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The nutritional quality of rice protein was compared with that of whole egg protein by slope ratio assay. Diets for each food at four levels of protein, 4, 6, 10 and 15% and a protein-free diet were given to male weanling rats of the Sprague-Dawley strain for 21 days. The slopes of the regression lines of the whole egg and rice groups calculated from the changes of body weight (Y in g/21 days) with nitrogen intake (X in g/21 days), including and (excluding) zero protein group were, respectively, Y=27.39 X-12.26 (Y=24.41 X-1.86) and Y = 13.86 X-8.06 (Y = 12.54 X +0.50). Assuming a potency of 100 for the egg protein, the relative potency of rice estimated from body weight gain with nitrogen intake was 51 (51). The values for rice calculated from body water gain and nitrogen retention with nitrogen intake were, respectively, 51 (47) and 46 (44). These values were compared with RNV of several varieties of conventional rice and high-protein rice.  相似文献   

Reconstruction of the nose provides many challenges owing to its differing subunits and varied surfaces. In this article, the nasal anatomy, anesthesia, and some of the reconstructive options available to the dermatologic surgeon are reviewed. These reconstructive options are based on the subunit and depth of the defect. This subunit approach may provide a framework of decision making and options that will help the dermatologic surgeon in reconstruction of defects on this unique anatomic structure.  相似文献   

A method to calculate static stress concentration factors in the fibers at the tip of a rectangular notch in unidirectional metal matrix composites was presented based on the shear lag analysis for a two-dimensional (2-D) model. By using this method, the influences of matrix yielding, width and size of notch, and size of specimen on the stress concentration factors were described. Furthermore, this method was applied successfully to describe the load-COD curve and tensile strength of notched-boron/aluminum and alumina/aluminum composites.  相似文献   

磁导率检测技术是依据探头闭合磁路中感应电压与磁通量的变化率成正比的电磁感应原理来检测试件磁导率变化的评价方法。此种方法高精度检测构件某区域与磁导率相关的各种变化,如应力集中、疲劳损伤、老化蜕变等。从磁路欧姆定律出发,推导分析了检测方法和检测原理。以Q235钢和45号钢为例,从试验上研究了检测信号随拉应力、拉力残余应力和疲劳损伤程度的变化关系。试验发现,依据磁导率检测技术,可有效测量铁磁材料试件所处的应力状态,判断构件曾经受过的最大应力。依据应力作用后的残余应力,测量构件曾经受过的最大应力具有更高的检测灵敏度。试验结果表明,对疲劳损伤的检测灵敏度低于对应力集中的检测灵敏度;对低碳钢Q235的疲劳损伤检测灵敏度大于对中碳钢45号钢的检测灵敏度。  相似文献   

Attempts to save natural teeth have created numerous restorative, endodontic, and periodontal techniques it has always been considered the treatment of choice to save teeth whenever possible, and extreme efforts to save teeth are often considered because of the poor treatment alternatives for replacing them. Today osseointegration provides a predictable means of replacing teeth; therefore, retaining questionable teeth may not be as necessary as in the past. This article reviews situations in which the selective extraction of compromised natural teeth or even healthy natural teeth is considered because of alternative treatment options utilizing osseointegrated implants.  相似文献   

The binding of levamisole to total plasma proteins of 6 animal species was determined in vitro by equilibrium dialysis. The percentage of bound drug protein was independent of levamisole concentration within the range studied, 5-50 micrograms/ml (ANOVA). Levamisole was bound to a low extent to plasma proteins of each animal species (19.40-25.91%). There were significant differences in the extent of levamisole binding among species (ANOVA). Owing to the low degree of protein binding and the high volume of distribution of levamisole, the variations in protein binding due to different factors would not be of major clinical importance in its therapeutic application.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To describe the occurrence of endometriosis in monozygotic twins. DESIGN: Postal questionnaire plus confirmation of disease status. SETTING: Twins were recruited via the American Endometriosis Association and the National Endometriosis Society of Great Britain and via British gynecologists. RESULT(S): Fourteen twin pairs were concordant for endometriosis, and two were discordant. Nine pairs of twins had moderate-severe endometriosis. CONCLUSION(S): These findings contribute to the growing body of literature that suggests endometriosis has a genetic basis.  相似文献   

Multicore disease in identical twin boys presented in infancy as generalized weakness and torticollis. Motor milestones such as sitting, standing, and running were delayed, although by the age of 6 years marked improvement in muscle strength had occurred. Serum enzymes were normal. Muscle biopsy revealed multifocal areas of decreased oxidative enzyme activity. Ultrastructurally, these areas were characterized by myofilament disruption and Z-band streaming.  相似文献   

Mivacurium has a short duration of action because it is rapidly hydrolysed by plasma cholinesterase. There is ongoing controversy concerning the antagonism of mivacurium-induced neuromuscular block, firstly because of its short spontaneous recovery time, and secondly because the metabolism of mivacurium may be inhibited by anticholinesterases. We therefore compared neostigmine and edrophonium reversal of deep and moderate mivacurium-induced blocks. METHODS: After approval by the local ethics committee, 48 ASA class I and II adult patients were investigated during nitrous oxide-fentanyl-thiopental anaesthesia using train-of-four (TOF) stimulation and monitoring of the isometric force of adduction of a thumb. The patients received 0.2 mg/kg mivacurium i.v. Neuromuscular transmission was allowed to recover spontaneously in 10 patients (group SP). In 2 other groups the neuromuscular block was antagonised by administration of 0.04 mg/kg neostigmine (group N5; n = 9) or 1.0 mg/kg edrophonium (group E5; n = 10) when T1 had recovered spontaneously to 5% of control. In two other groups the neuromuscular block was antagonised with the same doses of neostigmine or edrophonium in 10 patients (group N25) and 9 patients (group E25), respectively, when T1 had recovered spontaneously to 25% of control. RESULTS: Neostigmine or edrophonium administered when T1 had recovered spontaneously to 25% of control shortened the recovery time (time from administration of ant-agonist to a T4/T1-ratio of 0.7) significantly from 10.7 +/- 2.2 min (mean +/- SD) in the SP group to 5.1 +/- 2.0 and 5.3 +/- 1.5 min in the N25 and E25 groups, respectively (P < 0.05). The corresponding recovery times in the SP, N5, and E5 groups were 15.9 +/- 2.9, 10.0 +/- 1.9, and 7.7 +/- 2.2 min, respectively. The difference between the SP and E5 groups was significant (P < 0.05). The recovery indices (time from 25% to 75% recovery of T1) of 3.0 +/- 1.3 and 1.7 +/- 0.9 min for the E5 and E25 groups, respectively, were shorter than those of the SP group at 6.1 +/- 2.0 min (P < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Two theoretical reasons, the very rapid onset time and the fact that it does not inhibit plasma cholinesterase, suggest edrophonium to be the preferred antagonist of a mivacurium-induced blockade. These two characteristics are reflected in our results: only edrophonium was able to shorten the recovery index significantly and, administered at a profound level of mivacurium-induced neuromuscular block, only edrophonium was successful in shortening recovery time significantly. Therefore, edrophonium should be the anticholinesterase of choice to antagonise a mivacurium-induced neuromuscular block.  相似文献   

Identical twin sisters who developed sarcoidosis at an interval of one year are reported. Case 1. (elder sister) A 22-year-old female was admitted to our hospital for examination of cervical lymph node swelling. Her chest roentgenogram showed bilateral hilar lymphadenopathy and the diagnosis was confirmed histologically by scalene node biopsy. Case 2. (younger sister) In 1987, at age 23, a routine chest roentgenogram showed bilateral hilar lymphadenopathy and the diagnosis was confirmed histologically by transbronchial lung biopsy. The occurrence of sarcoidosis in identical twins suggests that a genetic factor might be involved in the pathogenesis.  相似文献   

The author analyses perinatal mortality in 244 twin pregnancies. In 80% the twins' Apgare score at birth was 10 to 8 and neonatal mortality in this group 1.26%. The slightly asphyxial group (Apgar 7 to 4) comprised 62 (38.75%) twins and the neonatal mortality in this group was 14.51%. There were 20 (12.5%) severely asphyxial (Apgar 3 or less) twins, their neonatal mortality amounting to 80.0%. Out of 193 twins weighing at birth less than 2500 g, 45 (23.31%) died, while in the twins weighing more than 2500 g there was not a single death. The perinatal mortality of twins up to the 37th week of pregnancy amounted to 17.37% and from the 38th week of pregnancy to 1.22%. The mean duration of pregnancy in twins was 38.1 +/- 2 SD 6.3 weeks. The most frequent cause of death in twins has proved to be immaturity and asphyxia at birth, leading to the development of hyaline membranes (80.0%). Other causes were far less frequent. The author concludes that in the perinatal mortality of twins their vitality at birth (assessed by the Apgar score), birth weight, and the duration of pregnancy play an important role.  相似文献   

Six hundred seventy-eight sonar measurements of the fetal biparietal diameter (BPD) were used to assess the intrauterine growth of 182 twins between 18 and 40 weeks' gestation. These values, as well as the weight and body length at birth, were related to the zygosity, which was determined by sex of the infants, histologic examination of placenta, or blood grouping. The mean BPD of twin 1 was larger than that of twin 2 in both monozygotic and dizygotic pairs throughout the study period (P less than .001). The size of BPD of the dizygotic infants exceeded that of the monozygotic among both twin 1 (P less than .001) and twin 2 (P less than .001). The absolute intrapair differences of birth length and weight were larger among dizygotic than among monozygotic twins. These findings suggest that in late pregnancy a substantial one-way intertwin transfusion among monochorial twins does not occur frequently enough to mask the inherent genetically determined similarity between the twins. The appearance already in the second trimester of the difference in the longitudinally monitored BPD between monozygotic and dizygotic twins suggests that the discrepancy is determined early in gestation.  相似文献   

In an attempt to investigate whether auditory lateralization has a heritable component, 20 monozygotic (MZ) twin pairs were examined with four different dichotic listening tests known to produce reliable right-ear advantages (REAs) in right-handers. Ten twin pairs were concordantly right-handed (MZ-RR), and ten twin pairs were discordant for handedness (MZ-RL). Intraclass correlations for MZ twin pairs were weak or nonexistent for ear advantage, but relatively strong for overall correct scores and mean reaction times, measures unrelated to laterality scores. These results support the hypothesis that auditory lateralization, as measured with dichotic tests, is nongenetic in origin. A comparison of MZ twins and right-handed siblings (n = 20) showed that right-handed siblings exhibited strong REAs, whereas left-handed siblings (n = 20) and MZ twins showed weak or absent REAs, indicating that twins may be atypically lateralized with respect to auditory lateralization.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To investigate a possible relationship between evisceration and sympathetic ophthalmia. METHODS: Data from Mt. Sinai Medical Center and University Hospitals of Cleveland were collected and histopathologic specimens were reviewed for 51 of 90 patients who underwent evisceration between 1980 and 1996 and who returned for follow-up examinations. Additionally, a survey was sent to members of the American Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, the Uveitis Society, and the Eastern Ophthalmic Pathology Society to determine the number of enucleations and eviscerations performed and the documented incidence of sympathetic ophthalmia after evisceration. RESULTS: No clinical or histopathologic evidence of sympathetic ophthalmia after evisceration was found among patients treated at the two medical centers. The collective surveys showed a strong preference for enucleation over evisceration, but did not document evidence of sympathetic ophthalmia after evisceration. CONCLUSIONS: Evisceration is an effective and safe procedure with a low risk for sympathetic ophthalmia.  相似文献   

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