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在我国建筑材料工业中,建筑卫生陶瓷工业是最早进入市场经济的行业之一,随着我国社会主义市场经济的起步、发展、完善过程以及市场供需的动态变化,我国建筑卫生陶瓷业进入了新的发展阶段。建筑业和建筑装饰装修业是影响建筑卫生陶瓷消费市场的主要因素。  一、建筑陶瓷产品供需现状分析  当前建筑卫生陶瓷产品市场供需一些新的特征:  1.产品供过于求  我国建筑卫生陶瓷产品生产总量(或生产能力、特别是陶瓷墙地砖)严重供过于求是持续存在的事实。究其根本原因:其一是产业的过渡扩张和国内隐性的需求不足双重作用;其二是目前…  相似文献   

90年代中期以后,我国建筑卫生陶瓷的产量居世界第一位,由于陶瓷行业自身存在的技术落后、能源结构不合理、生产规模和产品结构的不合理等诸多因素的影响,陶瓷行业面临着能效低下、污染严重等问题,而广东省佛山市作为全国最大的建筑卫生陶瓷生产基地,也不可避免地存在着同样问题。记者应邀到佛山市采访时,看到鳞次栉比的陶瓷厂及其  相似文献   

浅谈建陶行业的投资方向陈西海我国建筑卫生陶瓷行业发展的总趋势是:企业上规模、产品上档次、质量上先进水平,在今后15年内从整体上实现现代化,即全行业要形成以大中型企业为主、以生产中高档产品为主的现代化建筑卫生陶瓷行业。这必然要经历一个任务艰巨的调整和改...  相似文献   

从国家建筑卫生陶瓷标准化委员会获悉,《建筑卫生陶瓷产品单位能源消耗限额》(以下简称“能耗标准“)即将出台,而且作为陶瓷行业的准入门槛,该标准被定义为强制性标准。伴随着陶瓷行业的飞速发展,其耗能严重问题也日益突出。据统计,在陶瓷行业中,我国每百万美元能耗是世  相似文献   

1 建筑卫生陶瓷行业的现状1.1 行业发展的基本情况 改革开放以来,我国建筑卫生陶瓷工业发展迅速,生产企业遍及全国29个省、自治区、直辖市,形成了广东、福建、浙江、山东、河北、河南、四川及上海周边地区8个建筑卫生陶瓷生产区域。建筑陶瓷砖  相似文献   

建筑卫生陶瓷行业“十五”规划   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1建筑卫生陶瓷行业的现状1.1行业发展的基本情况改革开放以来 ,我国建筑卫生陶瓷工业发展迅速 ,生产企业遍及全国29个省、自治区、直辖市 ,形成了广东、福建、浙江、山东、河北、河南、四川及上海周边地区8个建筑卫生陶瓷生产区域。建筑陶瓷砖与卫生陶瓷产量已连续8年世界第一。2000年国有及年销售收入500万元以上非国有企业的建筑陶瓷砖产量18亿m2 、建筑卫生陶瓷产量43.5万t。建筑陶瓷花色品种已达2000多种 ,卫生陶瓷花色品种也有300多种。自1998年以来 ,我国建筑卫生陶瓷出口总量已大大超过了进口总…  相似文献   

我国建筑卫生陶瓷行业从1995年开始已步入过剩时代,现已表现出夕阳工业的特征,集中表现为:供求关系失衡,产品面临替代(指建筑陶瓷),企业利润急剧下降甚至破产关闭。供求关系严重失衡,我国现有建筑卫生陶瓷企业约3800个,但多为中小企业,重复建设导致产量剧增占世界首位,企业高度竞争、效益下降甚至出现亏损局面。传统建筑  相似文献   

广东建筑卫生陶瓷生产能力居全国首位,但由于目前国内建筑卫生陶瓷市场的现状是中低档产品供大于求,国外高档的品睥产品大量进入国内市场,而广东建筑卫生陶瓷行业300亿元产值的产品,只有不到2%的产品参与了国际市场的竞争,这与广东建筑卫生陶瓷大省的身份是十分不相称的,也不符合广东实施外向型经济发展战略要求。为此,由广东省经贸委主办,广东省对外贸易经济合作厅支持,广东省陶瓷协会承办的“广东建筑卫生陶瓷行业实施外向带动发展战略研讨会”8月24日在广东省南海市南边镇举行,会议就当前我国即将加入WTO,随着内陆省份建筑卫生陶瓷行业的兴起,国内市场的格局必将发生重大调整。我省建筑卫生陶瓷企监如何抓住机遇,实施外向型发展战略,拓展国际市场,赢得生存和发展空间提出了一系列的措施和方法。  相似文献   

刘桐荣 《砖瓦世界》1990,(22):10-11
石膏模型在卫生陶瓷的生产中起着十分重要的作用,但在我国许许多多的建筑卫生陶瓷工厂里,它只是处在辅助材料的位置而得不到足够的重视,对改善它的性能的应用研究更是远为不够,从当前来看,石膏模型的制作质量已经成为制约我国建筑卫生陶瓷行业技术进步的重要因素,为了能进一步提高我国建筑卫生陶瓷的生产水平,现将日本东陶制作石膏模型的工艺技术作一简单介绍,从中找到我们的差  相似文献   

<正>8月20日上午,全国建筑卫生陶瓷标准化技术委员会在潮州市迎宾馆召开标准工作会议,对《建筑卫生陶瓷单位产品能耗评价体系和监测方法》国家标准、《卫生陶瓷生产用石膏模具》和《坐便器安装连接法兰》行业  相似文献   

杭州凤凰山麓老虎洞窑出土瓷片的工艺研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
研究了新近发现的杭州凤凰山麓万松岭附近老虎洞窑南宋及元代堆积层出土瓷片的化学组成、显微结构及工艺基础,解释了南宋官窑瓷釉玉质感的形成机理.将所得老虎洞窑瓷片胎釉的化学组成数据与乌龟山郊坛下官窑、万松岭附近地面收集、所谓传世哥窑和元大都出土哥窑型瓷片的数据进行多元统计分析处理,并对其显微结构进行比较,从而指出老虎洞窑南宋堆积层很可能就是修内司官窑,并进一步推论所谓传世哥窑和元大都哥窑型瓷很可能就是老虎洞窑在元代时烧制的制品.因此可以说《坦斋笔衡》所记载的两个南宋官窑都已发现,而且也为所谓传世哥窑和元大都哥窑型瓷提出了烧制窑址的建议。  相似文献   

The use of steel within the construction sector has enabled the delivery of larger-volume and more complex-shaped structures, while life cycle assessment (LCA) has been introduced as a pro-active design tool to ensure their sustainability. As LCA efficiency greatly depends on the life cycle inventory (LCI) data used, it is the purpose of the current research to present detailed structural steel LCI data and thus increase environmental benefits deriving from the effective use of LCA within construction. Hot-rolled structural steel members were chosen as the research starting point and the necessary information was provided by the leading structural steel manufacturer in Greece. Results include a list of environmental inputs and outputs, which can be used within relevant LCA studies and environmental impact assessment. Critical issues hindering the use of LCA were identified, along with the most environmentally damaging production stages and environmental categories mainly burdened. A new methodology for assessment results comparison was also applied.  相似文献   

风景特质评价(Landscape Character Assessment)作为一种管理风景变化的新工具,近年来受到了广泛关注。目前风景特质评价的研究对象多集中在国土尺度或自然乡野地,对于风景名胜区特质的识别研究尚属空白。介绍了风景特质评价的基本流程,尝试对武当山风景名胜区中的五龙宫景区进行风景特质识别,绘制了武当山风景名胜区的风景特质图,总结了英国风景特质评价作业体系的优缺点及研究局限,提出了今后的研究展望和建议。  相似文献   

Life cycle assessment (LCA) is a technique to quantify the impacts associated with a product, service or process from cradle-to-grave perspective. Within the field of wastewater treatment (WWT) LCA was first applied in the 1990s. In the pursuit of more environmentally sustainable WWT, it is clear that LCA is a valuable tool to elucidate the broader environmental impacts of design and operation decisions. With growing interest from utilities, practitioners, and researchers in the use of LCA in WWT systems, it is important to make a review of what has been achieved and describe the challenges for the forthcoming years. This work presents a comprehensive review of 45 papers dealing with WWT and LCA. The analysis of the papers showed that within the constraints of the ISO standards, there is variability in the definition of the functional unit and the system boundaries, the selection of the impact assessment methodology and the procedure followed for interpreting the results. The need for stricter adherence to ISO methodological standards to ensure quality and transparency is made clear and emerging challenges for LCA applications in WWT are discussed, including: a paradigm shift from pollutant removal to resource recovery, the adaptation of LCA methodologies to new target compounds, the development of regional factors, the improvement of the data quality and the reduction of uncertainty. Finally, the need for better integration and communication with decision-makers is highlighted.  相似文献   

This review brings together research on life cycle assessment (LCA) applied within the building sector. More than ever, the construction industry is concerned with improving the social, economic and environmental indicators of sustainability. By applying LCA it is possible to optimise these aspects, from the extraction of raw materials to the final disposal of waste building materials. Firstly, this review details LCA concepts and focuses on the LCA methodology and tools employed in the built environment. Secondly, this paper outlines and discusses the differences between the LCA of building materials and components combinations versus the LCA of the full building life cycle. Finally, this work can be used by stakeholders as an important reference on LCA including up to date literature on approaches and methodologies to preserve the environment and therefore achieve sustainable development in both developed and developing countries.The present review has tried to compile and reflect the key milestones accomplished in LCA over the last 7 years, from 2000 to 2007 within the building sector. In summary, it can be stated that the application of LCA is fundamental to sustainability and improvement in building and construction. For industrial activities, SMEs must understand the application of LCA, not only to meet consumer demands for environmentally friendly products, but also to increase the productivity and competitiveness of the green construction markets. For this reason, this review looks at LCA because of its broad international acceptance as a means to improve environmental processes and services, and also for creating goals to prevent adverse environmental impacts, consequently enhancing quality of life and allowing people to live in a healthy environment.  相似文献   

Railway bridges currently encounter the challenges of increasing the load capacity while the environmental sustainability should be achieved. However, it has been realised that the environmental assessment of railway bridges has not been integrated into the decision-making process, the standard guideline and criterion is still missing in this field. Therefore, the implementation of life cycle assessment (LCA) method is introduced into railway bridges. This article provides a systematic bridge LCA model as a guideline to quantify the environmental burdens for the railway bridge structures. A comparison case study between two alternative designs of Banafjäl Bridge is further carried out through the whole life cycle, with the consideration of several key maintenance and end-of-life scenarios. Six impact categories are investigated by using the LCA CML 2001 method and the known life cycle inventory database. Results show that the fixed-slab bridge option has a better environmental performance than the ballasted design due to the ease of maintenances. The initial material manufacture stage is responsible for the largest environmental burden, while the impacts from the construction machinery and material transportations are ignorable. Sensitivity analysis illustrates the maintenance scenario planning and steel recycling have the significant influence on the final results other than the traffic disturbances.  相似文献   

建筑材料生命周期评价中不可再生资源耗竭性当量的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
不可再生资源耗竭研究是生命周期评价体系的重要组成部分。在对不同材料进行生命周期评价时,传统的锑当量或铁当量会影响不可再生资源耗竭性结果的客观性。本文以传统建材产品为研究对象,利用CML方法,提出了不可再生资源耗竭性当量—硅当量,并比较了采用不同当量对建筑材料生命周期评价结果的影响。结果表明,采用硅当量得到的建筑材料环境负荷比采用铁当量得到的结果更符合实际。  相似文献   

Wastewater reuse has become an attractive option for alleviating the stress from water resources. Centralized wastewater reuse is a common and continuously expanding practice worldwide, but the advantages of centralized over decentralized approaches are lately being questioned. Life cycle assessment (LCA) is a well-accepted means of assessing the overall environmental performance of service systems, however, construction of a life cycle inventory (LCI) for complex systems such as urban wastewater systems, is very time consuming. Lack of resources and unavailability of data often enforce constraints on the scope of the assessment. In such cases it may be beneficial to consider the approach presented here, which manifests the differences between the studied alternatives. By eliminating processes that remain unchanged, less data and human resources are required in building the inventory, and less parameter uncertainty is introduced into the analysis. The proposed approach is demonstrated through the conceptual modeling steps of an assessment of decentralized urban wastewater reuse alternatives.  相似文献   

A number of life cycle assessment (LCA) tools have been suggested for pavements. However, very few have been adopted by the road authorities. The key reasons for this lack of implementation have been the tendency for very broad LCA analyses that include system boundaries considerably beyond the more natural system boundaries associated with road design, construction and maintenance as well as the lack of available LCA tools that have attributes that reflect key road properties. In this paper, a new attribute based pavement LCA framework is evaluated for use on real road materials. Aggregates from two different sources and the effect of using a warm mix asphalt additive (WMAA) in asphalt mixtures were investigated in the laboratory. Different pavement design alternatives were generated using the laboratory data and analysed using the road LCA framework. Asphalt production and material transportation were found to be the most energy-consuming processes. The results presented show that having actual pavement material properties as the key attributes in LCA enables a pavement-focused assessment of environmental impacts associated with different design options, and LCA can help in decision support by evaluating environmental impacts of different design alternatives in a project planning/design stage.  相似文献   

LCA在城市规划中应用的可能性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李志刚 《规划师》2003,19(8):71-73,78
城市生态环境的恶化,迫使世界各国把LCA运用到城市规划中来,而城市自身的属性、城市规划中已有的研究成果及理论为LCA的运用奠定了基础,LCA可作为城市规划领域内的评价工具与方法学。  相似文献   

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