sensitivity. In each case the new scales predicted better than an alternative measure. Discussion is focused on conceptual implications. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The authors examined whether exposing naive rats (observers) to recently fed conspecific demonstrator rats changed the observers' later affective responses to foods their demonstrators ate. In Experiment 1, observers learned an aversion to a flavored fluid, then interacted with demonstrators that had drunk that fluid. These observers, but not those interacting with demonstrators that had drunk water, increased their intake of the averted fluid and exhibited fewer negative responses when the averted fluid was infused into their mouths. Rats in Experiment 2 entered the arm of a T maze known to lead to banana-flavored pellets more frequently after interacting with demonstrators fed banana-flavored pellets than after interacting with demonstrators fed chow-flavored pellets. Results of both experiments indicated that interaction with demonstrator rats changed observer rats' affective responses to flavors. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: It is unclear whether there is a relationship between lithium administration and vitamin B12 metabolism. METHODS: We compared serum B12, serum folate, and red blood cell folate concentrations in patients receiving and not receiving lithium at two Mood Disorders Clinics. As the two centers differed in vitamin assay methods, data were first analyzed separately and then combined. To rule out an in vitro effect of lithium on the assays, we also added varying amounts of lithium to lithium-free blood samples and measured vitamin concentrations. RESULTS: Mean serum B12 concentrations were approximately 20% lower in the lithium than in the nonlithium group at each center. This difference was statistically significant for each center and on combination (two-tailed p = .017, .021, and .0009). The parametric effect size for each center and the combined weighted mean effect size were moderate in magnitude (.605, .523, and .565). There was a nonsignificant trend toward an increased prevalence of assay-defined B12 deficiency in the lithium group at one center only, with no cases in either group at the other center and a nonsignificant combined relative risk. CONCLUSIONS: Our data may represent a lithium-associated decrease in serum B12 concentration. The clinical significance of these findings is not yet clear.  相似文献   

In a conceptual replication of A. Biglan et al (see record 1989-39898-001), 288 Ss rated their emotional and behavioral responses to aggressive, distressed, and neutral behaviors. The stimulus behaviors occurred in the context of casual relationships and were portrayed by male and female actors. Consistent with Biglan et al, it was found that aggressive behaviors evoked angry emotions and negative behavioral responses; distressed behaviors evoked both angry and concerned emotions and supportive behavioral responses. However, in contrast to the original results, evidence was also found of negative (primarily avoidant) behavioral responses to distressed behavior. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Social control has the potential to encourage engagement in a healthy lifestyle, but its effectiveness may depend on the nature of the influence attempt. Participants (N = 282) described a situation in which someone attempted to influence their health-related behavior. Experiencing positive social control was associated with a greater tendency to change the behavior and less ignoring/doing nothing, whereas negative social control was associated with a lesser tendency to change the behavior and more hiding of unhealthy behavior. These associations could be accounted for by affective responses to the social control attempts. Results emphasize the need to better understand the regulatory influence of relationships on health behavior and the conditions under which social control is most likely to have health-promoting effects. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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